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Programa Musical de radio especializado en los mejores éxitos de la música anglosajona de los 70 & 80's. Pablo Nogueroles es el productor y locutor de este Programa semanal, que lleva más de seis años en antena sin repetir canciones. SODAPOP se emite todos los sábados de 6 a 8 PM desde Santo Domingo, se escucha en vivo a través de y su Podcast (en las principales plataformas) lo siguen en toda Latinoamérica, EEUU y algunos países europeos. @sodapop_95.7
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Club Soda helps you live well by being more mindful about drinking. Our podcast brings you news, drinks recommendations, advice and interviews to support your changing drinking habits.Our new series, Beyond Booze, explores the world of alcohol-free drinks.
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SodaKlub – Podcast für Unabhängigkeit

Mia Gatow und Mika Döring

Der SodaKlub-Podcast ist für alle, die über Alkohol nachdenken. Dafür ist es egal, welcher Weg dich hierher geführt hat - ob du Alkohol benutzt, um weniger oder mehr zu fühlen, ob du unter ihm leidest, ihn liebst, ihn hasst, er dein Leben einfach nicht mehr besser macht, ob du dich als Alkoholiker*in bezeichnest oder dein einziges Label dein Name ist. Wir sind überzeugt, dass uns auf unserem Weg in ein unabhängiges Leben mehr miteinander verbindet als trennt. Unsere Nüchternheit ist eine sto ...
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Sodajerker On Songwriting is a programme devoted to the art and craft of songwriting. The show, created and hosted by the UK songwriting team Sodajerker, features interviews with some of the most successful songwriters and musicians in the world.
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Sodapup Enrichment Lab Podcast

Chris Chandler/Adam Baker

The Sodapup Enrichment Lab podcast features conversations with pet owners around the world who engage in food-based enrichment for their dogs. Topics will include what foods and supplements people use with their dogs as well as what types of tools they use with their dogs like slow feeder bowls and lick mats. Come along and learn from dog lovers around the world and pick up some tips and tricks that you can use to enhance your own dog’s feeding.
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Welcome to Cash Confident an original podcast with Brie Sodano. Cash Confident is an empowering podcast created specifically for women who are ready to take charge of their financial lives. In this series, we delve into the fascinating world of money, providing you with a wealth of practical tips and invaluable insights to help you cultivate a powerful relationship with your finances. Join host Brie Sodano, personal finance expert and founder of the Cash Confident Community each week as she ...
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Each episode features a Columbia, SC native, resident, or ex-pat, who brings a drink of their choice and a frank and honest conversation with host, Kari Lebby. Episodes post each Wednesday!
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Road Soda

Mike Frizzelle & Brendan DeKemper

The podcast where we drink while you drive. Each week, Mike (professional brewer) and Brendan (craft beer enthusiast) review a beer while discussing current events and latest trends. Cheers!
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Want to choose the best soda machine supplier in Nangloi Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, and UP? Tirupati Soda Machine is one of the smart choices for all your soda machine needs! Our team of experienced professionals provides top-notch soda machines that are perfect for any commercial or personal setting.
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Una Soda Más

Una Soda Mas

Una Soda Más, es un espacio donde podrás escuchar opiniones, criticas y debates de acuerdo a nuestras entrevistas y divertirte con nuestros episodios de "Una Soda Express". Gracias por soportarnos y también por escucharnos. "Bienvenidos"
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Pop Rocks and Soda

Pop Rocks And Soda

Every week Jean Michel (Megabrain Comics, HGTV's Cash In The Attic) Doug Wortel (Spillway Street Sound Engineer) and Heather Dellamore (That Wasn't Supposed To Happen) celebrate the pop culture stories that are more absurd than the most outrageous urban myths.
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Soda Jerks Podcast

Soda Jerks Podcast

Soda Jerks Podcast! A weekly Comedy Show/Talk Show hosted by two jerks who tackle pop culture,politics, and whatever life throws at us. Soda Jerks Podcast- Weekly episodes,interviews, & daily top offs Twitter @Sodajerks2 Instagram @ Soda Jerks /Sodajerkspodcast Support this podcast:
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Podcast Soda Gembira

Podcast Soda Gembira

Obrolan santai sedikit berghibah membahas hal-hal menarik, trending, asik. Dipandu @oliaabe, @edofarlanda, Foxtrot dan Amer. Cocok buat kamu dengerin sambil bikin skripsi, nyetir, makan, dan sebelum tidur, jangan lupa sikat gigi.
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The Soda Podcast

Soda Data |

The Soda Podcast brings forward different voices and perspectives to help find a common ground to solve the problems that many are facing when it comes to good data. Explore our two series - 'In Conversation With' and 'Data Dream Team' - to listen to an outstanding collection of discussions, insights, and good chat focused on data, and the tools, technologies, methodologies, and people.
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The Specialty Sodas Podcast

Specialty Sodas | Javier Morquecho

Listen to The Specialty Sodas Podcast, where ambitious entrepreneurs and leaders in the beverage industry come to share their story. Our mission is to build a community within the beverage industry so that we can all meet and learn from one another. Established in 2012, Specialty Sodas is one of the largest online retailers for non-alcoholic craft sodas and specialty beverages in the United States. We support beverage companies by providing a unique opportunity to increase market presence an ...
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این برنامه با تکیه بر اسناد منتشرشده در وب‌سایت «خانه‌ی اسناد بهائی‌ستیزی» و نیز منابع مکمل مانند مجلات بهائی، دستنوشته‌ها و خاطرات و همین‌طور مصاحبه با خانواده‌ها، به شرح زندگی بهائیانی می‌پردازد که پس از انقلاب اسلامی، ربوده، دستگیر و کشته شده‌اند. هر بخش داستانی را روایت می‌کند که بر پایه‌ی اسناد ساخته شده است. «سودای ستیز» یک برنامه‌ی نیمه‌مستند است. یعنی ممکن است بعضی جزئیاتِ روایت‌ها و وقایع - برحسب اتفاقاتی که در زنجیره‌ی داستان رخ می‌دهد - تغیی ...
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show series
For years, Cecilia lived a life dedicated to health and fitness and encouraged others to prioritise their well-being. But one thing didn’t align with her values: alcohol. Cecilia didn’t drink often, but when she did, she didn’t like how it made her feel. It clashed with the lifestyle she professionally advocated. Welcome to the next round—where we …
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··· GEWINNE »Frühjahrskollektion« von Christine Koschmieder im SodaKlub Newsletter ··· Wir haben heute eine unserer absoluten Lieblingsgesprächspartnerinnen zu Gast: Christine Koschmieder! Und sie hat ihr neues Buch dabei: Den Roman »Frühjahrskollektion«, der vor wenigen Tagen im Kanon Verlag erschienen ist. Die Geschichte spielt im Nachkriegsdeuts…
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Doubt can be loud—especially when you’re stepping into something new with no proof it’s going to work. I spent years second-guessing myself, overthinking every step, and questioning if success was even possible for me. In this episode, I’m breaking down how doubt creeps in, why it keeps you stuck, and the mindset shifts that help you move forward e…
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We took time off, but we've returned. Like a professor on sabbatical or a dad going to get cigarettes. We love you, champ. You've grown up so much. That's why we have to stay away, so you can learn to be your own man. But we'll see you next week at Little League. Tune in! Also, finally get the answer to that age old question, "is central Florida pa…
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Heute ist Janboris Ann-Kathrin Rätz bei uns zu Gast. Janboris ist Moderator:in und war die erste offen auftretende nicht-binäre trans Person beim SWR in Mainz. Und hat den Job gekündigt, weil es dort zu eng wurde. Oder, wie Janboris uns gesagt hat: »Ich konnte nicht mehr den cis Dude spielen, den alle haben wollten.« Und das hatte einiges damit zu …
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Tabbin is on a mission to shake up booze-soaked workplace culture -but her own journey with alcohol was anything but smooth. After going alcohol-free for years, a cancer diagnosis sent her back to the bottle, even though drinking may have played a role in her illness. Like so many, her drinking started at work – where long lunches and late nights w…
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Ever been told to 'just let go' and 'trust the process'? Easier said than done, right? I used to struggle with this too—until I realized that attachment isn’t just a mindset issue, it’s an energy issue. In this episode, I’m breaking down how attachment creates resistance (and sloppy manifestations) and how to loosen your grip without losing sight o…
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Wir sind wieder zurück in unserem Zwölf Schritte Meeting mit Momo! Und reden über die Schritte fünf bis zwölf der Zwölf Schritte. Zunächst ermitteln wir unsere Top 5 Chakakterfehler und lernen, wie wir sie in ihr Gegenteil verwandeln können. Momo erzählt uns, wie ihre Gebete aussehen und wie sie Wiedergutmachung lebt. Es geht um das Fühlen von Gefü…
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Hattie may be a clear-headed, cold-water queen these days, but getting here was harder than mastering butterfly stroke! Even pregnancy didn’t create the clean break from alcohol she had hoped for. And despite a few trials with moderation along the way, she now knows—this time, sobriety is for good. Welcome to The Next Round—the podcast about the bo…
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Are you constantly stressed about money, time, or resources—feeling like there’s never enough? That’s survival mode, and trust me, I’ve been there. In this episode, I’m breaking down what’s really happening in your brain and body when scarcity takes over—and how to shift out of it. You’ll learn how your nervous system plays a massive role, why grat…
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Die berühmt-berüchtigten zwölf Schritte der Recovery wurden von den Anonymen Alkoholikern entwickelt und seither von vielen anderen Recovery-Programmen übernommen. Sie dienen als eine Art spirituelles Grundgerüst und sind eine Praxis, die dabei helfen kann, eine glückliche Nüchternheit nach der Sucht aufzubauen. Wer keine Selbsthilfe-Erfahrung hat,…
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Feeling stuck in a scarcity mindset when it comes to money? You’re not alone. In this episode, I’m diving into how to recognize scarcity mentality, shift into abundance, and create financial habits that actually support your growth. I’ll share the sneaky ways scarcity shows up in your spending, saving, and even your earning potential, and the steps…
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Ein weiterer Dry January ist ins Land gegangen und die nüchterne Welle hat jede Menge Meinungen ans Ufer unserer schönen sober Insel gespült. Die Mainstream-Medien und die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen berichten – teils genervt, teils leidenschaftlich – über diesen kuriosen neuen Trend: die Abstinenz. Wir haben uns natürlich alles reingezogen: Die ernücht…
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When Gavin quit drinking, he didn’t expect to gain listening skills—but he’s embraced his new life with open arms! Now, you can’t stop him from filling his time with meaningful activities. Welcome to the next round: exploring life after quitting drinking and discovering the many ways to find purpose—like helping others. This week, meet Gavin Chase,…
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Saving money doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but it’s a skill you can learn and master. In this episode, I’m breaking down the key strategies to become a confident and consistent saver—without feeling deprived. Whether you struggle with starting, sticking to a plan, or finding room in your budget, I’ve got you covered. I’ll share actionable tip…
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Wir alle kennen Geschichten über berauschte (meist männliche) Kunst-Genies, die an der Welt, ihrer Leidenschaft und ihren eigenen Dämonen zerbrechen – sie opfern sich für ihr Werk, sie verschwenden sich an ihre Arbeit und sterben jung. All das ist schließlich notwendig, um große Kunst zu erschaffen. Oder? Mit der bildenden Künstlerin Antonia Freisb…
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Don't worry! You can still listen to this with the kids in the car. Just make sure that you are careful towards the end of the episode when we talk about he who must not be named. Otherwise, the X-books got a little randy this week. That said, we are not a horny podcast, but we cover the X-books that come out each week. We are just working with wha…
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Talking about money with your adult children can be tricky, but it’s essential for building healthy boundaries and teaching financial independence. In this episode, I’ll share why setting clear expectations is an act of love—not guilt—and how to handle tricky situations like loans, financial requests, or ongoing support. I’ll dive into the strategi…
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Welcome to Season 1, Episode 6 of the Sodapup Enrichment Lab podcast. Our guest this week is Shannon Arnie from Tasmania. She is the creator behind the instagram account @echo.and.inyx. Shannon is a wealth of knowledge about food based enrichment. Come listen to her enrichment journey with her Tasmanian Smithfield hearding dog, Echo. Keywords pet e…
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Wir reden heute über diese Sache, die bei nicht wenigen Nüchternen auf den Tisch kommt, wenn sie erstmal das offensichtliche Problem – den Alkohol – aus dem Weg geräumt haben. Nämlich die Sache mit den romantischen Beziehungen. Manche nennen es »Limerenz«, andere »Romantizismus« oder auch »Liebessucht«: Beziehungen, die süchtig machen, Verliebtheit…
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