With Covid restrictions lifted in W.A. we took the opportunity to escape the city and #wanderoutyonder on a 4x4 camping trip to the midwest region of Western Australia. Beginning our trip in Carnamah, 272 km from Perth and passing through Perenjori, Rothsay and Wubin, I stuck the Hilux in four-wheel-drive to visit some unique outback locations along the Perenjuri-Rothsay 4WD track. Crossing the State Barrier Fence we stopped at Gishuble Well Farm School, Sandlewood Cutter’s Hut, Little Damerwah Well, Beryl Mine and Forrest Lookout before crossing the Rabbit Proof Fence to reach Camel Soak Well and finally heading home along Great Northern Highway. A few historic personalities from the area are people such as Alfred Chopin who is buried here, John Forrest (the states first Premier,) and Explorer Ludwig Leichhardt who became lost out here. With my trusty Hema App and the book 4WD weekends out of Perth to guide me (I also took my brand-new Spot Gen 3 personal locator beacon) this was a rare, full family member camping trip that I will definitely remember for a lifetime! The following week I headed out on a scenic 31km solo hike down the Bibbulmun Track in Western Australia. I ditched my 4WD for this episode and headed down his legendary long distance track on foot. This episode begins at Canning Highway through virgin Jarrah forest, crossing Canning River, climbing Mount Cuthbert and Mount Vincent, camping at Canning and Monadnocks huts and finishing at Sullivan Rock. #wanderoutyonder #justanotherdayinwa Want more? Check out the home of Epic Drives Western Australia over at http://www.epicdriveswesternaustralia.com If you've been following my channel for a while and you find value in my content join me on Patreon www.patreon.com/EpicDrivesWesternAustralia and score yourself some merch and as and added bonus Patreon's get exclusive access to some of my videos before they are released on YouTube, plus a whole heap of other perks so be sure to check it out. A massive thank you to each of you who have liked, shared and commented on my content. I want to make sure I'm making the content that you want to see if there is something that you would like to see or something you would like to know in future episode, let me know in the comments it really does mean a lot to hear from you guys. Cheers legends! Dan.…