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Inverted Orthodoxy

Inverted Orthodoxy

We are three pastors of Living Springs, and our podcast is a journey through the diverse landscapes of faith. Taking your questions each week we explore, question, and celebrate the beautiful complexities of our beliefs, knowing that it's okay not to always land in the same place.
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following questions: (1:37 into episode) AER: Communism did not fail when the Berlin Wall fell. That was socialism. Socialism aims to distribute wealth and property equally while communism creates equality by eliminating private wealth and property. Socialist cou…
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake answer the following questions: (1:27 into episode) 1. After hearing previous conversations on what will happen when Jesus returns, specifically pertaining to revelation in this podcast. How would you all, and maybe specifically Doug, deal with parables found in Matthew 13:3…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug answer and discuss the following questions: 2:12 into episode AER My question is ,if someone opens up a subject or opinion of a sensitive nature and I am on completely opposite to that view & I know it could cause a quarrel, how do I respond? Try & change the subject? Give my view? At the same ti…
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In this weeks episode 376, Pastors Doug and Kyle discuss the following questions: (2:34 into episode) AER: Aer? Or just a separate question? Last week you talked about the power of God being demonstrated and presence of the Holy Spirit, it made me wonder how does testimony support this? (6:20 into episode) 1. I normally put questions in the box on …
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Blake, Kyle, and Doug discuss the following: How do we know what topics are worth breaking fellowship over, like first order non-negotiable, and what subjects are not worth breaking fellowship over when we all as Christians have such different interpretations of the bible? Over the last few years…
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Blake, Kyle, and Doug discuss the following: AER- 1:12 into episode AER On last weeks topic of friendships with the opposite sex. do you think you’re assessment of the situation might be coming from being raised in the purity culture era or mindset? I would argue that it might be a skewed view an…
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following questions: Aer: Following the conversation last week about lust, is lust always sexual? And what is the difference between lust and coveting? For example I have often watched home make over shows, and felt stuck financially as we couldn’t do renos or af…
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following questions: (4:44 into episode) AERI’m sorry, but you didn’t really hit the nail on the head with the sex before marriage thing, and being males and being married makes a difference. The “no harm no foul” argument on the other side (ie. not investigating…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Blake and Doug discuss the following listener questions: AER: Is premarital sex between TWO MATURE PEOPLE REALLY DEVALUING ANYTHING/anyone? I think I would never marry someone without “getting the full picture”. After listening to this week’s message, it makes me wonder how any Christian can vote conservative (right w…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake and Doug discuss the following listener questions: (1:24 into episode) Thank you for the time you’ve taken to answer my questions. I value the sensitivity, wisdom, tenderness and how you’ve taken in helping me process my questions. This pod cast is life giving. (3:07 into episode) Thank you very much for t…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug answer the following questions. In one of the last few podcasts you were discussing homosexuality and Kyle said he’d landed in a non-affirming position, which is fine obviously as I believe there is valid Biblical support either way but he mentioned that one of the big reasons he landed there was…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug answer the following questions. *Please note the first question in this episode deals with sensitive topics. If you have little ones near, we recommend tuning in at a later time* 1. Warning for content of people watching with kids around - What do you think God thinks about masturbation? What do …
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Blake Doug and Kyle are back this week with three more questions. See them below or follow the links at the bottom of our description for more info or to ask your own question. 1. Follow up to the question re: murder which I asked. Thanks for taking the time to respond to it, despite not having context for it. The context for this question was a co…
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Merry Christmas Inverted Orthodoxy Listeners! We are giving our pastors another week off to enjoy with their families. This week's episode revisits questions from episode 338! In episode 338, Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following: 1. 2:25 into episodeApril 10 - Can you worship to music that isn’t Christian? Is it possible to feel conn…
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Doug and Kyle are back this week with three more questions. See them below or follow the links at the bottom of our description for more info or to ask your own question. 1. Is murder sin? If so, why? 2. How does Living Springs Church disciple people? What is the process? Where does it start? How does it continue? What is the aim? 3. After thinking…
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We are back this week with some AER that took the whole episode. We discuss models of discipleship 1. It seemed to me in the nov 27th podcast that your basic answer to the question re connection and helping others etc. Was: jesus' way is different than how you live and you need to help people. Go figure it out yourself as to how you can include/hel…
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The guys are on a staff retreat! But we couldn't leave you without an episode. Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following questions: 1. When in John 9, the disciples asked Jesus who had caused a man to be born blind, how could they presume that it might have been the man that had sinned if he was born that way? Did they think that it was possible …
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In this weeks episode pastors Doug, Blake, and Kyle discuss the following, and we learn Pastor Doug has strong opinions on soup.. 1:42 into episode, Resource Bema Season 3 Is marriage after divorce ok, biblically speaking? 26:56 into episode, Resource Book: The Benedict Option Recently, I was helping a single mom look after her kids after school so…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following: 1. AER Hi there some aEr for you. Just listened to the episode from this week about Christian nationalism and politics. Wondering if you guys all agree that church and state should be kept separate 2. What do you think is the significance of Jesus ’ eyes being like blazing …
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following: 1:37 into episode Last week there was a question about the chosen people of God. How does the 144,000 sealed Israelites from Revelation 7 fit into this question 6:18 into episode AER afrter thinking about Jesus, taking the time to connect his mother with John and vice versa…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following: 4:16 into the episode. Is God outside of time (able to be move and act in the past and future as well) or is he inside of time, but happens to know our whole past and our future and Moves acts in the present to impact our future? One implication might be, can I pray for a p…
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In this bonus episode, Pastor Kyle brings us a long form teaching on Genesis 1&2 titled In the Beginning Do you have a question you've been wanting answered? Head on over to our website to submit a question. You can find us on Wednesdays on Youtube, or wherever you subscribe to podcasts. To learn more about our church, you…
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following questions: 2:09 into episode Thank you for your answer on love,how it differentiates from believers to unbelievers.What I had not ever thought of was as a believer I am to love the unlovable, which can be much tougher. In the Bible it does state that we…
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, the pastors discuss the following: Kyle, on Sunday you preached on John 17 and one of the things you talked about was "oneness" and how we should become one with other believers and not just with God (“I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one."). I'm curious about the the…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following: 2:18 into episode Listening to your AER from #356 when you are discussing prayer and worship. I often find myself praying and calling out to God during the worship at living springs. Sometimes I do that audibly, other times internally. Is that something that could be encouraged du…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following questions: 1:40 into episode listening last week to the throwback with Kyle and Blake discussing some Holy Spirit topics I found myself really sad that the bulk of discussion is about the “misuses” and “errors” of the Holy Spirit and not encouraging people more to seek the H…
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In this weeks throwback episode, we revisit episode 339 and the questions discussed: 1 - 1:13 seconds into episodeWhat is happening when we pray in tongues? If I’m praying in tongues between God and myself do I need to receive an interpretation? Is praying in tongues a way to pray when we don’t know what to say? Or should it only be done to be inte…
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In this weeks episode, Pastor Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following: Why were Pharaoh's magicians able to do the same tricks (ie. rod becoming a snake, River filled with blood, epidemic of frogs...) with their incantations? Was this really possible? 14:07 into episode Do you think subjectivity is a good thing and needed in Christianity? Was j…
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Today Blake, Doug and Kyle get into more of your questions. Check out the questions below or head to to submit a question. 1. Question about your positions that we won't be tempted to sin in heaven - if that's the case then how did Satan fall from heaven? My understanding of that is that his pride made him want to be bigger th…
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following: AER (Accusations, Explanation, or Recantation) 2:14 into episode. follow up to the question you talked about with free will in heaven, where do you think the idea came from that we'd all just be sitting around on clouds and playing harps when we get th…
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Today Blake, Doug and Kyle get into more of your questions. Check out the questions below or head to to submit a question. 1. 2:21 In your opinion, are churches with a younger pastoral staff/ volunteer team likely to bring in more people? 2. 15:54 What do you think about hats in church? I grew up with the idea that it is disre…
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1:58 into the episode June 18-What was your earliest experience of God? And who is the first person who created a memory of God for you? In this weeks episode, Pastors Doug, Kyle and Blake discuss the following: 14:18 into the episode June 18-What experience(s) in your life most shook your faith in God and his goodness? What characteristic of God d…
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We are all back in the studio for episode 350! this week we continue our conversation on a "just" God, and more: June 18 - I am struggling with the concept of a "just" God, I understand that there are other forces at work in this world like sin and the enemy so we all go through hard times. But, it seems that some people, through no real fault of t…
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The pastors are back from summer vacation and we have new questions for you! Pastors Doug and Kyle discuss the following: 1:23 into the episode July 24 - AER - OnJuly 24, Kyle had said to seek out help from them unless they are the ones that have bullied(which I don’t believe you have), if you have, would you be open to being confronted? 6:03 into …
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This weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy brings us a throwback! As the guys take some well deserved summer vacation, we wanted to revisit an older episode with you. This week we are jumping way back to when we were the Q&A Podcast! We hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane, and see how far we've come! Welcome to the throwback episodes: 1. I am g…
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Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His world This weeks question: Is it sad on earth when someone dies? but happy in heaven? Plea…
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This weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy brings us a throwback! As the guys take some well deserved summer vacation, we wanted to revisit an older episode with you. Welcome to the throwback episodes: Revisiting episode #327 This episode covers the following questions: 1- In Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus talks about the fulfillment of the law and how no Law…
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Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His world This weeks question is: When judgement day comes, will everyone in the world see you…
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In this weeks episode of Inverted Orthodoxy, Pastors Kyle and Blake discuss the following: 1:45 into episode July 19th - I know the idea of an inter-faith soccer tournament was in good faith. but is it truly inter faith if we can only include other christians? or is this exclusionary in nature. 6:00 into episode Jun 8 - What are your thoughts on sh…
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Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His world This weeks question: Is Samson in heaven? Please know we have parental permission to…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Doug, Blake, and Kyle discuss the following: 1:34 into episode May 25 - Zechariah 6:1-8, talks about 4 chariots coming out from between 2 mountains. It says that these are the 4 spirits of heaven. Please help me understand what these 4 spirits are? And what their significance is? Also, why didn’t any of the chariots g…
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Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His world If you don't follow God will you still go to heaven? Please know we have parental pe…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Doug, and Blake discuss the following: 19 - Had a question about asking to filled with the Holy Spirit. Thinking about Acts 2 the disciples were told to wait for the Holy Spirit who was going to come upon them. They waited and he came upon them. Were they sitting in prayer at the time, asking for this gift of Go…
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Welcome to our next mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His world What was Jesus' life like before people were born? Please know we have parental perm…
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In this weeks episode, the pastors discuss the following: Aer - Can you please discuss the differences inerrant and infallible when talking about the bible? May 19 - Where do the ideas of sensationalism come from? Kyle talked about the world filled and in the Greek have different definitions, one of them being complete and end. Would this be one of…
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Welcome to our first mini episode! Where our kid's ministry littles have big questions, and we give them little (age appropriate) answers. Our aim is to make sure our pastors answer their questions in full so they can have a better understanding of God and His world *please note we have parental consent to share this content*…
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In this weeks episode, the Pastors discuss the following: 1. 1:43 into episode. Aer Please add 5 non theological books to the must read. 2. 15:58 into episode Fellow church podcasters here. Could you guys pass along who designed and renovated your studio space? We’d love to pick their brain.' 3.17:09 into episode Doug mentioned the importance and v…
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In this weeks episode, the pastors discuss the following: *Please note this episode deals with the topic of sexual assault and abuse. Please take care while listening** 1. 1:45 into episode Further to your discussion on the man v. bear question, Kyle at one point said that when these discussions come out often the "good" guys end up shying away fro…
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4:10 minutes into episode April 27 - Hi there. I’ve learned recently about a situation whereby church members were told by their pastor not to associate with a previous member of the church. The rationale given was based on 1 Corinthians 5:11-13. Can you explain the context for the culture at the time that was this was written and the application i…
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In this weeks episode, Pastors Kyle, Blake, and Doug discuss the following: 1. You guys talk about and promote The Message ‘translation’ by Eugene Peterson a lot. I totally disagree that it is a reliable translation of the Bible. I wouldn’t consider it a translation at all, actually. Maybe a commentary. Please could you read this article https://ju…
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