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Københavns Universitets Videoportal

I denne kanal udgiver Det Juridiske Fakultet videopræsentationer, forelæsninger og andre videoklip relateret til fakultetet.
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Lyt med når vi tager dig tættere på din klub og gør dig klogere på klubliv og aktiviteter, golfspillet, banerne, nye tiltag og projekter, myter og ikke mindst fremtidsplaner på The Scandinavian. Speakere vil være både medarbejdere, medlemmer og bestyrelse. Podcasten vil foregå på dansk og engelsk. Er der emner du mener vi bør tage op - så skriv til
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Hør ph.d.-stipendiat Torkil Schrøder-Hansen fortælle om sit projekt, hvor han undersøger, hvordan forhandlingsteori kan bruges til at skabe mere effektive offentlige udbud i byggebranchen. Projektet er finansieret i et samarbejde mellem DI Byggeri, Københavns Universitet og Realdania og søger at udvikle konkrete anbefalinger, der kan styrke dialoge…
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Siden 2016 har Albertslund Kommune og lektor Katrine Barnekow Rasmussen fra Det Juridiske Fakultet indgået i et forskningsbaseret samarbejde om at implementere en ny tilgang til konflikthåndtering i kommunens folkeskoler. Læs mere om samarbejdet medAlbertslund Kommune. Du kan også læsemere om vores øvrige forskningsbaserede samarbejder. Videoen er …
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On 9-10 June 2022, the LUII-workshop “Et år med integration” took place at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. The aim of this workshop was to disseminate research results of the LUII project and create partnerships with representatives of NGOs, municipalities, companies and other stakeholders in the field. The LUII project: “Law and priv…
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In the beginning of 2023 Professor Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen was given the keys to the new Centre of Excellence on global mobility law. Since then, MOBILE has grown in size and has become a team of highly skilled interdisciplinary researchers. In the video above, Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen explains the need for a better basic research foundation on mo…
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Forskning i kriser og katastrofer peger på, at vi slet ikke er så gode til at lære af kriser og katastrofer, som vi måske tror, vi er. I virkeligheden lærer vi ofte alt for lidt efter en krise. Blandt andet fordi vi har tendens til at lære noget meget specifikt om selve krisen i stedet for at blive klogere på os selv – og spørge hvorfor krisen mon …
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Få viden om, hvad kandidatuddannelsen i samfundsvidenskabelig jura går ud på, og hvordan den er bygget op. Du kan også høre, hvilke bacheloruddannelser man typisk har, når man søger ind på samfundsvidenskabelig jura, og hvilke job man kan få bagefter.Af Københavns Universitets Videoportal
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Det Juridiske Fakultet tilbyder en vifte af muligheder for kompetencegivende efter- og videreuddannelse. Som virksomhed kan I få skræddersyet et forløb efter jeres ønsker og behov. Læs mere om mulighederne for efteruddannelse på Københavns Universitets Videoportal
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EU and Asia in the Digitalized World The pace of development of digital technologies in recent years has been exponential at a global scale. Concepts such as job automation, digital services and goods, tech start-ups and other forms of technological entrepreneurship have taken cross-border trade and capital movements by the storm. While digitalizat…
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EU and Asia in the Digitalized World Day 2 2021 edition of the Nordic-Asian Forum for International Economic Law “EU and Asia in the Digitalized World” The pace of development of digital technologies in recent years has been exponential at a global scale. Concepts such as job automation, digital services and goods, tech start-ups and other forms of…
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Join the 4EU+ course on International CommercialArbitration. The course on International Commercial Arbitration aims to providepractical insights into the world of international commercial arbitration withemphasis on modern trends and developments. You will become acquainted with themain stages of arbitration procedure from a perspective of both a …
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Join the 4EU+ course on Global Carbon Market and EmissionTrading Systems. You will get acquainted with carbon markets and investmentopportunities in a low-carbon economy, and become familiar with functionalityand compliance of emission trading systems in the EU and China. The course onGlobal Carbon Market and Emission Trading Systems will provide t…
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Jointhe 4EU+ course on Sustainable Governmental Contracts. Learn how social andenvironmental parameters can best be integrated at the appropriate stage of theprocurement process in a legally compliant manner; and the legal limitationsand how to deal with them. If you work for buyers (public authorities, publiccompanies) or suppliers (e.g. SMEs, mul…
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Join the 4EU+ course on Mediation in Commercial Disputes. Thecourse Mediation in Commercial Disputes will focus on mediation rules andprocesses, as well as international legal framework of mediation, particularlyin the European Union. Participants will learn about mediation from acomparative perspective, including differences between court proceedi…
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Join the 4EU+ course on International Commercial Contracts.The course on International Commercial Contracts covers the demands ofnegotiating, drafting and performance of contracts in an international businessenvironment. The course on International Commercial Contracts offers trainingof relevant skills and competences, with emphasis on efficient co…
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Join the 4EU+ course on EU competition law. EU CompetitionLaw covers abuse of a dominant position, anti-competitive agreements, concertedpractices, and decisions by associations of undertakings, and administrativeand private competition law enforcement. EU Competition Law is structuredaround solving cases, based on real disputes and issues. You wil…
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I denne episode vil du få mulighed for at møde vores 3 talent-spillere, der er en del af talent programmet - Louise, Sebastian og Frederik. Ydermere vil deres træner Andres Kali og kontaktperson Claus Abildstrøm også tage del i episoden, hvor vi vil gå mere i dybden med hvordan, hvorfor og hvordan dagligdagen med talent programmet foregår. Har du s…
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Helle Krunke is a professor of constitutional law. She is a member of the EU reform group under the Danish Parliament’s European Affairs Committee, and helps to ensure that Danish politicians have real influence on EU legislation. This gives Denmark a say, so that we can reduce air pollution, handle overconsumption of plastic or ban allergenic chem…
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Helle Krunke er professor i forfatningsret. Hun sidder i EU-reformudvalget, og er med til at sikre at danske politikere har den indflydelse på EU-lovgivningen, de skal have. Det giver Danmark indflydelse så vi kan nedbringe luftforurening, håndtere overforbruget af plastik eller hindre allergifremkaldende kemikalier i skønhedsprodukter.…
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