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Somos el Centro Cristiano Esperanza de Valencia, España. Cada semana encontrarás enseñanzas motivadoras, relevantes, divertidas y prácticas que te ayudarán a crecer en tu vida personal, espiritual y tu relación con Dios.
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Thriving Together: Stories from CCEJ is a podcast produced by the California Conference for Equality and Justice. Each episode will feature community voices exploring the impact and principles that guide us through our mission to educate and empower youth and adults to lead change for equity and justice in our communities. CCEJ’s podcast is sponsored in part by LA vs. Hate.
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How do the treasures of Scripture connect with the troubles of life? As Christians, we have the privilege and challenge of exploring this question. Hosted by Alasdair Groves, this podcast considers how Scripture meets us in day-to-day life, covering topics such as emotions, rest, trauma, weak faith, insomnia, and more.
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Established in 2018 at Cal Poly Pomona, the California Center for Ethics and Policy (CCEP) investigates pressing national and global challenges—such as climate policy, healthcare, artificial intelligence, immigration, and racism—through a Californian lens. This podcast series examines housing insecurity, and in doing so brings together students, artists, philosophers, and advocates to debate, tell stories, and share ideas.
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CCEA Youth Podcast

Calvary Chapel East Anaheim | Youth

Welcome to the weekly podcast of Calvary Chapel East Anaheim Youth with messages by Pastor Josh Terada. To find out more about us visit our website at or download our free app CC Youth.
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show series
Todos necesitamos eso la verdad es que necesitamos esperanza algo que nos dé fuerza para seguir adelante que nos asegure que no estamos solos que nuestro dolor en el momento en que nos encontramos no es el final de la historia. Y no estoy hablando de la DANA estoy hablando de nuestra vida en general porque todos pasamos situaciones donde a veces pe…
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Welcome to the Multiverse of Misinformation, a podcast about misinformation and the way it affects the many facets of our life, produced by the California Center for Ethics and Policy--or “CCEP” --at Cal Poly Pomona and generously supported by the Cal Poly Pomona Special Projects for Improving the Classroom Experience grant program. This season, we…
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Today’s episode is a rerun of an episode we released a couple years ago titled “Seasonal Depression.” We hope it’s an encouragement to you as we enter the winter season. Would you consider donating to CCEF to help us continue to provide the church with resources that mine the treasures of Scripture for the troubles of life? You can give at…
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Welcome to the Multiverse of Misinformation, a podcast about misinformation and the way it affects the many facets of our life, produced by the California Center for Ethics and Policy--or “CCEP” --at Cal Poly Pomona and generously supported by the Cal Poly Pomona Special Projects for Improving the Classroom Experience grant program. This season, we…
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In this episode, we feature a thought-provoking discussion from CCEJ’s "Building Bridges in Divided Times" webinar, originally recorded for United Against Hate Week in September 2024. Five dynamic panelists explore what it truly means to build bridges in a divided world. They delve into the unmet needs that often fuel conflict and highlight the pow…
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Welcome to the Multiverse of Misinformation, a podcast about misinformation and the way it affects the many facets of our life, produced by the California Center for Ethics and Policy--or “CCEP” --at Cal Poly Pomona and generously supported by the Cal Poly Pomona Special Projects for Improving the Classroom Experience grant program. This season, we…
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In this episode, CCEJ staff Daniel Solis sits with Jenn Harper, Executive Director of Long Beach Day Nursery to explore Long Beach Day Nursery's ongoing journey to integrate diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) into its core mission. Listen to insights on what motivated the organization to undertake this transformation and how incorpor…
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En este mensaje, se explora el tema de cómo los seguidores de Jesús son llamados a ser multiplicadores de su enseñanza. Se destaca la importancia del mandamiento de Jesús de "ir y hacer discípulos de todas las naciones" (Mateo 28:19) como un propósito de vida esencial para los creyentes. Además, se menciona que este mensaje no solo se trata de cree…
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En este mensaje, exploramos el quinto punto fundamental de la fe cristiana: "Jesús murió por tus pecados para reconciliarte con Dios". A través de las enseñanzas de Pablo, se destaca la importancia de entender que la muerte y resurrección de Jesús son "buenas noticias" que ofrecen salvación y perdón a todos los que creen. Aunque puede ser difícil c…
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En esta parte 4 de la serie La Lista Fundamental, titulada "El Juicio Final", exploramos la importancia del juicio final en la fe cristiana. Se discute cómo todos seremos juzgados por nuestras acciones y se presenta la esperanza que ofrece Jesús al prometer justicia al final de nuestros días. A lo largo del mensaje, se enfatiza que el mal y el sufr…
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Today’s episode is an audio lecture from one of our online courses, Helping Relationships, which is taught by Ed Welch. This lecture is titled “Pursue & Know People” and it covers one of the foundational ideas to this course and to all of biblical counseling: that we aim to know people well and pursue them like Jesus. Registration for this course i…
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En este poderoso mensaje, exploramos la importancia de la madurez espiritual y el papel del Espíritu Santo en nuestras vidas. A través de pasajes bíblicos, se nos recuerda que debemos dejar de ser niños en la fe y aprender a discernir entre el bien y el mal (Hebreos 5:11-14). También se destaca la necesidad de un avivamiento genuino, donde los cris…
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Welcome to the Multiverse of Misinformation, a podcast about misinformation and the way it affects the many facets of our life, produced by the California Center for Ethics and Policy--or “CCEP” --at Cal Poly Pomona and generously supported by the Cal Poly Pomona Special Projects for Improving the Classroom Experience grant program. This season, we…
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En este inspirador mensaje, exploramos la profunda reflexión sobre el concepto de pecado según la enseñanza de Jesús, alejándonos de las listas de pecados tradicionales y adentrándonos en el corazón del mensaje de Cristo. El mensaje cuestiona la noción de pecado y cómo ha sido definido a menudo por la religión y las instituciones, y en su lugar, no…
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Today’s episode is a rerun of an episode we released a few years ago titled “Negative Emotions: Part 1.” In it, I consider some common questions: Is it okay for Christians to feel really bad? Is it okay for Christians to get upset and feel terrible, to be angry, or sad, or afraid? How do we rightly view negative emotions? I hope this episode helps …
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En este impactante mensaje, el pastor profundiza en los fundamentos de la fe cristiana a través de la serie "La Lista Fundamental". El mensaje, titulado "¿A Qué Vino Jesús? - Parte 2", explora la pregunta esencial: ¿Qué es lo que realmente debemos creer para seguir a Jesús? Se inicia el mensaje destacando la importancia de discernir entre lo esenci…
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En este mensaje, exploramos la serie "La Lista Fundamental" presentada por Nestor Salas en CCE Valencia. El enfoque principal es discernir lo esencial de lo periférico en la fe cristiana. A través de un análisis profundo, se aborda la pregunta crucial: "¿Qué debemos creer para ser verdaderos seguidores de Jesús?" El mensaje comienza con una introdu…
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In this episode, CCEJ’s Executive leadership Reena Hajat Carroll, Daniel Solis and Jessy Needham talk about how CCEJ’s work to foster inclusion and understanding can prevent prejudice and hate. They share stories about the impact of hate on themselves and their communities, and share their vision for how we can build a world free from hate, togethe…
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Welcome to the Multiverse of Misinformation, a podcast about misinformation and the way it affects the many facets of our life, produced by the California Center for Ethics and Policy--or “CCEP” --at Cal Poly Pomona and generously supported by the Cal Poly Pomona Special Projects for Improving the Classroom Experience grant program. This season, we…
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Today’s episode is a session from our 2020 National Conference: Created to Draw Near. The session is by Mike Emlet and is titled “Beyond Devotional Doldrums: Using Scripture and Prayer to Foster Intimacy with God.” Emlet discusses some practices to faithfully and creatively engage in Scripture reading and prayer, which are two means God has provide…
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Welcome to the Multiverse of Misinformation, a podcast about misinformation and the way it affects the many facets of our life, produced by the California Center for Ethics and Policy--or “CCEP” --at Cal Poly Pomona and generously supported by the Cal Poly Pomona Special Projects for Improving the Classroom Experience grant program. This season, we…
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This fall we’re taking a longer break from the podcast while we work on a new format with more frequent episodes. We’re excited to launch that in 2025! In the meantime, we’ll be sharing some previously released resources with you. Today’s episode is a rerun of an episode we released a few years ago titled “Rest.” We hope you’re encouraged by this e…
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En este inspirador mensaje, el pastor nos revela que la respuesta reside en el poder de la comunidad. Los seres humanos están diseñados para vivir en comunidad, citando la Biblia y la ciencia moderna para respaldar su mensaje. La soledad, advierte, es dañina y puede tener consecuencias graves para la salud. El mensaje identifica cuatro barreras com…
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In this episode, CCEJ's Development and Marketing Manager, Vanessa Rodriguez, sits with Khalil Zeigler, Development Manager at Long Beach Forward, to discuss the importance of collaboration and community building among nonprofits. Brought together by Long Beach Gives, they explore how this annual day of giving fosters deeper connections, resource s…
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Prepárate para una profunda inmersión en la batalla espiritual que enfrentan los creyentes, basada en las inspiradoras palabras del apóstol Pablo y otros pasajes del Nuevo Testamento. En este impactante mensaje, exploramos el concepto de la vida cristiana como una lucha contra fuerzas malignas, no contra seres humanos. Descubrirás cómo la oración e…
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Welcome to the Multiverse of Misinformation, a podcast about misinformation and the way it affects the many facets of our life, produced by the California Center for Ethics and Policy--or “CCEP” --at Cal Poly Pomona and generously supported by the Cal Poly Pomona Special Projects for Improving the Classroom Experience grant program. This season, we…
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En este impactante mensaje, exploramos las profundidades de la emoción humana al sumergirnos en el Modo SEM: Soledad, Enojo y Miedo. A diferencia del Modo ZEN, estas sensaciones pueden ser abrumadoras y llevarnos a tomar decisiones que aparten a Dios de nuestras vidas. Con una dinámica de confianza que te dejará al borde del asiento, descubrirás qu…
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Since the 1950’s CCEJ (previously known as NCCJ) has hosted camps in Southern California for high schoolers to build bridges of understanding across racial identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other identities. Known through the years as Anytown Camp, Brotherhood Camp, Brotherhood Sisterhood Camp, and now Building Bridges Camp, more t…
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Bienvenidos a un nuevo episodio de nuestra serie "Solo un poco más", donde exploramos la eterna búsqueda de la felicidad y el significado de la vida. En este mensaje, el pastor Nestor Salas nos guía a través de las enseñanzas de Salomón, el sabio rey de Israel, y las palabras de Jesús para reflexionar sobre nuestra relación con el dinero y las pose…
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Enjoy a bonus episode while we’re on break over the summer! This episode is a recording of Ed Welch's plenary session from the 2023 National Conference: Trauma. This year's national conference will explore the topic of rest: a foundational way of living out the Christian life that can only be learned from Christ and put into practice amid the chall…
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En este impactante mensaje, el pastor Nestor Salas, se adentra en la serie "Solo un Poco Más" para explorar la obsesión moderna con la fama y el reconocimiento. Salas cuestiona la creencia común de que la felicidad se encuentra en "solo un poco más" de logros o fama, destacando las "Microansias de Fama" y cómo las redes sociales han alimentado esta…
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