If you want relevant intelligent bible-based sermons informed by contemporary thinking then you have reached the right place!
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Sermon from Authorised Preacher Peter Barratt for Lent 2, 16th march based on Luke 13:31-35 and Psalm 27
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson for the first Sunday of Lent 9th March 2025 on identity - based on reading from Luke 4:1-13
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson for Ash Wednesday - 5th March 2025 - on the 3 R's of Lent, based on readings from Matthew 6.1–6, 16–21 and Joel 2.1–2, 12–17
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Sermon from Revd Colin James on 2nd March 2025 based on readings from Luke 9.28–36 The Transfiguration
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson from 23rd February 2025 based on Luke 8:22-25 when Jesus calms the storm
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson for 9th February 2025, based on Luke 5:1-11 and Isaiah 6:1-6 - we are all called by God and when we glimpse his power and awesome-ness what can we say but Here I am - send me!
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Sermon from Revd Colin James on 2nd February 2025, for Candlemas based on Luke 2:22-40 and Malachi 3:1-5
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson on 26th January 2025, on Luke 4:14-21 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
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Sermon from visiting preacher Nick Barnett, CEO of youth charity Soulscape, on the Wedding at Cana John 2:1-11 on 19th January 2025
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson from 12th January 2025 The Baptism of Jesus
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Jesus as King - are we sitting comfortably?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
11:51Revd Hannah Higginson explores the concept of Jesus as King and why that can make us feel uncomfortable at times. Reading from Revelation 1:4-8 and a sermon for Christ the King Sunday 24th November 2024
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Sermon from Revd Colin James for Safeguarding Sunday 17th November 2024, this follows the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury in light of the Makin report. Colin reminds us that God is a safeguarding God, this issue is very close to God's heart, and we are all responsible for safeguarding. Reading from Matthew 18.1–7…
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson on Remembrance Sunday 2024 exploring the story of Desmond Doss and the peace that no guns can win
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Sermon from Revd Colin James for All Saints Sunday on the call for all of us to be saints, by the God who loves and welcomes us all. 3rd November 2024
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson as we think about living out the vision in the world - called to bring a gospel of healing and to live sacrificial lives, following Jesus' example. 27th October 2024
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Sermon for Harvest from Revd Hannah Higginson encouraging us to look to nature and heed Jesus' words, 'do not worry' - 29th September 2024
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Sermon from visiting preacher John Boylan, on care of creation, 22nd September 2024
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Sermon from Revd Colin James on care of creation, 15th September 2024
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Sermon from visiting preacher LLM and president of the environmental charity John Ray Initiative, Mike Morecroft on care of creation, 8th September 2024
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson about dreaming as God does, and being empowered to think beyond human expectations 20th October 2024
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson about discipleship and who we are called to be as a church 13th October 2024
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Sermon from Revd Colin James as we begin to explore our church vision, starting with where we have come from and who we are grounded in 6th October 2024
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Sermon from 18th August 2024 from Authorised Preacher John Boylan exploring interpretations of the Old Testament Law and our understanding of it
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Sermon from Revd Colin James on 11th August 2024 preaching on John 6 and Jesus' words 'I am the bread of life'
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson from 4th August 2024 on Ephesians 4:1-16 exploring unity and growth within the church
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Listen as Rev'd Becky Medlicott talks about the miracle of Jesus calming the storm.
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Archdeacon Liz Jacksons visit to All Saints
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
12:49Listen to our archdeacon, Rev'd Liz Jackson when she came to visit All Saints. She compares the ministry of King David and Jesus.
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Listen to Rev'd Becky Medlicott talking about the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 in her final Sunday at All Saints.
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Rev'd Becky Medlicott speaks about why Jesus overturned the tables of the money lenders in the temple.
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Listen as Rev'd Colin James preaches on John 12:20-33 where Jesus predicts his own death.
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Listen as Rev'd Becky Medlicott preaches on Palm Sunday about the impact of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey.
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Revd Hannah Higginson preaches this sermon on Mark 1:9-15 exploring Jesus' proclamation of the Kingdom of God on the first Sunday of Lent, 18th February 2024
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John 3:16 Exploring God so Loved the World...
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
9:46Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson on 10th March 2024 exploring the famous bible verse John 3:16, she looks at the meaning of the world in this passage, and of eternal life, and what it means to believe in Jesus in this context. Bible passage John 3:14-21 and Eph 2:1-10
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Revd Hannah Higginson explores the faithfulness of Simeon and Anna and their ability to see God's salvation in the face of Jesus, for Candlemas on 28th January 2024. Readings Luke 2:22-40 and Hebrews 2:14-18
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Rev'd Becky Medlicott looks at the idea of the Imago Dei - the image of God - using John 1:14 and Colossians 1:15-20.
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Sermon from Peter Barrett for Inclusive Church Sunday 21st January 2024, based on readings from Galatians 3:26-28 and Luke 15:1-10
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Sermon from Christmas 1 (31st Dec 2023) from Revd Hannah Higginson on the response of the shepherds to the good news from the angels , Luke 2:8-20
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Listen to the sermon preached by Rev'd Becky Medlicott on the Feast of Epiphany thinking about what the journey of wise men has to say to us today.
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Listen as Rev'd Colin James talks about the angels visit to Mary on our third week in Advent.
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Preparing to receive God in our lives
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
10:24Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson from Advent 2, Sunday 10th December 2023. Based on readings from Mark 1:1-8 and Isaiah 40:1-11, Hannah explores the call of John the Baptist in preparing people to receive God and what we might learn form that today
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Listen to Rev'd Becky Medlicott as she speaks on the first Sunday in Advent about waiting for Christ's return together.
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Listen to Rev'd Colin James as he preached at our service on 26th November - Christ the King!
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson from All Saints Sunday 5th November 2023
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Listen to Rev'd Colin James, talk at our service on Bible Sunday.
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Listen to the sermon delivered by Rev'd Becky Medlicott on Remembrance Sunday based on the parable of the 10 bridesmaids found in Matthew 25:1-13
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Listen as Rev'd Becky Medlicott talks about celebrating Harvest, and the call not to forget the Lord who has given us all things.
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Sermon from Revd Hannah Higginson from Sunday 8th October, based on the readings from Matthew 21:33-46 The Parable of the Vineyard, and Isaiah 5:1-7, exploring the good news that we have to proclaim.
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Sermon from Colin James for Sunday 24th September, based on readings from Matthew 20:1-16 and Exodus 16:9-15, exploring how God sees the world and exploring the issue of food security
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Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
12:33Listen as Rev'd Becky Medlicott talks about the parable of the unmerciful servant in the context of Creationtide.
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Sermon from Area Dean Richard Lamey at All Saints Church to begin creationtide - 3rd September 2023, based on the readings from Exodus 3:1-15 and Matthew 16:21-28
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