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Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® is a weekly broadcast from “The Rock Star of Consulting,” Alan Weiss, who holds forth with his best (and often most contrarian) ideas about society, culture, business, and personal growth. His 60+ books in 12 languages, and his travels to, and work in, 50 countries contribute to a fascinating and often belief-challenging 20 minutes that might just change your next 20 years.
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I'm a capitalist. Socialism and the rest simply favor the few at the top, from Lenin to Hitler to Castro. Yet we do have too high a level of poverty.In the face of this we are paying athletes tens of millions a year and hundreds of millions in contracts. Connor McGregor makes $180 million annually, Lionel Messi $130 million. Juan Soto, a good hitti…
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SHOW NOTESLet's stop using inaccurate terms, such as VITO (Very Important Top Officer) or "C-suite," which doesn't actually exist. Let's focus on real buyers. And that also calls for accuracy. A small business owner is a small business owner, not a CEO. That buyer has differing frames of reference and motivation from an executive in a large organiz…
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Usually found on AM radio, sometimes TV infomercials, sometimes online ads. They involve an "authority" you've never heard of and an interlocutor you've never heard of who's as eager as a puppy, e.g., "Media personality Joe Shmo."The issue is weight loss, erectile disfunction, leg pain, backaches, congestion, hearing impairment, of any other popula…
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Radon is a radioactive gas that has no smell, colour or taste. Radon is produced from the natural radioactive decay of uranium, which is found in all rocks and soils. Radon can also be found in water. Radon escapes from the ground into the air, where it decays and produces further radioactive particles.Radon from soil gas is the main cause of radon…
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"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore"This is a line from the 1976 movie Network. The line is spoken by Howard Beale, a character who is angry about the state of America.The executive vice president at a huge bank asked where I was from. "So you left that cesspool to move up here," he said. I said, "Why are so many of you so j…
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Show Notes:Consider two axes, one or importance (of a job, career, project,relationship) and the other of courtesy. Thus, we run from unimportant toimportant, and rude to polite on the two continua.If something is important and it is performed with courtesy andconsideration, it is effectively done. Consider the flight attendant ensuringthat seat be…
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Lisa Miller is an expert and thought leader in efficiencies and effectiveness in health care, including how to sell in changing environments to health care executives (and avoid procurement, for example).In this rapid-fire conversation, we discuss the pros and cons of AI, the multitude of options, the projected shortage of physicians, the ability t…
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A "battleground state" in a US election is a state where either candidate might win depending on the appeal to voters and for whom the majority votes. This is the essence of democracy. Shouldn't every state be a "battleground state"?The same should apply to Congressional and Senate Seats. We have Senators serving longer than many European monarchs.…
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War’s End?We’ve honored the character and acts of Jimmy Carter upon his death, as we should.But most of the honor was due to his works after he left his one-term presidency, defeated by Ronald Regan. People voted for a starkly different candidate (as they did with Trump after both Obama and Biden).One of Carter’s great blunders was his handling of …
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We made four significant charitable contributions to the arts at year end. Two of the the group’s management called to thank us.Whenever I see a positive mention about me on social media, I write in to simply say thanks for the generosity. I thank bussers and gas station attendants. I thank my trainer each time. It doesn’t matter whether I’m paying…
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Show Notes: Predictions• Both wars will run out of steam and end, officially or unofficially.• There will be insurrections in Iran.• Neither the Dodgers, nor the Celtics, nor the Chiefs will repeat.• Electric car requirements and limits on ICEs will be lifted or eased.• Retinal scanning and fingerprints will allow many to circumvent TSA.• Attempts …
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Forget resolutions that are broken in 90 minutes. Try to focus on the good things that you do and that happen to you.Try a personal journal. You don’t have to be compulsive, but keep it handy, electronically or physically, to easily record things. These may be good acts done for you by others or good acts you perform, especially spontaneously and “…
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These are times of astounding incivility, harassment, and dismissiveness. These acts are based on a posturing of moral superiority, as if mere disagreement denotes an inferior being.There is a line in Morris West's The Navigator that states: "And that's the terror of the high place and the high man. Is it God he hears or the echo of his own mad sho…
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Are you looking where it's easy or where you're more likely to succeed? We content ourselves with people who can say no and can't say yes.We seek affection and not respect. Remember "looking for love in all the wrong places"? You won't find love in a bar. A woman told me all the really appealing men in bars are married or gay!If you want to catch f…
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We seem to have a sense of entitlement. We believe we’re being “ghosted” (a ridiculous term) when people don’t return our calls because we didn’t sufficiently impress them or excite them in our earlier interactions.We’re not entitled to: • Clients who never change a schedule • Not having an opinion on business practices • Using non-validated testin…
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You steer into a skid; you don't try to get out of it because then you lose control. We have to exploit opportunities and deal with setbacks resiliently—"bouncing forward."Blaming and complaining are for children and immature adults. Never let up. The key is to be at your best when you're under the maximum pressure. We should be able to make minor …
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Relativism holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, and/or historical context and are not absolute. I’m not so sure (nor are a lot of other people).Let me speak of relativism today. There is an old Monty Python skit where a one-legged man auditions for a theatrical role as Tarzan. After some awkward movements…
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The post-mortems from those who did not back the winner in this presidential election seem to be two-fold.On one hand, we have a group of insightful people asking, “What did we do wrong, and how can we improve?” On the other, we have people whose heads are exploding in vitriol and venom. The latter’s basic premises are that those who voted for the …
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We all need friends, but not the same ones! Friends need to evolve as we grow, mature, and change.Marshall Goldsmith and I wrote Lifestorming together, and we somewhat disagreed on this, but he wrote the terrific book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, so I think this applies to friends, as well!Your spouse is your best friend? That’s a cop-out…
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This election reflects a totally flawed Democratic strategy:• Painting your opponent as toxic but not having positive policies.• A candidate who cannot speak without a teleprompter and memorized sound bites.• A morally superior attitude that conveys people voting for the opposition are less educated, dumber, and morally inferior.• Rallying celebrit…
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The turning point in the American Civil War—and probably world history—occurred in Gettysburg on a rise called Little Round Top. At that place, at that time, a Union general saw a vast threat, and a Union Colonel and his regiment averted the threat through the brilliance of a single command.We need more courage in our lives because, unlike Gettysbu…
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We all get the kind of government we deserve. If you voted for the winner of the election, that’s good until such time as you feel promises aren’t being kept. If you voted for the loser of the election, that means not enough people in the right places agreed with you, and you have to submit to the system. However, you’re still free to protest, be s…
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Bill Russell, in Second Wind, defines pressure and performance.For example: - Brady coming back from 25 points down in the second half of the Super Bowl.- Houston, we have a problem (Apollo 13).- Sully Sullenberger landing in the Hudson River. The need is to really stay calm.- Three Mile Island as opposed to Chornobyl.- Bluffing in poker (vs. the “…
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Many people in Rhode Island have never been to Boston, let alone New York. I’ve coached a very successful entrepreneur who has never been to New York and doesn’t wish to go. Most people can’t locate Bolivia or Laos (or Nebraska) on a map.When Americans in a survey were asked the three most famous Japanese they could think of, it was Bruce Lee, Yoko…
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Esteem means respect and admiration. Hence, self-esteem would mean respect and admiration for yourself. Self-worth and self-esteem are the same thing to me, whereas self-confidence is your faith (or lack thereof) that you can do something: efficacy.Pride is feeling proud of your accomplishments, but vanity is insisting that others hear about them, …
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The rate of failures of small businesses is astounding: 20% fail during the first two years, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first ten years. While there are myriad reasons, such as succeeding generations of ownership not being as motivated or competent, most of these fail under the original founders and owners. That’s because t…
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Some suggestions to build credibility with a buyer during the initial meeting. (This assumes you’re meeting with a true economic buyer who controls the budget.)1. Assume a peer mentality. Don’t allow yourself to be cast in a “dog and pony show.” (I suggest you never show up with visual aids for this very reason.) Adapt an attitude that the two of y…
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There are 330 million people in the US that we know of. There are 12,500 school districts, 18,000 police departments, 17,000 libraries, 400 different languages spoken, 45,000 flights per day, 5 million privately and commercially owned vehicles, 200,000 dentists, and 641 amusement parks. There are nation-states (Japan, Korea), multi-state nations (S…
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This is a marketing lesson for the Catholic Church. I’m a lector and a Eucharistic Minister in the Church and converted 18 years ago. As some of you know, I’ve also spent a great deal of my coaching and consulting career in the field of strategy and have written two commercially published books on the topic.The average age in the church my wife and…
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The agenda of inequality and wealth focused only on the richest might not reconcile with reality.There have been increases in home ownership (even though buying always has its difficulties, from interest rates to inventory). There is a record of intergenerational wealth transfer from retirement savings and the Regan-era IRA legislation.In the West,…
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Just tell me what I want to know.People instead tell you everything that they know.College professors are reading their dissertation notes. Electricians are telling you about high and low voltage, amps, and watts. The tree guy tells you about diseases of poplars when you asked if he could prune some dead branches on an oak. The auto guy explains wh…
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Even in truly tough times and horrible market segments, there are winners and strong companies. You have to play the hand you’re dealt, and you have to play it well. If anything is happening to you more than two times out of ten, it’s you, not them.With high interest rates, houses are still being sold. With food being expensive, people are still di…
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If you win a race by .001 seconds, have you really “won.”? And certainly, you’re not the “best in the world.” On that day, in that place, at that time, you finished barely ahead of the next person. What if you did it again an hour later?Of course, if you constantly and consistently win, you might be the best in the world or the best ever: Yankees, …
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The Olympics sparked several replays of an Australian swimmer, Cate Campbell, being interviewed on what I think was an Australian TV news show. In a prior competition, she had beaten out the Americans for the gold medal. The interviewer asked her what it was like. She ranted on about how glorious it was because she detested the Americans using a co…
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You’ve known wowsers. They’re always trying to be the “second smartest person in the room,” and they correct you even though you’re correct to begin with.They are official “killjoys.” They are critical of others’ pleasures and accomplishments. Lacking expertise doesn’t inhibit their critiques and corrections. They never converse; they lecture as pe…
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People may think of a "Grand Challenge" as an exceptionally worthy and difficult problem to solve, and they'd be right. But it's also representative of a more formalized and impressive approach to what appear to be intractable societal issues.Seth Kahan specializes in these, his most recent being to remove stigma in mental health issues. This invol…
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My wife wasn't feeling well, so I went out to eat at 5:30 and brought her something back. When I do that, I bring my iPad and read a book at the bar.I finished, the takeout arrived in a shopping bag, and I drove home. At 10 pm I thought I'd play some Angry Birds before going to bed but realized my iPad was gone. I used "Find My iPhone" to determine…
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I recorded and wrote this prior to the presidential debate. When I couldn’t publish it before the debates, I was going to abandon it. But in view of what occurred, I’m publishing the recording and show notes now.In the upcoming debates, no notes will be allowed, and the moderators can mute the microphones. Moderators have had undue influence on pas…
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The only way to “coast” is when you’re going downhill. Even on a plateau, you have to pedal to keep moving. However, there is a way to “coast uphill.”To succeed, businesses must keep growing. And to keep growing, they must innovate. No business can grow simply by solving problems and “fixing” things (or, worse, blaming people). Problem-solving keep…
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They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?No, they don’t. The advent of the automobile around 1895 did not engender a huge equine genocide. We use horses today: for work, for recreation, for crowd control, for sport.Hence, the internal combustion engine is not disappearing in your lifetime, despite stupid political statements such as the recent “all cars must …
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Our 60th High School ReunionOn the way to the reunionWe’re on Amtrak on our way to our 60th high school reunion: Emerson High School, Union City, NJ. It was then and is now the most densely populated city in the country. Emerson is now a middle school, but back then it was one of two full-fledged high schools with all sports, and dances and typical…
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Show NotesMario Abbondanza and Noah Chantharangsy have been bartenders for quite a while, Mario for about a quarter century. I see them so often from the customer side of the table that I thought it would be fun to “step around the bar” with my listeners and discover what that would be like.You’ll find out that the hours are often brutal, but the j…
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We claim we don’t like elites, but we eagerly follow every ridiculous and pompous movement of the British Royals. (They’re now upset about a Nigerian trip that Harry and Megan took where they were treated too much like a state visit!) We belong to air clubs, hotel clubs. We have Amex green, gold, platinum, and black cards. Hertz has a platinum serv…
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I met Doug at Merck where he worked as a sales executive and I was an external consultant. Some years later, he called me from his current pharma company and asked my advice about an ethical issue he was seeing. About five years later, he was presented with a huge (listen to find out how much) “whistleblowers award” for turning the dangerous practi…
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The old apothegm is that the first generation starts it, the second expands it, and the third ruins it. Probably not so true any more.It’s not about a mandatory spendthrift or wasteful generation. It’s more about hunger. I don’t know about you, but I grew up poor, and when I was fired as president of a consulting firm, we had relatively little mone…
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The best leaders and most successful people I’ve met also exemplify generosity. This is not an accident.“Generosity” means “giving or sharing,” and being liberal in so doing. It isn’t primarily about money, but it is about credit, recognition, time, listening, coaching, supporting, and so forth. If it’s authentic, then it’s consistent, not situatio…
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I was required to engage in a “liberal arts” education at Rutgers. That meant that I had to have credits in languages over two or three years, science every year, history for two years, and English for two years. Although I majored in Political Science, because I thought I was going to law school (!), these other classes were required.The length an…
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Al McCree is a former fighter pilot who has flown 196 missions! He is an executive in the music business and has managed all kinds of talent. He’s also worked with top business executives.We talk about the differences and similarities of combat flying and the competition of the music business and the challenges of changing hearts and minds in a bus…
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Primary and secondary1 End the “warehousing” of children• Chronology is silly and hundreds of years old• Socialization is important, but not at this cost• Move kids as they learn• Measure learning by outcomes: application, tests, etc.2. Stop defaulting to college educations• Prepare for a range of employment opportunities• I sat next to too many du…
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Not just about the government or the banks or big Pharma, but even sports when YOUR team loses! “The refs were crooked, it was rigged.”9/11 was an “inside” job, and we never landed on the moon.Key elements: belief in a pattern underlying the event; provocative and deliberate plans; coalitions or groups are involved, even disparate ones; there is a …
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