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Word Of Faith Ministries International Miami

Word Of Faith Ministries International Miami

A Spiritual Warfare Ministry located in Miami, Florida. For books, teaching materials, Sunday teachings, please visit: walkinginpower.org About Dr. Bern Zumpano: Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored several books on Spirit-filled living through relationship with Jesus Christ and walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Bern has not only been a born-again believer for nearly the past 40 years, but also dedicated 31 years of his life to the study and cli ...
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We learned that there can be good imaginations and there can be bad imaginations, and therefore the imagination is a function of our soul life or our soul. Some people refer to the soul as the soul man because we are tripartite. That is there are three of us; We have a spirit man, a soul man, and a physical man. And our identification is with our s…
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The blessing is used by God to equip you to walk your walk through life and to walk your faith walk that you may carry out God's purpose for your life and live under the Abrahamic covenant blessings. So the blessing has to be a confession. And it is an activation by spirit filled words that bring forth a manifestation in the life of the individual …
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Faith filled words have to be directed. They have to have a target. And if you understand that and you apply that, and you back your words by faith, then you will understand how the blessing operates. For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org This program ref…
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The power of the tongue is to produce seed. The seed produced by the power of the tongue are faith filled words. And it is faith that activates those words, so words of faith rhema words from your mouth, (the word rhema means the happening) that which is spoken by the living voice, that which is the voice of the Holy Spirit who prompts you and puts…
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The power of the tongue is to produce seed. The seed produced by the power of the tongue are faith filled words. And it is faith that activates those words, so words of faith rhema words from your mouth, (the word rhema means the happening) that which is spoken by the living voice, that which is the voice of the Holy Spirit who prompts you and puts…
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When words are backed by faith, they produce a positive effect in our life. Positive words produce positive things. When words are backed by fear (negative faith) they produce a negative effect in our life. For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org This pr…
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To be a blessing to others, you have to get the blessing first. Once you get the blessing, you have to give the blessing. Let's look at some of the principles involved to get the blessing in this program. For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or if you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginp…
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Why is important to get the blessing? The first you need to know is that God does everything according to the scripture by blessing or cursing. When we sin the curse goes down 4 generations and that is called the generations curse. For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or if you would like to make a love offering, please visit us…
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We have traditionally been taught that God created a perfect universe and a perfect world and then a great angel named Lucifer fell into sin and rebelled against God. And then Adam and Eve sinned because of Satan, and after that happened sin entered the world and God has been in the business of damage control ever since. God isn't in the business o…
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We established the fact that the concept of free will is man made and that the Bible does not actually speak of free will in regard to man but speaks of limited will and that is because of the fact that the will of God is sovereign over the entire universe including man, and sovereign therefore over the will of man. Yes, man can make choices, but t…
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God created an adversary to himself to achieve his purpose. Which is to instruct the whole of creation in righteousness. God actually created a being that was the total opposite of what he is but not equal to Him. Why? Because the created is never equal to the creator. But none the less, a being who was the total opposite of what is in God. And the…
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The Will of God and The Will of Man - Vol. 4 | by Dr. Bern Zumpano For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies or to make a love offering,, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored several books on Spirit-filled living through relationship with Jesus …
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God has purposely intended that man be made subject to these things; lack of truth, inappropriateness, perverseness, depravity, corruption, and bondage, so that he may deliver man into the glorious liberty of the children of God. In other words it is a process that God has started for a purpose. Listen for more... This program references scripture:…
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Man was made purposely weak so that he would have difficulty resisting sin on his own without the intervention and the sovereign will of God to help him. You cannot overcome sin on your own and guess what? You and I were created that way on purpose by God because God has a plan. Listen for more... This program references scripture: Romans 11:32 1 T…
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The Bible says that in the last days the apostasy will come. It will affect the church. In actuality the apostasy affects much more than the church, but our concern right now is about proper doctrinal teaching and what the apostasy is and how it has affected our belief system. We have preached free will that man has free will to make the choices he…
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The Remnant bride, and Remnant bride members know that they are to possess their vessels in sanctification and to walk as vessels of honor. Will walk as vessels which glorify the Lord. Listen for more... This program references scripture: Romans 9:21 2 Corinthians 4:10 For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, please visit us at: htt…
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Remnant people understand the need to walk a crucified life. There's an awful lot of prosperity teaching out there. You know it and I know it. It's all over television and radio and it's all about what God is going to do for you and what God can do for me, and what God promises me. Me, me, me. I have news for you, it's not about you, it isn't about…
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The remnant bride are faith people, folks. These are people that walk by faith, not by sight. It is a rule of their life and it needs to become a rule of your life. If the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, and the just shall live by faith, what is that saying to us? That's saying that there will be a cross to bear, there will be…
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The remnant bride status is not a question of salvation, it is a question of rewards, which is why Jesus said in Revelation 22:12, "behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be". Listen for more... This program references scripture: John 15:14-17 Revelation 1 Revelation 3:7-8 3:18-22 Revelation 4:1…
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Salvation is a free gift, but central to the issue of who will be remnant bride members is the understanding of how God bestows honor and reward. And the way he does it is very clearly shown in Deuteronomy 28 verse 1 to 14 where God talks about receiving the blessing by obedience (obeying the word) and he says if you obey all of these things, all o…
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In every generation from the time of Enoch forward, in the scripture, in every book of the Bible there were a people set aside to serve God wholly because of their unconditional love and acceptance of Him, that is there is a remnant in every generation of history from the time of Enoch to the present. And many people have traditionally taught in th…
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Peace comes from relying on Christ Jesus. That means we have to make a decision to turn from the evil things of the world because the evil things of the world bring tribulation on us. We have to live in the world and enjoy the good things of the world because God gave us the creation for us to enjoy and to live in. But this is not a perfect world a…
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For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored several books on Spirit-filled living through relationship with Jesus Christ and walking in the Power of the Holy Spiri…
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For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored several books on Spirit-filled living through relationship with Jesus Christ and walking in the Power of the Holy Spiri…
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For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored several books on Spirit-filled living through relationship with Jesus Christ and walking in the Power of the Holy Spiri…
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For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored several books on Spirit-filled living through relationship with Jesus Christ and walking in the Power of the Holy Spiri…
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If we are going to have victory over the flesh by Christ, if we are going to extinguish its desires, we must have a right identification first and that identification must be as a son of God and not a slave to elemental spirits. What is the difference? > Between a son and a slave? Do you know? Let's talk about it a little bit, in this program. This…
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At the Tree of Life, you embrace the Cross and the work of the Cross, as the only cure for the flesh. At the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you subject yourself to rules and regulations and to self imposed codes of conduct in order to develop in you a self humility rather than letting the Holy Spirit work it in you and through you, which i…
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This program talks about "soul transformation". The soul, when left to itself, will gravitate towards sin, is called "the flesh", which means the "carnal mind". The mind which gravitates towards the sin nature. Listen for more. This program references scripture: Luke 10:19 John 15:5 Romans 6, 12:2 1 Corinthians 10:12-13, 6:19-20 For more Free books…
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This program continues with an emphasis on Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." - NIV This program references scripture: 1 John 2:16-17, 5:4 2 Peter 1:4, 2:20 John 15:18-19 Romans…
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This is a wicked world folks, you don't need a bible to tell you that the devil exists and that fallen angels and demons exist, because there's plenty more evil going around than there are people to do it and all you have to do is look around and watch the television or read the newspaper and you'll see that evil exists. Evil exists and it comes fr…
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When God puts us through fiery trials and tribulations there is only one reason for it. Number one, He's getting ready to bless you. Number two; In the trial and in the tribulation, in which that is the furnace of life, you are going to have a God encounter of the 1st kind. That is, Jesus is going to come on the scene to intervene. Jesus is going t…
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At the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you can not know God but you can know about God. You cannot know Jesus but you can know about Jesus. You cannot know eternal life, but you can know about eternal life because the most that religion or the tree of knowledge of good and evil can give you is an idea of what eternal life is like, what God …
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There is no church or no religion that has control over your salvation. Salvation is not dependent upon a church. Salvation is not dependent on a religion. Salvation is dependent on a person who is a savior and his name is Jesus Christ alone. So you don't have to worry if you walk away from a church or a religion as to whether or not you're going t…
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Reason is an aspect or a function of the mind. And the mind, will and emotions, in the New Testament [Greek] are called the soul. Jesus in John 3:6 said, the things of the spirit are spirit and the things of the flesh are flesh. Something of the soul can never be of the spirit. Therefore you cannot reason the scriptures and read the Bible by trying…
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Come out from under that religious bondage and those repetitious rituals which are impotent and powerless to ever give you an experience of God. This program references scripture: John 14:14-21 1 Corinthians 4 For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and…
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Dr. Bern Zumpano continues talking about the impotence of religion in this program and unless a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Salvation is a free gift, you don't have to earn your way into Heaven. This program references scripture: John 14:6 2 Timothy 3:16 Numbers 23:19 Hebrews 4:16 John 3:3 Luke 16:16 Romans 10:9-10,13 Ephes…
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Jesus is a perfect gentleman and he will not reveal himself to anyone unless he is invited into their heart and into their presence. Listen for more. This program references scripture: Romans 2:28 John 14:6 Galatians 6:15 For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, please visit us at: www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor…
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Dr. Bern Zumpano reveals overwhelming evidence for who Christ Jesus really is. This program references scripture: Numbers 23:19 Daniel 24:9 Isaiah 48:1-12 Isaiah 53:1-12 For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, please visit us at: www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored sev…
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You must understand that there is a coming of judgement for unbelievers. Scripture refers to the evil heart of unbelief. God says that if you will not trust his revelation, if you will not trust his word as being of him and from him, if you will not walk in his word, that you are in unbelief and God is offering you a way out. Because God alone can …
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What's the quickest way to enter into destruction? Religion. It's the quickest way to be lost and lose your eternal salvation. Scripture referenced in this episode: John 14:6 For Free books and teaching materials, Sunday teachings and more, please visit us at: walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has au…
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It's never too late for Jesus. You must reach out to him. This program references scripture: Mathew 5:48 Luke 10:17 Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored several books on Spirit-filled living through relationship with Jesus Christ and walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit. For more Free books, Sunday teachin…
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Man does not need enlightenment, man needs a savior. This program references scripture: Mathew 5:48 Ephesians 2:8-9 John 14:6 John 14:18-23 John 3:23 For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of th…
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Are You Lost and Do Not Know It? Dr. Bern Zumpano scripturally explores the meaning behind this question. For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org About Dr. Bern Zumpano: Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who ha…
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Are You Lost and Do Not Know It? Dr. Bern Zumpano scripturally explores the meaning behind this question in Part two of this series. For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org About Dr. Bern Zumpano: Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teache…
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Are You Lost and Do Not Know It? Dr. Bern Zumpano scripturally explores the meaning behind this question. For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org About Dr. Bern Zumpano: Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who ha…
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For more Free books, Sunday teachings and bible studies, or is you would like to make a love offering, please visit us at: https://www.walkinginpower.org Dr. Bern Zumpano is a Pastor and Teacher of the Word of God who has authored several books on Spirit-filled living through relationship with Jesus Christ and walking in the Power of the Holy Spiri…
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