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DJ Week

Absalon Radio CPH

...Curators, Selectors, Disc Jockeys, they are called many names and they have many acronyms. They switch their social handles almost as much as they transition between recor... sorry, vinyls. We took the time out to get to know them. Enjoy
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Artist talks and panel discussions

Københavns Radiobiograf

Københavns Radiobiograf (Copenhagen Radio Cinema)has since may 2013 invited to focused listening sessions in dark surroundings every month. This has been a huge succes and therefore we created our first festival in April 2016 - Københavns Radiobiograf Festival.
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Værings Musiklytteri

Trinelise Væring (i samarbejde med Radio Folk)

Værings Musiklytteri er en podcast om sange. Om dem, der skriver dem, hvad de skriver om og hvordan de iscenesætter deres sange. Men først og fremmest er det en podcast, der handler om at lytte til musik og lade sig begejstre. Med afsæt i dagens dogme, forsøger Trinelise Væring og hendes skiftende gæster at begejstre lytterne og hinanden med de sange, de hver især har valgt. Trinelise Væring er sanger, sangskriver og musikanmelder bl.a. på Gaffa. Hun har også udgivet podcasten 'Værings Værks ...
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show series
Min gæst i dag kender folkmusikmiljøet og P2s lyttere, sandsynligvis fordi han var vært på programmet "Sessions", som primært hentede sine gæster og sine temaer i folkemusikmiljøet. Hvad nogen måske ikke ved er, at, ud over at være uddannet komponist ved DKM, (det "klassiske" musikkonservatorium), er Lasse D. Hansen dybt optaget af musikdramatik og…
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Min gæst i dag er den togolesiske guitarist, sanger og sangskriver Alain Apaloo. Alain har boet i København siden han kom ind på konservatoriet i 1999. Siden har han i den grad beriget den danske musik - og måske især bluesscene. Så vidt jeg ved, er der ingen andre danske guitarister, der kan prale af at have spille med både Eric Clapton, Marcus Ki…
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Min gæst er Ulla Ringgaard, der var min spansklære i gymnasiet. Det er hun, fordi hun var den, der introducerede mig mit spanskhold til denne her fantastiske musik. "Nueva Canción" er en latin-amerikansk folkemusikbevægelse, der fra slutningen af 50'erne og op igennem 70’erne, med Argentina og Chile som epicentre, aktivt modarbejdede de mange dikta…
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Min gæst i dag er sanger og sangskriver Lisbeth Rysgaard. Hvorfor er det interessant at dedikere et særligt program til queer country? Fordi overraskende - i alle fald for mig - mange af de countrykunstnere, jeg falder for, viser sig at være queer. Det finder jeg interessant, fordi det jo er en åbenlys modfortællling til det billede, mange af os ve…
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Min gæst i dag er sanger og sangskriver Marie Frank. Med afsæt i Maries sang "Broen" fra hendes seneste album Vel undervejs, snakker vi om venskaber i mod- og medgang med udgangspunkt i en håndfuld sange, der netop har venskabsrelationen som omdrejningspunkt. Det fører også til en snak om det at være en voksen kunstner og have en lang karriere. Pla…
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Min gæst er cellisten og komponisten Veronika Voetmann. Vi zoomer ind på celloen. Veronika fortæller om, hvordan celloen har fået sin plads i folkemusikken i dag og hun spiller numre med nogen af de cellister, der har inspireret hende. Jeg spiller en række sangskrivere, som skriver sange med afsæt i celloen, fordi de selv er både cellister og sange…
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Min gæst i dag er sanger og sangskriver Ida Wenøe. Vi går helt tæt på sangene og sangskriverne, når vi sætter spot på formatet: én sangskriver, én guitar. Den nøgne sandhed, kunne man jo kalde det, fordi der ikke er nogen udenomsværker at gemme sig bagved. Det er her, når sangene er skåret helt ind til benet, at de virkelig skal stå deres prøve og …
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Den overordnede præmis for Værings Musiklytteri er jo, at dette er en podcast om sange, om dem der skriver dem og ikke mindst, hvad de skriver om. I denne første udgave af serien introducerer jeg mig selv som vært og sangskriver, ved at spille en række sange, der simpelthen handler om at skrive sange. Det giver mig lejlighed til at tale om, hvad de…
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På Udkig Efter LivsdriftenAf Thomas Lolholm Ballenogle gange har vi lyst til at gøre noget. sjældnere er det, at vi brænder for noget. det kan af og til også være svært at brænde for noget overhovedet, fordi der er så mange forventninger og allerede opstillede idéer om, hvordan livet skal leves. modig som han er, er kaj rejst til frankrig for at s…
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Juryen gav en special mention til Sindets lænker af Sidsel Senius.Lydreportagen handler om den drift, man som selvskadende kan være styret af, når man har brug for at slukke for hjernen og få ro. Disclaimer. Denne fortælling rummer selvskade. Hvis du er i krise eller har tanker om selvmord, så sig det til nogen. Ring til Livslinien på 70 201 201.…
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Vinder af Shortdox 2022 er With love Disia af Pauline Kloster HildanWith love Disia er en dokumentaristisk biografi af det poetiske alterego Desia, som netop er blevet forladt i åndedrættet inden orgasmen. Det er følelsen af at blotte halsen og åbne hjertet, og så er det et desperat forsøg på at få det sidste ord i en drift fuld relation. Et sansel…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds.…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds.…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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