L'émission qui, contrairement à d'autres, a réussi à former son gouvernement en moins de 2 mois... C'est désormais Olivier Leborgne qui donne la réplique à André Lamy.
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Votesplaining it all since 2017. Guaranteed 96.3% Trump-free!
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Protecting Your Vote and Preserving the Constitutional Framework of American Elections
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de: Das German Vote ist in der EU berüchtigt. Damit ist nicht etwa eine spezielle Sichtweise auf Europathemen gemeint, sondern die Last-Minute-Grätsche etwa eines deutschen Finanzministers in Bezug auf mühsam ausgehandelte Kompromisse. Meistens ohne großen Erfolg, aber mit viel Publicity und Rauch. Und genauso nennt sich dieser Podcast etwas zynisch. Aber: German Vote ist ein Pro-EU-Podcast. Schwerpunktmäßig geht es hier um Verbraucherthemen. en: The German Vote is notorious in the EU. This ...
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Les enjeux scientifiques mondiaux ne manquent pas, et même au niveau local : le recyclage, l'achat de véhicules électriques ou encore les toits verts ne sont que quelques-unes des questions abordées à Je vote pour la science, une émission de radio hebdomadaire de l'Agence Science-Presse où science et politique se parlent!
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The Latino Vote Podcast brings together the most sophisticated Latino voices in the country to provide you with insightful, accurate, unbiased, and timely information relating to the voting patterns and inclinations of the Nation’s Hispanics. Mike Madrid, a brilliant GOP strategist who has worked for several U.S. presidents, and who is also the founder of the 2020 “game-changing” Lincoln Project, and Chuck Rocha, the senior strategist of the Bernie Sanders Campaign and the most impactful pol ...
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Generation Z. We’re the most diverse generation in American history. We’re the screenagers, the digital natives, the Zoomers. We are the youth activist generation and the climate change generation. But, who is Gen Z, really? On this podcast, we amplify the voices of young people in America, from students in Florida fighting book bans, to young lawmakers in Tennessee working to end gun violence, to young people just trying to make it by every day.
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Vote With Power podcast Save your freedom through a hybid form of democracy to save Americans Freedom
Denny Bowersox
Americans are suffering due to problems not being solved and the death of democracy due to politics. Find out what you can do about it. Within these podcast you can find out about is a new hybrid form of democracy and a civil liberties movement.
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Interviews with people dealing with housing problems and welfare cuts. Dislike for those who let it all happen. Kate Belgrave Journalist and blogger Contact: [email protected] Homepage photos courtesy of Latoya, the mother of the little boy with autism in the first episode.
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Jen Jordan, Teri Anulewicz and Mara Davis talk Georgia Politics and beyond with a side of snark and southern sass.
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Dedicated to informing the future. Come check us out on Facebook and Instagram, at Future Voters International!
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Welcome to Rock Duh VOTE Podcast!
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Voices of the Princeton Voter Drive
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pop culture, politics, and two chicks who like to hear themselves talk.
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Civic engagement for AAPI youth, by AAPI youth. New episodes every Monday! https://www.freshoffthevote.com
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Let's see what the big political players have planned for South African entrepreneurs!
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A podcast for the next generation of voters to help them understand the US political system.
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Programa de musica e cultura do Nordeste Brasileiro (www.voteespiaso.com)
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As an EU citizen residing in Denmark, have you considered voting for candidates in Denmark? #VOTEHOME is an English-speaking podcast, in which we interview Danish lead candidates for the EU parliament! You will learn who is your choice for the elections on the 9th of June 2024.
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Podcast by Riley Blanton
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Let’s vote through this apocalypse together. The executive directors of Vote.org and Spread The Vote are here to answer your voting questions with activists, politicians, and your favorite celebs. Vote! is for anyone who has ever felt powerless, overwhelmed, under-resourced, or just plain lost when it comes to voting -- aka pretty much all of us!
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KY people and what's happening here. Not on the other side of the world.
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Welcome to the Dead voters Society podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@yogidan2012
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Welcome to the Voter Intel Ok podcast, Voter Intel Ok is an information gathering source for voters who want to know about Oklahoma candidates and issues related to the state. A weekly newsletter will be emailed containing candidate highlights, state issues information, and links for your research.
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Current affairs and politics podcast for those who aren't into current affairs and politics. Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/donkeyvotes
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The Voter Project - Sharing Stories from Voters in Congressional Districts Across America
Shira Honig
If the 2016 election taught us anything, it's that politics and policy matter in our everyday lives. But what are those everyday lives about? The Voter Project talks to voters and Dreamers across America to hear their stories, what matters to them, and who they're supporting in the 2018 midterm elections.
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What if your job depended on the guy who ghosted you? Lucy is an intern for the Governor of Texas… who has a VERY cute son. They had the perfect first date... until Lincoln disappeared! Now, eight years later, her boss is running for President... and they need Lincoln's help to turn the campaign around! RomComPods is Co-Written, Produced, and Directed by Rachael King and Becca Freeman. More at romcompods.com and @RomComPods on IG.
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Bursting the bubble that surrounds Leinster House
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Welcome to Voted Best Podcast, giving you your weekly dose of class and sass!
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One of the challenges in the study of American history includes SOURCES. Each episode is an informative guest interview with Joseph Simmons, the host of the podcast, and author of the new book “Just Buy My Vote”: African American Voting Rights and the Chicago Condition. We’ll publish enlightening Interviews about American History & Voting Rights.
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Politics explained in the eyes of dumb teenagers. Some facts might be right, but who knows we don't double-check that. But you can bet your ass that you'll be entertained Instagram: @realtooyoungtovote Gmail: [email protected]
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Local and state elections matter. If you're not voting with knowledge, you're not voting with power. Dear Black Voter is a six-part series on voter education. We dive into deadlines, statistics, the roles & duties of elected officials, key issues for African-American voters and so much more. New episodes are released every other Tuesday. This Chicago Urban League podcast is produced in partnership with journalist Dometi Pongo, our President and CEO Shari Runner and VP of External Affairs Cal ...
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The definitive source of information for those seeking to effect change at public meetings. Tailored to real estate developers, lobbyists, and community leaders Who need to influence the decision makers at the city council, planning commission, state regulatory agency, state legislature, school board meeting, and homeowners association meeting. Cover art photo provided by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@mikael_k
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The series explores how everyday decisions at the ballot box directly affect real people and their communities, using relatable stories, humor, and emotional storytelling to make political issues accessible and engaging. Each 15-minute episode tells a self-contained story that illustrates a specific issue or policy decision, showing how different choices can lead to very different outcomes. The format includes humor, emotional moments, and a clear takeaway message.
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Mya, Kadie, Kylee, and Kayla discuss various topics and then later vote on them. In essence, they are a very opinionated and comedic group. If you enjoy listening to different perspectives on topics that don't need to be debated on, this podcast is for you!
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BY ONE VOTE! Podcasts of major events in American history that resulted from ONE vote... a single vote that altered the direction of our country. The upside down elections of 1800,1876, and 2000! Wars! Supreme Court decisions on abortion, affirmative action, and religion! Dramatized factual events drawn from the book, By One Vote, by author, Carole Eglash-Kosoff.
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Demar and Eric take on national news, pop culture and other topics. Join in and Learn something new Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/12votes/support
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Teens from around the world discuss politics, from immigration policy to recent Trump news, on this biweekly podcast.
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Audio from candidate forums hosted by the League of Women Voters of Oakland. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. We never support or oppose any political party or candidate.
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Stay on top of Washington State's primary and general election races, ballot initiatives and issues. A production of KCTS 9 public media, which brings you the PBS experience of high-quality drama, news, documentaries, science, kids programming and local stories. Trust KCTS 9 to provide the widest variety of programs that entertain, inform and connect you with your community. KCTS 9 is a service of Cascade Public Media.
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Chez Voxaly, nous sommes convaincus qu’une élection réussie est une élection bien préparée ! Aussi, afin de vous accompagner et guider au travers de toutes les étapes d’une élection CSE, avec les équipes de Voxaly, nous avons préparé une série de 10 épisodes sonores qui s’intitule “ Process vote électronique pour les élections CSE ”.
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100 years ago, the 19th Amendment was ratified. But American women’s battle for the ballot began long before that day in August—and continues, even to this day. Wonder Media Network presents She Votes!—a podcast that digs into the complex history of the women’s suffrage movement and its enduring significance, hosted by award-winning journalists Ellen Goodman and Lynn Sherr. Having lived through—and covered—feminism’s second-wave, Goodman and Sherr tell the definitive story of suffrage, from ...
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Showing you guys a snippet of whats going to be on my album hope you love it. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/outkashinthagang/support
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Vote 2018 Election Podcast
State-by-state election coverage with political journalists across America
There is nothing more dangerous than an educated voter. The Vote 2018 Election Podcast will give you the insight you need to make an informed decision at the polls this year. We'll take you state to state to learn about all of the biggest upcoming races in the 2018 mid-term election year, hearing from political journalists from all over the nation for a fact-based discussion about our upcoming races. We provide the information, you make the decision. #VOTE2018
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What issues matter most to Australian Christians during an election? Hosts Tim Costello and Mel Wade talk to Australia's experts and leaders - including the ones that Christians don't usually get to hear from! Episode guests: Prof Ian Harper (Reserve Bank & Dean of Melbourne Business School, Melbourne University) - Economy; John Anderson (Former Deputy PM & Nationals Leader) - Religious Freedom; Natasha Stott Despoja (former senator & Ambassador for Women and Girls) - Women Dr Tim Flannery ( ...
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Seconde collection menée par l'Association pour la reconnaissance du vote blanc, en partenariat avec le think tank Synopia. Il s'agit d'aller rencontrer des personnalités dont l'action ou la réflexion fait avancer la question de la reconnaissance comme suffrages exprimés des bulletins blancs à la veille de la révision institutionnelle annoncée par le gouvernement.
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The murder of George Floyd created a moment of reflection and rededication to racial equality. But moments are ephemeral. Americans have a notoriously short attention span. How do we maintain momentum so that the moment becomes a movement? How do we translate the demands of protests into the domain of policy? Antiracist ideas are activated in antiracist policy, especially in local elections. We focus on criminal justice, economic justice, environmental justice, education, housing, health, im ...
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Einmal quer durch die USA im Greyhound Bus. Hanna Ender reist von New York nach Los Angeles und berichtet, was die Menschen auf der Strecke im wohl härtesten Wahlkampf der US-Geschichte bewegt.
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The Adventures of the Chupacabra Kid: A VOTER-DIRECTED, POD-SERIAL WESTERN ADVENTURE! Join our hero as the adventure starts in the sleepy border town of Gringo Feo. The Chupacabra Kid is thirsty and wounded as he attempts to rescue Sassy Mae from the East Siders Gang.
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Podcast # 13 German Vote – Was in der EU für Verbraucher passiert [de]
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
17:35Verbraucherschutz ist mein Thema. Und hier gibt es in der EU sehr viele Regelungen, die Verbraucher direkt betreffen. Wo gerade die Schwerpunkte liegen.Af Jörg Stroisch
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A Joint Session of The Latino Vote Podcast
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
30:57You won't need your paddles for this episode! Chuck and Mike meet up in Washington, D.C., to deliver a no-holds-barred breakdown of Donald Trump’s joint address to Congress. Together, they peel back the layers of a spectacle of this campaign rally in disguise. From dissecting Trump’s repeated attacks and evasions on key issues like immigration and …
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VWP podcast 150 Will you take advantage of this opportunity to greatly improve your life?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
28:20In this episode I explain the recent opening of opportunities in America. I explain how you can shortcut improving the quality of your life. What you need to think about financially. Join us at http://Votewithpower.orgAf Denny Bowersox
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La demande pour les énergies renouvelables est à la hausse. Le Québec mise beaucoup sur la filière des batteries pour les voitures électriques. Mais le projet de la compagnie suédoise Northvolt semble fragilisé. Quel est l’avenir de l’usine de Saint-Basile-le-Grand et McMasterville? Après les soucis du côté de l’environnement en 2024, c’est à prése…
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What We Learn From Political Loss (with Ashwin Ramaswami)
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
27:19In This Episode: In the fourth episode of The Z Factor, host Anoushka Chander is joined by Ashwin Ramaswami to dive into how we deal with political loss. Anoushka and Ashwin discuss his campaign’s strategy to use technology to reach people, how he engages with young men disillusioned with politics, and what Democrats can change about their messagin…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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Letting agents DO NOT show properties to people who claim benefits
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
15:32In this interlude episode, I ring (and record) letting agents to ask if they accept people who pay rent with benefits like universal credit. You'll hear what the letting agents say. It is actually unlawful for letting agents to say No to people who claim benefits, but that doesn't stop them keeping benefit claimants out, as you'll hear. Most lettin…
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VWP podcast 149 Will Chaos destroy your life?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
26:52In this episode I explain why Chaos is often good and needed. How chaos helps in making change. I also give input on what happened in the President Trump and President Zelensky meeting this week. What might our position be in the World and how out spoken individuals are killing our representative democracy Join us at http://Votewithpower.org…
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Are Trump’s Polling Numbers Really Falling?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
45:50Chuck and Mike take a hard look at the latest polling data for Donald Trump. With his initial presidential honeymoon fading, the hosts break down whether the dip in numbers represents a genuine decline or simply a normalization of his enduring base support. They break down what the data says, how Latino voters are reacting to the early months of th…
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VWP podcast 148 America needs a unity CZAR will you help?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
19:58In this episode I explain what can be done to get voters to make the changes America needs. Unification of American voters will provide a different life; If you want safety, prosperity, peace, friendships, good family, great children, good education, a job you like, religions freedom, independence, free speech, mental and physical health, this podc…
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Anticiper l’aide médicale à mourir au Québec
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
28:09La loi québécoise relativement aux soins de fin de vie a changé depuis le 30 octobre 2024. Certains malades peuvent maintenant formuler ce qu’on appelle une demande anticipée, afin de consentir à l’aide médicale à mourir pour le moment où ils ne seront plus en mesure de le faire. Concrètement, qu’est-ce que cela change? Isabelle Burgun en parle ave…
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VWP podcast 147 Your future is stuck and controlled by conditions and circumstances
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
18:16In this episode I explain how your future and your decisions are controlled by conditions and circumstances that you have no influence over. America has changed and left the people out. It's time for change! This change will greatly effect your families future. We also explain what can be done to provide your family with a fantastic, peaceful, pros…
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The Rise of Republicans in Latino California with Gustavo Arellano
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
48:57Read Gustavo's latest column: 'Republican Latinos are rising in California. Now there’s a caucus for them' (https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2025-02-20/republican-latinos-on-the-rise-legislative-caucus) - California are you OK? You're looking kind of... red... lately. Uh oh! Chuck and Mike sit down with renowned columnist for the LA Times G…
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La recherche face aux discours sur l’immigration
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
28:02Criminalisation de l’immigration, déportation des immigrés sans statuts, allongement du temps de détention, ne plus accorder la citoyenneté aux enfants d’immigrés nés aux États-Unis… Depuis un mois, un décret n’attend pas l’autre à Washington sur ce sujet. Que peut nous apprendre la science sur les changements migratoires? Sur l’évolution des polit…
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VWP podcast 146 A new approach for raising successful and happy children
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
31:14In this episode I explain the influence point during a child's upbringing. What the blocks are for parents doing a great job of parenting. What their school involvement must be. How to get clarity on what they want for their children. The skills children need today to be successful. How our nation's conditions and circumstances affect all adults qu…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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VWP podcast 145 Save America now or loose it forever.
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
17:02In this episode I discuss why the timing is right to save our democracy and freedom. What will happen if the AMerican citizens don't unite and demand change. I also explain what has happened to our children's lives and the Terrible future we are allow politics to build for them. What can be done to correct this and help every American have the drea…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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Podcast #10 German Vote – the EU Parliament [en]
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
11:31How does the EU Parliament actually work? Definitely different from the German Bundestag. In the “Bending Bananas & Co” section, this episode looks at this institution. A new episode of the pro-EU podcast German Vote (English version).Af Jörg Stroisch
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Megi talks about her young daughter and her family's slow burial in Hackney council's housing bureaucracy
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
35:26Megi has an 8 year old daughter with autism. Megi talks about her daughter and the family's housing issues in this episode. She also takes us on a rollercoaster ride (some cracking downhill bits) through the 5 years that she's spent getting absolutely nowhere in her attempts to get her family rehoused. Megi's daughter is non verbal, not toilet trai…
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Next Gen Latino Vote with Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
43:32The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. This episode is all about the youth vote and it's impact in future elections! Chuck and Mike sit down with Christina Tzintzún Ramirez, Executive Director of Next Gen America, to dive deep into the transformative power of young Latino voters. Drawing on groundbreaking data from battleground states like…
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Santé Québec : une réforme pour plus d’accès aux soins?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
28:01Le 1er décembre, l’agence Santé-Québec est entrée officiellement en activité, devenant l’employeur unique de quelque 330 000 personnes dans le secteur de la santé. Un moment important pour un virage à la fois numérique et centralisé, qui avait été amorcé dès 2022. Que sait-on à présent de la façon dont cette réforme modifiera notre accès aux soins?…
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VWP podcast 144 To be a good parent you need to teach your children to live with HART
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
16:40In this episode I explain what HART is and why it will effect your children's lives. HART stands for honesty, accountability, responsibility and transparency. I provide tips to make sure your children live with HART I also share the disruption in our government because our elected officials don't live with HART. I tell how we need to make the chang…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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Podcast Special Episode German Vote – eine Diskussion über den DSA und Desinformation [de]
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
9:45Am Dienstag gab es einen runden Tisch zum Thema DSA und Desinformationskampagnen in der EU. Hier ist das Summerize. Eine Sonderfolge meines Podcasts German Vote (deutsche Version).Af Jörg Stroisch
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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Podcast Special German Vote – the DSA and disinformation [en]
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
8:29On thuesday, there have been a round table about the Digital Service Act (DSA) and disinformation campaigns in the EU. Here is the summerize. A special episode of my podcast German Vote (english version).Af Jörg Stroisch
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VWP podcast 143 Parents, help your children have a better life by eliminating their enemies.
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
16:02In this podcast we explore the three types of enemies your children have which will hinder their life. We explain where the enemies come from and how to eliminate those enemies. If you want your children to have better lives, more freedom and liberty, and mental health by changing their mind set, their behaviors and politics this is for you. Join u…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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Podcast #9 German Vote – das EU-Parlament [de]
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
11:55Wie funktioniert eigentlich das EU-Parlament? Auf jeden Fall anders als der deutsche Bundestag. In der Rubrik "Bananenkrümmung & Co" kümmert sich diese Episode um diese Institution. Eine neue Episode des Pro-EU-Podcasts German Vote (deutsche Version).Af Jörg Stroisch
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Kitchen Table Issues. A look at Latino Independent Voters with Dr. Derek Wakefield
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
51:50Chuck and Mike welcome our first guest of Season 2025, Dr. Derek Wakefield, a political academic whose groundbreaking research challenges conventional wisdom on Latino voting behavior. They break down how Latino voters—especially independents—prioritize economic issues over the traditional racial or immigration-based appeals. Dr. Derek findings rev…
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VWP podcast 142 America is going bankrupt, why and how do we stop it?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
20:23In this episode I explain what is going on financially in our government. I provide insights from this week DOGE discovery of billions of tax payers dollars of waste. I give an example the best way to change our government to avoid bankruptcy and further financial abuse. Join us at http://Votewithpower.org…
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Lac Saint-Pierre : comment préserver « l’Amazonie du Québec »?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
28:27Le lac Saint-Pierre, situé entre Sorel-Tracy, ses îles et Trois-Rivières, est la plus importante plaine inondable en eau douce du Québec et du fleuve Saint-Laurent. C’est un écosystème unique en son genre —reconnu par l’UNESCO— mais aussi fragile. Isabelle Burgun en parle avec : Gilbert Cabana, professeur au Département des sciences de l'environnem…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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VWP podcast 141 Three events happened this week which can improve or destroy your lifestyle
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
20:20In this episode I explain the three events which took place this week and how they will effect your life. It tells of how to stop the manner in which these events caused polarization. How politicians are corouply hindering America from being a better and safer place to live. Join us at http://Votewithpower.org…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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Les récents incendies de la Californie nous rappellent que les évènements météorologiques extrêmes seront de plus en plus fréquents et de plus en plus meurtriers. En date du 28 janvier, on comptait 29 morts, et des milliers de personnes ont été évacuées. Serait-il encore possible de limiter le réchauffement climatique à 1,5 °C? Sinon, à quoi faut-i…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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Terror is their Goal. And the Future of the DNC
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
42:04Articles referenced in this episode: CNN - See the process deported migrants go through after landing in Guatemala (https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/27/world/video/deported-migrants-guatemala-arrival-digvid) Newsweek - Donald Trump Pardon Recipients Are Being Charged With New Crimes (https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-pardon-recipients-are-being-char…
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Utilisez-vous ChatGPT, Gemini ou un autre outil conversationnel propulsé par l’intelligence artificielle? Suivant que vous soyez un homme ou une femme, l’impact à court terme risque de ne pas être le même. Quelle est la place des femmes dans l’écosystème de l’IA au Québec ? Isabelle Burgun en parle avec : Anne Nguyen, directrice principale responsa…
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VWP podcast 140 Kids in America are uneducated, what can we do about it?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
21:02In this episode I provide the scary truth about 8th grader in America educational performance results. I also provide the causes of our non performing educational systems and processes. You will hear what and how we need to make the critical changes. A high quality education in America is critical for all people, not just children and parents. Join…
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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VWP podcast 139 Contrasting how our government functions VS. how a successful business functions
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
28:00In this episode I explain the differences in how our government operates an how a successful business operates. The differences are dramatic and one offers you a better life. Join us at http://Votewithpower.orgAf Denny Bowersox
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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André Lamy et Olivier Leborgne revisitent l'actualité et égratignent les femmes et les hommes politiques bien de chez nous. "Votez pour moi" c'est chaque matin en direct à 8h15 sur Bel RTL avec une facétieuse équipe d'auteurs.Af [email protected] (Lamy et Leborgne (Bel RTL))
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