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show episodes
Evangelist Tiff Shuttlesworth answers common questions that many have about the validity of the Bible, end time events, prophecy in Scripture, and much more! The goal of this podcast is to reach lost people with the truth of Jesus Christ, to disciple new believers and equip believers to do the same.
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Die ehemaligen Zimmernachbarn und Trainingskollegen Tobias Wadenka und Kai Schäfer teilen eine große Leidenschaft: den Badminton-Sport. Der eine spielt aktiv in der Bundesliga und arbeitet als professioneller Badminton-Coach, der andere ist aktueller deutscher Nationalspieler. Ab sofort treffen sich die beiden jeden Donnerstag, um miteinander oder mit prominenten Gästen der Szene über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Badminton-Welt zu „Fachsimpeln“. Jetzt reinhören und abonnieren!
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Donta Page Mingo

Welcome to the ShuttleTalkz podcast, where we take flight and discuss it Support this podcast:
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Jonathan Shuttlesworth

Jonathan Shuttlesworth

Jonathan & Adalis - Senior Pastors of Revival Today Church Evangelists Jonathan and Adalis Shuttlesworth have been preaching The Gospel full-time since May 2002. Revival Today, founded in 2007, is a ministry dedicated to reaching those that have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For the past 20 years, Jonathan has traveled extensively throughout North America, India, the Caribbean, and Central and South Africa. In 2013, Revival Today TV was launched on mainstream television. However, i ...
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The Shuttle Drive

The Shuttle Drive

Welcome to our Outdoor Adventures Podcast. The topics are everything from Whitewater Kayaking, Training Tips and Instructions ,Kayak/Gear Reviews, Kayak Safety, Kayak Fishing, Camping Gear, Hiking, Mountain Biking and tons of other random topics! Go ahead and give us a follow and hit that bell to be notified when all the new episodes drop.
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Connor Trinneer, Erica LaRose & Mark Cartier explore the world of Star Trek and life on Earth. Guests. Fan questions answered. Watch on YouTube. Listen here. Patreon for those who just love us.
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Shuttlecock Podcast

Aaron Rhodes

A Kansas City music podcast featuring conversations with your favorite local musicians and music journalists. Also home to In My Headache, an album discussion podcast hosted by Aaron Rhodes and Bill Brownlee. Support this podcast:
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The Shuttle

The Shuttle

Welcome to The Shuttle podcast. This podcast has no rules. This is a place where we discuss anything and everything. Except politics, we will leave that to others. Email me:
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Shuttle to Marrs

Frankie Marrs

I made it this far. Now what? Frankie Marrs, host of Shuttle to Marrs, is back with a vengeance. Talking everything from being an actor, and creative, to graduating college, being an adult, and living through your twenties from her perspective. The key to living life is that there is no key, and Frankie uses her stories and advice to give some clarity to those who might be feeling the same way. Being thrown out into the world is rough, and sometimes you just need to laugh at someone else's p ...
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Poetry Shuttle 21


Dive into the artistic mind of Alessio and take a poetic journey to a world less traveled. As an admirer of all things artful and poetic one of the key aspects that is often times missed is the delivery of a poem. This podcast series is dedicated to taking a different approach to poetry, attempting to breathe more life back into poetry through music, Fx sounds and of course spoken voice. “How does the ordinary person come to the transcendent? For a start, I would say, study poetry. Learn how ...
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show series
The Shuttle Pod crew was recalled “by a little known, seldom used reserve activation clause” to record a quick update for our sister podcast, All Access Star Trek, to respond to questions about the Shuttle Pod’s current status and possible future. Since we recorded it, we thought we’d also release it in our podcast feed with a small bonus introduct…
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Audio taken from the live video "Do I Need to Go to Church to Be a Christian?"- In our culture today, when you say "church," the majority of people think of the building where people gather to worship, or perhaps the title of a denomination: The Baptist Church, the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church etc. We will soon…
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Drei mal Mülheim in drei Wochen, was macht das mit einem? Tobi findet es heraus und er hat viel zu erzählen denn neben den German Open findet auch das U19 Pendant des Turniers dieses Jahr erstmalig in der Badmintonstadt in NRW statt. Was waren die Highlights der beiden Turniere, welche aktiven, ehemaligen oder zukünftigen Weltstars waren vor Ort un…
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Audio taken from the live video "The Remarkable 483 Year Prophecy!" - This prophecy found in Daniel chapter 9 is one of the most remarkable in the entirety of the Bible, because it provides undeniable biblical and historic evidence for the authenticity of the Bible for skeptics and unbelievers. 1 - What do the “seventy …
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Audio taken from the live video "Has The Tribulation Begun?"- According to biblical prophecy, the tribulation is a seven year period that will begin immediately following the rapture. This tribulation period will display the greatest display of God’s wrath and judgment in all of human history! Evil without restraint, di…
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In dieser Folge sprechen wir über das besondere Showmatch zwischen der aktuellen Nummer 1 der Welt, An Se Young, und dem ehemaligen Weltranglistenersten Kento Momota. Was macht die beiden Spieler so besonders und was passiert wenn Weltklasse Dame auf Weltklasse Herr trifft? Außerdem geht’s um Tobis neues YouTube-Video: Warum hat er es nicht bis gan…
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Heute mal was ganz Besonderes: Kai und Tobi lassen ganz tief in ihren Trainingsalltag blicken und nehmen euch in der heutigen Folge mit auf dem Weg zum Training und zurück. Was passiert am Stützpunkt an einem Freitag Nachmittag, was haben sich die beiden für die Zeit im Kraftraum und in der Halle vorgenommen und wie fällt das Fazit nach dem Trainin…
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Audio taken from the live video "Has God Rejected Israel & the Jews?"- I cannot overemphasize the weight of what I am teaching today. This subject is critical in our mastery of Bible prophecy. If you fail to properly interpret what the Scriptures reveal concerning the future of Israel and the Jewish people, then you cor…
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Die deutsche Meisterin ist unserem Ruf gefolgt! Nach ihrem Titelgewinn im Dameneinzel in Cloppenburg ist Brid Stepper nun bei uns zu Gast und erzählt von ihrem Werdegang als Badmintonspielerin, der sich stark von den meisten anderen Spitzenspielern und Spielerinnen unterscheidet. Lange Zeit nur mit 1-2 Trainingseinheiten und auf Bezirksebene unterw…
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Audio taken from the live video "2025 Red Heifer Prophecy Update"- I receive a number of questions each year concerning the significance of the red heifer in final prophecy. There are great numbers of red heifer videos and radical claims that frequently appear on social media and that fuels people's curiosity on the sub…
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The Shuttle Drive Episode #31 In this Episode of The Shuttle Drive the Topics are Current Favorite Kayaks and Gear How to fast track getting better at Kayaking Work out Tips and other Random Stuff with Guest Shane Simoneaux If you Like this give a review and you can show Support in the link below to keep the shuttle drive rolling strong! Also, Vide…
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