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Ouça os comentários diários da colunista do Estadão para o Jornal Eldorado, da Rádio Eldorado (SP). Eliane ainda responde a perguntas dos ouvintes. Quer mandar a sua? Escreva para o número de WhatsApp: (11) 99481-1777.
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Pedro Duarte reclama sobre várias coisas, reflete sobre outras e quase sempre conclui algo, talvez útil. Um programa que quase sempre sai, sempre curto, o mais breve possível porque Pedro não gosta de ter trabalho com mais nada. Também recebe ouvintes em um papo descontraído sobre situações que podem acontecer com qualquer um (mas isso é mais raro de acontecer). E dizem que Pedro nunca responde, esse programa prova o contrário.
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Arts Respond with Lucy Gellman


Lucy is a lapsed art historian who loves wordplay almost as much as community building. Prior to her time at The Arts Paper she was a reporter at the New Haven Independent and station manager at WNHH Community Radio, where she still produces and hosts Arts Respond.
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Responder Chronicles

Brian A Deida

Real Stories from First Responders of all types: Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, 911 Dispatcher. These men and women will tell true stories from their experience while on the job. Stories of bravery, heroism, fear, shock, and some that are just strange.
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Responder Resilience

Lt. David Dachinger (Ret.), Dr. Stacy Raymond, Bonnie Rumilly, LCSW/EMT

Step into the world of real-life rescuers with RESPONDER RESILIENCE, an insightful podcast that sheds light on the challenges and triumphs of firefighters, EMTs, police, 911 professionals and clinicians. Hear firsthand accounts from our community's finest as they discuss critical issues on the job and share their experiences with hosts Lt. David Dachinger (Ret.), Bonnie Rumilly LCSW/EMT and Dr. Stacy Raymond. You’ll hear powerful discussions on leadership and wellness brought to life by top ...
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yonathan christanto

Podcast yang membahas banyak hal tentang film. Dipandu oleh Yonathan dan Denny yang juga aktif menulis tentang film di dan
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As a former correctional officer in Alberta for almost 2 decades and the founder of Blue Line Fitness Testing which provides law enforcement fitness testing and wellness workshops, I started this podcast as a way for female first responders to be able to share their stories including the trials, tribulations and triumphs of their daily work. Our episodes cover female correctional officers and caseworkers, military personnel, female paramedics, firefighters and dispatchers, as well as feature ...
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Olá, seja bem-vindo(a) É muito gratificante te ter por aqui. Sou Taróloga e desempenho meu papel de conselheira, te direcionando para o melhor caminho a seguir. Neste podcast irei responder perguntas frequentes sobre amor, trabalho, saúde e qual tema for escolhido através do e-mail
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Mindful Decon 4 First Responders

Craig Evans & Kathy Sullivan

The mind/body connection is undeniable. As first responders, we are required to physically decontaminate from the job yet the emotional impact is often ignored. Mindful Decontamination offers cutting-edge power tools designed to process cumulative traumatic stress while keeping us battle-ready. MD4FR is designed by responders for responders... email us at:
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Rogue Responder Podcast


Welcome to the Rogue Responder Podcast! We are a First Responder based apparel and lifestyle brand dedicated to those who serve their communities daily! We will be covering various areas that our brand supports; including but not limited to health and fitness, martial arts, shooting, current events, hunting and fishing and e-sports! Follow us on IG: @rogue_responder #RogueResponder #RogueResponders
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Stuart Gray

In my day to day life, sometimes I get snippets of opportunities to explain to people why Christianity makes sense of life. Often times, I have not had these openings, but I wish I had! “Respond” is a podcast where I’ll take the opportunity to tell you my top reasons are for thinking that: 1. God exists, and 2. Becoming a Christian believer makes sense
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Tu Oficinista Responde

David Gallego

Tu Oficinista Responde, es un podcast donde hablamos de gestión, recursos humanos y desarrollo personal, desde una perspectiva tecnológica y orientado al mundo de los negocios online. Cada semana, te traemos los mejores tips, consejos y estrategias sobre gestión, finanzas y desarrollo de negocio.
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O pediatra responde

Hospital da Luz

A resposta dos melhores pediatras da Rede Hospital da Luz a todas as dúvidas dos pais e mães. A chucha estraga os dentes? Amamentar: sim ou não? Quando é que se deve ir a correr para a urgência pediátrica? E o que fazer quando eles não dormem? Estas e muitas outras perguntas para ouvir a resposta dos nossos especialistas em Pediatria. Produção Luz Saúde: Teresa O'Neill e Graça Rosendo Produção técnica: Many Takes
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All Available Units, Respond

All Available Units Respond

Take me along with you on your commute or road trip, or listen while you cook, clean, exercise, go to sleep, or whatever! This podcast recounts stories of disasters, catastrophes and tragedies. All research, writing, recording, and editing is done by me, your host, Holly.
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Psiquiatra Responde Podcast

Dr. Eduardo Alcantara

Bem-vindos(as) ao Psiquiatra Responde Podcast, o seu podcast sobre saúde mental sem preconceitos. Este podcast iniciado em setembro de 2020 é realizado pelo médico psiquiatra Dr. Eduardo Alcantara e tem caráter meramente informativo para população. O objetivo desse trabalho é desmistificar a saúde mental e a especialidade psiquiatria. Podcast e qualquer rede social jamais substitui consulta médica. Informações pautadas na ciência. Obs.: Se você estiver mal: busque ajuda! Captação: Microfone ...
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Um refúgio da realidade ruim com um pouco de reflexão fútil sobre questões sociais feito por uma Drag Queen radialista. Quer participar do programa? Manda mensagem de áudio para Podcast semanal, ou quinzenal, ou mensal. Depende da minha disposição e da Rita Lee.
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Where safety and security meet. The prepare. respond. recover. podcast, in partnership with the Natural Disaster and Emergency Management Expo ( features impactful stories and real-world learnings from top business continuity, emergency management, and security professionals. Join host Todd De Voe as he and his guests discuss how to stay secure and resilient all while maintaining operational continuity and ensuring public safety in this ever-changing world.
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Solid Responder

Solid Responder

Welcome to the Solid Responder Podcast were we share stories from first responders. We talk about the past, the present, and the future in disaster response. Solid Responder highlights key issues in emergency response. Exploring, engaging, and educating the emergency response community with featured guests from all hazards response disciplines. Listen in as leading experts in the field tell their personal stories of dramatic and dangerous moments, the lessons that they learned, and how their ...
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Welcome to the "First Responder Realtor Podcast with Connor with Honor," proudly presented by Santa Clarita Open Houses. Since 1998, I've been defending your real estate interests with the same integrity, expertise, and dedication that I brought to my career as a first responder. Whether you're buying, selling, or just curious about the real estate market, I provide valuable insights, actionable advice, and daily market updates to help you navigate your real estate journey with confidence. I ...
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Do you collapse after a grueling shift, too drained to enjoy dinner with family, or struggle to comfort a coworker after a tough call? As a retired first responder with 25+ years in traumatic stress, I understand. I’ve helped thousands navigate high-pressure jobs without treating life like a 911 call. Each week, you’ll hear unfiltered stories from those who’ve faced loss, trauma, and burnout yet found hope. Together, we’ll cover resilience, stress management, peer counseling, and more to hel ...
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Uma série de podcasts para ouvir os conselhos dos especialistas em Medicina Geral e Familiar do Hospital da Luz sobre prevenção de saúde física e mental, vigilância de doenças crónicas e cuidados especiais com os mais idosos. Em cada podcast, uma conversa para ouvir as perguntas dos doentes e as respostas dos médicos de família dos hospitais e clínicas da Luz Saúde. Produção Luz Saúde: Teresa O'Neill e Graça Rosendo Produção técnica: Many Takes
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Quando precisamos de saber tudo sobre uma determinada doença, o que devemos fazer? O dr. Google pode estar sempre disponível, mas já sabemos que é um conselheiro perigoso e muitas vezes mal informado. Certo, certo é procuramos o melhor especialista, colocá-lo diante de quem precisa esclarecer dúvidas, fazer muitas perguntas e… deixar a conversa seguir o seu rumo para ficarmos todos a saber mais. Um especialista do Hospital da Luz a falar sobre uma doença, respondendo a perguntas de um doente ...
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This show offers information, resources, and contacts to help first responders build resilience to the stressors related to their work. Interviews & discussions in each episode help break the stigma surrounding mental health concerns. Hosted by Rich Palmer, retired assistant chief, and firefighter/paramedic, now Outreach Coordinator for Mental Health America of Northern Kentucky and Southwest Ohio.
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On Air by Yoga For First Responders

Yoga For First Responders

On Air by Yoga For First Responders, shines a light on the importance of mental health and wellness for public safety personnel. In this show, we explore the world of yoga and its powerful impact on first responders, all while maintaining a sense of humor and lightheartedness because let's face it, we don't take ourselves too seriously. You know all too well the toll that the job can take on your mental and emotional well-being. That's why we're here to help you find balance and peace of min ...
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Camaraderie. Courage. Commitment. Join host and former firefighter/paramedic Phil Klein as he delves into the heroic and heartbreaking stories told directly by the men and women who work the front lines every day. Whether you’re a first responder or simply interested in the lives of first responders, Stories From the Road presents a captivating, weekly perspective into the unique world of public service as only those who have experienced it can share.
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KZN Covid-19: Churches Respond

KZN Covid-19: Churches Respond

KZN Covid-19: Churches Respond: We are a broad and inclusive coalition of Churches, Christian Associations, Ecumenical Networks and Ministers’ Fraternals committed to using our extensive footprint across the KwaZulu Natal Province, in South Africa, to respond more effectively to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Lockdown and their respective impact. Our work is convened by the KZN Christian Council. The KZNCC is a provincial fellowship of churches and church-based organisations, established in and ...
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The Chaplain Chatter podcast is where First Response Chaplains build up one another by sharing their wisdom, their successes, and their failures! The host, Kevin Hardy, has over 20 years of experience serving as a First Responder before entering the Chaplain ministry. Kevin has been a First Response Chaplain for almost 20 years. New podcast episodes are available each month. Don’t hesitate! Listen in and share this podcast with a First Responder AND First Response Chaplain you know!
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Sexual Assault Responder Network

modjul online training

The Sexual Assault Responder Network podcast showcases efforts and improvements of sexual assault training, evidence kit tracking, and best practices across the country. This podcast is striving to promote a trauma-informed, victim-centered coordinated community response.
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A podcast featuring military veterans and first responders who have embraced the carnivore lifestyle, and the physical and mental health benefits and healing they have experienced. I'm a retired US Army Chief Warrant Officer living the carnivore lifestyle since March 22nd, 2023. I lost 30lbs in the first 90 days, and continued my weight loss beyond that losing another 15lbs in the following 60 days. I have become much healthier, both physically and mentally in the process. If you’re seeking ...
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Welcome to The TicketWhisperer Podcast, where we pull back the curtain on traffic enforcement, safety, and the real stories behind writing tickets. Hosted by Connor—also known as the TicketWhisperer, a retired LAPD officer who spent years working traffic—each episode dives into the mindset of law enforcement, the “Three E’s” (Education, Engineering…
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Renato e Cristiane Cardoso abriram o programa de hoje compartilhando um estudo da Universidade de Middlesex, em Londres, que revelou um dado alarmante: 93% dos adolescentes de 14 anos já tiveram contato com material sexualmente explícito na internet, e 60% acessaram esse conteúdo dentro de casa. O casal destacou como a exposição precoce à pornograf…
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O Comitê de Política Monetária (Copom) do Banco Central aumentou a taxa básica de juros (Selic) em um ponto porcentual, de 13,25% para 14,25% ao ano – seguindo o plano de voo para conter a inflação sinalizado em dezembro e reforçado na reunião anterior, em janeiro. A decisão foi unânime. "Apesar de já esperado, desde o ano passado, o índice é equip…
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Palabras clave: Hechos, Libro de Hechos, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el e🔊️ ¡Los apóstoles testifican con valentía! Hechos 4 explicado. 🙏vangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Após…
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In this encore episode, get ready to meet charismatic firefighter/paramedic Jason Patton, the creative force behind Fire Department Chronicles. In this episode, we dive into crucial conversations about mental health and wellness for first responders while enjoying Jason's signature humor. Discover how a good laugh can enhance firefighter retention …
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Episode Summary In this episode of the First Responder Wellness Podcast, host Conrad Weaver sits down with veteran officer Tony Godwin from the Garland Police Department. With over 31 years of experience, Tony specializes in internet crimes against children, working tirelessly to protect vulnerable populations. They discuss: The challenges of inves…
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Lázaro Ramos conversa rapidinho (ou seja, no tempo certo!) com Pedro Duarte sobre o livro Na Minha Pele e o lançamento Na Nossa Pele: Continuando a Conversa. Livros: Na Minha Pele Na Nossa Pele: Continuando a conversa Grupo Telegram:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Me siga nas redes!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Muitos textos sobre o batismo podem dar a entender ser ele algo essencial para a salvação. Neste episódio, John Piper trabalha alguns destes textos e os esclarece. Traduzido com permissão de Desiring God. Original em Transcrição do audio em…
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Retired Los Angeles, CA firefighter captain with 34 years of experience shares his stories of what it was like to serve in the 1960's through the middle 0f the 1990's. California wildfires, encouraging training from senior fire fighters, early female firefighters, pranks played on each other including the fire chief, out of town fire department off…
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Send us a text Did you know that your body can hold onto trauma long after a stressful or traumatic event has passed? In this episode of Sirens, Slammers, and Service, we sit down with Dr. Jolene Gough, a chiropractor with nearly 20 years of experience, to break down the science behind how the body stores trauma and the critical role the parasympat…
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What REALLY happens if you refuse to give ID during a traffic stop? Is it just about asserting your rights, or are there real consequences that most people don’t consider? In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on what actually happens when drivers refuse to identify themselves, based on my 20+ years as an LAPD motor cop who wrote over 60,00…
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Why do home sellers cancel contracts? What happens when a property doesn’t sell? In this episode of the Santa Clarita Real Estate Podcast, we break down the biggest reasons sellers back out of deals, the impact of overpricing, and how to protect yourself with written agreements. We’ll also explore foreclosure-era banking strategies—how banks histor…
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No programa Escola do Amor Responde de hoje, uma aluna, que preferiu manter o anonimato, compartilhou que gosta de acompanhar a programação diária do Casal Blindado e, inclusive, o The Love School, exibido aos sábados na Record. Ela está casada há dois anos e meio e conheceu o marido na empresa. Na época, ele estava separado da ex-mulher, que hoje …
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O deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro anunciou em um vídeo publicado em suas redes sociais que vai se licenciar do cargo, temporariamente, e ficar nos Estados Unidos. O filho de Jair Bolsonaro disse que vai se dedicar em tempo integral a convencer o governo Donald Trump a atuar pela anistia aos envolvidos nos ataques do 8 de janeiro no Brasil e para…
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Palabras clave: Hechos, Libro de Hechos, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el e🔊️ ¡Los apóstoles testifican con valentía! Hechos 4 explicado. 🙏vangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Após…
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🎙 Connor with Honor Podcast – March 18, 2025 Update 🎙 🏡 Santa Clarita Real Estate Market Update Current Listings: Approaching 600 active residential real estate listings. Market Movement: Homes are selling faster than usual, indicating a higher absorption rate. Price Trends: February 2025 home prices rose by 1.8-1.9% compared to January, though sho…
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No programa, Alessandra compartilhou com os professores Renato e Cristiane Cardoso que seu namorado tem demonstrado muito ciúme em relação a suas amizades. A situação chegou a um ponto em que ele já cogitou terminar o relacionamento. Diante disso, ela questionou o casal blindado: deveria se afastar dos amigos ou deixar que ele tome a decisão de ter…
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O presidente Lula assina hoje o projeto de lei que isenta do Imposto de Renda quem recebe até R$ 5 mil por mês, confirmou a Secretaria de Comunicação Social da Presidência da República (Secom). A assinatura será em evento marcado para as 11h30 no Palácio do Planalto. Participam do evento os presidentes da Câmara, Hugo Motta, e do Senado, Davi Alcol…
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Palabras clave: Hechos, Libro de Hechos, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el e🔊️ ¡Los apóstoles testifican con valentía! Hechos 4 explicado. 🙏vangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Após…
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🎯 Is NOW the Time to Buy a Home in Santa Clarita? 🏡💭 You’ve been watching the market, waiting for the perfect moment. So… is now the time to pull the trigger? Here’s the truth about buying a home in Santa Clarita, CA in 2025! 👇 ✅ 1. Supply & Demand is Key: Santa Clarita is still a seller's market. Why? Low supply and high demand. There simply aren'…
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No programa de hoje, Renato Cardoso explicou aos alunos a importância de definir as regras de um jogo antes mesmo de ele começar. Embora pareça algo óbvio, segundo o professor, muitas pessoas negligenciam esse princípio em seus relacionamentos. Ele destacou que muitos casais iniciam a vida a dois sem estabelecer acordos sobre regras e limites, tent…
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Com um público menor do que o esperado pelos organizadores, o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) e seus aliados defenderam neste domingo, 16, em manifestação na praia de Copacabana, no Rio, a aprovação da anistia para os responsáveis pelo ataque à sede dos três Poderes, em Brasília, em 8 de janeiro de 2023. O ato registrou críticas, xingamentos e at…
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Palabras clave: Hechos, Libro de Hechos, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el e🔊️ ¡Los apóstoles testifican con valentía! Hechos 4 explicado. 🙏vangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Após…
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🎙️ Santa Clarita Real Estate Market Insights - Open House Day Update! 🏡✨ Watch the latest update here: Today is Open House Day in Santa Clarita! If you’ve been thinking about buying a home or just exploring the market, now is the perfect time to dive into the local real estate scene. 🔑 What Can $750,000 Buy in…
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🔥 From Fat to Fitter: The Raw Truth from a Public Servant Who's Lived It 🔥 When you’ve been really fat, you know the lies better than anyone—because you’ve told them to yourself a thousand times. ⚠️ “I’ll start tomorrow.” ⚠️ “This one cheat meal won’t hurt.” ⚠️ “I’m just too busy today.” ⚠️ “I deserve this treat.” I get it. I lived it. At my heavie…
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🚨 189 Santa Clarita Open Houses Scheduled for March 15-16, 2025! 🚨 Ready to explore the best real estate opportunities in Santa Clarita? This weekend, 189 open houses are scheduled across the valley! Whether you're looking for your dream home or just checking out the market, this is the weekend to do it! 🏡✨ 🎥 Watch the Full Update: https://youtube.…
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Fasting, Testosterone, and Weight Loss: My 135-Pound Transformation Overcoming Obesity Click to Hate or subscribe here!!! In this powerful episode, I share my raw and real journey of losing 135 pounds—going from 365 to 230 pounds. No shortcuts, no surgery, and no weight-loss drugs. Just focused discipline through fasting, strength training, and opt…
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Welcome to the podcast where passion meets purpose! I'm Connor with Honor, and there are three things that drive me every single day—Real Estate, Artificial Intelligence, and Health. 🏡 Real Estate: My mission is to protect homebuyers and sellers, ensuring they never face the deception I experienced when purchasing my first home in 1996. It's not ab…
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Durante este episódio, a aluna Ivanilda revelou que enfrenta dificuldades em seu casamento. Casada há 18 anos, ela sente que, há cerca de uma década, está em um relacionamento forçado. Sempre que vê um homem que a atrai, sente um desejo incontrolável de estar com ele. Embora tenha consciência de que essa situação é vergonhosa, não consegue evitar. …
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In today’s episode, we're diving deep into the current landscape of open houses in Santa Clarita. As of now, there are 163 open houses available, offering plenty of opportunities for buyers to explore potential homes and make informed decisions. 🏡✨ Discover key strategies for maximizing open house visits, from analyzing virtual tours to understandi…
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Palabras clave: Hechos, Libro de Hechos, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el e🔊️ ¡Los apóstoles testifican con valentía! Hechos 4 explicado. 🙏vangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Após…
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Neste episódio da Escola do Amor Responde, Marcela, de 41 anos, compartilhou sua história. Ela e o esposo, de 42, têm uma convivência de 27 anos, mas recentemente ele começoua discutir com ela e a agredi-la verbalmente, culminando em agressão física. Diante disso, Marcela pegou suas coisas e saiu de casa. Ela reconhece que agiu impulsivamente, mas …
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Welcome to AI with Honor, the podcast where local business meets cutting-edge artificial intelligence. Hosted by Connor MacIvor—first responder, real estate broker, and AI implementation consultant—this show is dedicated to helping business owners streamline operations, increase leads, and build smarter systems that work for them 24/7. In today's f…
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Buying or selling a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you'll ever make. But what happens when your real estate agent isn’t fully advocating for you? In today's episode, we dive into a real-world scenario where a Southern California homebuyer faced challenges due to an agent’s lack of diligence—highlighting why choosing the right real e…
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Palabras clave: Hechos, Libro de Hechos, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el evangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Apóstoles, KJV, Jesús, Cristo, audiolibro, libro, vida santa, amor, …
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This episode explores the vital connection between mental health and law enforcement. Dr. Medina Baumgart shares insights on the critical role of embedded clinicians, the mental health challenges retired officers face, and the importance of peer support programs. Discover effective strategies for building trust between clinicians and police personn…
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🔥 The Truth About AI: Will It Save or Destroy Us? 🔥 🤖 Artificial Intelligence is evolving faster than ever! But is it leading us towards a utopia or a dystopia? Are we creating tools to help humanity, or unknowingly setting ourselves up for displacement? Hollywood has painted its picture of AI taking over the world, but what's the REAL story? 🎬 It'…
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Discover in this engaging podcast episode a deep dive into today’s evolving real estate market, where expert insights blend with real-world stories to help you navigate buying, selling, or investing in property. In this episode, our host discusses the latest market dynamics, revealing key data points such as new listings, price adjustments, and tre…
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Durante o programa, Renato Cardoso iniciou comentando uma frase que leu e considera muito verdadeira: "O tempo é um grande professor, mas, infelizmente, ele mata todos os seus alunos." Na ocasião, ele e sua esposa, a escritora Cristiane Cardoso, explicaram o verdadeiro significado dessa reflexão. Em seguida, Renato compartilhou o depoimento da alun…
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Palabras clave: Hechos, Libro de Hechos, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el evangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Apóstoles, KJV, Jesús, Cristo, audiolibro, libro, vida santa, amor, …
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72 - Turning Tragedy into Hope for First Responders with Linda Kokoros Episode Summary: In this deeply moving episode, Linda Kokoros shares her personal journey as a first responder family member navigating grief after the tragic loss of her son, Alex, to suicide. She sheds light on the mental health challenges faced by first responders, the lack o…
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In this powerful podcast episode, Allan and Veronica share their life-changing experience with the LifeWave X39 patch—a simple, non-invasive solution that helped them overcome chronic pain, fatigue, and regain their vitality. For years, Allan struggled with severe back pain, and Veronica faced low energy and ongoing discomfort. Their journey with t…
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Neste episódio, Renato e Cristiane Cardoso começaram compartilhando o relato de uma aluna que tem percebido uma grande diferença em sua vida após aprender com o casal. Ela contou que passou por um momento muito difícil, pois terminou um relacionamento de quase três anos e sofreu bastante. Apesar disso, ainda existe amor entre osdois, tornando a sit…
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March 11, 2025 In today’s powerful episode, we dive into three game-changing topics reshaping lives and industries. 🔹 Santa Clarita Real Estate Market Update The Santa Clarita housing market remains strong, with property prices rising 3% compared to last year. Buyer demand is holding firm, and we're seeing a spike in 25 coming-soon properties, up f…
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Palabras clave: Hechos, Libro de Hechos, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el evangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Apóstoles, KJV, Jesús, Cristo, audiolibro, libro, vida santa, amor, …
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🚨 Master AI Prompting—No Gimmicks, Just Results! 🚨 Want to know the real secret to mastering AI? It’s simpler than you think! ✅ Engage with AI – Just start asking questions. ✅ Refine Your Approach – If the answer isn’t right, ask it differently. ✅ Let AI Guide You – Ask the AI how you should be asking! Stop wasting money on expensive courses teachi…
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🚨 Dual Agency STRIKES Again! Buyer Beware! 🚨 When it comes to real estate, Dual Agency can be a dangerous game. Here's why having your own dedicated agent is CRITICAL! Recently, I encountered a scenario that perfectly highlights the risks: 🔸 Buyers were in escrow, using the same agent who represented the seller. 🔸 After a detailed home inspection, …
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Na edição de hoje da Escola do Amor Responde, Renato e Cristiane Cardoso conversaram com os alunos sobre desafios nos relacionamentos. Durante a conversa, Cristiane destacou que, embora conselhos e dicas sejam úteis, eles não resolvem o problema por completo, pois somente Deus pode trazer a verdadeira solução. Renato enfatizou a importância de reco…
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Artificial Intelligence is advancing faster than most people can comprehend. From its humble beginnings in basic programming to the powerful, self-learning systems we see today, AI is reshaping every corner of our lives. But what happens when AI surpasses human intelligence? What does the future look like as we approach The Singularity—the point wh…
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