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Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Überirdisch und überaus irdisch – Glaube prägt ganze Gesellschaften. In "Religionen" erfahren Sie Hintergründiges aus verschiedensten Glaubensgebäuden.
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Religion und Orientierung

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Zwischen Himmel und Erde - das Magazin für Religion und Kirche. Für Grenzfragen, gelingendes Leben und Spiritualität. Aktuelle Debatten rings um Geburt und Tod, Krieg und Frieden, Historie und Zukunft.
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Laidos autoriai ieško brandaus kultūros ir religijos sąlyčio pavyzdžių šiandienos pasaulyje, aptaria aktualias Lietuvos bei tarptautinio gyvenimo problemas, supažindina su intriguojančiomis biografijomis. Sekmadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ ir pirmadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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Reliance Community Podcast

Pastor Aaron Wallace

Reliance Community is a multi-generational family that God has brought together for His kingdom work . We are a local church that serves in west Wichita and the Goddard area. We are defined by one simple statement: Equipping disciples in Christ through a RELIANCE on Him, His Word, and one another.
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Sternstunde Religion

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Information: Dieser Video Podcast wird per Ende Juli 2021 eingestellt. Künftige und bisherige Episoden finden Sie auf unserem Play SRF Portal ( Die «Sternstunde Religion» ordnet ein, fragt nach und schafft Zusammenhänge – in Form von Dokumentarfilmen oder Gesprächen.
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Religionen können Menschen inspirieren und zusammenbringen. Oder ein Grund für Kriege sein. Eine Sendung über das verbindende bis zerstörerische Potential von Religionen. Von Judentum über Christentum, Islam bis hin zum Buddhismus – und Atheismus.
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Want to hear what industry experts really think about the cyber threats they face? ShadowTalk is a weekly cybersecurity podcast, made by practitioners for practitioners, featuring analytical insights on the latest cybersecurity news and threat research. Senior Intelligence Analysts Chris Morgan and Kim Bromley bring together over 30 years of experience in threat intelligence across government, military, and telecommunications. Along with their guests, they provide practical perspectives on t ...
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Politics and Religion. We’re not supposed to talk about that, right? Wrong! We only say that nowadays because the loudest, most extreme voices have taken over the whole conversation. Well, we‘re taking some of that space back! If you’re dying for some dialogue instead of all the yelling; if you know it’s okay to have differences without having to hate each other; if you believe politics and religion are too important to let ”the screamers” drown out the rest of us and would love some engagin ...
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Welcome to our Podcast series wherein our Research Desk shares daily and weekly market updates to apprise you on the equity and commodity market trends. Start your investment journey today! Click to open a Free Demat and Trading Account. For more updates, follow our reports and recommendations. You can also contact your relationship manager or nearest branch. Please read the disclaimer document available on before trading or investing.
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Religion Media Centre Podcast

Religion Media Centre

The only podcast to sit firmly in the space where religion and the media collide. We ease that relationship, strengthen links that already exist, and be part of building new ones through chat, reflection, and comment, with a panel of regular contributors of journalists, broadcasters, writers, comedians, and experts.
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Fluke Reliability Radio

Fluke Reliability Solutions

Integrated solutions from Fluke Reliability are built for the present and the future. Our products and services are designed for the assets and team you already have in place. We “meet you where you are” and deliver rapid results on your current challenges. On top of that, our Accelix IIoT platform enables you to add new solutions that can be instantly integrated with your existing technology. In this way, we provide you a practical roadmap for greater IIoT leverage as your maintenance progr ...
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Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding

ReligionWise features educators, researchers, and other professionals discussing their work and the place of religion in the public conversation. Host Chip Gruen, the Director of the Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding of Muhlenberg College, facilitates conversations that aim to provide better understanding of varieties of religious expression and their impacts on the human experience. For more about the Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding, visit www.religionand ...
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A Kentucky Sports Podcast for fans by fans: With the realist sports talk in college sports, covering the Kentucky Wildcats and proud members of the greatest fanbase in the World (Big Blue Nation). Jay Hāzze (The wild child) & JD Hall (The voice of reason) give their opinionated takes on Kentucky Basketball and Football like no others.
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Reliable Truth

Richard E Simmons III

Welcome to Reliable Truth with best-selling author Richard E Simmons III. Are you searching for truth in your life? Looking for talks that will get you thinking? Each week Richard talks on topics like how to find happiness in your work, or how to improve your marriage. Listen anytime – on the way to work or over a lunch break – and you should come away feeling challenged and encouraged.
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Let's Talk Religion

Filip Holm

This podcast aims to educate on the subject of religion from an academic perspective and to open up for informed discussions on the subject. You will find episodes discussing the big religions of the world and historical overviews of important figures from different religious traditions. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Join us in the Sacred Garden, a podcast dedicated to exploring the rich tapestry of stories found within canonical religious books. Through readings and insightful commentary, we embark on a journey of religious literacy, understanding the profound impact these stories have had on human history and culture. Whether you're seeking to deepen your own faith, broaden your understanding of different belief systems, or simply satisfy your curiosity about the human experience, Sacred Garden offers ...
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Religion Unplugged

The Media Project

Religion explored through candid conversations and original reporting. This podcast is powered by The Media Project, a network of more than 1,000 journalists worldwide. TMP acknowledges that religion is growing and becoming more, not less important in the world.
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Y Religion

BYU Religious Education

Each year, religion professors at Brigham Young University (BYU) produce hundreds of publications on subjects related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This podcast brings this research into one place to enlighten the everyday seeker of truth. Interviewing the author, we discuss why the study was done, why it matters, and why the professor chooses to be both a scholar, and a disciple. This is Y Religion.
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Reliability Matters

Mike Konrad

Reliability Matters is a podcast on the subject of reliability of circuit assemblies. Reliability "best practices" and success stories are discussed. This podcast features interviews with experts in the electronic assembly industry. All electronic production segments which effect product reliability are on the table. This includes contamination, coating, cleanliness assessment, inspection, building for harsh environments, reflow, printing, failure analysis, board fabrication, and much more. ...
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D. Ashley Campbell

Religionish is a nerdy podcast about everything religion...ish. The show uses interviews and reflective narration, with a smidge of sarcasm, to illustrate how religion is everywhere from politics and pop culture to feasting and friendships. Soon you’ll see how everything is a little bit religion…ish. Join your host Ashley Campbell and become a #ReligionNerd.
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A Catholic’s Perspective with The Religious Hippie is a podcast hosted by Amber Rose, a passionate Catholic Communicator who dives into the richness of the faith and how it applies to our daily lives. Each episode offers a fresh take on Catholicism, blending tradition with relatable, real-life experiences.
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show series
In einer Welt, die von Krisen, Spannungen, ungelösten Konflikten und Kriegen geprägt ist, gewinnt die Auseinandersetzung mit individuellen und kollektiven Verletzungen/Traumata an Bedeutung. Der spirituelle Lehrer und moderne Mystiker Thomas Hübl hat darauf eigene Antworten entwickelt. Thomas Hübl ist spiritueller Lehrer, Autor, moderner Mystiker u…
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In einer Welt, die von Krisen, Spannungen, ungelösten Konflikten und Kriegen geprägt ist, gewinnt die Auseinandersetzung mit individuellen und kollektiven Verletzungen/Traumata an Bedeutung. Der spirituelle Lehrer und moderne Mystiker Thomas Hübl hat darauf eigene Antworten entwickelt. Thomas Hübl ist spiritueller Lehrer, Autor, moderner Mystiker u…
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Magus: The Art of Magic from Faustus to Agrippa (Harvard UP, 2023) is a revelatory new account of the magus―the learned magician―and his place in the intellectual, social, and cultural world of Renaissance Europe. In literary legend, Faustus is the quintessential occult personality of early modern Europe. The historical Faustus, however, was someth…
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Generations of social scientists and historians have argued that the escape from empire and consequent fragmentation of power - across and within polities - was a necessary condition for the European development of the modern territorial state, modern representative democracy, and modern levels of prosperity. The Catholic Church and European State …
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In this rich intellectual history of the French-Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic lectures in Paris, Ethan Kleinberg addresses Levinas's Jewish life and its relation to his philosophical writings while making an argument for the role and importance of Levinas's Talmudic lessons. Pairing each chapter with a related Talmudic lecture, Kle…
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In this episode we dive into the complex issue of Ukraine, America's involvement, and the broader implications for democracy and global alliances. This episode is an exploration of how we can develop reasoned positions on global conflicts, engage in informed discussions, and recognize the limitations of our own expertise. What We Discuss How to app…
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How much is enough? This question can apply to many different areas of our lives, but today we're looking at this question in regard to money and wealth. Other than theological issues like faith and God's kingdom, the number one issue that Jesus addresses in the Bible is the issue of money and wealth. He doesn't condemn wealth. He doesn't say that …
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The reliability world is shifting—fast. In this episode of Reliability Radio, hosts Jonathan Guiney and Brendon Russ(JLL) sit down with Fabrice Brion, CEO of I-Care, to discuss how AI and IoT are reshaping predictive maintenance. 💡 What’s changing? AI vs. Condition Monitoring: Why AI can predict failures before they happen. The Power of Data: How m…
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Die Gleichstellung in Österreich schreitet nur in Zeitlupe voran. Das haben heute Caritas und Arbeiterkammer bemängelt ++ In der Islamischen Republik Iran entscheiden ausschließlich Männer über die Rechte von Frauen und Mädchen ++ In einer Audiobotschaft hat sich Papst Franziskus bei den Gläubigen für ihre Gebete bedankt Moderation: Susanne Krischk…
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Seit Jahrzehnten werden Klöster geschlossen, es gibt kaum Ordensnachwuchs. Einigen Ordensgemeinschaften gelingt es, kreativ zu werden - sie lassen "schnuppern" oder vermieten Teile ihrer Räume. Simon Berninger hat Beispiele aus Bayern gesammelt, die zeigen, wie Ordensleute volles Haus bekommen.Af Simon Berninger
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Jedes Jahr sterben in Deutschland rund eine Millionen Menschen, nahezu die Hälfte von ihnen in Krankenhäusern. In den letzten Jahren hat das Bewusstsein für den Bedarf an spiritueller Begleitung Sterbender deutlich zugenommen. Heute wird anerkannt, dass Pflegende, die im Krankenhaus, in Pflege- oder Tageseinrichtungen sensibel auf spirituelle Frage…
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Moderation Martin Gross/Gesendet in Ö1 am 6.3.2025++Der Situation von Frauen auf den über 16.000 km entfernten Cookinseln im Pazifik widmet sich der morgige sogenannte ökumenische "Weltgebetstag der Frauen"(Andreas Mittendorfer)++Von Kriegen betroffen sind weltweit auch 473 Millionen Kinder. Das sei fast jedes fünfte Kind der Welt, sagt Caritas-Öst…
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What is Hinduism? For centuries, that question was particularly thorny, both for local Indians and for colonial outsiders. People inside and outside the country tried to define what Hinduism was. Missionaries grappled with Hindu practices, finding both similarities and dangerous differences with their own Christian faith. The East India Company ado…
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John joins Lori Allen and Ajantha Subramanian for the roundup episode of the second series of Violent Majorities, focusing on long-distance ethnonationalism. Looking back at their conversations with Peter Beinart on Zionism and Subir Sinha on Hindutva, Lori begins by asking whether Peter underestimates the material entanglements keeping Jewish Amer…
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An astonishing variety of murals greet visitors to the temples and palaces of southern India. Beautiful in execution and extensive in scope, murals painted on walls and ceilings adorn the most important spaces of early modern religious and political performance. Scene by scene, histories of holy sites, portraits that incorporate historical figures …
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What is Hinduism? For centuries, that question was particularly thorny, both for local Indians and for colonial outsiders. People inside and outside the country tried to define what Hinduism was. Missionaries grappled with Hindu practices, finding both similarities and dangerous differences with their own Christian faith. The East India Company ado…
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Der US-Theologe James H. Cone entwickelte in den 1960er-Jahren die sogenannte Black Theology. Diese nimmt die Rassismus-Erfahrungen von Afro-Amerikanern als Ausgangspunkt für eine neue Deutung der Passionsgeschichte. Sie bleibt aktuell. Schulz, Benedikt, Aus Religion und Gesellschaft…
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Yale SOM grad Bryan Enriquez ’21 discusses launching the Hallow prayer app, argues that technology and artificial intelligence are good for religion and religious practice, and responds to critics who say that the marketing of Hallow commercializes faith. Transcript available here:…
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Resources: Join host Kim and Detection Researcher Marken Teder as they discuss: ReliaQuest's Research: Blink and They're In The Latest Ransomware Developments 244 Million Passwords Added to 'Have I Been Pwned' VMware Zero-Days Actively Exploited Kim Bromley: Senior Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst on the ReliaQuest T…
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Die neue Bundesregierung will den Familiennachzug stoppen. Kirchliche NGOs wie Caritas und Diakonie halten dagegen ++ Im Regierungsprogramm gibt es ein eigenes Maßnahmenpaket gegen Online-Radikalisierung ++ Die Initiative "Autofasten" ruft wieder dazu auf, in der Fastenzeit nachhaltige Fortbewegungsmittel zu nutzen Moderation: Susanne Krischke gese…
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Ayesha Adamo is an academic, performing artist, and filmmaker currently working towards a PhD in Religion at Rice University under Jeffrey J. Kripal. Her dissertation project explores fluid cosmological ideas, both historically and in current quantum mechanics. She holds an MA in Religious Studies from Universiteit van Amsterdam’s Centre for the Hi…
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In dieser Folge von adraba ist Yael Burchak zu Gast. Sie erzählt von ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen als Jüdin in Ostdeutschland, ihre Arbeit in der jüdischen Gemeinschaft und ihren politischen Aktivismus. Wir sprechen darüber, was die jüdischen Gemeinden in den ostdeutschen Flächenländern von westdeutschen unterscheidet. Dabei geht es u.a. um Säkul…
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From the vibrant arc of rainbow covenants to the bewildering chaos of Babel, Genesis 9-11 lays bare the raw, unfiltered struggle of humanity. We begin with the earth still soaked, God offering a 'fresh start' sealed with an unbreakable promise—a pledge never to unleash such devastation again. But this isn't just a story of divine mercy. It's also a…
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With so many religions in the world it can be hard to keep up with what everyone believes. Religiously Literate is here to help! Join Jay and Ryan on this episode as we learn about the religious origins of basketball, the man who invented it, and the movement that inspired him. SHOW NOTES: KU Origins: Naismith’s Rules:…
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With "Walden," Henry David Thoreau presented fresh viewpoints about materialism, independence and community which have challenged readers for well over a century. But what did the famed American writer believe about religion? Matthew Peterson speaks with Richard Higgins about his recent book, "Thoreau's God," to find out.…
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US-Präsident Donald Trump spricht nie von Verhandlungen über ein Ende des Kriegs in der Ukraine, die auf klaren völkerrechtlichen Regeln basieren müssten, er schlägt sich auf die Seite von Russlands, will Deals und der Ukraine einen Waffenstillstand verordnen ++ In Italien sorgt der Fall einer angeblichen Seherin für Aufsehen ++ In mehreren österre…
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Matt and Eric review Last Breath. Last Breath is a documentary turned feature film from director Alex Parkinson. A true story about seasoned deep-sea divers who battle the raging elements to rescue their crewmate trapped hundreds of feet below the ocean’s surface, Last Breath stars Woody Harrelson, Simu Liu, and Finn Cole. Matt and Eric also discus…
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Die neue Regierung will ein Kopftuchverbot für Mädchen bis 14 einführen ++ In der Gemelli-Klinik in Rom wagt man weiterhin keine Prognose über den Gesundheitszustand des Papstes ++ Die neue Kanzleramtsministerin Claudia Plakolm (ÖVP) ist unter anderem für Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften zuständig Moderation: Susanne Krischke gesendet in Ö1 am 0…
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Have you given much thought to retiring someday? Richard's guest is Phil Reddick leading this seminar on how to maximize your impact as you think about retirement or are already retired. Meet our guest panelists: Mark and Julie Edwards - Mark is with McGriff Insurance Services. Julie is a full-time homemaker. Felix "Tank" Tankersley - Tank is a Sen…
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In this episode we sit down with Congressman Ritchie Torres, a fighter from the Bronx who has spent his life advocating for his community. We discuss pressing issues such as the social safety net, housing inequality, mental health, bipartisanship, and Rep. Torres’ personal journey from public housing to Congress. We also touch on Israel, antisemiti…
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