Science Stories fortæller historier om videnskab baseret på nysgerrighed og fascination af viden og indsigt, men vi kan også være kritiske og stille spørgsmål ved veletablerede dogmer. Vi stræber efter at forstå grundlaget for viden og sætte den i perspektiv. Redaktionen er uafhængig og ikke underlagt udefrakommende politiske eller kommercielle interesser.
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[Best of] Hologenomics - how organisms interact and evolve
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55:00DNA and RNA sequence analysis enable researchers to form a total overview of which species of microorganisms and parasites live with humans, animals and plants. It is not just in our gut where microorganisms are playing a role in our digestion. Also on the skin and all mucous membranes, in the mouth and all the way down into the hair follicles, we …
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Obesity, mobility, exercise and cancer are related
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34:50Obesity, mobility, exercise and cancer are in the spotlight for researchers as there is an increasing amount of evidence pointing at the metabolic mechanisms which bind them together. Associate Professor Lykke Sylow from the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Molecular Metabolism in Cancer and Ageing at the Health Faculty at University of Copenhage…
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The first quantum computer has arrived. The version of a quantum chip that recently came out of the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen is now for sale, but it has already been sold out. The price is cheap according to professor Peter Lodahl from Sparrow Quantum who has recently moved out of the old Niels Bohr Institute to the other side of the stre…
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Professor Birger Lindberg Møller from Center for Synthetic Biology, Denmark, has always been impressed with the plant world and how plants can act as sun driven biochemical factories which can generate all the substances needed for growth and development of the plant. Plants can defend themselves with poison, they can signalise to each other and pr…
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En af Science Stories hyppige gæster er læge og professor Anders Fomsgaard fra Statens Seruminstitut, som hjalp os igennem COVID pandemien og siden da har bidraget med masser af viden om infektionssygdomme.Anders Fomsgaard skrev for nylig en bog om sit liv som læge. Bogen hedder Syge Historier, og i denne podcast fortæller Anders Fomsgaard historie…
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Another year has passed - so welcome to the Science Stories New Year podcast 2025. My name is Jens Degett and as tradition dictates, in this New Year's program, I play soundbites and tell stories about a selected sample of the last year's podcasts from Science Stories.One of our limitations is language. Our podcast in Danish has by definition a ver…
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[Best of] Quantum computing in a waterdrop.
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1:00:25Researchers all over the world have tried for more than 25 years to make a new type of computer that can solve much more complex problems than traditional computers are capable of.Professor Charles Marcus from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen is one of the leading researchers who have made major contributions to the development of quantum com…
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[Best of] The many types of diabetes
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23:48Diabetes is about hormonal regulation of metabolism in the body. Apart from insulin there are many hormones, organs and receptors involved, but even if it is complicated to understand, it does not mean we should not talk about it or ask questions. In connection with the commemoration of the discovery of insulin +100 years ago, Science Journalist Je…
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[Best of] A hundred years after August Krogh's Nobel Prize: The man who founded Novo Nordisk.
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29:56The year 2020 marked the centenary of August Krogh's Nobel Prize in physiology. August Krogh received the award for showing how oxygen is transported from the lungs through the blood into the small capillaries in the muscles. Details of the mechanism and how it is regulated are still a central topic of research a hundred years after and understandi…
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[Best of] Mitochondria are key to prevent aging and disease
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42:15Mitochondria are called the powerhouse of the cells. They convert nutrients into energy, and they may hold the key to reverse aging and cure a large number of diseases. This is why exercise is important. But, can science one day come up with a pill that can reverse the aging of mitochondria? How close are we to solve this fundamental discovery?Prof…
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What can vi learn from sponges or other primitive animals who have no brain. at all? What are the advantage of spending a lot of energy on maintaining a brain and what can the study of animals with none or very primitive brains teach us about evolution of complex animals with large brains.Professor Dr. Detlev Arendt is explaining to science journal…
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Shape, stiffness and tension are important for understanding your body
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20:50Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, are taking the understanding of cell biology to a new level. Research group leader Alba Diz-Muñoz explains how shape or form, stiffness or rigidity, architecture and tension can make a big difference in your body’s reaction to physiology and disease.It is not on…
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Algorithms and the patterns of life
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18:59Science Stories is visiting the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg and asks some of the leading researchers about their work.This week science journalist Jens Degett interviews Dr Anna Kreshuk about how she and her research group is working with algorithms and image analysis to understand fundamentally how life works from th…
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Particle physics moving faster than ever
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29:16The LHC is the biggest and most powerful particle accelerator in the World. Senior researcher Troels Petersen from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen is explaning what is going on in Geneva and why the accelerator is producing more results than ever. Science journalist Jens Degett is interviewing Troels Petersen.This podcast is supported by a M…
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Experts from all over the world met four days during the Summer 2024 invited by the Niels Bohr Institute to discuss the available knowledge on the theme:Are we a Unique Species on a Unique Planet?- or are we just the ordinary Galactic standard?A selection of recognised scientist gave their best bid on:- Life on Exoplanets?- Disks and pre-biology- T…
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Experts from all over the world met four days during the Summer 2024 invited by the Niels Bohr Institute to discuss the available knowledge on the theme: Are we a Unique Species on a Unique Planet?- or are we just the ordinary Galactic standard?A selection of recognised scientist gave their best bid on:- Life on Exoplanets?- Disks and pre-biology- …
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All organisms from fruit flies to humans share the same mechanism for controlling the day and night rhythms also called the circadian rhythms. This mechanism is considered fundamental to all advanced life forms, and it has a surprising feature. It binds us genetically to live on earth. Michael Rosbash received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2017 fo…
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IceCube may reveal structure of the universe
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24:06You may have heard about about space telescopes and gravitational wave detectors which are new instruments for the investigation of space and the universe. Now a new instrument is being tested underneath the South Pole. It literally consists of a cubic kilometer large ice cube with detectors that can catch small light emissions from a long distance…
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Several research groups all over the world are working intensively around the clock driving rowers around and making experiments on Mars. A lot is happening, and we are learning a lot every day. Senior researcher Morten Bo Madsen from the Niels Bohr Institute at University of Copenhagen explains to science Journalist Jens Degett some of the latest …
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Life has existed and evolved on earth for almost 4 billion years. Living organisms copy themselves from other life and central for all known life forms is the genetic code.We are used to hear life described by biologists. but physicists have access to tools which can give a different and to some extend deeper understanding of life. Science Journali…
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About fifty million individuals worldwide are affected by chronic hepatitis C virus. It has been one of the most expensive virus infections to treat, and it is an ongoing threat to global health. Now the virus has revealed a secret to a group of researchers in Denmark lead by Jannick Prentoe, from University of Copenhagen, after five years of inten…
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Phages regulate bacteria growth on Earth
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27:10Today’s story is a good example of how little we know about biology and life, and how we can use our knowledge to better fight diseases and environmental threats. We are going to talk about bacteriophages or just fages. These are small viruses which attack bacteria. The story is literally about life and death and most organisms on earth are being k…
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[Best of] From the Dark ages to life
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46:15With new astronomical instruments and new knowledge of fundamental physics our understanding of the universe is developing fast. The new understanding of the universe from its Dark Ages, after the Big Bang, to the current acceleration with planets, stars, galaxies and life raises a lot of questions.In this podcast, Science Journalist Jens Degett in…
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Besparelser på uddannelse og forskning koster dyrt
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35:27Gennem nogen tid har man kunnet høre politikere og meningsdannere tale om at skære ned på uddannelserne, gøre dem kortere og udhule indholdet, så man ikke behøver at kunne så meget. Antallet af studerende skal skæres ned, og det skal være sværere for mange at komme ind på den uddannelse de ønsker sig.Forskerne klager samtidig over at forskningsmidl…
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Superstrings was a very popular topic among physicists in the 1980ies. They had a renaissance in 1995 but then the researchers changed focus to other things. Now superstrings have gained new momentum in physics again. Professor Niels Obers from the Niels Bohr Institute explains what superstrings and string theory is. He also explains why superstrin…
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Findes der liv andre steder i universet?
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52:04Midt i sommerferien 2024 afholdt Centre for Exolife Sciences på Københavns Universitet en konference om liv i universet. Konferencen havde været under forberedelse i fire år og omfattede 100 af de førende eksperter i exoplanetarisk liv. Med andre ord - Findes der liv uden for den jordklode vi lever på?Et tidligere interview med to af deltagerne af …
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[Best of] Danske satellitsystemer udforsker solsystemet
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29:57Senioringeniør Hans Jensen fra Terma fortæller om hvordan den danske elektronik-virksomhed Terma kom med i det internationale rumkapløb tilbage i 1960erne og nu leverer elektronik til nogle af de mest spektakulære missioner i rummet nogensinde.Der er tale om en helt række af missioner, hvor dansk elektronik har spillet en afgørende rolle for meget …
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Center for Exolife Sciences at the Niels Bohr Institute at University of Copenhagen organised this week a conference under the theme "Are we a unique species on a unique planet or are we just the ordinary standard?" We may already have detected traces of life in the atmosphere of the distant planet called K2 18b. During four days in Copenhagen 100 …
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Stjerne med rigelige mængder kulbrinte kan være første tegn på liv
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30:01For nylig var det amerikanske tidsskrift Science ude med enartikel om store mængder kulbrinter omkring skive-dannelsen ved en meget lille stjerne. Foto kredit: Jens DegettFor at forstå hvorfor det er vigtigt, er videnskabsjournalist Jens Degett taget ind på Niels Bohr Instituttet hvor han taler med Professor Jes Kristian Jørgensen.Podcasten er støt…
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This is a story of human ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and greed. If we do not learn from this history, we are just as doomed among the species on Earth as the Great Auk.The Great Auk was once a very common bird in the northern hemisphere. The bird could not fly, it was clumsy on land and was easy to catch for sailors and people who used their fe…
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[Best of]Big Bang Challenged by Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
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56:00We are used to think about the universe as a structure which started with a Big Bang and then expanded. Sir Roger Penrose, who received the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics, has developed an alternative theory of the universe based on Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity which is called "Conformal Cyclic Cosmology". In this new model we don’t have on…
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When someone begins to study the evolution of the universe and the laws of physics, one easily comes to wonder how strange it is that humans and life exist, and that we are able to observe the universe. If the laws and constants of nature were just a little bit different, the occurrence of life would be unthinkable. However, we can state that we ar…
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Entanglement is here to stay. The podcast was recorded just after the announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022. This Nobel Prize was shared between Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger, which underlines the importance and the recognition of quantum physics and its strange properties. In particular, entanglement is expected to im…
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To millioner år gammelt DNA skal sikre fremtidens fødevareproduktion
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27:50Professor Eske Willerslev fra Globe Institute på Københavns Universitet har fået en bevilling på 500 millioner kr. fra Novo Nordisk Fonden og 85 millioner kr. fra Wellcome Trust.I en samtale med videnskabsjournalist Jens Degett forklarer Eske Willerslev hvordan DNA har særlige egenskaber som gør det muligt at bevare intakte stumper af op til 2 mill…
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For 4 et halvt år siden i januar 2020 lavede jeg en podcast med professor Lone Simonsen fra Roskilde Universitet om Den Spanske Syge. Jeg tænkte, at selv om det var 100 år siden Den Spanske Syge, som skyldtes en influenzavirus, slog mere end 50 millioner mennesker ihjel, så var der stadig en risiko for at helt en ny pandemi kunne blive et problem f…
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Space rocks from all over the world, including pristine material which has been collected directly from asteroids in our solar system is being analysed in Copenhagen by Professor Martin Bizzarro. He is Director of Center for Star and Planet Formation at University of Copenhagen and explains what we can learn from the material collected in space com…
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Gravitational waves is a strange phenomena which was predicted already by Albert Einstein.To understand gravitational waves you need to understand gravitation. In this podcast professor Niels Obers describe gravitation in Newtonian terms and in the frame of Einstein's general theory of relativity. Both descriptions are incomplete but due to researc…
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[Best of] Forskning i arbejdsmiljø
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27:59Vi bruger rigtigt meget tid og energi på vores arbejdsplads, men hvor meget bliver vi påvirket af stress og dårligt arbejdsmiljø, og hvordan løser man problemerne når det går galt. Videnskabsjournalist Jens Degett er taget ud på det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA), hvor han taler med arbejdsmiljøforsker Jesper Kristiansen.Podcaste…
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Mars kan lære os nyt om hele solsystemet
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31:15Seniorforsker Jens Frydenvang har de sidste 12 år brugt en stor del af sin arbejdstid med at køre rundt med en og på det seneste 2 rovere på Mars. Hør om hvad forskerne finder på Mars og hvordan det er at arbejde i sådant et usædvanligt miljø. Jens Frydenvang fra Globe Instituttet på Københavns Universitet bliver interviewet af videnskabsjournalist…
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Máni er navnet på Månen i den nordiske mytologi, men det er også betegnelsen for et af de mest ambitiøse danske forskningsprojekter som hidtil er blevet foreslået.Man skulle tro at Månen var kortlagt og undersøgt i mindste detalje, men det er slet ikke tilfældet. Med moderne teknikker kan man fotografere månens overflade i forskelligt lys og vinkle…
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Andreas Mogensen tilbage fra rummet
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16:13Den danske astronaut Andreas Mogensen er vendt tilbage til jorden efter ca. et halvt år på den internationale rumstation.Nu er Andreas tilbage i Danmark og videnskabsjournalist Jens Degett fra Science Stories har interviewet ham, om hvordan det er at opholde sig i rummet gennem længere tid i forhold til den første tur, der kun varede 10 dage. Andre…
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Pladetektonik kan måske forklare livets opståen
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34:063,7 milliarder år gammelt sediment fra Grønland kan måske være afgørende forklaring på livets udvikling på Jorden. Austin Jarl Boyd fra Globe Institutet på Københavns Universitet har sammen med en række danske og udenlandske forskere udgivet en artikel, der sandsynliggør hvordan pladetektonik har været afgørende for livets udvikling på Jorden.Postd…
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[Best of] Dansk forskning tager et pusterum
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30:50Debatten om dansk forskning handler stadig om at forskningen er underfinansieret og bevillingerne er bundet op på bundne opgaver. Derfor har vi valgt bringe denne podcast, der har et år på bagen. Det går nemlig knapt så godt som man skulle tro.Vi er vant til at høre rapporter om, hvor fantastisk dansk forskning klarer sig internationalt med banebry…
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Novo Nordisk Fonden og Danmarks Eksport- og Investeringsfond, har indgået en aftale med NVIDIA ATOS/ Eviden, om at konstruere en AI-supercomputer i Danmark.Computeren, som går under navnet NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD kommer til at koste over 700.000.000 kr. og vil kunne – ja hvad er det egentlig en computer til en lille milliard kan? Videnskabsjournalist J…
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Forskerne var de første, der advarede mod det stigende CO2 indhold i luften allerede for 125 år siden. Senere kom der flere og flere beviser på, at menneskets forbrug af fossile brændsler førte til en stigning i klodens temperatur og en frygt for at processen kunne løbe løbsk. Den berømte Keeling kurve for CO2 i atmosfæren har vist en stigning hver…
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[Best of] Investerer Danmark for lidt i Forskning? Hvad er viden værd 2
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30:00Hvad er viden værd for samfundet? Investerer vi for lidt eller for meget i forskning, udvikling og uddannelse? Og hvad betyder de afledte effekter af ny forskning og teknologi for samfundsudviklingen?Professor Hans Christian Kongsted fra CBS har dedikeret mange år af sit forskerliv på at studere og måle forsknings betydning for samfundet. I denne p…
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[Best of] Hvad er viden værd? Den vidensbaseret økonomi
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50:53Underdirektør i Dansk Industri, Mikkel Haarder, skrev i sidste uge (11 marts, 2024) en artikel til Berlingske Tidende om hjemtag af EU midler som danske forskere har vundet i åben konkurrence. Det betyder at EU midlerne fratrækkes det samlede danske forskningsbudget. Det er vist på tide man begynder at opfatte forskning som en investering - ikke ba…
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Hvorfor opfører væsker og andre materialer sig som de gør. Man skulle tro at forskerne for længst har forstået de fysiske egenskaber af de materialer vi omgiver os med, men det er langt fra tilfældet. Faktisk er det vanskeligt at forudsige selv simple væsker ud fra deres molekylers struktur.Professor i fysik Kristine Niss fra Roskilde Universitet t…
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Med alle de mange kostråd som cirkulerer kan det være svært at overskue hvad der er sundt at spise. Et af de store problemer er overvægt, og det handler ikke kun om kosten men også om, hvordan og hvornår man spiser, og hvor meget motion og søvn man får.Ernæringsforsker Sisse Fagt fra fra det nationale fødevare forskningsinstitut på DTU fortæller om…
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[Best of] Livets støv - til minde om Christian de Duve
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17:41Nobelpristageren Christian de Duve skrev i 1995 en bog om at alle grundstofferne der er nødvendige for livets dannelse er skabt i stjerner. Nogle af grundstofferne kræver kæmpe supernova-eksplosioner for at komme op på tilstrækkeligt store masser og temperaturer til dannelsesprocessen. Det vil igen sige at vi har været igennem flere generationer af…
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