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Gideon Haigh is a prolific author, but it took him decades to write down the story closest to his heart — the life and tragic death of his brother, Jaz, who was killed in a car crash at just 17 years. But eventually, on a hot summers evening, it all came pouring out onto the page, and became his book My Brother Jaz. Gideon Haigh's brother Jasper wa…
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Wie viele zeitgenössische Malerinnen sind Ihnen namentlich bekannt? Denken Sie mal kurz nach. Bekommen Sie Fünf zusammen? Drei vielleicht? Und wenn wir weiter zurückgehen in der Zeit? Auch nicht viel besser? Ja, das ist schon bitter. Frau Manet, Frau Monet und Frau Magritte mögen ihren Männern mal Modell gesessen oder den Pinsel gehalten haben, vie…
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Ep 577 features Kysheem, an Emergency Communications Officer-2 at Cobb County 911 out of GA. Sponsored by INdigital - Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Web Episode topics – Real-life experiences from Kysheem’s first emergency calls Comparison of phone and radio roles in emergency communications Detailed overview of the extensive training process for …
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DeAnne was just looking for a job online when she ran across a posting for what seemed like a legit marketing and sales position. What she actually found was an office for Smart Circle, an MLM where she would be selling discount coupons, door-to-door. In our chat we talk how Smart Circle is slightly different from traditional MLMs, what red flags t…
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We take a look back at some of the stories that most resonated with our audience. This episode was hosted by Sarah Austin Jenness. If you'd like to check out the video countdown of 2024’s most shared Moth stories we mentioned in the episode, you can follow us on TikTok or Instagram @MothStories. Storyteller: Wilderness guide Monte Montepare takes i…
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Ob eckig rund oder schmal, Mauro Schena weiss, welche Brille zu welchem Gesicht passt. Der 55-jährige Berner mit italienischen Wurzeln ist mit Leidenschaft Verkaufsleiter eines bekannten Brillen Labels in Österreich. Seit vierzehn Jahren lebt er mit seiner Familie in Graz.Mauro Schena wuchs im bekannten «Tscharnergut» im Westen Berns auf. Bis heute…
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Menschenfreunde sind beide: Coiffeuse Giuseppina Burgunder und der ehemalige Chef der Schweizer Armee André Blattmann. Beide haben in ihrem Leben intensiv mit Menschen zu tun.André Blattmann (68) ehemaliger Chef der Schweizer ArmeeFast sein ganzes Berufsleben hat André Blattmann der Armee gewidmet.Zuletzt war er acht Jahre lang Chef der Schweizer A…
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Dans cet épisode, Andréa Brusque raconte l'histoire d'une créature légendaire qui fascine à travers le monde. Son histoire remonte à des siècles, mais personne n’a encore prouvé son existence. Son nom : Bigfoot. De son origine aux théories sur son existence. Des nombreux témoignages sur son existence Dans les années 60, Jack, passionné de randonnée…
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Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. La relation d’Alfred Stieglitz et Georgia O’Keeffe fût complexe, mêlant l’art et l’affect, l’inspiration et l’asphyxie. Pour eux, aimer c’est transformer. Transformer leur désir en photographie, transformer leur l’amour…
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Dans cet épisode, découvrez une créature légendaire et fascinante. Mi-homme, mi-taureau, elle fait aussi partie des plus terrifiantes de la mythologie grecque. Car quiconque croisait son chemin dans le labyrinthe y laissait immédiatement sa vie... Son nom : Astérion, plus connu sous le nom de Minotaure. Des circonstances horribles qui ont conduit à…
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Laisser le passé définitivement derrière et croire en un avenir ensemble. Une histoire de vœux, d'accident et de mémoire. Une histoire d'amour. C'est l'histoire du couple de Kim et Krickitt Carpenter. Un amour qui a inspiré un film Kim Carpenter est resté auprès de sa femme alors qu'elle ne se souvenait plus de lui. Propulsé de mari à étranger, il …
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The Most Mortified Tournament of Teen Angst reaches its climax, as the winning Mortified chapter is officially crowned. Tyrel Hartman shares journals about first kisses and video games, as well poems about a pet hamster. Andrew Willis shares journals about the search for romance in high school. As a heads up, we will have one more episode left afte…
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Reflecting on a year of phenomenal guests, we are bringing you a selection of the Best Conversations of 2024. Pauline McGrath's life changed forever when her husband of 30 years, David, was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor. Together Pauline and David set out to take advantage of the incoming Voluntary Assisted Dying laws about to come into e…
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Hans Rosenfeldt med en klocka och en pratglad panel. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Programledare: Hans Rosenfeldt Panelen: Pia Johansson, Eric Stern, Olof Wretling, Babben Larsson Hammondorgel: Erland von Heijne Inspelningstekniker: Mariette Parling, Fredrik von de Pahlen Producent: Mette Göthberg Spelades in i Berwaldhallen den 21 …
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A day late with this one, which pretty much exposes me as breaking my own rules. The idea was that I'd upload at the end of the two weeks whatever I had. But truth is, I didn't have anything. I recorded a bit of audio at the festival where I was, and so there's some music in the background I don't have permission to use. I think there's far greater…
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Nesta segunda parte da conversa com Selma Uamusse, a cantora fala de como consegue conciliar a agenda da música e dos palcos com as desafiantes demandas da maternidade, já que é mãe de 4 filhas. Selma partilha também a boa fase que vive agora no amor, depois de outros capítulos menos bons. E mais à frente canta de forma poderosa, à capela, um novo …
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– Why not? I thought. The word experienced frightened me, but I trashed these fears. Evelyn Eickmeyer-Quinones is a caregiver, wife, writer, poet, photographer, and former educator. Her writings can be found in Newsday, The Petigru Review, and Next Avenue. Her award-winning photographs have been published in the Kakalak Poetry Anthology and Moonshi…
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När Janets pappa blir allvarligt sjuk ska hans fru stänga av hans mobilabonnemang. Men det står på en främmande kvinna. Nu avslöjas pappas hemlighet. Att han i 43 år haft en andra familj i grannbyn. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Har du avslöjat en familjehemlighet som förändrat ditt liv? Hör då av dig till programmet och Gunilla Nor…
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Bienvenue dans les Fabuleux Destin, le podcast pour découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, (re)découvrez l'incroyable histoire du couple Lucie et Raymond Aubrac. Véritable héros de la résistance lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ils ont mené des actions dans le but d’informer les différents groupes résistants français permet…
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John Wojtowicz est à l'origine d'un des casses les plus mémorables de l'histoire de New York. Un braquage et une prise d'otage pour secourir la femme qu'il aimait. Pour lui, aimer, c'est sauver. Faire passer le bonheur de l'autre devant tous les obstacles. Aimer, c'est sauver Un braquage et une prise d'otage pour secourir la femme qu'il aimait. Pou…
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This week, the online world of Appalachian memes — and what they tell us about folks who live here. Also, parts of West Virginia have been radio silent since the 1950s for scientists to monitor the skies. So, what does that mean for first responders in an emergency? And winter holidays are here. We’ve got some tips to keep the festivities from goin…
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No episódio desta semana, Carla Quevedo diz não entender o 'fenómeno' que se criou em torno da enchente de notícias sobre situações meteorológicas, em concreto com o frio: "O que me irrita é estarem a encarar algo que é normal e que acontece todos os anos com surpresa e até indignação". Luís Pedro Nunes, e à base da notícia sobre a baixa percentage…
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In Washington state, a law known as Ricky’s Law, allows authorities to force people with addiction into treatment. The law is named after Ricky Garcia, whose struggles with drugs and alcohol inspired him and his friend Lauren Davis to push for change. From emergency room visits to suicide attempts, Davis watched as Garcia went through more than 75 …
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Season of Sharing Fund gave some peace of mind to aspiring boxing champ Keoni Washington, who became parent and breadwinner to his brothers after their mother passed away early in the pandemic. We meet him at the East Bay apartment he shares with three of his brothers. Keoni received rental assistance from Season of Sharing Fund in 2023, which has …
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It's been awhile since I've dropped an episode, but I hope to revisit THE INTERSECTION in the New Year. In the meantime, I wanted to share a project I've been working on called SHARING STORIES. It's a series of portraits of people in the Bay Area who have received one-time emergency rental assistance from SF Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund. Rental…
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Matthew Bannister on Wolfgang Stange, the director and choreographer who founded the Amici Dance Theatre Company which integrates able bodied and disabled performers. Sir Ben Kingsley pays tribute. Lord Renfrew, the leading archaeologist who used scientific techniques to challenge the received wisdom in his chosen discipline. Julie Stevens, the act…
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Clara liebt es, Zeit mit ihrer ganzen Clique zu verbringen. Sie hat aber auch zu jeder einzelnen Person eine besondere Verbindung. Freundschaftsforscher Horst Heidbrink erklärt, warum wir überhaupt Cliquen bilden. Und: Ist es komisch, das nicht zu tun? ********** Ihr hört: Gesprächspartnerin: Clara, Köchin in Ausbildung Gesprächspartner: Dr. Horst …
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The most popular topic amongst whiskey enthusiasts has always been affordable sippers. What is the best bang for the buck? This is volume two of Botton Shelf Bangers and we have another absolute banger for you straight from the bottom shelf! 🟧 PATREON - 🟩 BOURBON REAL TALK MERCH -…
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Afgelopen week heeft Chris de laatste versie van zijn cosy crime ingeleverd bij de uitgeverij. En dus ligt 'De mosterdmoorden' begin maart in de winkel. Dat vindt hij ontzettend leuk. Tim reageerde op de jeugdige slaaproutine van Chris. In de filmrubriek is er aandacht voor de ultieme zwartwit kerstfilm: 'It's a wonderful life' uit 1946. Deze film …
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"Ein Familien-, Architektur- und Frankfurt-Memoir, ein reflexionsstarker und emotional berührender Beitrag zur Selbstaufklärung der Bundesrepublik." Sagt der Autor Stephan Wackwitz über "Das Würfelhaus", das neue Buch von Sebastian Moll. Seine Kollegin Shelly Kupferberg lobt die "..zutiefst persönliche und analytisch klare Auseinandersetzung mit de…
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Wie alle Jahre steht der Dezember im Bayerischen Rundfunk auch heuer wieder ganz im Zeichen der "Sternstunden". Die "Mädchen-Beat-Band" "Top Girls" aus Münchberg hat bei einer After-Work-Party spontan 1.200 Euro für die "Sternstunden" gesammelt. Sie sind bei Hermine Kaiser zu Gast. Alles rund um den Sternstunden-Tag finden Sie hier:…
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Ob jemand Ayşe, Marie oder Rahel heißt, beeinflusst, welche Chancen diese Person auf einen Job oder eine Wohnung hat, ob sie die Mehrheitsgesellschaft annimmt oder sie ausgrenzt. Und doch sind Geschichten von Namen oft beides: Dunkel und Licht. Wenn man Menschen nach den Geschichten ihrer Namen fragt, erzählen sie oft Geschichten von Liebe: von Her…
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Selma Uamusse é sempre um acontecimento quando sobe a palco. Ela é um abanão musical, um caso sério de atitude, garra e performance-trovoada, que se agiganta todas as vezes que solta o seu belo vozeirão. Uma voz que vai a todos os lugares que Selma quer, de Moçambique a Portugal, da electrónica de Moullinex ao clássico da pianista Maria João Pires,…
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Welcome to Ask-A-Therapist, a new show that allows you to do just that, ask a therapist/counsellor those questions you've always wanted clarity on that will help you navigate your healing journey. In season 2, Aldo Oluoch Olunya, a registered counselling psychologist, will answer all your questions on childhood trauma, starting therapy, masculinity…
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In 1985, 160 people were sent letters saying they’d won free tickets to an NFL football game. They were told to pick up their tickets at the Washington Convention Center. When they arrived, they were greeted by cheerleaders, men in tuxedos, and team mascots. But then, they found out there were never any tickets at all. Say hello on Twitter, Faceboo…
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Content warning for today’s episode, which includes a brief discussion of suicidal thoughts. When you think of the word “addiction”, what comes to your mind? I think for most people, the most common thought would be drugs or alcohol. For some people, it’s very easy to fall into that. I’m always thankful that I never was interested in smoking, becau…
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