Audio recordings of weekend services led by Pastor Dale O'Shields at Church of the Redeemer in Gaithersburg, MD.
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Once we intercept a thought that displeases God or harms us or others, we must imprison it—placing it in a mental "jail cell" for judgment and execution.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Prayer connects us to God’s grace, which is enough for every need. It sustains our joy, keeps our faith alive, and brings real change. To have joy, we must practice prayer.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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The key thing to remember is this: God never speaks anything to anyone that contradicts the precepts and principles of His Word — the Bible.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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In relationship conflicts where both parties share responsibility, addressing the issue with urgency is key.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Truly mature people recognize that life is temporary, a training ground for something greater—eternity. They live as citizens of heaven, with their primary loyalty rooted not in this world, but in the one to come.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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It’s not enough to get out of reverse gear spiritually; we also need to get into forward gear and accelerate!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Accept God’s grace and live in it daily. Your joy depends on it!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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We demonstrate our trust, knowledge, and love for God’s Word by living it—this is the true test of our love and the key to experiencing its joy.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Humility enables us to celebrate the promotions, successes, and achievements of others with genuine joy, free from envy, jealousy, or selfish comparisons.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Paul’s perspective helped him maintain his joy in the midst of a very trying situation in his life. Having the right perspective will do the same for us.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Being part of a church is practical, not mystical. It means actively connecting with a group of fellow believers in Jesus to worship, learn, give, and work together to share His love and message with the world.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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As the year turns, it’s time to let go of what holds you back and embrace what brings life. Turn to God and step into freedom, love, and hope. Refreshing begins when you stop and start.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Praise is an invitation to trust, a pathway to joy, and a way to draw near to God’s presence. It opens hearts in worship, strengthens the spirit, and inspires creativity. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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The greatest gift of life and eternity has been freely offered—not reserved for a select few, a specific number, or certain people, but extended to “all who believed Him and accepted Him…”Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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To give God our best, we must be ready to pursue Jesus Christ with great patience and persistence.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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No matter who you are or what your status or circumstances are. God wants to use you to bring His message and love to the world.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Grace is a vital reflection of God's character, and without embracing it, we cannot fully walk in His purpose or draw near to His best for us.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Everywhere you look for Mary throughout the pages of the Bible, you will find her in an attitude of trust and worship!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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When we fail to consider, appreciate, and acknowledge our blessings, we make bad decisions. We end up acting in ways that lead to hard life lessons.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Remember what builds you, forget what breaks you; anchor your thoughts in God’s faithfulness and embrace His peace.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Whatever we do for Jesus, His Church, and the advance of His Kingdom is all because of what He did for us!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Jesus offered Judas countless opportunities to turn back, yet he chose not to. Likewise, we often find ourselves in difficult situations because we've resisted the corrective and convicting voice of God.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Jesus gave the apostle Thomas permission and a clear command to shift his thinking—and if it worked for Thomas, it will work for you!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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When we walk in genuine faith, we not only delight the heart of God but become vessels for His purposes, bringing His blessings into the lives of others.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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People of integrity hold firmly to the words and teachings of Jesus, willing to stake their lives on the truth they know and live by.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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The day Jesus saw and spoke to Matthew was the day Matthew found an eternal Friend. It was the day His alienation from God and others ended forever!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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This interview with Pastor Robert Barriger from our sister church, Camino De Vida, in Peru, took place at Church of the Redeemer. Here is Pastor Dale O'Shields and Pastor Robert Barriger.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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After decades of following Jesus, John—once a hot-tempered and ambitious man—was transformed into a compassionate and gentle apostle, earning the title “the apostle of love.”Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Our greatest challenge as followers of Christ is to die daily to the sinful, prideful, and self-centered ambitions, motives, and actions that arise from within us.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Answer Jesus' call with faith, trusting that He will shape you into the person He created you to be!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Knowing the Truth compels us to share that Truth with others, spreading the love of God wherever we go!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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In times of crisis, people need more than just solutions; they need friends who offer unwavering support and genuine care. It’s through the warmth of community and compassion that we find strength to face life’s challenges.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Gratitude that remains unspoken and love that goes unshown can create distance in our relationships, leaving those around us uncertain of how we truly feel.Af Joe Seymour
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Satan’s desire and goal is to blind, deceive, and harden people to such a degree that they refuse to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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One of the most incredible things about following Jesus is that He accepts us exactly as we are, no matter where we are. Even if others reject you, the Lord never will.Af Pastor Steve Homcy
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Jesus has the power and authority to forgive sin because He is God and paid the full penalty for our sins!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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God gives us wonderful promises from His Word to hold on to in every season of our lives, even when doing the right thing is hard or unpopular.Af Cristi Rivera
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God gives us wonderful promises from His Word to hold on to in every season of our lives, even when doing the right thing is hard or unpopular.Af Sam Mitchell
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One of the profound benefits of knowing Jesus is finding true satisfaction and fulfillment in Him, something that nothing and no one else can offer.Af Cristi Rivera
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One of the profound benefits of knowing Jesus is finding true satisfaction and fulfillment in Him, something that nothing and no one else can offer.Af Jessica McAuliff
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God calls us to leave behind the old ways and embrace the new life He offers. By letting go of past burdens and stepping into the transformative grace of God, we can experience renewal and the fullness of His promises.Af Justin McAuliff
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Choose to turn from your ways to His ways, demonstrating this decision through genuine change. If you truly desire to transform, He will help you every step of the way!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Difficult people reveal deeper truths about ourselves and challenge us to grow. When we respond with grace and wisdom, they become catalysts for our spiritual growth.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Difficult people can serve as mirrors, reflecting aspects of ourselves we need to address. The irritations and frustrations we feel towards others often highlight our own unresolved issues.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Our words can build relationships or destroy them. They can bring either heaven or hell into your home.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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We must invest in a strong personal relationship with God in prayer and through His Word.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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Take personal responsibility for your anger, and deal with it God’s way!Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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When you hear sarcasm in your speech, your words are telling you about the anger in your heart.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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In life, one of the key questions we need to ask is “what really matters to God?” Why? Because what matters to Him should matter to us.Af Pastor Dale O'Shields
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From soothing a crying child to offering words of encouragement, mothers demonstrate the art of nurturing every day.Af Jessica McAuliff
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