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Le Partajeu

Donatienne Amann & Blaise Bersinger

Podcast humoristique suisse dans lequel on partage et dans lequel on joue (d'où son nom). Pour nous soutenir, on vous invite dans notre ( (lolé) 🤡 Merci
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Cet été, pendant une heure et demie, Philippe Gougler vous fait voyager. Entouré de ses chroniqueuses et chroniqueurs, Philippe Gougler partage les bons plans découverte, le patrimoine et la gastronomie propres à chaque pays. Embarquez !
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Partages De Vie

Francesco Mandato

Bien-être, développement personnel, réussite, spiritualité, lecture, santé, écriture, musique, paranormal, etc. Je m’appelle Francesco Mandato, je suis un passionné de la vie, thérapeute holistique, certifié en sophrologie, EFT, hypnose classique et ericksonienne, maître Reiki, auteur édité de livre de fiction et de non fiction, conférencier, je vous partage dans ce podcast hebdomadaire, différents sujets très intéressant avec un thème pour chaque mois. Abonnez-vous et soyez connecté chaque ...
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Partager son expertise

Vecteurs et Leviers

Découvrez les meilleures pratiques pour en animation et en présentation. Mon objectif est de rechercher des stratégies pour engager nos auditoires et dynamiser nos communications. Ce balado est ainsi destiné aux enseignants, formateurs et conférenciers qui désirent améliorer et optimiser leur expérience de partage. Il vous permettra également de découvrir des stratégies pour promouvoir et propulser votre partage d’expertise. Dans ce balado, j’interviewerai des conférenciers et des formateurs ...
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show series
Mormonism - Part 2Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism. Joseph Smith was the son of parents who were into selling blessings and fortune telling. Joseph himself had quite a reputation for telling tall stories. He was born in 1805 and at the age of fourteen was said to have had a divine visit from an angel and warned to have nothing to do wit…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes d’Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Psalm 36 36:1 An oracle is within my heart about the disobedience of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes.” 36:2 For he flatters himself in his own eyes, too much to detect and hate his sin. 36:3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit. He has ceased to be wise and to do good. 36:4 He plots iniquity on his bed. He sets himself…
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Mormonism - An IntroductionThe Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints.Right mouse click here to download as a MP3 audio file My first introduction to Mormonism was when visiting some homes in the Bournemouth area on behalf of a local evangelical church. Knocking on one particular door I received an extremely warm welcome. I was politely invited i…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes d’Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Worship I often hear people say that their church has the best worship and that other church worship services are inferior! Or I hear that a person has moved churches, because the experience is different and better there! What are we to think as Christians in the twenty first century about biblical worship? The Psalmist writes in Psalm 105:1-6: "Gi…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes d’Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Psalm 65 For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. A song. 65:1 Praise waits for you, God, in Zion. To you shall vows be performed. 65:2 You who hear prayer, to you all men will come. 65:3 Sins overwhelmed me, but you atoned for our transgressions. 65:4 Blessed is one whom you choose, and cause to come near, that he may live in your courts. We will…
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Jesus Christ - No longer a baby 8. Jesus’ Relationship With The Christian So you have just become a Christian, been a Christian for a while, or are just interested in what this relationship with Jesus business is all about. I am sure you are aware that what you believe, affects what you do. Children behave like children, because that is what they a…
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Jesus Christ - No longer a baby 7. How To Be Assured You Are A Christian Now that you are a Christian, (if you are one), there may well be times when you doubt if you are God’s child. For no clear reason you don’t feel saved. But being a Christian is not to be based on emotional feelings but rather the clear and authoritative promise of God. God th…
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Jesus Christ - No longer a baby 6. How Do You Become A Christian - a follower of Jesus? If you want to turn to God there is no need for delay. God is ready and willing to take you as his own right now. You only have to ask him to forgive you and to give you help on the journey ahead which he will do by giving you the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is …
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Au cœur de la nuit, les auditeurs se livrent en toute liberté aux oreilles attentives et bienveillantes de Olivier Delacroix. Pas de jugements ni de tabous, une conversation franche, mais aussi des réponses aux questions que les auditeurs se posent. Un moment d'échange et de partage propice à la confidence pour repartir le cœur plus léger.…
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Jesus Christ - No longer a baby 5. Was Jesus Christ Simply Just A Good Moral Teacher? Today we have another question? Was Jesus Christ simply a good moral teacher, and nothing more? It is often a statement often associated with Jesus Christ, that he was simply a good moral teacher. Nothing more. Nothing less. This thinking is also untenable and unw…
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Jesus Christ - No longer a baby 4. Why Would God Become Human? A natural question now follows. Why would God become human? God Himself has taken on the responsibility for our sins. Jesus when he died on the cross bore our sins. Although he was sinless, he therefore became sin for us. By doing this, we are drawn to him in a personal way. God has sho…
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Jesus Christ - No longer a baby 3. Jesus is fully Human We looked very briefly yesterday about Jesus being fully God. Today we go further and investigate very briefly at Jesus being fully human. That Jesus was a man who existed is not really disputable. There are a large variety of documents from that period of time about Him, including many and va…
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Jesus Christ - No longer a baby 2. Jesus Christ - Fully God Yesterday we looked at what the name Jesus meant and how it was appropriate that he was called that. Today we are looking briefly at Jesus being fully God! God’s salvation plan for humans’ involved triumphant victory over sin, death and the grave. However no person could be found who was e…
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Jesus Christ - No longer a baby 1. What's in a name? I wonder what your name means. Parents often name their children after the hopes and aspirations they have for that child. For example, I know somebody called Grace, and her nature is full of grace. My name, David, means “beloved”. When my parents named me, it was meant to symbolize the love they…
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Psalm 91 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 91:2 I will say of Yahweh, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust." 91:3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence. 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers. Under his wings you will…
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Psalm 88 If you can, as you read and listen to Psalm 88, feel the agony of the Psalmist and ask the same questions he does, particularly in regards to our recent troubles across the world... Psalm 88 A song. A psalm of the Sons of Korah. For the director of music. According to mahalath leannoth. A maskilof Heman the Ezrahite. 1 LORD, you are the Go…
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Psalm 128 A Song of Ascents. Blessed is everyone who fears Yahweh, who walks in his ways. For you will eat the labor of your hands. You will be happy, and it will be well with you. Your wife will be as a fruitful vine, in the innermost parts of your house; your children like olive plants, around your table. Behold, thus is the man blessed who fears…
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Colossians 3v1-4 “Remember Who You Are!” During last week, I attended the funeral of a friend, mentor and editor. This friend is now more alive than ever before! Why? That is explained here from Colossians 3:1-4. If then you were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God. Set your …
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Why I am a Christian?Right mouse click to save/download this testimony as a MP3 file The Apostle John, writing in 1 John 5:9-12 - "We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart. Anyone who does not …
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Partakers Bible Thought 29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. 30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by…
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Nicene Creed What we believe as Christians... We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray and profess together! We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all that is, seen and unseen. ~ We…
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When Jesus comes back as KingRevelation 21-22IntroductionRight mouse click or tap here here to download as a MP3 audio file After His ascension, Jesus is at the right hand of God the Father! He is King and what a King. Jesus is coming again, not as a baby this time, but as King and judge. Both ideas are affirmed by Jeremiah and John. We will do two…
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Partakers Friday Prayers! We pray together and when Christians pray together, from different nations, different churches and different denominations - that reveals Church unity! Come! Let us pray together! Let us pray earnestly this prayer together to our great God! Look upon us, O Lord, and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams…
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Why would God become human? In our last study we looked at Jesus Christ being fully God. We concluded with a question - Why would Jesus be fully man and fully God and so what? Today we seek to engage with that question and briefly answer it. One of the church father’s, Anselm, wrote that God’s salvation plan for humans’ involved triumphant victory …
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WOW Jesus Fully God Today we are looking at Jesus being fully God! You may remember that in our previous study, we looked at Jesus being fully human. This is also part of what we celebrate at Christmas. As Christians, we believe God inhabited a human body, thereby still being God, but also being fully human. Throughout the Bible, Jesus is acknowled…
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WOW Jesus Fully Human At Christmas, we celebrate when God became human, in what we call the incarnation. But could God really enter this world as a human? As Christians, we believe that God did indeed enter our messed up world, as a man – the man Jesus Christ. That Jesus was a man is not really disputable. The primary documents about Him, found in …
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WOW Jesus Just A Good Moral Teacher? One thing that a lot of people say about Jesus, even those who are not Christian, is that he was a good moral teacher. The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates offered, “how we ought to live”, as a working definition of ‘moral‘. As I said, people often say, even those who would claim to be following Jesus, say tha…
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WOW Jesus What’s in a name? Today we are going to ask ourselves, in relation to Jesus, What’s in a name? I wonder what your name means. Parents usually name their children after the hopes and aspirations they have for that child. For example, the name John means “the gift of God”. I know somebody called Grace, and her nature is that of somebody ful…
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Apostle Paul’s Jesus Today we are going to look at Paul’s Jesus. Paul, who as a Pharisee was known as Saul. Paul who became a follower of Jesus, after encountering him on the road to Damascus. Paul who describes himself as the least of the apostles, former persecutor of the church and the foremost of sinners. Because Paul chose to follow, believe i…
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Apostle Peter’s Jesus Today we are going to look at another person who was one of Jesus’ closest friends – the man we know as the Apostle Peter. Peter, whose name was originally Simon, but given the name Peter, by Jesus (Matthew 16:18). Peter, the great Apostle and some say the greatest Apostle! With John and James, one of the three people closest …
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Apostle John’s Jesus John1:1-18 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darknes…
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