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Im „Berlin Playbook – Der Podcast“ nimmt Euch Gordon Repinski und das POLITICO-Team jeden Morgen mit durch die Hauptstadt. Tagespolitik in 15 Minuten – ohne Schnörkel oder Phrasen, dafür mit Spaß. Dazu das Wichtigste aus Brüssel und Washington, D.C. Und das 200-Sekunden-Interview, bei dem Politiker auf den Punkt kommen müssen – wenn die Uhr anfängt zu ticken. Immer montags bis donnerstags ab 5 Uhr.
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Facto Político

Diogo Teixeira Pereira

Entre todos os factos que nos passam pelas mãos, os factos políticos são os nossos favoritos. Com o jornalista Diogo Teixeira Pereira, vamos tentar descobri-los nas entrelinhas dos discursos e nas conversas com os protagonistas da semana política. No final, fazemos uma previsão da meteorologia política para os dias seguintes que, se tudo correr como o previsto, vai falhar quase sempre. Facto Político, todos os sábados na SIC Notícias e em podcast.
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Semáforo Político


Verde, vermelho, laranja intermitente ou mesmo avariado. O Semáforo Político é atribuido por Judite França, Bruno Vieira Amaral e elementos da direção e editores do Observador. De segunda a sexta com um novo convidado.
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Politics in America is transforming. We’re embarking on a new series to deepen our understanding of who we are, how we got here, and how we rebuild without repeating the mistakes of the past. Ron Steslow hosts academics, behavioral economists, social psychologists, politicos, philosophers, anthropologists, journalists, poets, and storytellers—and more—to discuss America’s political present and future and dive into the deeper problems we face as a nation. Email us questions or comments: podca ...
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Hey, I am politico from India. You can hear independent thoughts of an Indian citizen, How we see India & the world. #India #Pro #Politics #Economics #Humanity
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Pênalti Político

Pênalti Político

O podcast da página Pênalti Político traz história, opinião e muita informação sobre como o mundo da bola é afetado pelos engravatados lá fora; e como a sociedade reage a tudo isso.
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POLITICO features news and analysis from newsmakers and reporters on national politics, Washington, The White House, Congress and political media. Here you will find audio versions of many of POLITICO's popular series and interviews.
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Café Político

Bernardo Monteiro | OAnalistaPolítico

Analises políticas; política brasileira; democracia; história política e claro relações internacionais. "Política, Economia e Sociedade são os pilares da democracia, e sobre eles repousam também o campo das Relações Internacionais enquanto área de estudo." Analises, opinião, com um toque da ciência de cenários futuros, esse é o Café Político.
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Político FM

Político FM

Político FM es un programa de entrevistas con las personalidades de la vida política Oaxaqueña y Nacional, en el que debatimos y analizamos los temas de actualidad.
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O pessoal é político


Tenha uma assinatura paga: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/o-pessoal-e-politico/subscribe Um podcast criado para discutir sobre teorias feministas e o movimento pela libertação das mulheres! Voltado para o feminismo radical, abordamos na primeira temporada o livro Woman Hating da Andrea Dworkin, e o contexto da opressão feminina de hoje em dia. Já na segunda e na terceira temporada nós abordamos o livro O Segundo Sexo, da Simone de Beauvoir, que é um clássico do feminismo!
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Meet at the intersection of Washington and Wall Street with the most influential minds on the economy. Ben White and the POLITICO team will help you understand the economic and financial policies that move markets in the U.S. and around the world.
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Capital Político

Canal Capital

En Capital Político analizamos las situaciones más relevantes de la política en Bogotá, Colombia y el mundo. Cada viernes, Santiago Rivas conversa con expertos sobre los temas más importantes del acontecer nacional.
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O RepúblicaCast é um podcast de marketing político e estratégias eleitorais. Seu objetivo é contribuir com informação e conteudo de qualidade direcionado para profissionais de marketing político/digital, políticos, pré-pré-candidatos, dirigentes partidários, militantes e interessados na temática. Quer construir uma campanha eleitoral de sucesso? Seja bem vindo ao universo RepúblicaCast.
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Personal y Politico

Sara Riveiro

En este humilde podcast hablaremos de todas las inquietudes habituales de una millennial bastante inquieta e intensa. En compañía de amigas más interesantes que ella, @sarariveiro debatirá sobre temas como género, capitalismo, quererse mucho y cómo sobrevivir al cambio climático y a los nazis.
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show series
President Donald Trump’s multi-front battle on education is in full swing. Today, he’s expected to sign an executive order effectively dismantling the Department of Education; Columbia University faces a deadline to respond to the administration’s demands or else lose $400 million in funding; Penn finds itself under scrutiny as the administration t…
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Teure Wahlversprechen: Die SPD will die Pflegeheimkosten deckeln, die CDU steigende Sozialbeiträge verhindern. Über einen dicken Brocken in den Koalitionsverhandlungen, der noch für Streit sorgen wird, spricht Gordon Repinski mit Jürgen Klöckner. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview ist Andreas Storm dazu Gast. Der Vorstandschef der Krankenkasse DAK und frühe…
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O ministro das Infraestruturas, Miguel Pinto Luz, vem ao Facto Político garantir que houve uma “vontade enorme” de evitar eleições antecipadas, mas não diz quantas reuniões houve com o Partido Socialista. Sobre o futuro garante que o “não é não” ao Chega é para manter. Este programa foi emitido na SIC Notícias a 15 de março, ouça aqui em podcast. S…
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A Procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR) enviou ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, na sexta-feira (14), um parecer defendendo a presença dos ministros da Corte Cristiano Zanin e Flávio Dino no julgamento da denúncia contra o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) por uma suposta tentativa de golpe de Estado.Af RW Cast
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Pat Condo (Founder and CEO of Seekr Technologies) joins Ron Steslow to discuss the media landscape, their search tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to index websites and news stories to rate the content so readers can make better informed choices about what they read. (02:26) From navigation technology to search technology (05:46) Why he decide…
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President Donald Trump is no stranger to pushing the limits. And since reentering the Oval Office, he’s put significant energy into pushing the limits of the law — testing the courts and the legal system in ways rarely before seen in this country. What’s behind that effort, and where does it go from here? Senior legal correspondent Josh Gerstein jo…
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Wer wird was oder bleibt was in der SPD: Wie Lars Klingbeil versucht, die Partei neu aufzustellen und dabei mit Widerstand der Etablierten rechnen muss. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview: Der FDP-Abgeordnete Frank Schäffler, der bereits 2013 den Auszug der Liberalen aus dem Bundestag erlebt hat. Wie fühlt er sich heute? Wie geht’s weiter? Wie steht es um d…
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Today, President Donald Trump will talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin about a potential ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. Trump, who told reporters over the weekend that significant progress has already been made in peace negotiations, is expected to make certain concessions for a successful deal. Can the two leaders come up with a plan…
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Zweite Sondersitzung und finale Abstimmung über milliardenschwere Schulden: Wie Merz die Bedenken seiner Fraktion beruhigt und klare Ansagen in Richtung SPD macht. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview: Die grüne Co-Fraktionschefin Britta Haßelmann über ihre Erwartungen an die heutige Abstimmung. Macron in Berlin: Was der französische Präsident mit Friedrich M…
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É o homem certo para resolver os casos mais difíceis. Jorge Jardim formou-se como engenheiro agrónomo e chegou ao governo com apenas 29 anos, mas em 1952 um convite vai mudar-lhe a vida. Muda-se com a família para África para trabalhar como administrador de uma fábrica. Mas a capa de um homem de negócios e de um pai de uma família numerosa escondia…
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Democrats have been looking inward since November 5, but over the past few days that self-examination has escalated. On Friday, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer led a small group of Senate Democrats to help pass the Republican-backed continuing resolution. In the days since, Schumer has faced frustration from colleagues, with some even calling for his…
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Nächstes Zugeständnis: Friedrich Merz sieht sich womöglich mit der Forderung einer Frauenquote in der Unions-Fraktion konfrontiert. Nächste Schritte: Die Co-Vorsitzende der Linken-Gruppe im Bundestag, Heidi Reichinnek, über die morgige Abstimmung über das Milliardenpaket, die Ukraine-Politik und eine künftige parlamentarische Kooperation mit der CD…
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Canada has a new Prime Minister! Plus Andrew Reeve, former Press Secretary and Deputy Director of Communications for BC’s Official Opposition joins the pod to discuss the shrinking BC Conservative Caucus and whether the “Free Enterprise Coalition” has a future in BC. Links 3 former B.C. Conservative MLAs, who will sit as Independents, say party has…
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Canada has a new Prime Minister! Plus Andrew Reeve, former Press Secretary and Deputy Director of Communications for BC’s Official Opposition joins the pod to discuss the shrinking BC Conservative Caucus and whether the “Free Enterprise Coalition” has a future in BC. Links 3 former B.C. Conservative MLAs, who will sit as Independents, say party has…
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To unlock Politicology+ visit politicology.com/plus This week, we’ll talk about turbulence in the stock market and the fight over the Continuing Resolution to avert a shutdown Then, we talk about a new Facebook whistleblower who detailed the lengths Meta was willing to go to to operate in China. Finally, we head to Politicology+,where we’ll preview…
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Matt Lewis, Alex Isenstadt and host Ron Steslow discuss Alex’s new book Revenge: The Inside Story of Trump’s Return to Power Read Alex’ book Revenge: The Inside Story of Trump’s Return to Power— https://bit.ly/4kvx94g Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesAf Politicology
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House Republicans are one step closer to passing their continuing resolution to fund the government, now that they have overcome the roadblock that is Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Last night, Schumer announced that he will reluctantly support the GOP’s CR — preferring it to the alternative of a government shutdown. But that decision has le…
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In dieser Extra-Ausgabe besprechen Gordon Repinski und Michael Bröcker, Chefredakteur der Table Briefings, die zurückliegende Woche der Verhandlungen zwischen Union und SPD um eine neue Regierung und des Streits um milliardenschwere Sondervermögen. Sie sprechen über die Zwickmühlen von Friedrich Merz und seine ersten Fehler, das Stühlerücken in den…
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President Donald Trump has only been in office for a month and a half, but 2028 is already on the minds of Democrats in Washington, and the road to the next presidential campaign is beginning to take shape. POLITICO national politics correspondent Adam Wren sits down with Playbook deputy editor Zack Stanton to share his scoop about what their fello…
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Koalitionsverhandlungen und Sondersitzungen: Die Tage der politischen Gleichzeitigkeit haben begonnen. Was wo wie läuft, welche Regeln gelten, ob die Zeitpläne passen, eine Analyse mit Gordon Repinski und Rasmus Buchsteiner. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview: Manuel Hagel, CDU-Landes- und Fraktionschef in Baden-Württemberg. Er spricht über die grünen Forde…
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Katty Kay (veteran reporter and four-time NYT bestselling author) joins host Ron Steslow to discuss her new book The Power Code: More Joy. Less Ego. Maximum Impact for Women (and Everyone), co-written with Claire Shipman. (02:12) Katty’s background and why she started looking at power (07:07) Women are passing men in college degrees, but not the bo…
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Market volatility is the talk of Washington as the White House issues (and, in some cases, walks back) whiplash-inducing tariff threats. And as the economy dominates the discussion, all eyes are on Congress as a government shutdown looms at the end of the week. Yesterday, House Speaker Mike Johnson led House Republicans on a big step forward, passi…
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Neuauszählung vor Gericht verlangt: Beim BSW hofft man noch Stimmen zu finden - gleichzeitig knirscht es in der Partei. Dort liegt der Fokus besonders auf Thüringen. Rasmus Buchsteiner über einen möglichen BSW-internen Machtkampf. Im 200-Sekunden-Interview: Hamburgs Erster Bürgermeister Peter Tschentscher. Vor der heutigen Ministerpräsidentenkonfer…
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