Oregon Trail Cover art photo provided by John Salzarulo on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@johnsalzarulo
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Eine Reise durch Amerikas wilden, schrägen und wundervollen Staat. Dieser Doku-Podcast ist vor Ort in Surround Sound aufgenommen und nimmt dich mit zu einigen der spektakulärsten Orte in Oregon. Erfahrene Guides führen dich zu geheimen Plätzen, die nur die Locals kennen, abseits der Hauptrouten. Komm mit auf ein Abenteuer durch einen der atemberaubendsten Staaten in Amerika. Mehr Infos gibt es unter www.traveloregon.com
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An immersive first-person journey across America’s wild, weird, and wonder-filled state. Recorded on-location in surround sound audio, this documentary style podcast is designed to put you in the heart of Oregon’s most spectacular travel experiences. Led by expert guides and local characters, award-winning travel writer Aaron Millar will take you beyond the guidebook to reveal Oregon’s secrets and discover the places only locals know. Join us on an adventure through one of America’s most awe ...
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Ep.2 Der Coastal Adventure Trail - Abenteuer an der wilden Küste
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38:54In Oregon ist Abenteuer mehr als Wildnis! Komm mit auf den Coastal Adventure Trail und folge dem preisgekrönten Podcaster Dirk Rohrbach im zweiten Teil unseres Roadtrips von Florence nach Port Orford und noch weiter entlang der Südküste. In dieser Episode nehmen wir den Coastal Adventure Trail. Wir starten in der Oregon Dunes National Recreation Ar…
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Ep.3 Der Central Nature Trail - Vom Crater Lake zur Columbia River Gorge
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59:23“Hier oben verändert sich die Wahrnehmung. Die Erhabenheit dieses Orte ist zeitlos, unbegreiflich. Es geht nur um das Hier und Jetzt. ” – Nathan Dwyer, Main Street Tours (auf dem höchsten Punkt im Crater Lake National Park) Komm mit auf den dritten Abschnitt unseres Roadtrips und folge dem preisgekrönten Podcaster Dirk Rohrbach auf den Central Natu…
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Ep.1 Der Northern Culture Trail - Von Portland nach Eugene
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42:35Ist es gut, schräg zu sein? In Oregon auf jeden Fall - und wir werden herausfinden warum. Komm gemeinsam mit auf den ersten Teil unseres Roadtrips von Portland nach Eugene. In dieser Episode sind wir mit dem preisgekrönten Podcaster Dirk Rohrbach unterwegs auf dem Northern Culture Trail. Wir werden die beliebtesten Food Carts von Portland besuchen,…
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Do you want to know what it's like to stand at the feet of giants? It feels something like this... Check out the full series, Hidden Trails of Oregon, for an immersive first-person journey across America’s wild, weird, and wonder-filled state. Recorded on-location in surround sound audio, this documentary style podcast is designed to put you in the…
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Bucket List Clip: Kayaking with Whales
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3:32Do you want to know what it's like to go kayaking with a whale? It feels something like this... Check out the full series, Hidden Trails of Oregon, for an immersive first-person journey across America’s wild, weird, and wonder-filled state. Recorded on-location in surround sound audio, this documentary style podcast is designed to put you in the he…
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Bucket List Clip: Climbing Crater Lake
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Afspil senere
4:10Do you want to know what it feels like to stand at the top of Crater Lake National Park? It feels something like this... Check out the full series, Hidden Trails of Oregon, for an immersive first-person journey across America’s wild, weird, and wonder-filled state. Recorded on-location in surround sound audio, this documentary style podcast is desi…
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“You really can't help but feel it when you put in a little effort to get a little higher, to get to another vantage point. It makes you feel a sense of being placed in this time and space in a different way. That’s the sublime, a timeless element that is beyond what we can conceive. It's so important for the soul of humankind in the future of this…
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Is adventure about more than just wild times in the outdoors? In Oregon it is, and we’re going to find out why. Join us on the Coastal Adventure Trail for the second part of our documentary road trip, following award-winning travel writer Aaron Millar from Florence to Port Orford and beyond. This episode we’re taking the Coastal Adventure Trail. We…
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Is being weird a good thing? In Oregon, it is – and we’re going to find out why. Join us for the first part of our documentary road trip, following award-winning travel writer Aaron Millar from Portland to Eugene. This episode we’re taking the Northern Culture Trail. We’re going to discover Portland’s favorite food carts, sample food from around th…
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An immersive first-person journey across America’s wild, weird, and wonder-filled state. Recorded on-location in surround sound audio, this documentary style podcast is designed to put you in the heart of Oregon’s most spectacular travel experiences. Led by expert guides and local characters, award-winning travel writer Aaron Millar will take you b…
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Story time
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Talk about the Oregon Trail
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