Hello, I’m Hilary. Welcome to the inside of my brain; where thoughts get mulled over like Christmas wine, studied out and discussed at length with God, (and anyone else who will listen), finally ending up here. Enjoy.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/rodney-jay/subscribe Join Rod as he exposes the deceptiveness of the darkness and diligently dives into all things unexplained. He investigates otherworldly encounters, elusive cryptids, the ancient Word of God, miracles, near encounters with death, ancient structures, divine interventions, angelic battles in the heavens and so much more. We must seek the source of truth in Christ with No fear!
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Welcome to our table, you are always welcome to sit with us. Our motto is "come as you are" and we are so glad you are here and joining in on our conversations as we talk about the lives of the women mentioned in the Bible, as we go through different books of the Bible, different biblical topics, discuss some of our favorite authors and books, and just share life. So pull up a chair and pour a cup of coffee, we cannot wait to share this journey with you.
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マスタードシードクリスチャン教会神戸は新しく設立した 中央区にある多文化的なバイリンガルの教会です。Mustard Seed Christian Church Kobe is a bilingual and multicultural church in Kobe, Japan that exists to propagate a national church planting movement as it transforms lives, families, and the city through the gospel.
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依卡是一位旅美,在美國克里夫蘭藝術博物館擔任修復師的華人,專長中國書畫與西藏唐卡修復師。 她在疫情期間突然很想做一件事,就是當"網紅"是的!你沒看錯,從一個低調的人,年過40居然想當網紅 或許是體會生命的脆弱,也或許是居家令使人太無聊,不能出去玩! 希望藉由這個平台可以讓大家看看這位旅美修復師可以變出多少把戲給大家看,有人說每日堅持寫日記的人會成功的人,看看每周一集的podcast能不能讓依卡在死的時候有500人以上來參加我的葬禮。Let's get started!
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Podcast by Mustard Seed Podcast
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From a Mustard Seed is a podcast created to Help each other navigate life through faith, fun, and a little bit of foolishness. Together we will laugh, cry, have some ahah moments, feel empowered and inspired! From a Mustard Seed to our legacy and all that lies in between. This was created for you.
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Podcast by Order of the Mustard Seed
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Phenomenal Legendary and Blessed Morning, Noon or Night to you! Welcome to my podcast!!! God thought it was a God Idea (pun intended) to call me to share His word to others on this platform. The goal is to share God's word in a loving way, leading you to build and grow your relationship with Jesus. Understand that even in love we must also keep ourselves accountable to what God's word says. So there will be some tough love in the mix. ;-) Don't worry it is all for our good and this is a judg ...
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Jesus told His disciples that faith, like a grain of mustard seed, can move a mountain. This podcast presents short ideas that bless when the concepts are put into practice and become habits.
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Hi! This is Fr. Patrick Gonyeau, a priest in the Archdiocese of Detroit, and I'd love to share with you the Word of God. I was once an agnostic and dared God to show me He was real...and the rest is history. There is no greater gift that we can receive than Jesus Christ who brings us the joy of salvation! It is my hope and prayer that these homilies bring to you and those you share them with the joy of knowing and loving Jesus...who is calling all of us! Check out my FREE Christian folk albu ...
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S6 207. Gary Wayne - The Quantum Veil & Elemental Enslavement
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
1:09:03https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/rodney-jay/subscribe Join the Millennial Mustard Seed host, Rod Smith, for a -thought provoking voyage into the unusual, unexplained and unexplored facets of the world we live! Armed with a seeker's humility and a Biblical lens Millennial Mustard Seed never fails to inspire, provoke and intrigue listener…
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Session 46: Shifting Systems Verses & Quotes:John 5:14 - 24, Exodus 20:8-11, Exodus 35:1-4, Nehemiah 13:15-16, John 5:30 MustardSeedThinking.com We are back in John, and his account of the controversy surrounding Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath at the pool of Bethesda. The event stirs the anger of the Jews, leading to deeper discussions on what …
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Settling conflicts before we have conflicts
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
9:00Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie "You said you were going to do this." "I didn't say that." "Yes, you did say that. I remember exactly where we were and who was there." "Well, I may have said it, but I don't remember it." How can we prevent those conflicted discussions with people who are important to us: our family, friends, busi…
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As Peter knelt before Jesus, he experienced and confessed his sinfulness...and encountered a storm of love that has never been defeated by anyone who has looked straight into it: the merciful gaze of Jesus.Af Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
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We are veering a little off our normal topics and Keisha and Elizabeth are going to go over a topic they are passionate about, Apologetics. We believe this is something that is relevant for such a time as this. Join us as we do an introduction into this topic, a general overview so we have a better understanding what Apologetics is, and moving frow…
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S6 206 . LIVE SHOW - Shannon Davis & Dave Beverley - A.I Deception
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
2:05:30https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/rodney-jay/subscribe Join the Millennial Mustard Seed host, Rod Smith, for a thought-provoking voyage into the unusual, unexplained and unexplored facets of the world we live! Armed with a seeker's humility and a Biblical lens Millennial Mustard Seed never fails to inspire, provoke and intrigue listeners to dee…
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Session 45: The Pool of Bethesda Verses & Quotes: John 5:1-13, 19 & 36 (https://standardsacredtext.com/2022/07/09/is-the-angel-at-the-pool-of-bethesda-scriptural/) MustardSeedThinking.com We hit a controversial verse about an angel stirring waters for healing, and reflect on the possible implications; pondering its significance concerning Jesus's m…
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Session 44: The New Marriage Verses & Quotes: Matthew 9:14-17, Luke 5:33-39, Luke 18:9-14, John 3: 27-29, Isaiah 62:1-5 MustardSeedThinking.com We are exploring the implications of Jesus breaking from established traditions, particularly through His metaphors of the bridegroom and bride, and the parable of new wine in old wineskins. This session hi…
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Session 43: Forgiveness or Healing? Verses & Quotes: Mark 2:1-17 & Matthew 9:1-13 MustardSeedThinking.com Jesus is using signs and wonders to foster belief, but now he also forgives someone, stirring the Pharisees and scribes to question his authority. To top it off, he is eating with tax collectors and contrasting his actions with the self-righteo…
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Session 42: The Healing Debate begins Verses & Quotes: Matthew 8:16-17, Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24-25, Luke 4:42-44, Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45 MustardSeedThinking.com Today we are challenging common perceptions of healing, urging listeners to consider the broader context of spiritual and physical restoration. As Jesus moves through Galilee, touc…
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Session 41: The Father of Lies Verses & Quotes: Mark 1:21-34, Luke 4:31-40, Matthew 8:14-17, Job 1:7 MustardSeedThinking.com Through the records of Jesus' encounters with unclean spirits, we are pondering the spiritual dynamics between good and evil, contrasting the words about Christ with the similar words about the adversary, the Satan. For the O…
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Session 40: The Disciple’s Journey Verses & Quotes: Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11 MustardSeedThinking.com Jesus' is in the early days of his ministry in Capernaum; calling and re-calling his first disciples. We marvel again at how Jesus uses the personal and familiar, such as fishing, to teach deeper spiritual truths, highlighting the …
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S6 205. Dr. Laura Sanger - A.I, Stargates & Portals
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
10:03https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/rodney-jay/subscribe Join the Millennial Mustard Seed host, Rod Smith, for a -thought provoking voyage into the unusual, unexplained and unexplored facets of the world we live! Armed with a seeker's humility and a Biblical lens Millennial Mustard Seed never fails to inspire, provoke and intrigue listeners…
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Session 39: Nazareth & Isaiah Verses & Quotes: Luke 4:16-30, Isaiah 61:1-2, Isaiah 53:3-4 MustardSeedThinking.com We are that moment Jesus returns to his hometown, Nazareth; discovering the significance of Isaiah's prophecy, and examining the dynamics in the synagogue, where initial amazement turns to anger as Jesus speaks uncomfortable truths abou…
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Session 38: Timing & Batons Verses & Quotes: Matthew 4:12-17, Mark 1:14-15, Isaiah 9:1-7 MustardSeedThinking.com With a focus on Matthew 4 and the prophecy from Isaiah, we discover how Jesus' travels align with his mission's timing and purpose; taking up the kingdom message after John had been silenced. This session remembers those moments of repen…
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Session 37: Are Signs good or bad? Verses & Quotes: John 4:39-42, Matthew 4:12, Mark 1:14, Luke 4:14-15, John 4:43-54 MustardSeedThinking.com We are climbing into the nuances of biblical translation and interpretation; examining the complex relationship between signs, wonders, and faith; noting Jesus' interactions with the people and how it differs…
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Session 36: Spiritual Food and Water Verses & Quotes: John 4:10-14, John 4:21-39 MustardSeedThinking.com We are exploring the significance of 'living water' as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and considering Jesus' teaching on worship, highlighting a transformative moment where worship becomes accessible to all, transcending history and traditional pr…
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Session 35: New Testament Chron Blog
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
11:47Session 35: Jesus Honours the Woman at the Well Verses & Quotes: John 4:1-26 MustardSeedThinking.com We are with Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well in John Chapter four, getting into the cultural tensions between Jews and Samaritans, and Jesus's revolutionary approach to these cultural barriers. By honoring the Samaritan woman and sharin…
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Session 34: Jesus & John: The Overlap Verses & Quotes: John 3:22-32, Isaiah 54:5, Isaiah 62:5b, Hosea 2:19-20 , Matthew 4:12, Mark 1:14, Luke 3:19-20 MustardSeedThinking.com In this session, we look into the intertwined ministries of Jesus and John the Baptist during their time in Judea; reinforcing John's mission and preparing to shift the ministr…
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Session 33: The Master Teacher Verses & Quotes: John 3:12-21, Numbers 21:7-9, John 5:24 MustardSeedThinking.com We are exploring the layers of spiritual truths that Jesus imparts to Nicodemus in John Chapter 3, linking his teachings to the ancient stories of Israel, and revealing deeper meanings through his metaphorical language. For the OLD TESTAM…
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Session 32: The First Conversation Verses & Quotes: John 3:1-12, John 7:50-51, John 19:39-41, Ezekiel 36:25-27 https://overviewbible.com/pharisees/ MustardSeedThinking.com In this enlightening session, we are in the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. This pivotal exchange marks Jesus' first real teaching, offering insights into the significa…
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This message was given at the closing of a retreat for teens soon to be confirmed at St. Ignatius Catholic Church in the Cayman Islands. Daily there is a choice to be made to follow Jesus, and in our every day lives there are some simple, and yet profound things we can do to help us receive the grace to live life more fully in the Holy Spirit...…
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Session 31: New Testament Chron Blog
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
10:48SESSION 31: Temple Turning One Verses & Quotes: John 2:13-24, Matthew 21:9-15, Psalm 69:9, Matthew 12:38-40 MustardSeedThinking.com Jesus is clearing the temple, and compared to other gospels, John's depiction is a little different. I'm challenging conventional interpretations, and attempting to reconnect this incident to the broader narrative of J…
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Session 30: On the Quiet Verses & Quotes: John 2:1-12 & John 7:2-10 MustardSeedThinking.com We are with Jesus as he navigates the delicate balance of public revelation and divine timing, and considering hidden conversations between Jesus and his Father, highlighting their partnership in ministry. For the OLD TESTAMENT CHRON BLOG, and other teaching…
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Session 29: Jesus the Teacher Verses & Quotes: John 1:35-50, Genesis 28:12-13, Daniel 7:13-14, Acts 7:55-56 ARTICLE: Is Jesus a Rabbi? https://jewsforjesus.org/learn/is-jesus-a-rabbi MustardSeedThinking.com Today, we are exploring the timeline of Jesus' early ministry in the Gospel of John; in the first disciples encounter with Jesus, and their rea…
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Session 28: Jesus and Moses Verses & Quotes: Luke 4:1-13, Exodus 34:27-30, Deuteronomy 8:1-3, Psalm 91:11-12, Deuteronomy 6:12-16 MustardSeedThinking.com It's time for the encounter between Jesus and the Satan in the wilderness. We explore the implications of this spiritual confrontation; looking at the layers, discussing the symbolic significance …
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Session 27: Wilderness Tests Verses & Quotes: Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13, Mark 15:31-32 MustardSeedThinking.com We are in the profound journey of Jesus as he embarked on a path marked by baptism and testing; examining the temptations faced by Jesus in the wilderness and the spiritual lessons embedded in these tests and how they relat…
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S6 204. Adam Farris - Five Stones - David vs. Goliath Reimagined!
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
1:05:43Join the Millennial Mustard Seed host, Rod Smith, for a thought-provoking voyage into the unusual, unexplained and unexplored facets of our world! Armed with a seeker's humility and a Biblical lens Millennial Mustard Seed never fails to inspire, provoke and intrigue listeners to deeper faith in Christ Adam Farris author of Five Stones joins Rod to …
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Does this man have one wife or two wives?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
10:45Send me a Text Message or ask a question. — Jerrie When a man is considered for an elder or a deacon, what if he has been married before and his first wife died or he divorced her? How many wives does he have? Is he "the husband of one wife? In this episode, we use Jesus' calculator in John 4 to find the answer. Click on the link below to see it in…
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S6 203. Hallelujah - MMS Update - Subscription with Benefits Officially Active
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
5:05Subscriptions are now active! Praise God Join the Millennial Mustard Seed host, Rod Smith, for a -thought provoking voyage into the unusual, unexplained and unexplored facets of the world we live! Armed with a seeker's humility and a Biblical lens Millennial Mustard Seed never fails to inspire, provoke and intrigue listeners to deepen their faith. …
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S6 202. AI Plane Crash & the Gospel to New Agers
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
27:12https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/rodney-jay/subscribe Join the Millennial Mustard Seed host, Rod Smith, for a -thought provoking voyage into the unusual, unexplained and unexplored facets of the world we live! Armed with a seeker's humility and a Biblical lens Millennial Mustard Seed never fails to inspire, provoke and intrigue listeners t…
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Session 26: New Testament Chron Blog
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
10:11Session 26: John, Jesus and Baptism Verses & Quotes: Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-23, John 1:32-34, John 12:28-30, Matthew 17:2-6 MustardSeedThinking.com This session dives deep into John the Baptist's role and his quest to identify the Messiah, unraveling his reaction upon realizing Jesus’s true identity. We are considering divine commu…
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Session 25: Who is John the Baptist? Verses & Quotes: Matthew 3:1-12, Mark 1:2-8, John 1:19-28 Who Wrote the Gospel of Mark? Accessed 2.2.24 https://zondervanacademic.com/blog/who-wrote-the-gospel-of-mark MustardSeedThinking.com Through comparing the overlapping Gospel accounts, we are seeking clarity amidst confusion regarding the identities of Jo…
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Session 24: First recorded words of Jesus & John Verses & Quotes: Luke 2:40-52 & 3:1-18, John7:15, John 5:19-20, John 14:10 MustardSeedThinking.com We are with the young Jesus at the temple, exploring his early expressions of wisdom and understanding, and we follow the interesting narrative of John the Baptist as he emerges in the wilderness with a…
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Session 23: Hidden Prophecies: Hidden Messiah Verses & Quotes: Matthew 2:13-23, Hosea 10:15 - 11:5, Exodus 4:22, Exodus 12:30, Genesis 35:19, Jeremiah 31:15-17 MustardSeedThinking.com In this session, we look at Joseph's divine guidance to flee to Egypt, and unravel the connections to the prophecies in Hosea and Jeremiah; how these moments illumina…
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Session 22: New Testament Chron Blog
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
10:18Session 22: Wisdom seeks wisdom Verses & Quotes: Matthew 2:1-12, Jeremiah 23:5, Micah 5:2, Daniel 5:11, Proverbs 3:13, Proverbs 3:16-18, 1 Kings 10:10&14, John 19:38-40 MustardSeedThinking.com Today we reflect on the Magi's unique pursuit of wisdom, highlighting the connections between prophecies and natural wonders, and uncover the symbolic meanin…
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Session 21: A Waiting people Verses & Quotes: Luke 2:33-39, Isaiah 8:14-15, 1 Peter 2:8, Romans 9:33, Hebrews 4:12 MustardSeedThinking.com Still with Simeon and Anna, we witness how God continuously provides confirming signs to Mary and Joseph through this encounter, and we explore the significant prophecies unveiled by Simeon and the spiritual ins…
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Session 20: The Sacrifice and Simeon Verses & Quotes: Luke 2:22-32, Leviticus 12:6-8, Isaiah 25:9, Psalm 98:2, Isaiah 60:1-3, Romans 1:28 MustardSeedThinking.com We are with the this holy family on their journey to Jerusalem, reflecting on ancient purification laws and their profound meanings as presented in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2. We are al…
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Session 19: The Team effort Verses & Quotes: Luke 2: 8-21, Matthew 1:24-25, Psalms 103:19-22, Isaiah 52:7-8, Daniel 7:10, Jeremiah 23:6, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 7:14-15 MustardSeedThinking.com As we examine the familiar story of the shepherds in the field, we uncover insights into God's communication with humanity, and the powerful experiences of witnes…
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Session 18 : New Testament Chron Blog
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:53Session 18: God speaking Verses & Quotes: Matthew 1:20, Matthew 2:22, Matthew 2:12, Job 33:14-16, Luke 2 :1-7, 1 Samuel 16:1 & 4, Micah 5:2-4, John 1:2-3, Philippians 2:5-8 https://www.ons.gov.uk/census/2011census/howourcensusworks/aboutcensuses/censushistory/censustakingintheancientworld#:~:text=The Romans conducted censuses every,keep track of th…
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Session 17: Joseph’s Response Verses: Matthew 1:18-25, Isaiah 12:2, Psalm 130:7-8, Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:31-32, Acts 13:23, 1 John 3:5, Titus 2:14, Deuteronomy 22:23-26 MustardSeedThinking.com We are in the Gospel of Matthew, exploring the historical and prophetic significance of the birth of Jesus. The discussion weaves through cross-references and …
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The wonderful testimony of Gus, an engineer in Texas, who was surpised and delighted to recieve a wonderful healing at an Encounter Ministries healing service, praise Jesus!Af Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
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From St. Faustina Catholic Church in Fulshear, Texas, a testimony of God's mercy and an invitation to give to others, the love that Jesus gives us...Af Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
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Session 16: Zechariah’s remarkable prophecy. Reading: Luke 1:57-80, Psalm 18:2, Jeremiah 23:5, Genesis 17:6-8, Matthew 11:10-11, Luke 1:78-79, Psalm 107:10, Isaiah 9:2 MustardSeedThinking.com We are exploring the miraculous birth of John the Baptist. Zechariah's astounding prophecy is shared, and through this speech, we connect with ancient prophec…
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Session 15: Mary’s remarkable song. Verses - Luke 1:41-56, 1 Samuel 2:1, Psalm 34:3, Isaiah 61:10, Matthew 5:5-6, Exodus 6:6, 1 Samuel 2:8, Luke 18:14 James 4:10, Matthew 5:6, Psalm 107 MustardSeedThinking.com We are highlighting the transformation in Mary's perspective, moving from personal humility to prophetic declarations about the future. This…
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Session 14: The women of faith Verses: Luke 1:26-40, Luke 1:24 & 45, Mark 5:7, Acts 5:15 MustardSeedThinking.com During this episode, Hilary navigates through the profound spiritual experiences of both Mary and Elizabeth. These insights offer listeners a fresh perspective on a familiar biblical story, as they prepare for the next session that promi…
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Session 13: New Testament Chron Blog
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
10:02Session 13: The Holy Place & Zechariah Verses: Luke 1:10-17, Exodus 30:1&7-8, Revelation 8:, Malachi 4:5-6, Mark 1:2-4, Matthew 17:10-13, Genesis 18:12-15, Genesis 21:6, Luke 1:19-20, John 1:24 - 25 MustardSeedThinking.com This episode weaves together scriptural prophecies from Isaiah and Malachi, highlighting their fulfillment in the life of John …
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Session 12: Dissecting Zechariah’s response Verses: Luke 1:5-25, Gen 18:11, Judges 13:2, 1 Samuel 1:2 MustardSeedThinking.com This session delves into the compelling story of Zechariah's divine encounter as recorded in Luke 1:5-25; God's promise echoing the biblical pattern of miraculous births. We are exploring the deeper meanings behind these wel…
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Session 11: New Testament Chron Blog
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
10:19Session 11: The amazing shoreline of John Chapter 1 Verses: John 1:10-11, John 5:43, John 3:31-33, John 1:12-13, John 3:16, Hosea 1:10/Romans 9:26, Galatians 3:28 , John 1:14-18, Exodus 33:20, Exodus 24:11 MustardSeedThinking.com We are lingering in the unfolding momentum of John's narrative, cross-referencing Paul’s letters and Old Testament proph…
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Session 10: The waves of John one and Genesis one start Verses: John 1:1 -5, Genesis 1: 1-5, Isaiah 9:2, John 8:58, John 1:6-9, Isaiah 60:2, Isaiah 60:1, Isaiah 60:19-20, John1:10-13 MustardSeedThinking.com This episode goes deep into the fascinating parallels between Genesis and the Gospel of John today. Discover how the poetic opening of John bui…
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