Meta Church is a church based in New York City, and we're committed to helping you experience the transformative power of Jesus in your life. In this weekly podcast from Pastors Ricky and Krista Ortiz, you'll hear messages that are encouraging, relevant to everyday life, and that will inspire you to take the next step in your journey with Jesus.
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In this closing message of 2024, Pastor Ricky Ortiz highlights the things that are taking place and casts vision for what could be when we come together and give to our Christmas Offering.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Jesus made room for all people, and with Jesus all people felt at home! And in this week's message at Meta Church, Pastor Ricky Ortiz shares vision for how we at Meta Church will continue to do the same.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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We’ve seen our church grow, lives transformed, and people step into community and purpose while finding healing and acceptance. Our church has become more than a church – it’s become a home!Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Wherever the message of the Kingdom of God was proclaimed, it was received and celebrated as Good News. That's because the message of the Kingdom is greater than the politics of our days.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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God's Politics: A Righteous People | Pastor Krista Ortiz
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In this week's message, Pastor Krista Ortiz shares how God's people are supposed to navigate uncertain or unstable political times.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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God's Politics: A Superior Candidate
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In this week's message, Pastor Ricky Ortiz shares three qualities that separate Jesus and make Him far superior than any candidate we could think of.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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In a highly contemptible political climate, Jesus stepped injected Himself into the political narrative by announcing and proclaiming a new Kingdom.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Sin breaks our relationship with God, and unconfessed sin creates a burden that we were never intended to carry. This burden puts a cap on our transformation and it prevents us from becoming like Christ. But confession is the bridge that connects us back to God.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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If you've ever felt distant or disconnected in your relationship with God, then this week's message is for you!Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Worshiping in Spirit and Truth is about engaging our emotion and our intellect. In other words, it's about giving God all we've got!Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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How To Connect With God | Nicole Gallant
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Jesus didn't just tell us we should connect with God, but He demonstrated to us what it means and looks like to connect with God through prayer.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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What does obedience have to do with following Jesus and becoming like Him? Well, as it turns out: A LOT! According to Jesus, obedience is both a key measure of becoming a disciple and a measuring factor for how much you actually love Jesus. In John 14, Jesus said those who obey Him are the ones that actually love Him.…
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We see the world with our natural eyes, but we see the spiritual with the eyes of the Spirit. And as we see things through the Spirit we can see things as God sees them.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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What Did Jesus Do? | Pastor Krista Ortiz
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Do you remember those WWJD bracelets? They asked the question, "What would Jesus do?" Though well-meaning and inspired, it's somewhat a mute question. We don't need to ask what Jesus "would" do because we already know exactly what Jesus *did* do!Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Thankfully, Jesus didn't just instruct us to follow His way, but He modeled the way for us so we could live like Him and become like Him.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Jesus, Faith, and Impact | Inés Yabar
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During this conversation, Inés shares how her faith has fueled her work as well as the way her work has invigorated her faith. Inés has a passion for helping people follow Jesus, while also living in a such a way to that takes care of God's creation and God's people.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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The Faithfulness of God | Wanda Staggers
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Meta Member, Wanda Staggers, was born in Harlem, NY, but after graduating from college she made her way down to South Carolina. She world as a single mom, raising four daughters on her own, while also learning to trust God in the big things and in the small things.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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In her message, Fer shares her story of following Jesus and the way He has revealed Himself to her. She shares about the importance of actually being with Jesus and not just doing "Jesus things." This is something God has used to transform her and now she shares this message with us all.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Why We Need Jesus | Maggie Dillard
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In this week's message, Maggie speaks on the significance of Jesus – who He is, what He does, and the difference He makes in our lives. The truth is that we not only need Jesus, but when we find Him, He changes EVERYTHING!Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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What Happens When You Follow Jesus | Dan and Kaki Monroe
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In just a short time of following Jesus, EVERYTHING can change! That's the power of following Jesus! And that's the testimony shared by both Dan and Kaki in this week's Summer Mixtape message. Over the past year, Jesus has radically transformed who they are and how they're navigating faith, marriage, and life.…
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Slowing Down to Draw Close | Nicole Gallant
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We live in a hurried, fast-paced world where we can easily find ourselves running at full speed 24/7. The challenge and difficulty with this is that we can also find ourselves easily burning out because we've run for so long or run without direction.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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The pressures of culture and society push us to embrace a life apart from Jesus, which means the decision and commitment to follow Jesus into your 30s requires a lot more discipline and resilience.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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How To Patiently Wait | Maria Pedone
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What do you do when you've been patiently waiting for God for healing, deliverance, provision (or anything else really) and it doesn't seem like He's coming through yet?Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Just because you’ve taken a step towards freedom does not mean you will continue to be free. If you want to be free, then you have to determine that you will remain free.vAf Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Let's be honest: there are times where God tells us, or invites us, to do something and we would rather look the other way, pretend like we didn't hear it, or just flat out ignore what God has so clearly spoken.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Nobody wants to be called GREEDY. BUT… what if this thing that we say we despise is actually something that’s a part of each of us? And what if this characteristic we say we hate is actually within each of us??Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Is He Worthy? | Pastor Krista Ortiz
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Is He worthy? This is a question every follower Jesus has wrestled with. Just like the rich, young ruler in Mark 10, we all have to ask ourselves, and answer, this question when it comes to following Jesus.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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A recent study done by Cornell University found that 85% of the fears we have *NEVER* materialize, yet the overwhelming majority of people are gripped by fear! Yet for many Christians, fear has an incredible stronghold on their lives. This is especially true when it comes to generosity. Without question, Fear is the number one reason why Christians…
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There are strongholds in our lives that are keeping us from becoming the people God has called us to become. But these strongholds don't need to keep us back, it's time to leave the stronghold and break free!Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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We all have questions about sex, dating, and marriage... and in our final installment of our SWIPE RIGHT series, Pastors Ricky and Krista Ortiz take time to answer YOUR questions about all this and more!Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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What if the goal wasn’t simply to survive in marriage, but to thrive in marriage? In this week's message, Pastor Ricky Ortiz outlines the 5 KEYS YOU NEED TO THRIVE IN MARRIAGE. These five keys are essential to unlocking the potential, the joy, the fulfillment, the satisfaction, and the power that marriage has to offer!…
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What does the Bible really say about sex? Does God define or say who sex is for and how it should be engaged? And does it even apply for how we live today?Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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5 Rules For Dating | Pastor Krista Ortiz
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What does the Bible say about dating? That's a question a lot of Christians have when it comes to dating in the 21st century. Of course, we live in a different time period than when the Bible was written, so does that mean there is no guidance or suggestions?Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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The fact of the matter is that pornography reaches and impacts just about everyone, leaving so many people feeling defeated, discouraged, and in despair. In fact, many people feel like they are overcome by porn and unable to experience healing, freedom, and victory.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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If you do a Google search for "finding the one" you will find that over 24 BILLION search results are populated in just 0.35 seconds! Clearly, this topic and this idea of finding the one is something we deeply care about and desire clarity on.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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5 Lies We Believe About Sex, Dating, and Marriage
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With each passing day, it seems like the worlds of sex, dating, and marriage has become increasingly complex, complicated, and confusing. But the truth is it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, God has A LOT to say about each of these areas! In this series, we’ll delve into the heart of what God says so we can discover the radical principles that…
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Grace For Everyone (Easter Sunday)
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The Easter story offers us something different. It tells us there is grace available for everyone! And in this week's message, Pastor Ricky Ortiz shares exactly how and why we can have the confidence that grace really is available to us all.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Good Friday is a day where we reflect on the cost of our salvation and price Jesus Christ paid on the Cross. But it's not just for reflection, it's for response. Because of what Christ has done, we respond by surrendering our lives.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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We all have needs. Some needs we're well aware of, other needs have not made themselves as apparent just yet. But we still have needs. Thankfully, God's grace meets us in those places of need AND God's grace knows what we need before we even realize we need it ourselves.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Grace: When Everything Feels Broken
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We live in a world filled with brokenness. We see the brokenness in creation as we navigate the effects of climate change. We see the brokenness in others as wars and violence break out amongst different people groups. But we also experience the brokenness in ourselves as we struggle to overcome things like mental illness or addiction.…
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Is there anything - or anyone - beyond God's grace? That's a good question... There are people and actions that are so repulsive and so offensive that it's hard to imagine grace being made available to or for them. In fact, were it up to us, most of us would choose not to show grace and instead would feel justified in feeling or believing that they…
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In a world filled with ungrace, how can it be that the grace described in the Bible is actually something we could all experience?Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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For the closing week of our I LOVE MY CHURCH series, Pastor Ricky Ortiz invites the Meta Leadership Team to share their heart and vision for our church.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Have you ever heard someone question the role or validity of the Church in today's society? More than ever, it seems like more people have become suspicious or doubtful of the significance of the Church.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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God – in His divine wisdom and foresight – understood our innate need for community and provided a solution: The Church! It's in the context of a church that you're able to experience the power, freedom, love, and strength God intends for you to have. And that's because there is enormous power available to you when you're in a community.…
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It is estimated that there are somewhere between 350,000-380,000 Christian churches in the United States alone. That's a lot of churches! So when it comes to Meta Church, what makes this church distinct? Why would someone choose to go to this church instead of going to another church?Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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It's In Your Hands | Pastor Krista Ortiz
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With all of the talk about Church Hurt and the things the Church has done that has negatively effected people, it's easy to forget about the role and responsibility we each play...Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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What are we supposed to do when this thing that Jesus loved and gave His life for – the Church – is at the center of deeply hurtful experiences? How do we navigate this kind of hurt? Do we pretend like it’s not a big deal? Do we walk away and write it off? Do we re-engage? And if so, is there hope that things could be different?…
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What is the "church"? Despite being a word that is widely and broadly used, there seems to be a lot of confusion around what the church, its role in society, and whether or not the church actually matters. More than ever, there seems to be a level of distrust and disdain toward the church.Af Pastors Ricky & Krista Ortiz
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Psalm 105:1-2 say, "Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds." And that's exactly what we're doing on this first Sunday of 2024! We're grateful for the ways God has used our ministry to impact the lives of people in New …
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