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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “We’re like Weird Al Yankovic over here!” / “That shows you that it has not been going well.” / “We can make you Harry Potter forever!” / “We’re breaking ground on aufulness and mediocrity!” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ TIME!: An update on season 2 of Daredevil: Born Again / […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “We’re like the cow down the hall.” / “It was constantly the same.” / “Turned out to be a couple universes of sadness.” / “I was on board until I saw it.” / “Gong to space is the equivalent of bringing a new kid to a sitcom.” Topics discussed in this episode include: […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Taking all the tragedy out of the tragedy.” / “Chef Boyardeeing it up there.” / “The motion in your sweet Petunia.” / ‘Hoverin’ around the blue belt area.” / “Sychronized Umming.” / “The son of that guy!’ / “Thy’re afraid of the Fisto!” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ TIME! A […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Cause it’s funny, see?” / “It’s not us. Things are just mediocre.” / “The Island Of Misfit Dinosaurs.” / “There’s nothing wonderful or magical about this place.” / “It’s cool and it’s sad.” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ TIME! A trailer has been released for Fantastic Four: First Steps / […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “I Can’t tell if it’s an awful choice or a great one.” / “Oh! That dude and those things!” / “Everybody’s killin’ it after Corey Feldman!” / “I go for the or.” / “You are adding an element to something I love that I HATE!” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “The Wongers Chick.” / “The essence of Star Wars.” / “Bea Arthur in a Predator movie!” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ TIME! – Marvel is planning a Disney+ series starring Wong called Strange Academy / Benedict Cumberbatch leaks info about the future of Doctor Strange STAR WARS NEWS: Ryan Gosling […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Just a dude…with wings!” / “Still violent after all these years!” / “The Kriven vibes…still not cravin’ the Kraven!” / “We’re bringing Sloth to the farm.” / ” You know I like monkeys! Wind up or otherwise!” / “You got a monkey, you got my money!” / “I don’t want to waggle nothin’!” […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “That’s gonna deball him instantly!” / “The Bat-cherlette. To which bat will he belong?” / “That’s brave and bold right there!” / “That’s good…but I don’t like it!” / “Do I not like the things that I like anymore?” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SCHILLIN’ TIME! The animated series Your Friendly […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Leslie Nielson as Qui-Gon Jin the Iron Fist!” / “You never go full Jeff Goldblum!” / “Have interesting things that lead to more interesting things.” / “Robits always make things better!” / “Manos, the fresh maker!” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ TIME! Artwork has been released showing what the Leader […
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Weird dreams that make me feel bad.” / “Spider-Whosit and his Amazing Friends!” / “I’ll have one of those special dreams.” / “Krypto The Emotional Support Super Dog!” / “Nine nights at Nina’s ain’t too bad!” Topics discussed in this episode include: Marvel says that Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man animated series is not [……
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“What if Agatha got her hair did?” / “If it is good, they will come.” / “He knows strip mall karate.” / “When Tom Cruise meets Will Smith…” / “The quintessential D-Bag.” / “I wanna be that mummy’s daddy!” / “They’re working for an audience they don’t have yet!” / “Morbius, The I Wish I […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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KEEPER KWOTABLES: “I want the nipple cut!” / “Maybe they’ll get his cousin Dang!” / “I was just so all set at that point!” / “The best Zelda game that isn’t a Zelda game!” / “That’s a lot of hopefully!” / “I miss when he was behind scaring young minds.” Topics discussed in this episode […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “It’s a soft reboot with a nougaty center.” / “An even keel of acceptable goodness.” / “I thought I had narcolepsy, but it was just the Disney+ Star Wars shows!” / “The Three Mandos!” / I feel like there’s a good movie in there somewhere.” / “Complete and total failure, that’s what you’re […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES:l “They squandered all their metal godliness!” / “America’s favorite little band.” / “It was all downhill until Maclunky.” / “I’m here to derail you.” / “I went down a Captain Caveman hole.” / “It’s the Ezrarection!” / “He’s Kraven those bahgans!” Topics discussed in this episode include: A trailer has been released for […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Class War Over Netflix!” / “Couldn’t they have decided that six Transformers movies ago?” / “It encapsulates everything that’s wrong with this world.” / “Everything you are going to do has already been done.” / “There’s so much game in that game.” / “It hurts my brain on so many levels!” / “They […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “He didn’t snap, he just needs a nap.” / “Franklin my dear, I don’t give a damn!” / It don’t mean a thang if you ain’t got that Shang!” / “Mayday! That’s all I got to say!” / “Usually there’s a reason for a sneeze.” / It should have not existed before it […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “The World’s Biggest Twat!” / “Male patter baldness and monkeys.” / “How do you work back from space?” / “Can it get any dumber?” / “Just like the Hulk, I’ll smash ya later!” / “All we are is smash in the wind.” / “The Great Philosopher Shania Twain!” / “Bring it all to […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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Keepers Kwotables: ” Cars go in road. People do not.” / “Why is it two and a half hours, and why is it awful?” / “Tony The Tanqueror!” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ TME: A teaser trailer has been released for the 2025 MCU shows on Disney+ / A look at the […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Middle-aged Wickett.” / “If you’re making it worse, don’t!” / Just muffin-toppin’ right over those.” / “There are ways…but don’t!” Topics discussed in this episode include: An update on the Wolfman movie News about the third season of Invincible Harrison Ford is cool with Marvel movies KEEPERS KWICKIES: An update on Fantastic Fo…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Kinda like a multiverse in itself.” / “Obi-Wan Shinobi.” / “Ninjas are so passe.” / “No! Ninjas never go out of style!” / “A bird in the hand is like a ninja in your bush.” / “In all things the balance.” Topics discussed in this episode include: Derrick gets fooled by a fake […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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The Keepers are back after a brief hiatus due to…life, and they are ready to jump back into things! KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “I don’t want this to be real!” / “He looks like a day old Thanksgiving turkey.” / “Wacky Japanese stuff.” / “Cool-ass dude movies from the 80s.” / “Agatha all at once.” / “Escape […]…
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Hey kids! It’s time for another Keepers Of The Fringe Bone Us episode! For this episode, the Keepers go all the way back to episode two to pull out their review of The Pumaman. What an “interesting” movie that was! So tune in and listen to what the Keepers were like in the early days […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “Where horror goes to die.” / “I can kinda see it, bud do I wanna see it?” / “He’s Booster-Lord!” / “It’s scary, but not that way.” / “That little Frik!” Topics discussed in this episode include: A trailer has been released for the upcoming Wolfman movie A remake of The Burbs is […]…
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Keepers Kwotables: “It don’t mean a thang if you ain’t got that Shang!” / “You can’t wait for things like facts and knowledge to get in the way.” / “It started off ok, but then I really didn’t like it.” / “And then a Predator happens.” / “Boring overrides boobs.” / “Jabba Dabba Doo!” Topics […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “I’m cautiously optimistic.” / “Full-blown Ultron.” / “It was equally as stupid.” / “We made a Jookiee!” / “He went into the water dong first!” / “It’s hacky and it’s bitchy.” / “His very soul…that was the price he paid.” / “I don’t think I enjoy anything anymore.” / “The Tarkin robitt.” / […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “The third horn there.” / “A hero with a ‘tude.” / “I’m not cravin’ the Kraven.” / “He has a great acting face.” / “Overall it’s good. It’s fine.” Topics discussed in this episode include: A TRIP DOWN TO THE OL’ TRAILER PARK: Covering a new trailer for Kraven The Hunter, a trailer […]…
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Keepers Kwotables: “I got two words for you, dingle…berry.” / “I’m willing to be proven wrong.” / “He will mess up the family BBQ Hulk.” / “It makes the mane all floofy.” / “I don’t have anything left in the Terminator tank.” / “If it never existed it would be ok.” Topics discussed in this […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “The only problem is it would take effort.” / “A cherry on my genetic shite sundae.” / “Super Fantastic Month!” / “Ladybugs with frickin’ laser beams!” / “The Beast Of The Week.” / “He might rip a loafer or something.” / “The cheeks, the hole, the whole damn thin.” / “There are some […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTABLES: “It seems like things are actually happening.” / “The Hobbit Adjacents.” / “No Transformers fart jokes please!” / “His robo balls drop.” / “Little House On The Prairie taking on Star Destroyers.” / “Time is a blur.” / “What did I do last summer?” / “We were amazed with Kung Fu Grip.” Topics […]…
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Keepers Kwotables: “I’m officially, I think, over it.” / “And then I was not cool.” / “It has a weird vibe, but I dig it.” / “I really thought it was really good.” / “I hate modern twists.” Topics discussed in this episode include: A TRIP TO THE OL’ TRAILER PARK with trailers for Deadpool […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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Keepers Kwotables: “Where are all the little folk?” / “Busom…Drinkin’ it!” / “Come to the Dark Side, we have teats!” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ TIME: Trailers have been released for Agatha All Along and Captain America: Brave New World The Keepers take a look at the big movies coming out for […]…
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KEEPERS QUOTABLES: “Ribbing for someone’s pleasure, not mine!” / “That’s less people to say awful dialog.” / “I love it and hate it at the same time.” / “It’s an hour and a half of a guy walking through the woods slowly.” Topics discussed in this episode include: MARVEL SHILLIN’ TIME! Marvel news – An […]…
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KEEPERS QUOTABLES: “Shang-Chi 2, Electric Shangaloo” / “Gettin’ wacky on the Jackie Juice!” / “Try some Trepadation H.” / “I don’t want to see half the battle, I want to see the whole battle.” Topics discussed in this episode include: IT’S MARVEL SHILLIN’ TIME! Featuring another update on the Blade movie / An enticing rumor […]…
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KEEPERS KWOTES OF THE WEEK: “Johnny Bamboo Seed” / “Rent A Panda.” / “The shelter for wayward pandas.” / “It’s Prime New England Bamboo.” / “New England Bamboo Juice…Mmmmmm!” / “Forgoe the Show!” / “Wongers And Smash!” / “The for real-for real cut.” / “One day, those cuts will make a good movie.” / “Musical […]…
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Keepers Kwotes: “I need to get in public goin’ shape.” / “It’s sad, and it’s too bad.” / “He jumped to old real quick, and I missed it!” Topics discussed in this episode include: MORE MIGHTY MARVEL NEWS: Spider-Man and Venom rumors / More information about Giancarlo Esposito‘s role in the MCU / Rumors about […]…
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KEEPERS WORDS OF WISDOM OF THE WEEK: “I think I have to be in public soon.” / “A year can last for eternity.” / “It all goes back to Star Wars.” / “I hated every minute of it!” / “It’s like a Korean Ghostbusters with no comedy.” All this can be heard in this episode, […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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“It got CWed!” / “The artist formerly known as Spider-Man.” / “They Vanilla Iced that!” / “Beware of Derrick, he might eat your face!” / “Future Older Cyborg Padme.” / “Tomb Borrowing.” / “This belongs in a museum…if your people say it’s ok.” / “When the budget is low, the acting will blow.” All this […]…
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You’re traveling through another fringe, a fringe not only of sight and sound…Ok just soun, no sight, but also of mind…the minds of the Keepers. A journey into a wondrous fringe whose boundaries are that of imagination…sometimes frightening imagination. Your next stop, the Keepers Of The Fringe! Ok, so it’s not really the Twilight Zone, […]…
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“I really thought I’d hate whatever, but I really liked it.” / “My eyes never rolled so hard!” / “A He/Him movie, not a He-Man movie.” / “I played it, but I didn’t beat it.” / “I’m not raising peoples kids, you shouldn’t be either.” / “It’s da one wit da ninjas in it.” / […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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“Boy Band Shrek.” / “Puttin’ The Venom before the cart.” / “His lip got so swol it burned his mustache off.” / “A magical menopause.” / “Winnie The Who?” / “Little Pac-Bastards!” All of this can be heard in this episode, along with discussions on the following topics: More Mighty Marvel News – A new […]…
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Welcome to the first installment of the Keepers Of The Fringe Bone Us episodes! For those who might be newer to the podcast, the first two hundred or so episodes, the Keepers used to end every episode with a review of a “fringe movie“, usually a low-budget movie, often horror or sci-fi, and often NOT […]…
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“I just want them to make a movie that doesn’t irritate me!” / “Always shootin’ for an audience they don’t have.” / “They’re finally getting it as far as the human/monster ratio.” / “Like the Wonder Years but with a young Kirk.” / “A real plot or character development…that’s the Unobtanium!” / “The whole world […]…
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“Cinemon – Gotta watch ’em all!” / “Iron clavicle…That clavicle is nigh impenetrable!” / “Galactic slacks.” / “It was emotionally taxing.” / “Aesthetically it looks right.” / “I wanna 3-D print it and punch it in the face!” All this can be found in this episode, plus discussions on the topics listed below: More Mighty […]…
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“I liked it until you explained it.” / “Grogu hits puberty.” / “The Mandalorian And Grogu Show.” / “The Dooku From Hell.” / “Oatmeal and Techno…I don’t want to live in that reality.” All this can be heard in this episode, along with discussions on the following topics: A new low-budget horror movie called Bikers […]…
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“Robots with baby brains.” / “I go home, he goes big.” / “A sock horn.” / “No man’s an island, but I’m gonna be a peninsula.” / “So aggressively stupid.” / “Nothing better than a Godzilla wedgie.” / “This is the one I was the least angry watching.” / “It irritated me the least.” / […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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“A tough piece of steak or direct sunlight will take you out!” / “Grisle is your worst enemy.” / “I am Cautiously Optimistic Prime.” / “The illusion is broken.” / “It’s like walking behind a crowd of Ozzy Osbournes.” / “It’s making me angry, but I’m having fun.” All this can be heard in this […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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“We’re going to go full humor!” / “I got a craving for Swamp Thing!” / “We’d seen too much at that point.” / “We’re starting to form something here man!” / “An outlandish promise that they’re trying to make too realistic.” All this can be found in this episode along with the following topics: MORE […]…
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“I never heard of bad nipple circulation.” / “Amazon does full dumps.” / “I’m not ready to laugh.” / “I wanna do it, but I also don’t wanna do it.” All this can be heard in this episode along with discussions on the following topics: KEEPERS KWICKIES: An update on Deadpoot 3 / An update […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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“The programs are people!” / “Where’s that going? Nowhere!” / “Spider-Man Adjacent Dimension…aka S.A.D,” / “I’m gonna go with no.” / “A Dune deep dive.” / “A greasy floaty guy.” / “This is more and better.” All this can be heard in this episode, along with the following topics: More Mighty Marvel movie news KEEPERS […]…
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“Black like the abyss I stare into every day.” / “It’s reportedly being said.” / “The cocktail dress and with the weird Pope hat.” / “That’s when you know you messed up when there is no card for that.” / “Your button is woke.” / “Aggressively stupid.” / “It wouldn’t take a five-minute break from […]Af Keepers of the Fringe
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