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show episodes
Personal power is what you need to lead your life towards your desires, whether that’s in your career, relationships or life in general. The Power Loop Podcast teaches you just that! This is your podcast for all things personal power - here we talk; personal growth, relationships, money, business, spirituality - all to support you in creating your dream life!
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Samfund omhandler viden, analyser og debat om vores samfund. Den2Radios udsendelser omfatter græsrødder og samfundsinstitutioner af enhver slags, bl.a. kommuner og stat, der har betydning for samfundets udvikling, nedsmeltning og fremtid. Vi interviewer alle samfundslag: lægfolk, eksperter og beslutningstagere.
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POV Mediano Music


Mediano Music beskæftiger sig med alle former for musik. Lige fra folk med 30-40 år livserfaring til helt nye kunstnere, der er på vej frem. Hos Mediano Music er det fordybelse, historien og vigtigst af alt musikken, der er i centrum.
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Det Ekstraordinære

Sigurd Hartkorn Plaetner

Det kan være i et menneske, du møder i ørkenen, eller i en kystby i Marokko. Det kan være stort og voldsomt eller småt og nuanceret. Det her er Sigurd Hartkorn Plaetners podcastserie om det ekstraordinære - skabt i samarbejde med Prxjects by Mercedes-Benz
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Hvad er det værd at leve længere eller have alle penge i verden, hvis man ikke har det godt, når man bliver gammel? Formentlig ikke ret meget. For vi lever længere og længere. Det kan vi se i statistikkerne. Og derfor taler jeg med flere af Danmarks klogeste mennesker om, hvad vi kan gøre for at have det godt, både nu og den dag man bliver gammel. Vi kommer blandt andet omkring mental og fysisk sundhed, aldring af kroppen og hjernen, træning, kost, lykke, søvn, arbejdsliv, knogler, huden, hå ...
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show series
Her kommer den første i en serie på 8 udsendelser, der handler om hvordan nogle med særligt held er gået fra arbejdsliv til pension. I dette afsnit taler Mikael Jensen og Paul Frost med Hans Barfod, der har ladet et helt livs glæde ved musikken bringe ham sikkert fra et arbejde som skolelærer over festival- ansvarlig til rejsende musikant. Hans Bar…
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In today’s episode Laura shares an often overlooked reason to why we have a tendency to stay stuck in negative mindset spirals — and how we can shift it! Tune in and get the scoops on; What does it mean to trust people in their power? Why do we need to learn it? How will this bring you immense mental freedom? Join House of Power here: https://laura…
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In today’s episode Laura guides you through an intimate at home journaling practice to anchor into the beautiful lessons of 2024 as well as setting powerful intentions for 2025. Tune in and get; +10 potent prompt to say goodby to 2024 and hello to 2025 The numerological insight into 2024 & 2025; what can we expect?! An invitation into a space that’…
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In today’s episode Laura is joined by one of the best Psychic Mediums and Healers in Denmark, Powerhouse Marzcia Techau is BACK in the studio - this time in an English interview. Together Laura and Marzcia embark on a journey into the spiritual realm diving into everything from evil spirits to learning to master your highly sensitive super powers! …
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In today’s episode Laura is giving you a harsh #fryingpanmoment. This is an empowering activation riff on how your need to be understood is blocking your growth and how true authentic connection and love does NOT require mutual understanding. Tune in and get the scoops on; Why your need to be understood is blocking your growth What true love is act…
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In today’s episode Laura’s giving you a frying pan in response to “I know”. The frase “I know” is simply your ego keeping you in your comfort zone — and you let it. Stop letting it keep you stuck at the current level and learn how to release the “I know” block so many of us have. Laura is bringing you inside the Leaders Lounge from where she pulled…
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This isn’t a regular episode. This is a power activation for you to be reminded of just how powerful you are. In today’s episode Laura is flying solo in the studio ranting on a topic that’s been a game changer in her own life. Changing your life from being stuck in princess-syndrome to becoming the HERO of your own life. Being stuck in princess-syn…
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In today’s episode Laura is joined in the studio by award winning photographer & mentor Lindsay Warland on a conversation about how we can show the F up as all of who we authentically are. No more hiding, no more faking it — it’s all about YOU being all of you in every area of your life. Tune in and get the scoops on; Your authentic self expression…
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Den2radios teatermagasin Kastesigten er tilbage med nyt fra de københavnske scener. I denne første udgave fra sæsonen 24/25 får vi først et overblik og dernæst anmeldelser af to af de aktuelle stykker: Strindbergs Et Drømmespil og teaterversionen af Tolstoys Anna Karenina. Rasmus Blædel Larsen har tilrettelagt.…
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In today’s episode Laura is flying solo sharing with you; how to learn to listen to your intuition! It’s such an important episode (and a keeper!) to support you to live in alignment with you soul’s highest purpose. Tune in and get the scoops on; What is intuition? How does intuitive messages come? And feel like? What’s the difference between intui…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Brooke Kalan to a mindblowing conversation! Brooke is a master of energy, magnetism and how to move you - and your body - into your power. So ofc she had to join the podcast! Tune in and get the scoops on; Truth is binary - you are in or you are out The channel of truth & alignment How to know if you are in alignment D…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Kimberly Rose Pendleton is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on shame. Now, this not sound like a pleasent topic - but that’s exactly why we must go deep into it. Shame is the hardest emotion to release yourself from, but once you do so, you get to build a life so rich and full of joy and pleasure, ther…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Em Ducharme is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on why we need to kill our ego in order to lead a life that takes us to our dreams. This is an episode on the power of trusting yourself. Tune in and get the scoops on; • How to shift from a black sheep to a unicorn! • Returning to your childhood roots fr…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Madelyn Freya is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on all things witchy in business! We start on the topic of ego death and we get all the way around to the goddess Freya & Lilith. It’s not just an episode - it’s an experience. Tune in and get the scoops on; Being all of yourself to attract what you des…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Lizzie Vince is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on how we actually rise like a phoenix! Tune in and get the scoops on; Navigating mental health in your entrepreneurial journey Your relationship with your body determines your state Gain authority of your life through nervous system regulation Deadly si…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Henika Patel is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on how sensuality is the gateway to your presence tantra and all things sensual! Tune in and get the scoops on; • What is tantra & sensual arts? • How can a tantra practice improve your life? In only a few minutes a day? • Your senses are the gateway to …
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Selvom det snart er 55 år siden The Beatles stoppede, er de næsten mere populære end nogensinde. Sidst i november er der premiere på Scorseses nye dokumentar 'The Beatles '64'. I denne POVcast møder du et af de mennesker, der var tættest på, da musikverdenen drejede sig om The Beatles akse. Fra 1962 til 1972 var Freda Kelly ansat som sekretær og fa…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Emily Whitesite is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on embodiment, slowing down & romancing your way to your goals in life. Tune in and get the scoops on; • How to create a feeling of luxury when you’ve got no money • Why should we slow down, waaaaay down, if we want to embody what we desire? • How can…
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In today’s episode Laura dives deep into the teaching on “Change your story = Change your life”, one of her favorite teachings from Tony Robbins. Tune in and receive; - The Power Line Method; A tangible journaling exercise to help you change your story (to change your life!) - Ideas on how to flip your story’s narrative to something that truly serv…
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In todays episode Laura shows you exactly how to re-remember you own magic & how to stop the vicious comparison spiral, that will lead you no where good anyway! Tune in and get; ● 3 Simple Reminders for you, when you are caught in comparison spiral hell ● How to get out of the comparison spiral ● A confidence boost from another world! If you want t…
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In today’s episode Laura is joined by 7-figure business mentor Hannah Cluely. The two of them dive deep into a conversation on the theme “Owning your big ass dreams”. Tune in and get the scoops on; ● Why you living your dreams is making the world a better place ● Your dreams are the ripple effect to improve people’s lives ● You get to be of service…
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Ved udgangen af 1963 og godt ind i 1964 hærgede Beatlemania den halve verden. Den eksplosivt voksende succes må have virket inspirerende på John, Paul, George og Ringo, for albummet ’A Hard Day’s Night’, der udkom for 60 år siden (primo juli), er et overflødighedshorn af formidabelt melodiske rocksange, to- og trestemmige harmonier. Med sin delvis …
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In today’s episode Laura explains how the universe is always co-creating your life with you! Don’t know why you are in the thick of it all? Tune in to today’s episode to get the reason & the trust to keep going! Tune in and get the scoops on; How you are co-creating your life with the universe Why building trust with yourself & the universe is your…
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In today’s episode Laura is joined by Psychologist & Embodiment Coach Olga Skalska to a conversation on; What’s stronger - the mind or the body? Or the brain? This conversation touches upon many important factors of embodied healing work, which is needed in order to create a life we dream of living. Your healing journey is your empowerment journey!…
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Pligten Kalder har netop udsendt EP'en 'Til afståelse'. Under deres seneste turne optrådte Johan Olsen - også kendt fra Magtens Korridorer - Torben Steno, Peter Jessen og Søren Mikkelsen flere steder for udsolgte huse. Orkestret, der egentlig begyndte som en værtshusjoke, har i sit eget rolige tempo opbygget et stort stampublikum. Man kan roligt si…
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In today’s episode none other than tapping queen Gala Darling is visiting The Power Loop Podcast for a powerful conversation on the topic: You are the HOW. Tune in and get the scoops on; How to overcome the hurdle of not knowing how to make your dreams come true What to do when you are stuck in a money block & tons of financial distress Which tangi…
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I Teatermagasinet Kastesigten omtaler Rasmus Blædel Larsen stykkerne om Grimmbrødrenes eventyr på Revolver og Verdensherskerne på Mungo Park. Dernæst taler Lucca Bailey om to lidt anderledes skuespil, hvor dansen er et vigtigt element - det er It’s so cute I’m gonna die på Blågaardsteateret og Dansedybet på Teater Sort/Hvid.…
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In today’s episode Laura welcomes you to the elevated version of the podcast! Tune in and get the scoops on; Why the podcast got a complete make over The intention behind this new version What to expect from The Power Loop Podcast If you want to connect with Laura - feel free to join her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauraloop_com/ Feelin…
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In today’s episode Laura shares tangible action steps for you to feel GOOD right here, right now - without spending a single dollar! Tune in and get the scoops on; Why it is important to MOVE your body to feel good Simple tangible practices to create a feel good practice at home How to rest & be inspired If you want to connect with Laura - feel fre…
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I denne POVcast taler Jan Eriksen med en af de første kvindelige danske kvindelige sangskrivere med succes, Pia Raug. Album som ”Hej lille drøm”, ”Saga”, ”Det” (med Inger Christensens digte) og ”Iskrystaller” satte en gang for alle pioneren på det musikalske danmarkskort. Efter et par årtier som fagpolitiker oplever hun nu et sent comeback. Unge ko…
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Når du sover for lidt, har det mange uheldige effekter på dit helbred og velbefindende, hvilket mange af os ved. Men det påvirker faktisk også mange af dine kortsigtede beslutninger. Den del af din hjerne, der hjælper dig med at træffe gode beslutninger (som for eksempel at undlade at spise snacks om aftenen), fungerer rigtig dårligt, når du går fo…
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I gamle dage arbejdede vi syv dage om ugen, og på et tidspunkt begyndte vi at bruge søndagen til restitution i kirken. Spol endnu længere frem, og lørdagen blev også inddraget – ikke til kirke, men til restitution. Måske er det på tide, at vi inddrager en dag mere? En stor del af det gode liv er et godt arbejdsliv. En del peger dog på, at du kan gø…
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"I arrangementerne på de fleste numre findes en hjerteligt intim og tidløs atmosfære, som jazzvokalist er hun meget varm og blid og en af de bedste, der findes." (Anmeldelse i det svenske musikmagasin LIRA).Den danske jazzsanger og -guitarist Mette Juul høster store roser verden over for sit seneste album, ”Celeste”. Herhjemme har Gaffa givet det f…
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