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The Handstandcast

Handstand Factory

A podcast on all things handbalancing and more by Emmet Louis and Mikael Kristiansen. We go into why we teach handbalancing the way we do, chat with notable handbalancers and explore all corners of the handbalance universe. You can support us through purchasing our programs at handstandfactory.com/programs Produced by Motion Impulse.
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Handstand Diary

Sonja Smith-Novak

Hi! I'm Soundschi and I'm simply fascinated with the art of handbalancing. Although the journey to learning and perfecting it is a rough one with many, many struggles, I decided to do whatever it takes to stick with it, become better and learn everything I can about it. And since Ivo (my husband) and I decided to leave our homes to travel the world, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to meet as many handbalancers as I can and to share everything I learn about handbalancing during our j ...
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show series
If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast⁠⁠ This podcast is funded by the sale of our Handstand …
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Learn the mysteries of Rust Day with Mikael and Emmet in this episode If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on ⁠⁠handstandfact…
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In this episode Mikael and Emmet discuss they're favourite topic pyramid schemes and how you can build your own handstand pyramid. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ A transcript of this episode a…
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In this episode Mikael and Emmet swerve hard off topic. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcas…
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In this episode our floor staring degen hosts discuss flagging If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com…
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In this episode Mikael gives an eulogy to his injured wrist. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/p…
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In this episode Emmet and Mikael discuss how their approach to teaching has changed over the last decade. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ A transcript of this episode along with all references …
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Continuing our GMB crossovers this week we have Andy - the bread to the Jarlo and Ryan PBJ Sandwich. Check out all stuff GMB here: https://gmb.io/programs/?ref=150 If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram…
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Emmet flies solo for a mixed bag of a show. This podcast is funded by the sale of our Handstand Factory programs, check them out on ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/programs⁠⁠ Love the podcast? We’re 100% coffee fueled, so if you’d like to help keep us going you can also support the Handstandcast by buying us a coffee here: ⁠⁠buymeacoffee.com/handstandcast⁠…
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In this episode Emmet and Mikael complete their review and commentary on the True Art and Science of HandBalancing. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠⁠ or via ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ This podcast is funded by the sale of our Han…
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Welcome back floor board enthusiasts, Coming back from our summer hiatus we bring a Special Guest in the Form of Ryan Hurst from GMB. Tune in to hear Emmet go full K-pop fan mode. Check out all stuff GMB here: https://gmb.io/programs/?ref=150 If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to sen…
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In this episode Emmet and Mikael explore their freedom. Check out our new program, The American handstand! If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via ⁠handstandfactory.com/podcast-question⁠ or via ⁠Instagram⁠ A transcript of this episode along with all references can…
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Diogo Venâncio - Organizador da competição @penafielfitnesschampionship , fica a conhecer um pouco da primeira edição desta nova competição em Portugal, o Venâncio falou um pouco do que se vai passar na Arena nos dias 6 e 7 de Maio de 2023, fica a conhecer … Episódio disponível nos canais habituais através do link na bio PARCEIROS DO HANDSTANDTALK:…
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Margarida Conde - Maggie para os Amigos, hoje dia Internacional da Mulher, partilho este episódio com esta jovem Atleta de Crossfit, empresária, mil e um ofícios e cada vez mais incluída no mundo do Crossfit, já estava prometida esta entrevista quase desde o inicio do meu projecto, mais uma Amiga que as redes sociais me deram … Episódio disponível …
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Continuing on from last weeks episode Emmet and Mikael delve deeper into the epic Tome. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on hands…
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João Branco - CEO da Empresa NOM NOM Meals, Crossfitter, fica a conhecer o seu percurso desportivo e de que forma iniciou o seu projecto local, de refeições saudáveis … Episódio disponível nos canais habituais através do link na bio PARCEIROS DO HANDSTANDTALK: DEUCE - https://www.deucefitness.eu/ PLAYGROUND STARS - https://www.playground-stars.com/…
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Lucia Inacio - Interprete de Ingles, Makeup Artist, praticante de Crossfit, fica a conhecer a sua historia, motivação, que apesar do seu síndrome não deixa de treinar e dar o seu melhor nas suas aulas … Episódio disponível nos canais habituais através do link na bio PARCEIROS DO HANDSTANDTALK: DEUCE - https://www.deucefitness.eu/ PLAYGROUND STARS -…
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In this Episode Emmet and Mikael go over the seminal tome by Prof. Paulinetti. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on handstandfacto…
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Estive a conversa com o Zé Sousa, organizador dos eventos da Affiliate Super cup, vais ficar com um cheirinho do que podes esperar para a edição de 2023. PARCEIROS DO HANDSTANDTALK: DEUCE - https://www.deucefitness.eu/ PLAYGROUND STARS - https://www.playground-stars.com/ FITTEST EQUIPMENT - https://fittestequipment.com/ MYPROTEIN - https://prf.hn/l…
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Neste primeiro episódio de 2023 estive a conversa com o Sergio Rodrigues, organizador da edição dos Promofit Games em 2023. PARCEIROS DO HANDSTANDTALK: DEUCE - https://www.deucefitness.eu/ PLAYGROUND STARS - https://www.playground-stars.com/ FITTEST EQUIPMENT - https://fittestequipment.com/ MYPROTEIN - https://prf.hn/l/NJ5bpJP Código desconto na My…
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In this cast Emmet and Mikael give an overview of whats to come from Handstand Factory for the coming year. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all references can al…
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This episode is our first foray into recording in front of a live audience. Thanks to all the participants for making the retreats great and not falling asleep while we were rambling. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or…
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JOANA MAGALHÃES - Coach de Animal Flow e Calisthenics, Fundadora da marca @calisthenicsflow.pt , desporto foi sempre uma presença na sua vida e desenvolvimento, tendo passado por vários desportos, com inicio no atletismo, mas foi no treino de força que descobriu a sua paixão, fica a conhecer o seu percurso desportivo e profissional neste episódio. …
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MAFALDA SILVA- Estudante, Atleta de Halterofilismo, com apenas 15 anos, já ambiciona voos bem altos, sonha ser Atleta profissional desta modalidade pela qual tem uma paixão imensa, passou por vários desportos, equitação, dança … mas foi na força que encontrou a sua paixão, fica a conhecer o seu percurso e sonhos. Ouve, comenta e partilha com os teu…
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FERNANDO BARRADAS - Licenciado em Desporto e Educação Física, Box owner e head coach do CFVA - Trofa, Coach level 2 Crossfit. Sócio na empresa Ironage. Coordenador e Docente na Fitness Academy, fica a conhecer nesta entrevista o seu percurso desportivo e profissional e como chegou ao Crossfit. Ouve, comenta e partilha com os teus seguidores! Segue …
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RUI ALPOIM- Agente, Atleta e Coach de Crossfit Lvl2, passou por alguns desportos na sua infância e desenvolvimento tanto pessoal como profissional, mas foi no Fitness que encontrou a sua verdadeira motivação, com destaque e pódio em algumas competições a nível nacional, fica a conhecer a sua historia e percurso desportivo nesta conversa. Ouve, come…
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Mikael and Emmet reunite for the first joint show in a while. Blaming mercury retrograde for the lack of casts and technology difficulties. In this episode the ramble around various topics from house maintenance, retreat centres, fine crafted origami paper and covid induced connective tissue issues. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or thin…
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SANDRA BARBOSA - Licenciada em desporto, atleta e Coach de Crossfit, recentemente abraçou o seu próprio projecto na @inbox.cross , iniciou também a desafio da suas alunas, a sua propria programação independente dos restantes projectos @inprove_ , fica a conhecer o seu percurso profissional e desportivo nesta nossa conversa. Ouve, comenta e partilha…
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Jessica da Silva- Gestora de conta, Atleta de Halterofilismo, fica a conhecer o seu percurso desportivo, como descobriu os desportos de força e como chegou ao Halterofilismo e o segredo para levantar cargas tão boas Ouve, comenta e partilha com os teus seguidores! Segue a Jessica nas redes sociais: @guapszz PARCEIROS DO CANAL: DEUCE - https://www.d…
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Joana Silva - Estudante, Atleta e Coach de Crossfit, Weightlifter, Traveller, já visitou mais de 50 países, fica a conhecer o seu percurso desportivo e aventuras nas suas viagens. Ouve, comenta e partilha com os teus seguidores! Segue a Joana nas redes sociais: @joanadsilva6 PARCEIROS DO CANAL: DEUCE - https://www.deucefitness.eu/ PLAYGROUND STARS …
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DANIEL CHAFFEY - International Director Crossfit, Founder of @crossfitlouvre @frenchthrowdown, hear is story and how opened is first Crossfit box’s, and how got to the is position at @crossfit Segue o David nas redes sociais: @dc1andonly PARCEIROS DO CANAL: DEUCE - https://www.deucefitness.eu/ PLAYGROUND STARS - https://www.playground-stars.com/ FI…
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DAVID CHAN CORDEIRO - Stunt coordinator, fundador da empresa de duplos @madstunts, passou por diversas variantes de artes marciais, Coach de Crossfit, mais dedicado ao BJJ nos ultimos tempos, como atividade desportiva, fica a conhecer a sua historia e percurso profissional. Segue o David nas redes sociais: @davidchancordeiro @madstunts PARCEIROS DO…
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In this episode Mikael flies solo to talk about his time in Prague and his trip to Handstand Extravaganza If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all references can also…
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In this episode Emmet flies solo to give you some insights into the kick-up. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on handstandfactory…
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SERGIO CUNHA - Militar de carreira, Pai, Licenciado em desporto Coach de Functional FItness, do mundo estético para o mundo funcional são dois passos, o Sergio tem conseguido juntar os dois mundos ao longo do seu percurso no fundo do Fitness, fica a conhecer a sua historia e percurso profissional. Segue o Sergio nas redes sociais: @sergiocunhajr @z…
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BRANDY PATTERSON- School teacher, Crossfit Coach and Athlete, I got to know Brandy from a Tia fan page, since then we follow each other, and I was able to see the progression of Brandy during the last 2 year, very in love with what she does, hear the story and give a follow on Brandy’s page @b______dy PARCEIROS DO CANAL: DEUCE - https://www.deucefi…
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In this episode Emmet flies solo to give you some insights and concepts for programming your training If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be …
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In this episode Mikael gives some insight to his training both past and present. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on handstandfac…
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MAGNO ALMEIDA - CEO da Fittest Equipment, proprietário da box Crossfit Famalicão, fica a conhecer o seu percurso desportivo, profissional, como entrou no mundo do Fitness e Gestão de empresas. Segue o Magno nas redes sociais - @magnoalmeida__ @fittestequipment Faz like, comenta e partilha com os teus seguidores. PARCEIROS DO CANAL: PROZIS - HSTALK …
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In this episode Mikael flies solo to talk all bout starting to create with handstands. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all references can also be found on handst…
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ALEXANDRA CARDOSO - Medica de profissão, achava que não tinha grandes aptidões desportivas, mas encontrou a peça que lhe faltava e descobriu uma nova paixão, Halterofilismo, tem neste momento como objectivo bater todos os recordes nacionais na sua categoria de peso, fica a conhecer o seu percurso desportivo neste episódio. Segue a Alexandra nas red…
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JOÃO NOVAIS - Licenciado em Desporto. Coach e Atleta de Crossfit e Halterofilismo, passou por outros desportos, mas foi na força que a paixão bateu mais. Fica a conhecer o seu percurso desportivo e profissional, projectos que tem vindo a desenvolver na área do treino e força. Segue o João nas redes sociais - @joaoprnovais Faz like, comenta e partil…
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ANDREIA BARBOSA - Estudante, Atleta de Halterofilismo, com apenas 18 anos e dois anos de experiência nesta modalidade, já começa a dar cartas e a fazer pódios, passou por outros desportos antes de perceber que a sua praia estava nos desportos de força. Fica a conhecer a sua historia neste episódio. Segue a Andreia nas redes sociais - @andreia04barb…
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In this episode Emmet and Mikael discuss various records in the world of handbalance, discuss confirmed and hearsay / rumour If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode along with all …
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In this episode Emmet and Mikael discuss how you might start to learn to improvise and give some ideas on how to approach this practice. If you have any questions, episodes ideas or think we should host any special guests, don’t hesitate to send us a message via handstandfactory.com/podcast-question or via Instagram A transcript of this episode alo…
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RENATO SOUSA - Coach e Atleta de Crossfit, actualmente Head Coach da Crossfit IK, Coach de Weightlifting, vencedor da mais recente edição do evento The Vikings Challenge, com muitos outros pódios no seu palmarés. Fica a conhecer o seu percurso profissional e desportivo neste episódio. Segue o Renato nas redes sociais - @renato_sousa_coach Faz like,…
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YAEL HAYES - CrossFit Athlete, Coach Lvl 2, PNL1 Coach - Scientist. Dream chaser. Meet her story sports and professional related. We talk about eating disorders, mental health, Crossfit ... Follow Yael on social media: @yael_hayes Like, comment and share with your followers Support the project: https://www.patreon.com/handstandtalk PARCEIROS DO CAN…
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