My name is Keyno Hanna, and I live in the beautiful islands of the Bahamas. I am a Christian. I am married to my beautiful wife Pamela (Pam) and have 2 children Jalen and Jade. We are here to have a conversation about how to win with money from the Bible’s perspective.
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The essence of gratitude and the seriousness of coveting is captured in the context of the 10th commandment from Exodus 20:17, which warns against desiring what belongs to others. The term "covet" indicates an inordinate longing for another's possessions or relationships, which is in itself sin and can lead one to other sins, like theft or adultery…
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Unlock the Miracles with Obedience!
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
14:00In a recent Sunday sermon, a friend of mine reflected on the narrative of Elijah from 1 Kings 17, highlighting his confrontation with King Ahab regarding the stopping of rain for a few years until God said so due to the Israelites' idolatry, particularly the worship of Baal. Baal, often regarded as a weather deity, was rendered powerless by Elijah'…
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Know who you are, know who you are not
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
12:01In order to lead a fulfilling life, it is essential to maintain both a to-do list and a to-don't list. Understanding one’s identity entails recognizing not only who one is but also who one is not. The example of John the Baptist illustrates this point; he clearly identified his purpose as a forerunner to the Messiah while firmly declaring that he w…
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In episode 101 of "Godliness with Contentment," Keyno discusses the importance of patience and faith, using the story of Abraham as an example of unwavering belief in God's promises despite seemingly impossible circumstances. Keyno urges listeners to develop a long-term mindset and reliance on God, encouraging them to remain steadfast even in the f…
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This episode of "Godliness with Contentment," hosted by Keyno Hanna, celebrates its milestone of 100 episodes, focusing on biblical teachings related to money, wealth, and practical living. The central message draws from Isaiah 43:16-21, where God announces His intention to bring about a new and greater deliverance than that of the Exodus. This pro…
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Luke 2:8-14 recounts the night of Jesus' birth, highlighting the shepherds who received the angelic announcement of this momentous event. The angels proclaimed joy for all mankind, emphasizing that Jesus is the Savior, the promised Messiah, and Lord. This episode encourages reflection on the significance of Jesus in one's life, urging individuals t…
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Guess What? We crushed all of our debts!
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:52In this episode, I celebrate becoming debt-free after paying off our (my wife and I) mortgage, which I attribute to divine blessings. Proverbs 22:7 illustrates the weight of debt and the opposite subsequent liberation experienced upon its removal. There are now newfound options in our professional lives coming out of being free from debt. I reflect…
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Reports Of My Downfall Are Wildly Overstated
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:52I want to clear up any rumors that I’ve quit—I'm still here, just taking a moment to reflect on my journey. Recently, I’ve been thinking about how to create content that I can stick with consistently, even though I've been doing it weekly for nearly two years. A few weeks ago, I went to a financial conference in Atlanta, which had a different vibe …
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Have you made the wrong thing the main thing?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
13:41The Scriptures I focus on in this episode are found in Matthew 13:22 and Colossians 3:2. Jesus in the parable of the Sower speaks about the thorns as the cares of this life and the riches and pleasures and describes them as the deceitfulness of wealth. Paul wrote to the Colossians that they set their minds on things above, not on earthly things. We…
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To give or not to give, that is the question. Around us in our cities and places where we live, in fact wherever we go, there are needs. We are faced almost daily with the question of whether or not to give. We get some help I believe from what we see in Acts 3:1-10. Peter and John did not have money, but had the gift of healing from the Holy Spiri…
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Act Now: Procrastination Costs You!
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
11:09Les Brown has a quote about potential: “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afr…
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Stop Believing 'Can't': Start Doing!
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
11:17This episode came to life because of what I am calling 'the garage opener incident'. But more about that in the actual recording. In Numbers 11:23, I find one of my favorite passages in the whole Bible. Here, God tells Moses, in a summarized version, that nothing is impossible for God, and that God would show Moses that God could do anything. There…
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In Genesis 12, we find Abram with a call on his life from God. God called Abram and told Abram what to do and where to go...well not quite. Abram was to leave his father's house and go to a place God would show him. Along with this call, God told Abram that He would bless him. Then we see in vs 4 that Abram left as God told him. What was missing? G…
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We plan for retirement but our life does not come to an end there.... We go into eternity, so we have to plan for eternity. Plan for your future! Heaven, not hell. Don’t miss the point! Eternity awaits. We cannot take worldly wealth with us, but rewards await us based on how we lived on earth. As an example Proverbs 19:17 'Whoever is kind to the po…
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In Matthew 7:24-27 we find that the rock to build on is the words of Jesus. We are to build our houses on the Rock i.e. on Jesus' words. To go a little further, practically, we need to live our lives based on Jesus in order to win despite the storms of life. Storms will come, the winds will blow and beat against our house, but when we have Jesus as…
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So, I love the music of Bob Marley - most of his songs. One of them is called 'Small Axe' and actually uses the first part Proverbs 26:27 in the song. 'Whosoever diggeth a pit shall fall in it…'. I cannot recall why this was on my mind the other day, but the concept of a small axe is huge. A small axe can fell a big tree. Yes, It will take a long t…
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In Genesis 15:1-6 we find God telling Abram (later Abraham) that God is Abram's protector and reward. Mind blowing right? Is God enough for you? Abram was at a place where he had no children but wanted them badly. So even though God says what he said, Abram was thinking - give me children. God takes Abram outside and shows him the stars in the sky.…
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In Acts 16:6-10, Paul and Silas and company travel through Galatia and Phrygia having been kept from preaching in the Roman province of Asia (In Asia were places like Colossae, Ephesus, Thyatira, and others) by the Holy Spirit. They come to the border of another place Bithynia and are denied entry by the Spirit here described as the Spirit of Jesus…
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Would you know a miracle if you saw one?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
6:32Sometimes, God does amazing things in our lives and we think oh, that was a coincidence or it just happened. Amazing I said, not just everyday stuff. If it is a miracle then it is God's hand moving. So we need to recognize the miracle and we will see God moving. Then we need to give glory to God. The only way this happened was because God did it. W…
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What indeed? I returned from Las Vegas on Friday after a few days at Cisco Live! That was my 2nd time in Vegas, and both times were with my wife Pam. So, unfortunately for you who may be looking for stories, I don't have any spicy ones to tell. But what happens there? Gambling, and plenty of it. When you get off the plane at the airport, the first …
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Over the past few weeks I was reintroduced to JoDee Messina a country artist with an amazing voice. I used to listen to her back in the 90s …..and 90s country music is a real thing. She has a song called "Bring On The Rain". I have not heard it for years until recently, now it's in my head. Bad song! In it she says stuff like "I'm not gonna let it …
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Wisdom v Folly and taking personal responsibility
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
12:20In this episode, we are reminded from the Scriptures that there are consequences to our every decision. Proverbs 9 shows us two invitations - one from Wisdom and the other from Folly. Both call out to us. The question is - which invite will you accept? I the midst of this chapter is vs 12 that says that there is a reward from Wisdom and suffering f…
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In this episode, I remind us that we are gonna have tough times in life. We will fall from time to time, yet those who trust in God have Him there to deliver us. Proverbs 24:16 tells that though a righteous man/woman fall seven times, they get up. Indeed, God gives us the strength to get up. Even when we are up, He gives us the strength to be up. I…
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In this episode, I call out the disrespect that people who have money can at times display towards the rest of us. I was reminded of this recently when a basketball player in the NBA decided to throw a ball at fans, then neglected to give an interview because the reporter did not subscribe to his podcast. We are to give respect whether people are w…
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In this episode, we are reminded that David can still beat Goliath. I was reminded a few nights ago as I watched my undermanned Miami Heat beat the juggernaut called the Boston Celtics. Jimmy Butler was out, Terry Rozier was out, and we beat the giant hitting 23 3-pointers along the way. This is why sports is so loved. It shows us what can be in re…
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In this episode, we investigate what Jesus calls the deceitfulness of wealth when he explains the parable of the Sower. What we have in our minds and hearts about money can deceive us. When we trust in money, we believe that when we have it that all of our problems will vanish - not true. I believe that time, love and health are all higher on the p…
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In this episode, I tackle the mindset of the late starter who believes it is too late. That somehow because we are starting late that we can never reach our goals. It is only in our mind. I say our, because I was there only five years ago. I am a late starter. But I am in good company. Colonel Harland Sanders at 62 started franchising the chicken b…
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In this episode we are reminded that God is there when we have a 'lil bit, supplying us with what we need so that we can also help others. We take a look at this situation in the Old Testament - 1 Kings 17 with Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath. God worked miraculously so that with the little she had, it would stretch to take care of her and her fa…
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In this episode we are reminded that God is there when all else fails. We take a look at a dire situation in the Old Testament - 2 Kings 4 and how God worked in an amazing way. We learn a few things: -we always have something that God can bless -God always has a plan -keep doing what God tells you until you cannot do it anymore. Connect with Keyno …
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In this episode I talk about the fact that we can be thirsty for basically two types of things i.e. spiritual or physical. God gives an invitation to the thirsty in Isaiah 55:1-3. Those who accept the invitation get water, milk and wine at no cost. They are encouraged to buy without money. Why? There are some things money cannot buy. Here, the thin…
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Today we talk about Earned Wage Access. So full disclosure, I just came across this topic this week. We currently don’t have this service in the Bahamas, but from what I see, it is becoming a hot topic in the United States. So what is EWA? It is a financial service that allows workers to access their earned wages before their payday. Initially, it …
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Episode #73. I guide you through the essential aspects of lifestyle creep, and how to avoid it. Key points: -remind yourself often about your goals (spending without restraint won't get you there anytime soon) -make a budget and live by it (the budget will give you permission to spend the money in the way it was planned) -set up automatic savings m…
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If you had the choice between 1 million hours and 1 million dollars which would you choose? I would choose $1,000,000 and in the episode I tell you why. But don't shoot me until you have listened. To make matters worse, I give three reasons why time is greater than money: -We could have all the money in the world and yet when our time is up on this…
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Sometimes, we can be too smart for our own good. We can over analyze things. We can be stuck in the Paralysis of analysis. We can be frozen by the Fear that keeps us from doing anything. Or even the Fear of change. Sometimes the mere weight of major decisions keep us from doing anything. Then what? Stuck, cannot move… Just start. Episode 2 of Godli…
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Proverbs 26:13-16 "A sluggard says, “There’s a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!” As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed. A sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth. A sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven people who answer discreetly." Proverbs 26 speaks to …
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I went to the food store here on my island to buy some vegetables. I bought a cauliflower, two types of squash (butternut and spaghetti), a yam and some colorful bell peppers. Don't scream but my total came to $32! The big shock of all was that the head of cauliflower was around $14! What I have done to deserve this? So what should we do eat health…
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Don't give up on your New Year's Resolution
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
11:58How are your New Year's resolutions going so far? In an article by Forbes Health, it stated that - If you find yourself in the camp of setting lofty goals for the new year only to find yourself falling off the wagon just months (or weeks) later, rest assured that you’re not alone. In fact, failing at New Year’s resolutions is so common that there’s…
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Don't look around and say what about me. Focus on your blessings not on other people's blessings. It is easy to look around and find people who have more....or look like they have more. Stop wasting time and stressing yourself out! You can get the desires of your heart if they are in line with God's desires for you. Say what? Yes, focus on what is …
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Watch out for being the dreamer. You have come up with 100 business ideas but have never pull it off. Perhaps you say that you just didn't have the capital. But there are ways to start a business with little capital. For the 100 ideas, maybe there have been 1000 excuses why it did not work; why it won't work. Mere talk leads you to poverty. Don’t b…
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Playing with house money - nothing to lose
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
14:20First off, this has nothing to do with gambling. This is coming from me - joyfully expressing how I feel after God's continuous blessings brought me to another birthday....a big one. For those who don't know, my name is Keyno Hanna, and this is 'Godliness with Contentment'. Most times I talk about the Bible and money. Today there is no money, just …
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We are now squarely in the first days of 2024. This is typically when we go to the gym and start eating better and do whatever our resolutions are…well at least we start. The trouble is, most of us don’t continue. If we reach February 1st this is a big accomplishment since we normally stop a week or two before that from history. But if you don’t go…
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Going into 2024 (if we make it) I want to challenge you and me to take the signs down. Go after a clean slate and write on it whatever you believe God is telling you to write. In Isaiah 43:18-19, God promises to do a new thing here even greater than the Exodus. Wow! He says forget the past; don’t dwell on it for he is going to do a new thing even g…
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So there are many things we need to teach our children so that when they are old they don’t stray from it. One I will teach them is to stay away from Christmas debt. Christmas debt is crazy! Next Christmas you will still be paying this one off and the bank will send you a new email with a new loan promotion. They sell it as a loan - i.e. we want to…
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Today we look at Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 It has been put forward that it talks about giving, investing, having many business ventures, diversification of one's portfolio, having a backup plan etc.. However, one Bible commentator says that 'for more than 18 centuries, there was never any doubt about what was meant here.' This was about giving. Nowadays …
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Giving Tuesday comes after black Friday and Cyber Monday. I don’t think this is a good placement. The money goes out and by Tuesday very little is left. I mean I hope this is not the case for you, but for many it is. So perhaps can clamor for a change. I say put Giving Tuesday as the Tuesday before thanksgiving. That way we know w…
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Every day, I am getting older and slower. I can try and play Jedi mind tricks but that does not stop my aging. As I get older, my metabolism slows, my recovery time takes longer. This week I decided to schedule a meeting with my doctor. What I realize is that even though I don't like to go to the doctors or hospitals (I like my doctor btw), there a…
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Black Friday - think before you leap
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
11:14A few years ago, I heard it explained that Black Friday is about the retailers getting in the black. What does that mean? Well, 'in the black' is an accounting term signifying that a business is in a financially profitable position. So Black Friday is about businesses making a profit. Interestingly enough the opposite of black in accounting is not …
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Have you ever heard of a Christmas gift exchange game called 'white elephant'? Wikipedia says that 'The goal of a white elephant gift exchange is to entertain party-goers rather than to gain a genuinely valuable or highly sought-after item.' Clearly, Wikipedia has never played this game with the people I have played with. There is one gift that eve…
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Our dependence and worship should lay squarely at the feet of our God. He is the great Giver, the Source. In Jesus' pattern of prayer in Matthew 6, he lays out one of the petitions that we should put before the Father and it is 'give us this day our daily bread'. So we pray for our needs in this world. Bread here meaning all sustenance not just phy…
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Dr. Myles Munroe said something like this before: "We are not meant to be seedful, but fruitful. There are chairs and tables are in the trees. Shoes are in the cows. The capacity to produce is in us." I don't think seedful is a real word, but hopefully you get the picture. And just how does the capacity to produce get in us? God put it there. The s…
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