...Curators, Selectors, Disc Jockeys, they are called many names and they have many acronyms. They switch their social handles almost as much as they transition between recor... sorry, vinyls. We took the time out to get to know them. Enjoy
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Denne podcast er alt mit bedste guld til dig, der driver selvstændig forretning. Vi taler om manifestation, money mindset, markedsføring på Instagram, salg via sociale medier og hvordan man vækster sin business succesfuldt. Du kommer med bag scenen og får lov at høre om alle mine ups and downs og hvordan jeg har skabt et så stærkt et personligt brand på få år, som kan stå igennem ild, vand og kriser. Jeg giver dig mine mest simple hacks, når det kommer til at sælge dine ydelser, skabe et per ...
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NYTÅRSREVIEW: Hvad har ændret sig i min business de sidste 12 måneder?
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42:10Skal du med til årets gratis nytårsworkshop på Zoom? Vi sætter ambitioner for 2022 og giver slip på de overbevisninger, der skal efterlades i det gamle år. Der er plads til 100 deltagere - snup dit spot her: https://mailchi.mp/738a6d4fac87/nytaarsworkshopAf Christel Jakobsen
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Min depression efter at have nået alle mine milepæle
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53:50I starten af september startede det, som senere viste sig at være en depression for mig. I den her episode tager jeg dig med igennem hvad der skete på det tidspunkt i mit liv og hvordan jeg er kommet ud på den anden side, hvor jeg kan mærke livslysten igen.Af Christel Jakobsen
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1. DRØMMEHUSET: Sådan manifesterede vi vores nybyg på 175 kvm
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50:23I dag er det en måned siden vi flyttede ind i vores etplansvinkelhus til 3.9 millioner med dobbelt carport, badekar, 4 værelser, overdækket terrasse og kæmpe køkken-/alrum. Det er præcis hvad vi har set for os. I denne episode fortæller jeg præcis hvad jeg bevidst har gjort, for at dette kunne blive vores virkelighed.…
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2. Få klienter der repekterer din tid: Sådan sætter du dig i respekt som coach
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45:15Har du prøvet at afklaringssamtaler bliver aflyst eller ghosted? At klienterne ringer 10 minutter efter sessionen startede eller at du knap kan høre hende, fordi hun kører bil imens eller går nede i byen? Der er nogle konkrete ting, du kan gøre, for at dine potentielle klienter ser dig som en coach de ser op til og derfor respekterer. I'll teach yo…
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7. En reminder til dig, der kokser rundt på Instagram for tiden
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15:12Er du lige nu i en periode, hvor du føler, at du overanlyserer Instagram aaaalt for meget? Så er her en episode, der vil få dig right back on track - enjoy!Af Christel Jakobsen
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6. 3 grunde til at folk investerer i dig
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19:33Det kunne være rart at vide hvad der skal til, for at folk siger JA til at arbejde med dig, right? I denne episode fortæller jeg dig hvilke 3 grunde jeg har oplevet, når folk vælger at sige JA til at investere.Af Christel Jakobsen
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5. En overraskende affirmation jeg har været nødt til at erstatte i mit mindset for at vækste
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14:00Vi bliver hvad vi tænker på, og tanker bliver til ting. Der er én bestemt overbevisning, som har hjulpet mig i starten af min forretning, men som jeg var nødt til at lave om på, hvis min forretning fortsat skulle vækste.Af Christel Jakobsen
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4. 7 mulige grunde til at du ikke får nye klienter ind
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35:03Står du i stampe lige nu og synes det er svært at tiltrække de personer, som ønsker at sige kæmpe JA til at arbejde sammen med dig? Her er 7 steder du kan se efter i sømmene.Af Christel Jakobsen
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3. RECONNECT: Træd ind i dit higher self med disse 9 refleksionsspørgsmål
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15:24Har du brug for at sætte en streg i sandet og starte din energi, dit mindset og dit fokus på en frisk? Gør det på en gåtur med disse 9 refleksionsspørgsmål.Af Christel Jakobsen
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Lyt med når Thomas Hoang har inviteret musik elskeren Uffe ind til en snak i Absalon radio.Af Absalon Radio
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Lyt med når Thomas Hoang har inviteret musik elskeren Uffe ind til en snak i Absalon radio.Af Absalon Radio
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Lyt med når Thomas Hoang har inviteret musik elskeren Uffe ind til en snak i Absalon radio.Af Absalon Radio
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Amanda Baun of Back to Future Sounds - Part 1
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20:46Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda Baun of Back to Future Sounds - Part 2
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19:46Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda Baun Back to Future Sounds - Part 3
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19:18Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda Baun Back to Future Sounds - Part 4
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30:41Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds.…
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Amanda Baun of Back to Future Sounds - Part 5
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10:58Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds.…
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William and Josefine Winding - Part 1
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23:48What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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William and Josefine Winding - Part 2
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16:11What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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William and Josefine Winding - Part 3
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14:43What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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William and Josefine Winding - Part 4
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19:12What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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William and Josefine Winding - Part 5
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22:12What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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William and Josefine Winding - Part 6
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12:31What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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William and Josefine Winding - Part 7
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25:04What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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William and Josefine Winding - Part 8
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14:58What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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This is what we learned during our conversation with Mikkel.. some people just look at the world differently. They have a specific level of care and concern for the things they love. He strongly believes in research, knowledge and the education of anyone willing to listen, and THAT, we did :). Mikkel's social is @m_okine…
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This is what we learned during our conversation with Mikkel.. some people just look at the world differently. They have a specific level of care and concern for the things they love. He strongly believes in research, knowledge and the education of anyone willing to listen, and THAT, we did :). Mikkel's social is @m_okine…
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This is what we learned during our conversation with Mikkel.. some people just look at the world differently. They have a specific level of care and concern for the things they love. He strongly believes in research, knowledge and the education of anyone willing to listen, and THAT, we did :). Mikkel's social is @m_okine…
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This is what we learned during our conversation with Mikkel.. some people just look at the world differently. They have a specific level of care and concern for the things they love. He strongly believes in research, knowledge and the education of anyone willing to listen, and THAT, we did :). Mikkel's social is @m_okine…
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This is what we learned during our conversation with Mikkel.. some people just look at the world differently. They have a specific level of care and concern for the things they love. He strongly believes in research, knowledge and the education of anyone willing to listen, and THAT, we did :). Mikkel's social is @m_okine…
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Live fra Radiotårnet med Malika Mahmoud Del 1.Af Absalon Radio
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Live fra Radiotårnet med Malika Mahmoud Del 2.Af Absalon Radio
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Live fra Radiotårnet med Malika Mahmoud Del 3.Af Absalon Radio
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Live fra Radiotårnet med Malika Mahmoud Del 4.Af Absalon Radio
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We almost can't write a description for this one because black and white text can't encapsulate her "Love" for music ;). She is a self taught home grown talent with the potential energy of splitting an atom. Despite her rising star, she remains approachable and warm. Thank you, LoveCatt for sparking our creative DJ juices. Social: @savan.amen and h…
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We almost can't write a description for this one because black and white text can't encapsulate her "Love" for music ;). She is a self taught home grown talent with the potential energy of splitting an atom. Despite her rising star, she remains approachable and warm. Thank you, LoveCatt for sparking our creative DJ juices. Social: @savan.amen and h…
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We almost can't write a description for this one because black and white text can't encapsulate her "Love" for music ;). She is a self taught home grown talent with the potential energy of splitting an atom. Despite her rising star, she remains approachable and warm. Thank you, LoveCatt for sparking our creative DJ juices. Social: @savan.amen and h…
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We almost can't write a description for this one because black and white text can't encapsulate her "Love" for music ;). She is a self taught home grown talent with the potential energy of splitting an atom. Despite her rising star, she remains approachable and warm. Thank you, LoveCatt for sparking our creative DJ juices. Social: @savan.amen and h…
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5. STORIES: Sådan bliver du en af de mest succesfulde profiler at følge på Instagram
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31:21Er det guld for værdifuldt at give gratis ud? Nej, faktisk ikke, men jeg skulle lige tænke mig om en ekstra gang, for det er noget af det vildeste guld omkring personlig branding og markedsføring på Instagram, som er en del af mit 3-månedersforløb Full-time Business. This will change your contentgame. Er du klar? Frem med blok og pen and let's go!…
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