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Defend Neutrality. If truth be told the long standing claim of neutrality by the southern Irish state is not all its made out to be. It is a fact that successive Irish governments have turned a blind eye to American war planes using Shannon as a stopping off point for attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as carrying munitions to Israel for its …
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Let’s welcome the World It has been a very busy and eventful couple of weeks for all of those who speak and enjoy the Irish language and who have campaigned for decades against government policies of institutionalised exclusion, inequality and discrimination. Two weeks ago, and after years of prevarication by successive British governments, the Bri…
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Seachtain na Gaeilge Seachtain na Gaeilge used to run for one week but because it was so popular it was extended. It now runs annually from 1 March to 17 March – St. Patrick’s Day. Is í Seachtain na Gaeilge an ceiliúradh is mó den Ghaeilge agus Cultúr na hÉireann ar domhan. Bhí an oiread sin ráchairt uirthi gur síneodh amach chuig coicís í. Bíonn s…
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Brendan McFarlane On Tuesday we buried our friend and comrade Brendan McFarlane. Bik texted me just over 2 weeks or so ago to say he was back in hospital. He had been battling cancer for some time. A few days later the medics stopped his treatment. There was nothing else they could do for him. Suddenly and unexpectedly he was gone. He died peaceful…
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The Re-interment of Frank Stagg. Last week we remembered Frank Stagg who died on hunger strike in an English prison in February 1976. Frank began his fourth and final hunger strike in December 1975. He died 62 days later. He last request was "to be buried next to my republican colleagues and my comrade, Michael Gaughan" who died on hunger strike tw…
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My Internment by Roseleen Walsh Roseleen Walsh is one of 36 women who were interned in the early 1970s. Her latest book – My Internment – tells the very personal story of her life as a young woman in west Belfast in the late 60s and early 70s. Of the constant pressure and danger of living under British occupation and of her time as an internee in A…
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Partitionism Rules. Simon Harris has said that Irish unity is not a priority for him. That is self-evident. But for him to say so is at odds with the stated position of most senior Irish politicians including An Taoiseach Micheál Martin. Their position is one of verbalised adherence to the constitutional objective of unity. In other words, they are…
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Starmer Waiving The Rules. According to the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer his government is looking at "every conceivable way" to prevent me and at least 300 other people from receiving compensation for wrongful arrest and imprisonment in the 1970s. This issue of compensation arises from the decision by the British Supreme Court in May 2020 t…
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Dublin Lacks Ambition Last week Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, supported by the regional independents, published their Programme for Government 2025. This contains the objectives set by the government parties for the next five years. In my ten years in the Oireachtas as the TD for Louth and East Meath I worked through two such Programmes. First in 2011…
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A Good Start To 2025. On Saturday last leading trade union activists from across the island of Ireland came together in Newry for a packed Ireland’s Future event in the Thomas Davis Hub. It was a wet winter morning and i was pleasantly uplifted by the turn out. The panel included ICTU assistant general secretary Gerry Murphy, Unison regional genera…
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Nollaig na mBan Monday 6 January is traditionally the date on which the Christmas decorations are taken down. In the Christian calendar it marks the end of the Christmas season and the visit of the Magi – the three wise men – to Jesus. In Ireland the 6 January is also Nollaig na mBan - Women’s Christmas or Little Christmas. It’s a day set aside to …
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ONE FLU OVER? I have the flu. It’s a sign of my loyalty to you dear reader, that I write this column in my sick bed. Bathed in sweat. I’ve changed my T shirt four times since Saint Stephen’s Day. I ran out of paper hankies and turned to kitchen roll for nose cleaning duties. The snatters are tripping me. I’ve changed my sheets as well. Three times.…
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Nollag Shona Daoibhse. I enjoy Christmas time. It a time for family and friends and for relaxation. For children and Dadaí na Nollaig and presents. For visiting family. For good food – often too much good food - good craic and sitting at home watching a movie, listening to music and reading a good book. It’s a time for remembering those who are no …
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Release Leonard Peltier Last week I posted a Christmas card to Leonard Peltier. I dont know if he will receive it. Or the numerous other notes and cards I have sent over the years. At 80 years of age Leonard, a native American rights activist and victim of a miscarriage of justice; has been imprisoned for 48 years. This makes him one of the longest…
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Protecting our environment Last week the Northern Executive took welcome and decisive action to protect our environment, our health and jobs by committing to a ban on all forms of onshore petroleum exploration and production, including fracking. This decision is part of the Executive’s commitment to tackle our dependence on fossil fuels. Conor Murp…
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The Numbers Game. As I pen these lines it is too soon to attempt a deep analysis of the Leinster House election. Not all the counts have concluded although there is enough to form general impressions of the outcome. I outline them in no particular order. Christmas in Long Kesh 1976 It’s three weeks to Christmas. The decorations, inside and outside …
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SINN FÉIN CAN WIN THIS ELECTION. During the General Election campaign I have been in several constituencies. In Dublin, in Drogheda, Dundalk, and Donegal and some other places in between. People are clearly fed up with the cost of living, the crisis in public services, especially in health and housing, childcare and disability services. Sanctions u…
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The local and the national I have been doing a wee bit of canvassing in the General Election in the South. The response has been positive. There are clearly some who see election campaigns, including this one, as opportunities to write Sinn Féin’s obituary. Sorry to disappoint. Like all parties fighting elections there will be moments of gain and m…
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Time for a Change of Government. The southern general election was called last Friday. In just over two weeks’ time 174 Teachtaí Dála (TDs) will be elected to the Dáil – an increase of 14 over the number elected in the 2020 general election. On Sunday I was in Dublin for the Save Moore Street rally but afterwards I was in Caledon Road and St. Mary’…
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Prison Poems by Bobby Sands In a recent interview Christy Moore remarked that the death of Bobby Sands robbed us of a great writing talent. Christy was praising the quality of the work Bobby created in the harsh conditions he endured. He was making the point that you can only imagine what Bobby might have gone on to produce in different circumstanc…
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Cage Eleven. This coming weekend O’Brien Press are republishing my book – Cage 11 - about my experience of life in Long Kesh between August 1975 and February 1977. Available from most good bookshops including from and An Fhuiseog 55 Falls Road No Parking remember Father Des Wilson many moons ago lamentin…
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ON Saturday night I was privileged to attend the oíche mhór Ghlór na Móna in Belfast’s City Hall. The event was to celebrate twenty years of this amazing Irish language initiative made up mostly of and aimed at young people in the Upper Springfield area. It was a great night. Packed out with young Gaeilgeoirí. But there was also a good clatter of v…
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Ethel Kennedy It was with sadness I heard last week of the death of Ethel Kennedy, the wife of assassinated US Senator Robert Kennedy. She was aged 96. Ethel Kennedy was with her husband in Los Angeles in 1968 when he was shot and killed. She was left to rear 11 children. It was a huge blow to her and to the family. Ethel’s response was to found th…
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Leo’s unity words are welcome Irish Unity is the big idea that will positively transform society on this island. Its popularity is growing and the economic, political, and social arguments in support of it are advancing each day. The recent interventions by former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar are an example of this. In June at the Ireland’s Future event …
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WIN. This year’s Sinn Féin Ard Fheis last weekend was full of enthusiasm and passion with great speeches covering every issue imaginable and the delegates voting through policy motions that will help shape Sinn Féin politics in the time ahead. The speeches, particularly from Michelle O’Neill and other national leaders demonstrated the strength and …
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Moore St. Demolition Gets Green Light The battle to save the iconic 1916 Moore Street Battlefield site has been ongoing for over 20 years. During that time there have been a series of plans by developers, appeals against those plans, court cases, protests and sit-ins. Last week, in an appalling decision An Bord Pleanála (ABP) – the Planning Authori…
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Casement Must Be Built Now. British government policy toward Ireland has long been dictated by Britain’s strategic self-interests. From the conquest of Ireland nine centuries ago to partition the needs of the people of Ireland have played no meaningful part in the decision making processes of a British state that focusses primarily on the interests…
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The Far Right and Social Media There has been a significant increase in recent times in far right racist, islamophobic and hate attacks on social media. The purpose of these has been to promote a climate of fear through a range of conspiracy theories from climate change, to migration and asylum seekers, to direct interference in elections. Sinn Féi…
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Champion Palestinian Self-determination In less than five weeks the genocidal war by the Israel government against the Palestinian people will enter his second year. Having ruthlessly and cruelly waged war against the Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip for 11 months Israel’s war machine has now shifted to a full blown pogrom against the Palest…
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The 94 Cessation The IRA cessation is 30 years old this Saturday. That Wednesday morning on 31 August 1994 two journalists – Barney Rowan from the BBC and Eamon Mallie from Downtown Radio – arrived at The Patio Restaurant in the Kennedy Centre. It’s where 26 West is now. They met a woman republican activist who took from her pocket a small scrap of…
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Féile 24 I thought I would reflect on some aspects of Féile 24 in this week’s column. In particular the debates and discussions. First of all I’m sure all Féile enthusiasts agree that this was an outstanding Féile. The debates and discussions in particular were of a very high standard and variety and audiences and speakers had a very special treat …
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Kneecap I’m a big fan of Kneecap. From the time they were called NÍ CEAPAINN – a clever use of the Irish phrase and a play on the English words Kneecapping. Ní Ceapainn means ‘I don’t reckon’ or ‘I don’t think so’. For example, in ‘An ceapainn tú go bhfuil seo ceart?’ – ‘Do you reckon this is right? Ní ceapainn. ‘I don’t reckon’. Or ‘I don’t think …
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No to racists and fascists - No Pasarán! I was delighted to attend Féile An Phobail’s Carnival Parade last Saturday as it meandered its colourful, inclusive and vibrant way from the Dunville Park to An Sportlann on Bothar na bhFal. Underage representatives of local GAA clubs, other sporting organisations, community groups and numerous street artist…
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Moore Street – Rising to our Future The campaign to save the 1916 Moore Street Battlefield site and those iconic buildings and streetscape that are forever linked to the most important historic event in modern Irish history has reached another potentially decisive moment. In May, An Taoiseach Simon Harris announced the establishment of “a Taskforce…
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Significant boost for Unity Referendum This summer the momentum behind the demand for constitutional change and for the Good Friday Agreement commitment to a unity referendum has dramatically increased. The very successful Ireland’s Future event in Belfast several weeks ago, the all-island economic conference by Sinn Féin’s Commission on the Future…
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Solidarity Works Forty years ago this month, ten workers from the Henry Street branch of Dunnes Stores in Dublin's city centre went on strike to protest against the selling of produce from Apartheid South Africa. A year later, the group was joined by another worker, Brendan Barron, from the Crumlin store, bringing their number to eleven. The strike…
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AN OPEN LETTER TO KEIR STARMER Keir a chara, Congratulations on your election as British Prime Minister. I wish you well in the many challenges facing you and your government. The world is very divided at this time with many violent examples of injustice, poverty, hunger and violence. I hope you will use your office in a positive and progressive wa…
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NO PASARAN! Across Europe, in the USA, the Middle East and in England regressive political elements are gathering strength. In the North of Ireland we have always had to contend with these forces. And historically the right wing have played a significant role in our affairs across the island. They were well represented in the conservatism of the Ca…
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Pádraic Fiacc The first book I wrote was Falls Memories. Brandon Books led by the late Steve Mac Donagh was my publisher. I asked Steve if we could include drawings by Michael McKernon. I didn’t know Michael but I was familiar with his fine line drawings. Steve indulged me, Michael obliged and Falls Memories was produced, enhanced by his artistry. …
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A Great Showcase for Unity The SSE Arena in Belfast was buzzing with positivity last Saturday as several thousand people participated in one of the largest public discussions held recently on constitutional change and the potential for Irish Unity. Over ten thousand more joined online. The organisers did a remarkable job in bringing together a firs…
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This Too Will Pass All of this is grist to the mill of our opponents. But we do not begrudge them that. One of our political achievements is to expose the sameness of these parties interests and policies. We now have to create an alternative. So we have to play our own game regardless of what the naysayers claim. Unlike the southern parties Sinn Fé…
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IRELAND'S Future has an event in the SSE Arena in Belfast on Saturday, June 15. Entitled Pathway to Change, it has all the makings of a seminal moment in our discussions about the future. It will be the largest gathering by Ireland’s Future since its enormously successful, ground-breaking meeting in the 3 Arena in Dublin in October 2022.…
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Irish Unity makes economic sense Last month a report by the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) caught the headlines with the claim that Irish Unity could cost the South up to €20 billion annually. The analysis was quickly challenged by other economists and last week those with different opinions had their opportunity to address …
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Dublin Needs To Say No To London. Last week Mr Justice Humphreys, sitting in the High Court in Belfast, in his summary of judgement ordered the “disapplication of provisions of the Illegal Migration Act 2023 in Northern Ireland and declared others to be incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.” Tips For Aging. I intend to include …
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Immigrants are not the enemy. Divide and conquer is an age old tactic. It is often utilised by conservative elements to advance their regressive agendas. This is true of the Irish as it is of any other nation. In fact historically some Irish people have acted against the interests of Ireland and supported imperialistic and other colonial or domesti…
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Solidarity to Student Protesters In the late 1960s the major national and international issues of the day that helped shape my politics were the anti-Vietnam War movement, the anti-apartheid struggle against the racist South African government and the civil rights movement in the North. In all three the activism of students was central to raising p…
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A successful conference in support of Moore St. Last week The Moore Street Preservation Trust and Uachtarán Shinn Féin Mary Lou McDonald organised a conference to support the development of a Historical 1916 Cultural Quarter in Dublin City centre with Moore Street at its heart. Mass graves an act of barbarism At the weekend Leas Uachtarán Michelle …
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It time to recognise the State of Palestine In 2014 Sinn Féin brought forward a Dáil motion calling on the government to “officially recognise the State of Palestine, on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital …” I was part of this initiative. It got support from other TDs from other parties and none. It was not opposed by …
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Expanding the debate on Unity A recent report - "Northern Ireland Subvention: Possible Unification Effects" - published by the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) caught the headlines. It contained the startling claim that Irish Unity could cost the South up to €20 billion annually. It was grist to the mill of those who oppose un…
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Up Antrim! 24 years ago I wrote a short piece for Antrim 2000. I discovered it this week when I was clearingout three decades of accumulated books, newspaper clippings and assorted pamphlets. The 2000 reflection on Gaelic games is reproduced below. Since then much has changed in the Gaeldom. The most important change is probably the growth of women…
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