Father’s House Christian Church is a community of believers led by pastor Greg Timms in Oak Park, Illinois. We want to love God and people well. Our mission is Family, helping to restore people and building them into Christ. Experiencing the Father's Love and impacting the Local Community & World. Enjoy our podcast and please feel free to visit us at fathershousecotn.org
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We are Father's House OC-a Christian fellowship in Huntington Beach, California.
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This podcast channel is coming to you under the auspices of Father's house bible church Warri, Delta state Nigeria. This podcast channel has the vision of taking the undiluted word of God to the ends of the earth, Dr Richmond Leigh and Dr Silvia Lia Leigh are anointed ministers of God called by God to point the nations to the Lord Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. This podcast channel brings you the message of the gosple of Jesus in a weekly podcast sermon that will deeply enrich y ...
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Welcome to Father's House Church! This Sunday (September 19th 2021) Pastor Greg Timms brings a word about an ancient path that Jesus left for us to follow. Enjoy this life changing message!Af Father's House Church
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Welcome to Father's House Church! This Sunday (September 12th 2021) Pastor Greg Timms brings a FIRE message about who is the governor controlling your life... your spirit? God's spirit? Or your feelings? Enjoy this life changing message!Af Father's House Church
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Let Your Light Shine- Ft. Dr. Eric Montgomery
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51:14This Sunday service (September 5th 2021) was truly bitter sweet. Our beloved Dr. Eric Montgomery shared a FIRE message on being the light of the world... but it was his last message before moving to Baltimore, Maryland. Both Him and his wife Uwa will be greatly missed!Af Father's House Church
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Hear from Pastor Greg Timms as he shares his heart for the vision of Father's House Church. This Sunday service, on August 29th 2021 was a historic moment in the life of our body. We're entering into a season of "exponential growth" and excited to see what God is doing in our midst!Af Father's House Church
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Listen to this message by Gbenga Olarewaju from our live stream service Sunday, 8th of August 2021. Whatever life throws at us we can know and live in God's blessings. Gbenga shares on 3 key points - "Blessed but on the run..." ; "Victorious but on the run.." & "Chosen but on the run..."Af Father's House Church
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Listen to this message by Dr. Eric Montgomery called "When We Brag on God" from our live stream service - Sunday, August 1st 2021.Af Father's House Church
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In this message from Sunday 07112021 - Jaren Barnes shares an insight into who God is as Father. You are God’s child. He is not ashamed of you. He is not angry or frustrated with your progress or lack there of. He wants to be invited into the process of your growth and sanctification.Af Father's House Church
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Declaration & Celebration of Freedom
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28:05A rich and powerful message on freedom by Gbenga Olarewaju. Greater grace and higher heights in Jesus name. We are so thankful to God for the liberty we have in Christ. No more walls of separation or segregation. We can boldly approach the throne of grace to freely worship the most high God.Af Father's House Church
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How do we live differently? How do we live as Christians to be God’s messengers on the earth? We all have locks, we have doors and we have walls for a reason… It’s for safety. It’s a human nature thing. We don’t trust each other and we can’t believe that someone else has our best interests at heart. It’s really risky to leave our doors open, or to …
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Listen to the message from this past Sunday by lead Pastor Greg Timms called "Let Me Father You"Af Father's House Church
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Listen to the message from this past Sunday by lead Pastor Greg Timms called "Salt & Light" - Matthew 5:13-16 & Colossians 4:6Af Father's House Church
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Listen to this message by lead Pastor Greg Timms called "Slaying Seven Giants" from our online service this past Sunday.Af Father's House Church
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In this message, Dr. Eric Montgomery invites us along on a journey to the cross as we head into Holy Week. In his message, we see the fingerprints of God throughout history as we walk through familiar passages with Jesus in His journey to the Cross. The salvation we get to experience that Jesus Christ made open to us on that Good Friday was God's p…
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In this message, Pastor Denise Steyn shares that Jesus Christ is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and we get to stand firm in the authority He has given us in the face of our adversary. In Genesis, Judah played a vital role in the story of Joseph and we take a look at the correlation between that role and the role of Jesus, who is Judah’s descendent,…
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Finding Truth In The Midst of Chaos
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36:32We were honored to have Pastor John Scholtz share this past Sunday during our online service at Father's House Christian Church. Pastor John Scholtz is our oversight and leader from Church of the Nations.Af Father's House Church
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We pray that you are moved, encouraged and inspired by Jessica Virk's testimony and story of God pursuing her from our live service this past Sunday. God is faithful and will never give up on you, He is able to finish the work he has started in you and God is stable through every change that this life may bring... He remains!…
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The Baklava Diet - Finally, a diet that we can all do. This week we looked at Exodus 16 and the story of the Israelites and the lessons we can learn from this passage of scripture. God brings the Israelites out of slavery into the wilderness so that He can bring them into a land flowing with milk and honey. When God’s got a promised land that we do…
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This past Sunday lead pastor Greg Timms shared that there is an art to ‘living present’ and being content while waiting. It is a secret that is available to us. What are we waiting for? Is life passing us by as we watch high-light moments of other people's lives?Af Father's House Church
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Sometimes, within the church, the pain, loss, and disappointment we experience from a broken relationship, divorce, financial loss, losing loved ones, etc, are not always processed properly. In this video lead pastor, Greg Timms talks about the “Elephant in the Church” with regards to pain, loss, and disappointment and how we can be better as the c…
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Listen to this past Sunday's message by lead Pastor Greg Timms during our Zoom Service. Pastor Greg Timms spoke on knowing why we believe and put our hope in Jesus and not a worldly system.Af Father's House Church
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Listen to the message and time of ministry by Kristy Timms from this past Sunday. Kristy Timms is a 1st Year Revival Group pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. She is joined by her 3rd year team of leaders during this special ministry moment during the online service over the weekend.Af Father's House Church
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This past Sunday Seun Olarewaju shared that our Christian race is a marathon not a sprint, and the goal is not just to stay the course but run in a way so as to finish well. We can only achieve this through God's inner working in us so we have the desire and the power to shine brightly for his glory. This is our true act of worship.…
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Pastor Greg Timms shared during his message this past Sunday that 2020 has affected everyone of us deeply in some way. We don’t have what it takes to remain sane, we need a little help. Drink?!?!Af Father's House Church
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Dr. Eric Montgomery shared a really great message this past Sunday about "The Mask and the Crown." He shared that the Bible is full of strategies on how to live a dangerous life. We pray that you are encouraged by this message and share it with someone else to encourage them!Af Father's House Church
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God’s wisdom is a gift that is freely available to anyone who desires it. Gaining His perspective and applying the knowledge and principles of the Bible to our lives creates an opportunity for us to experience breakthrough and see His Kingdom come like never before. “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all withou…
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This past Sunday lead pastor Greg Timms shared about Jesus in the 2020 US Elections and that we continue to fix our eyes on Jesus Christ at election time. Love or hate politics, can’t vote, have voted, still need to vote? This message “I VOTE…” is for everyone.Af Father's House Church
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In this message “Ripped & Equipped” by lead pastor Greg Timms we look at being strong and effective, and taking ground for the Kingdom by unpacking Ephesian 6 and full armor of God.Af Father's House Church
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Listen to this past Sunday's message by lead pastor Greg Timms called "Hugging a Porcupine". That God can bring healing to a hurting world through us, His sons and daughters. That we would allow God to remove arrows from the enemy and bring healing to our lives.Af Father's House Church
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Who controls the Wedge & Gavel? 'Don’t take the bait’ .... If you missed this past Sunday's message by pastor Greg Timms you can listen to it now!Af Father's House Church
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In the middle of the craziest time in our world history, God is still God, He is still kind, loving, Father, All knowing, understanding, merciful, compassionate, forgiving, unmoved, fearless, trustworthy, Almighty, peaceful, filled with joy, etc. and that is the Truth.Af Father's House Church
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Music is powerful! Songs and music can often shift or change the atmosphere. The words we sing or listen to are powerful and it can change or altar how we feel or think. Worship lifts our spirits, encourages us and we are built up through His presence in worship as His truths are declared over us. God want us living free and living whole.…
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Listen to the message from our online service this past Sunday by pastor John Scholtz - Matt 11:28 - “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”…
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God is wanting to breathe hope into our lives when it seems like there is no hope. As Peter walked out onto the water, we learn that keeping our gaze fixed on Jesus is the only way. We see the impossible made possible as we step out in faith and allow Him to take hold of us when we feel ourselves slipping into fear. Christ is our living hope and it…
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Speaking into the Tension Right Now by Pastor Matt Swift | 06 28 20
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53:56Speaking into the Tension Right Now by Pastor Matt Swift | 06 28 20 by Podcast From Father's House OC ChurchAf Podcast From Father's House OC Church
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The Book of Acts Pt. 13 by Pastor Tim Felker | 06 21 20
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48:21The Book of Acts Pt. 13 by Pastor Tim Felker | 06 21 20 by Podcast From Father's House OC ChurchAf Podcast From Father's House OC Church
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The Book of Acts Pt. 12 by Pastor Tim Felker | 06 14 20
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45:24The Book of Acts Pt. 12 by Pastor Tim Felker | 06 14 20 by Podcast From Father's House OC ChurchAf Podcast From Father's House OC Church
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We all want to hear that God knows us, sees us and that He has a plan for our lives. Encouragement is something we can feel and it shouldn’t be an occasional experience, it should be a lifestyle, a belief system. God’s language is encouragement and often we read that God shows up and says “Fear not, be of good courage”. Learning to speak a new lang…
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We pray that you are encouraged by this message from our online zoom service this past Sunday by Kristy Timms. Kristy is a Revival Group Pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California and the daughter our lead pastors Greg & Irma Timms.Af Father's House Church
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In these unprecedented times of uncertainty and disruption to our normal life, it is not enough to stick to our status quo. Instead, God is calling us to go deeper in our knowledge of His purpose for us, so we can strengthen the foundation upon which we live. Take heart, He (Jesus) has overcome the world! His truth anchors us and will see us throug…
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How do we make God’s word breaking news, make it become our everyday news and make it become our lifestyle? Can you imagine how different life would look if every single day we pick up God’s word with passion, intensity, and urgency? Jesus invites us to see life the way that He sees it. Inviting us into the Kingdom which is righteousness, peace, an…
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How do we live in victory despite what is happening on the earth at the moment? We can live in victory by applying the values & principles of the Kingdom, even though we are on lockdown. The danger for any Christian during this time is to push pause and live overwhelmed by the situation and not live where God wants us to live. Pastor Greg Timms sha…
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This past Sunday Pastor Greg Timms shared that much of the news out there today is overwhelming and can stir up so much fear. How do we respond out of wisdom and not out of fear? We need to stop partnering with fear which is a spirit that God has not given us and have more conversations with God. God is wanting us to live above the worries of this …
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Renew - The Power of a Transformed Mind
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38:16On Sunday, Denise Steyn shared on the Renewing of our minds. Our Spirits are born again at salvation, but our minds need to be renewed day by day. We can have the mind of Christ and the process of renewing is changing the way we think, from being bent on not trusting the Lord to knowing He is good and trusting Him with our lives. It’s time to start…
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This past Sunday Pastor Greg Timms unpacked Psalm 91. Everything changes because of who He is and who we are in Him. Truth trumps both our experiences and belief systems. Truth is Jesus! We need to live under the shelter of Most High and the shadow of the Almighty. When we step into His shadow we find our true identities as sons and daughters. Ther…
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This past Sunday Pastor John Scholtz in his message lessons in hearing God's voice shared that in John 10:27 we read "His sheep know His voice..." and we know that God can speak to us in many different ways. We are encouraged to ask for wisdom, we are encouraged to ask for direction and we are encouraged to ask God for whatever we need to understan…
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This past Sunday Eric Montgomery shared that we are citizens of heaven if we believe in the name of Jesus Christ. Because of our citizenship, forces of evil can’t touch what God has created and whom He has called. In much of today’s culture, identity has become fluid but God wants us to know that we have an unshakable identity. It’s not time to liv…
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Pastor Greg Timms shared this past Sunday that more and more people have this overwhelming desire to get back to the original intent of why God made us. We need to take the most drastic steps possible to not lose intimacy with the Father. If there is anything that is going to steal our joy, our intimacy we are to cut it off. The question is how bad…
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This past Sunday Pastor Fred Steyn shared how Jesus picked the disciples even though they weren’t perfect or the best of the best. His love healed them, made them whole, changed their view of themselves and transformed them from rags to riches. God doesn’t require us to be qualified before He calls us, He simply wants us to answer His call, He will…
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Within the church today the talk of money has become a sensitive topic. Jesus spoke a lot about money and so we looked at what God says about money in His word. The Bible says that we have not, because we ask not and we know that God is our provider. Even with money, there is an invitation to step into a relationship with God. The world chases afte…
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We often catch ourselves saying things that our parents used to say and today we make choices based on who we think we are because of words spoken over us. Words carry weight. We see this throughout the Bible, words are powerful. The Kingdom culture that God wants us to live in is to speak truth and life over each other. It’s never too late to rece…
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