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FAED University

FAED University

DJ Five and Eric Dlux, better known as FAED, set off the hour-long program with a mix featuring some of the latest edits/bootlegs found exclusively on Headliner Music Club.
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Welcome to Faebabes, the podcast where we delve into the enchanting world of fantasy romance. Join Gaby and Hailey as we explore magical realms, fall in love with fae daddies, and tell you what the fuck is happening in these stories. So, grab your favorite book, a cozy blanket, and let’s embark on a magical journey together. Because who needs reality when you can lose yourself in a world with magic and shit.
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This is a podcast about stories, myths and Catholicism. Stories are how we orient ourselves in the world. In Catholicism, we believe in the Greatest Story: Christ crucified and resurrected. We participate in His story through ritual worship; the liturgy. Even in the Catholic Church, these truths are often forgotten or ignored. My mission for this podcast is to explore storytelling, myths, and how these fit into Catholicism. I will cover Catholic fantasy and science fiction authors, mythology ...
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Faeforge Academy

The Fandomentals

The Faeforge Academy is a 5th edition, Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast featuring the Witch+Craft supplement for crafting by Astrolago press. To stay up to date with everything happening at the academy be sure to follow us on Twitter @FaeforgeAcademy. Dungeon Master – Stephen Garcia – @the_baddm Beskey Nevering – Michael Sinclair II – @michaelcrits Ariadne Zuvan – Adelaide Gardner – @ohadelaide Khoz Forgeheart – Ian Gould – @gameofscience Ashryn Emberwhisper – Ky Elliot– @stoneflyky Ra ...
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Spotify Studios

Welcome to a world where fairy tales do exist, and “once upon a time” is closer, darker, and more dangerous than you imagined. Welcome to the immersive new Parcast original series, Faerie. Available exclusively on Spotify, Faerie follows the investigation of Ryan Bailey—a young woman, who by happenstance, saves a man’s life and is thrust into a secret world of mythological creatures called “faeries.” Join Ryan as she unearths more about their mysterious existence and the covert agency charge ...
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Vin For Faen

Adrian Søbyskogen

En podcast fra to enkle karer som lærer om vin. Vi ønsker å gi en snobbefri og nedpå time om de fine smakene som finnes på Vinmonpolet og på restauranter, sånn at vi kan virkelig forstå hvorfor noe er godt, eller smaker dritt. Hver eneste uke sitter Adrian Søbyskogen og Mads Theodor Larsen i en av Oslo sine flotteste vinkjellere; Klosteret Restaurant. Vin for f**n
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Hello and welcome to The Faerie Folk - a travel, folklore and storytelling podcast that takes you on an magical tour to discover the myth and the magic of the United Kingdom, without leaving the comfort of your own home. Join your mystical host as she guides you on an audio adventure to discover the rich history, culture and folklore of the U.K through immersive audio soundscapes, friendly narration and historical deep-dives. Each episode features a retelling of a local folktale, a discussio ...
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Welcome to Fænix Vision! - Creating the transformative vision for health, fitness & wellbeing :) FV is spreading the word of good health through engaging many different informative & inspiring guests on a wide range of topics covering all things physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It's vision is to empower listeners with the knowledge, tools & inspiration for them to take transformative action towards improving their health, wellbeing & vitality. Happy, healthy & strong pain free lives ...
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Robbe Madsen & Sam Asgari

med Robbe og Sam FAEN! er en u-skriptet podcast hvor vi har besøk av herlige folk fra Norges musikk miljø og løfter fram aktuelle aktører innen rock og metal scenen i Norge gjennom intervjuer, samtaler, anmeldelser og diskusjoner. Med besøk fra mindre nyetablerte band og artister, konsert- og festivalarrangører, ildsjeler og initiativtakere, til større band, og mer etablerte artister og kulturpersonligheter er vi en podcast hvor man får utforske ny musikk med ett lett fordøyelig, humoristisk ...
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In this podcast we will talk about everything and I mean EVERYTHING! psychology, mental health, habit formation, transformation, dating, finding friends, remaining healthy friendships, setting realistic expectations for ourselves, happiness, travel, tech, cooking life and so much more :) My goal is to show up for this podcast every single day to hang out with all of you and share my message in hopes of helping others.
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Gi litt mer faen


Det er komiker Tommy Steine og forfatter og terapeut Geir Wigtil som står bak denne podcasten. Den handler først og fremst om psykisk helse - men også alt det andre som gjør det fint, fælt, lett, vanskelig, plagsomt, kult, kjedelig, lærerikt og morsomt å være et helt vanlig menneske som lever et helt vanlig menneskeliv. Kontakt: [email protected]. Annonsering: [email protected]
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Lizzie (10) returns to her ancestral home in Maine to make an amazing discovery: the woods behind the farmhouse contain a doorway to the mystical realm of Faerie. But a dark storm looms over the horizon of Fae: Lizzie’s Great-Uncle Carlow has enlisted a goblin army to conquer the World Tree, and has set his sights set on our world after… All that stands in Carlow’s way is Lizzie and her unlikely friends: Kyle, a talking goat, and Garrett, a swashbuckling weasel. OF FAE & FIENDS is a Faerie T ...
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Faerie Visions

Max Gibson

Yes, I spelled that correctly. This isn’t a podcast about “fairies,” as most of you know them. This is about the Radical Faeries, a global movement of queer spiritualists—LGBT (and some cis-straight people) searching for the spirit that lies inside their sexual identities. In this series, I get to know the Radical Faeries of Vermont. Join me as I attempt to understand their lives and lifestyles. I found their stories illuminating for me, as a gay man. I hope they will be for you also, whatev ...
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Modern Fae

Sinking Feelings Productions

Modern Fae is a new audio drama that centers around Diya Greenberg, a young woman who feels lost in her life, and makes the fateful decision to move to a tiny South Texan town to manage a bookstore. Little does she realize, but Encrucijada is much, much more than it seems. It is a haven for the legendary and mythological, the shadowy and supernatural. And it is in grave danger. Here, even the shadows have shadows, and something is stirring that threatens not only to consume the whole of this ...
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The Faeries of Birchover Wood - Book 1 - The Bad

Ian Rutter on Podiobooks.com

In a time when a King ruled England, and his knights rode into battle for glory and honour, a monster, the Bad, roamed the land, waiting for a chance to take power. The Bad had no real shape, but it had a purpose, and that was to feed on anything, then defeat the King and his army. The King asked the myths, legends, and folklore of England for help and all answered his cry. Led by an elder of the Faery folk, Elder Perennial Swallowtail, the mythical creatures joined the King's army to create ...
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show series
"I killed my old self..." We are super excited to welcome our first guest to our podcast, our dear friend Mark! Mark is a HUGE hunger games fan just like us. It is his first time reading Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes so we of course had to break it down in our fourth full length episode. Spoilers for the movie and the book ahead! Check out our boo…
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The folklore of Rumpelstiltskin in a nutshell, translated to Afrikaans, and how I reimagined it for my writing. Written and narrated by Ronel Janse van Vuuren. Copyright 2025 Ronel Janse van Vuuren — All rights reserved. Learn more about Rumpelstiltskin in folklore here. Get the transcript here. Learn more about the author and her writing here. Mus…
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Is onze gezondheidszorg in gevaar? Moeten we besparen? Hoe houdbaar is de financiering van onze zorg? Zullen de kosten voor de patiënt blijven toenemen? Zal de kwaliteit van onze gezondheidszorg dalen? Hoe kunnen we efficiënter aan zorg doen met beperkte middelen? Waarom investeren we niet meer in preventie? Vragen voor Dominique Vandijck, professo…
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How does magic work in The Lord of the Rings? Does Tolkien have a "magic system?" Richard Rohlin returns to the show to discuss how Tolkien uses magic in his Legendarium. This is a continuation to our previous episode on magic systems in fantasy. Follow Richard Rohlin on Twitter.com @richardrohlin ***************************************************…
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We are back in Dream Harbor for another mini episode as we explore our recent Holiday Reads! Holiday Reads are books specifically read during a certain time of year that really captures the essence of that time frame. We recently reviewed Pumpkin Spice Cafe by Laurie Gilmore on our last mini episode and on this episode we are moving on to the secon…
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Mensen met vrienden leven langer. Mensen in eenzaamheid sterven vroeger. In gesprek met professor Marie-Anne Vanderhasselt over de wetenschap achter vriendschap. Er zijn weinig dingen in het leven die zo waardevol zijn als vriendschap. En toch worden vriendenrelaties nog maar zeer recent onderzocht door gedragswetenschappers. Wat blijkt? Vriendscha…
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SPOILERS AHEAD! Hop on your dragon and join us as we review the recent release in the Empyrean Series, Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros. In this episode, we discuss our overall review of the latest novel and our reactions to the insane cliffhanger. Stay tuned for Part Two where we talk more on our predictions for the future of the series! Check out our…
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Hoe kunnen we 'Goed Werken'? Isabel geeft in onze podcast praktische tips voor werknemers, werkgevers en ondernemers over hoe we welzijn en productiviteit kunnen blenden. Minder afleiding en meer focus. Hoe we slimmer hybride kunnen werken. En wat de rol is van technologie in onze afleiding & productiviteit. Isabel is founder van The School for Foc…
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In this episode, I get to discuss two of my favorite things: bees and mythology. Salvator R. Tarnmoor, or Ludovico Ambrosius when he is writing, joins the show to discuss his recent collection of poems on honeybees. This anthology collects poems from authors thousands of years apart and includes selections on bees from Virgil, Homer, Shakespeare, E…
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The folklore of gremlins in a nutshell, translated to Afrikaans, and how I reimagined it for my writing. Written and narrated by Ronel Janse van Vuuren. Copyright 2025 Ronel Janse van Vuuren — All rights reserved. Learn more about gremlins in folklore here. Get the transcript here. Learn more about the author and her writing here. Music: Secrets by…
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Waarom zijn we niet gelukkiger? Die vraag beantwoordt Michael Vlerick in zijn gelijknamige boek, én in onze podcast. Michael Vlerick is wetenschapsfilosoof en doceert aan de universiteit van Tilburg. Voor zijn laatste boek, paste hij evolutieleer toe op de vraag 'waarom we niet gelukkiger zijn' met al onze weelde in de 21ste eeuw. Het antwoord ligt…
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Come explore the town of Dream Harbor with us on this mini episode as we dive into our recent holiday reads! Holiday Reads are books specifically read during a certain time of year that really captures the essence of that time frame. On this mini episode, we are discussing the first book in the Dream Harbor series by Laurie Gilmore The Pumpkin Spic…
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On Episode 120 of The Faerie Conclave, Alec interviews Bones with Calavera Cosplay all about her Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh "Oops All Chandras" commander deck! This deck is packed full of fire, explosions, electricity, and Chandras! We also talked about cosplay, art choices during deck building, and how cool Brash Taunter is. Thank you for listening…
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Alles omtrent die koningin van winter, hoe ek haar herverbeel het vir my skryfwerk en hierdie fee oorvertaal na Engels. Geskryf en voorgelees deur Ronel Janse van Vuuren. Kopiereg 2025 Ronel Janse van Vuuren — Alle regte voorbehou. Leer meer oor die cailleach hier. Kry die transkripsie hier. Leer meer oor die skrywer hier. Music: Secrets by David F…
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Een bezorgde dokter over ultrabewerkte voeding, die ons ziek maakt. Dr. Staf Henderickx is al 44 jaar actief als huisarts, waarvan 38 jaar in de Lommelse Groepspraktijk Geneeskunde voor het Volk. Hij schreef recent het must-read boek 'Dit slik ik niet meer - een bezorgde dokter over ultrabewerkte voeding, die ons ziek maakt'. We hebben het over: - …
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It’s that time! We’re here to talk about one of the most popular fantasy series of today—Sarah J. Maas’ A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES. SPOILER WARNING! Sadly, do not listen if you haven't finished this series! (But do come back with all those fresh thoughts when you have completed A COURT OF SILVER FLAMES.) Come with us on an exploration of what make…
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Welcome to Here, After, a brand new story set in the Faeforge Academy world of Evastria. This story is set in a far corner of the world, where people have been isolated from the rest of the world since before they remember. In fact, to the people here, the word Evastria is meaningless. Join our new story, led and GM’d by Kris Gideon (Rain in our ma…
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The folklore of boggarts in a nutshell, translated to Afrikaans, and how I reimagined it for my writing. Written and narrated by Ronel Janse van Vuuren. Copyright 2025 Ronel Janse van Vuuren — All rights reserved. Learn more about boggarts in folklore here. Get the transcript here. Learn more about the author and her writing here. Music: Secrets by…
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Iedereen kent het wel: je wilt snel iets opzoeken op het internet en twee uur later ben je nog bezig. Dat hebben we niet helemaal zelf in de hand: aandacht en informatie zijn de munteenheden van een nieuw tijdperk, de infocratie. Nog nooit konden we zoveel te weten komen over een breed scala aan onderwerpen als nu. Tegelijk staan onze individuele v…
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Happy Onyx Storm Week! This past week Rebecca Yarros released her anticipated third book in the Empyrean series, Onyx Storm. To celebrate, we hosted a virtual party on twitch! Join us in this mini episode as we recap the event, our first reactions to the book, and what we expect going forward. Leigh devoured the book in two days and Jennifer is sti…
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HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FAERIE CONCLAVE! On Episode 119 of The Faerie Conclave, Alec interviews Joey all about his Baba Lysaga, Night Witch commander deck! This is Joey's signature deck that he has been absolutely adoring for the last few years. Baba is an incredible combination of sacrifice, card types, tricky puzzles, and explosive plays. We…
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Alles omtrent die feëkoningin, hoe ek haar herverbeel het vir my skryfwerk en hierdie fee oorvertaal na Engels. Geskryf en voorgelees deur Ronel Janse van Vuuren. Kopiereg 2025 Ronel Janse van Vuuren — Alle regte voorbehou. Leer meer oor die feëkoningin hier. Kry die transkripsie hier. Leer meer oor die skrywer hier. Music: Secrets by David Fesliya…
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In België ontvangen een half miljoen mensen een vervangingsinkomen wegens langdurige ziekte. Volgens het federaal Planbureau dreigt hun aantal, bij ongewijzigd beleid, tegen 2035 op te lopen tot bijna 600.000. De overheid lijkt al jaren te vechten tegen de bierkaai. Hoe keren we het tij? In gesprek met professor, dokter, én CEO van IDEWE (de groots…
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The folklore of lamia in a nutshell and how I reimagined it for my writing. Written and narrated by Ronel Janse van Vuuren. Copyright 2025 Ronel Janse van Vuuren — All rights reserved. Learn more about lamia in folklore here. Get the transcript here. Learn more about the author and her writing here. Music: Secrets by David Fesliyan (FesliyanStudios…
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Almost all books are stupid, or else they are too smart. If you think so too, then this guest's books may be just right for you! Poet and novelist, E. L. Brooks, joins the show to discuss his two books, Phineiad: A Brief History of the Future, and The Loser, the Robot, and the Antichrist. If you enjoy online peasant romance, the death worship of im…
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"You love me. Real or not real?" For our very first episode, we are breaking down the series we hold closest to our hearts- the Hunger Games. Join us as we discuss why we love the series, the themes, the impact of the stories, the characters high and lows, and much more. Head to our instagram @faetalespodcast to let us know what you love about this…
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Dag vrienden van de podcast, vandaag gaan we in gesprek met niemand minder dan professor Dirk De Wachter. Over geluk zoeken en over geluk vinden. Over eenzaamheid en over liefde. Over de zin van het leven. Professor De Wachter wilde als kind kunstenaar worden. Maar de kunstacademie ging hem niet goed af. Zijn moeder raadde hem dan maar aan te gaan …
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Alles omtrent Ankou, hoe ek dit herverbeel het vir my skryfwerk en hierdie fee oorvertaal na Engels. Geskryf en voorgelees deur Ronel Janse van Vuuren. Kopiereg 2025 Ronel Janse van Vuuren — Alle regte voorbehou. Leer meer oor Ankou hier. Kry die transkripsie hier. Leer meer oor die skrywer hier. Music: Secrets by David Fesliyan (FesliyanStudios.co…
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Welcome to the Mystic Scales & Fae Tales Podcast! We are so thrilled to be launching this new book podcast! Who are we? We are Leigh and Jen, two AVID book readers who just can't stop talking about everything we read. In August of 2024, we started a book club on the Fable app. Leigh was beginning her SJM journey and we wanted to post fan art so she…
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"Niemand redt meer levens dan Luc Colemont", dixit Marc Coucke. Luc Colemont is maagdarmspecialist en bezieler en directeur van vzw Stop Darmkanker. 1 op 20 personen wordt ooit geconfronteerd met darmkanker. Jaarlijks sterven in België 3000 mensen aan darmkanker. Dat zijn 8 mensen per dag. Overgewicht, roken en alcoholgebruik zijn de drie meest bek…
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