Welcome to the Family Life Christian Center Podcast! Tune in as the Holy Spirit ministers through Pastor Joseph Barlow & his team. God is releasing truths that bring about real Christian maturity and breakthroughs in the Supernatural. Spirit-led living is the key to the successful Christian walk. We're here to empower you to fulfill your highest calling in Christ. Enjoy our podcast and please feel free to visit us at www.familylife.cc or www.josephbarlow.com
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Be Fruitful in all areas of your life!! downloadAf Mark Barlow
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Phil Buck shares during service a powerful testimony on evangelism. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Being Fruitful as it relates to Evangelism is an interesting concept. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Wrapping it up! Part 4 is the best yet with Pastor Natalie Hochstatter covering all the practical relational and emotions tips. DownloadAf Natalie Hochstatter
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Guest speaker Nathan Blouse speaks on relationships and shares some God stories from his life. DownloadAf Nathan Blouse
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We all have relationships that need work. Not because we are bad at them, but simply because all relationships take effort. Pastor Joe takes an interesting approach to the first week of the Relationship series. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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DOWNLOADAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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“Reading the bible without a relationship with God is like reading a love letter written to someone else…” downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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In week two of the Prepare Him Room series Pastor Joe teaches us that when we step out in faith, we give Jesus room to move in our lives. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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How can we prepare our lives for God in the Christmas Season? Pastor Joe unpacks how to to get our hearts in the right place! downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Pastor Joe talks about and illustrates how we need to connect with God and the Holy Spirit to lead in big ways. BONUS CONTENT: Nathan Blouse adds a mini message about getting fed by people so you can feed others! downloadAf Pastor Joe
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Danny Hochstatter interviews Deb Hochstatter about her leadership journey and her keys to being a strong leader DownloadAf Danny and Deb Hochstatter
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Pastor Joe Barlow speaks on understanding authority and placing ourselves under trustworthy authority, acting with integrity, and preparing for future leadership. DownloadAf Joe Barlow
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Starting off the Levels of Leadership series on a strong note, Pastor Joe Barlow teaches about the importance of leading and being responsible for yourself, before you can be successfully lead other people. DOWNLOADAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Pastor Joe speaks on the importance of using the power of the prophetic in evangelism. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Listen as Pastor Joe Barlow teaches about listening to God through the voice of the Holy Spirit in everyday life. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Pastor Joe Barlow teaches further into the subject of Kingdom Activity regarding your finances and operating under Kingdom power. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Guest Speaker, Danny Hochstatter, takes us through the 6 levels of financial prosperity. downloadAf Danny Hochstatter
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Pastor Joe Barlow kicks off our new series, Kingdom Activity, with a powerful message about understanding heavenly principles about your finances! downloadAf Joe Barlow
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Pastor Joe Barlow continues his profound teaching on this week’s message. downloadAf Joe Barlow
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Pastor Joe wraps up our great August series: Knowing God. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Pastor Joe Barlow continues the sermon series on Knowing God. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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It is important that we get a true understanding of God’s desire toward us. Getting a revelation of His goodness will allow you to have faith to believe for what you need. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Pastor Joe Barlow shows that the way you perceive God, is what dictates your decisions and actions. Viewing God as a generous Father is the key to living a prosperous life. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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The fourth part in our new series on healing. Jesus paid for every believer to walk in the healing that he provided for us downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Pastor Joe Barlow begins our series by moving through the scriptures to show how it is always God’s will to heal. DownloadAf Mark Barlow
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Being able to make a Godly decision starts from a place of submission, not from obedience. Know the difference! DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Guest speaker, Keith Hershey, speaks about living a life through the revelation that you are completely loved and accepted by God. DownloadAf Keith Hershey
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God’s will includes having you follow the desires of your own heart. Pastor Joe Cirafici takes you through the freedom that you have in Christ to make your own choices without over-spiritualizing the decisions you make. DownloadAf Joe Cirafici
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Pastor Joe Barlow takes you through processes and strategies that have helped him supernaturally navigate through difficult situations. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Guest speaker, Nathan Blouse walks us through the powerful truths of what it means to walk in relationship with God. He does this by using the story of the Apostle Peter. DownloadAf Nathan Blouse
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Pastor Joe Barlow gives powerful insight on creating successful relationships with the people around you. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Honoring Mothers is God’s desire for your life. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Where was the Holy Spirit during Christ’s time on earth? Where was He during the death and resurrection of Jesus? Take a look through the eyes of the Holy Spirit and see the Easter Story. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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The amount of wealth you can create is limited to the heart boundaries you have placed around money. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Executive Pastor Joe Cirafici talks about the unity that we enjoy in Christ to give us a unique perspective on our identity. downloadAf Joe Cirafici
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Associate Pastor, Natalie Hochstatter, continues our series on unlocking your true identity in Christ. She brings a powerful message showing how we may be doing things to undermine our revelation of who God has made us to be. downloadAf Natalie Hochstatter
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Guest speaker Schlyce Jimenez brings a powerful message on the supernatural unity that exists between God and His children. downloadAf Schlyce Jimenez
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Part 2 of our series on Unlocking Your Identity in Christ. Pastor Joe Barlow walks through the difference of the way we see ourselves and how God sees us. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Unlocking your identity in Christ is so important to fulfilling your destiny as a child of God! Pastor Joe Barlow walks you though how to see yourself as a new creation in Christ according to 2 Corinthians 5:17. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Part three of our series where we discuss the presence of God in our everyday lives. downloadAf Mark Barlow
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The second part of our series on encountering and living from the presence of God. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Church member, Rebecca Ludwick makes her teaching debut will a short message on taking negative thoughts captive and thinking God-filled thoughts that lead to positive actions and outcomes. downloadAf Rebecca Ludwick
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The first part of our series on encountering the presence of God. The bible says that Jesus often got alone with God to seek and pray. It also says that when we pray in secret, the Father will reward us openly. downloadAf Joe Barlow
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Family Life invites John King to teach on the supernatural ways in which God works within our marketplace, whether we are an entrepreneur or employee. downloadAf John King
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The Lord wants to introduce you to yourself, for discovering who you are, will give you clues as to what you’re called to do. As children of God, we find our identity in the one who created us. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Family Life aspires to learn and to teach others how to live supernaturally. We believe that our lives are not limited to what each of us can accomplish on our own, but our ultimate success is in the supernatural ability of God within us. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to bring the Kingdom of God to earth. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Life is full of things to focus on. What you choose to look at will determine your satisfaction. downloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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Overcoming and adversity and challenges are what cause you to move forward as a mature and powerful believer. DownloadAf Pastor Joe Barlow
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