Experimentet En podd om hur vi testar oss fram. Högaktuell vetenskapsjournalistik och dokumentärer från Tredje Statsmakten Media och Perfect Day Det sista pillret Radiojournalisten och småbarnspappan Johan Cedersjö är en av 1,2 miljoner svenskar som tar antidepressiv medicin. Men efter tio år har han bestämt sig för att försöka sluta. Trots att han är livrädd för vem han är utan pillren. Samtidigt som Johan börjar trappa ner sin medicin, börjar han också undersöka varför så många tar den för ...
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Podcast Vivendo em Cetose: Experimentos e Jejuns
Dr. Gabriel Marchesan Almeida | @dr.gabriel.carnivoro
Bem-vindo ao “Vivendo em Cetose: Experimentos e Jejuns”, o podcast onde exploramos o fascinante mundo dos jejuns prolongados, dietas cetogênicas, carnívoras e low-carb através de experimentos práticos e medições científicas. A cada episódio, mergulhamos nas nuances da cetose, compartilhando dados reais sobre níveis de cetona, glicose e os efeitos dessas práticas alimentares no corpo e na mente. Se você é um entusiasta da saúde, alguém curioso sobre os benefícios do jejum ou um veterano das d ...
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Directamente extraídos de las bóvedas y archivos de Radio Gamma, estos experimentos sonoros clase B finalmente ahora están disponibles para su escucha en las redes...
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Minnesota’s think tank hits the airwaves. Unafraid to challenge mainstream narratives, John Hinderaker asks his colleagues and American Experiment Policy Fellows questions from “Is Minnesota’s criminal justice system racist?” to “Will wind and solar energy save the world?” Produced by Center of the American Experiment.
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1) Find what's true and make it useful. 2) Publish every other Tuesday. 3) Photo cred: my dad.
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Talking Experiments by Borealis: A podcast of conversations with composers, artists, musicians and thinkers all engaged in the world of experimental music. Get to know the people beind the music and experiments – spanning the musical, social and political.
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¿Sabías que las drogas ya fueron legales en México? Toxicomanía: El Experimento Mexicano retrata la insólita historia sobre la legalización de las drogas en 1940 y el brillante científico mexicano, el Doctor Leopoldo Salazar Viniegra. Protagonizada por Luis Gerardo Méndez, Aída López y Rainn Wilson.
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Noticias científicas para todos los públicos, y entrevistas a científicos que nos contarán los últimos descubrimientos en su investigación. Presentado por los científicos Laura Martínez Maestro y David Ruiz Izuriaga. Ingeniería de sonido y edición por Carlos Bricio.
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Comedy, satire, talk show.
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Providing you the skills, tools, and mindset necessary to become a world-class LabVIEW Programmer.
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This Is An Experiment, an unfiltered music conversation, out of Los Angeles, CA. Hosted and produced by Bradley Levine @experiment.pod
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We are often distracted in life and never really dive deep into the real foundation of self improvement, goal achieving, and wellbeing. - Join our team of experts every week as we discuss the real facets of manhood. Topics like: How to develop more self esteem, self love, deeper relationships. How to improve our wellbeing, mental toughness, resilience, and productivity. How to develop critical skills, become better leaders, expand our careers/business, create financial security and contribut ...
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Vědecko-technologický magazín Radiožurnálu. Zabýváme se nejnovějšími vynálezy a zjišťujeme, nad čím bádají nejen čeští vědci. Zajímá nás také zákulisí vědy, jak vlastně žijí lidé, kteří zasvětili život vědě a jak fungují špičkové laboratoře. Nezapomínáme ani na moderní technologie – jaké je čeká budoucnost, jak budou sloužit člověku… nebo to bude jinak? Všechny díly podcastu Magazín Experiment můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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Two longtime friends meet once a week to share some laughs and watch a classic cult, horror, or disturbing arthouse film. Sarah loves them, but Emma might not have the stomach for it. Will their already unstable friendship survive the Brutal Film Girl Experiment?
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Experimentações Sobre escutas e olhares expandidos
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We experiment with concepts in guns, gear and training; all while having conversations about interesting things, with interesting people. Yes, we will talk about guns, but not just guns because humans weren’t meant to be one dimensional. The gun is merely a tool and we believe the person is the true weapon. We want to explore different ways to make this “weapon” better in mind, body and spirit. Experiment...everyday.
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Hi everyone, I'm Robin! I'm a creative professional with a unique challenge: I'm trying to cure my own Aphantasia. I was self-diagnosed with aphantasia at the age of 38. It was a really mind-blowing experience for me. I never realized that I was missing something that other people had. To help me in my journey, I'm conducting various experiments and meditations on myself. Follow along as I hopefully make exciting new discoveries on aphantasia, and see how it might open up new possibilities i ...
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Peter and Tara of Mild Fuzz Movies discuss science fiction films every week!
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The Long Beach Social Experiment is to entertain and inform the listeners of the journey I been through in my life but also invite up and coming guests that are going to bring hope and inspiration for the people listening all around the world.
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Sit down with Denny Conn and Drew Beechum, authors of Experimental Homebrewing and Homebrewing All-Stars as they explore the world of beer and homebrew. Every episode tackles the science of brewing and the art of brewing. Listen and learn how to make and appreciate better beer and how to create even the craziest idea you have. We can’t promise that you’ll save the world, but we can promise mad science in the pursuit of great beer!
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I’m an oral maxillofacial surgeon in private practice, who teaches at the University of Washington Dental School, takes facial trauma and oral surgery call at the hospital, and finds the time to do stuff like this. I make videos and invite guests about topics that I find interesting. This is not only for medical or dental people but meant for most anyone. So enjoy and rate and subscribe if you find it entertaining.
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Der Podcast für den Workshop
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A Lively Experiment is a weekly News & Politics program on Rhode Island PBS. Tune in each Friday at 7:00 pm for new episodes regarding the political climate in Rhode Island.
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THE FAILED EXPERIMENT is a weekly podcast hosted by Southern California based DP/cinematographer, Kyle Cowling, along with a guest. Each week, in his dining room, Kyle sits down with filmmakers, photographers, musicians, artists, athletes, and individuals from all walks of life to discuss everything from their journey of how they got to where they are today, their goals, accomplishments, failures, mental health, work/life balance and more. TFE is an open and honest exploration in sincere con ...
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Welcome to the Experiment Zone! Join us as we dive deep into the world of customer journeys and user experiences, with a special focus on conversion rate optimization. Every week, we’ll be doing website teardowns, store critiques, and live conversion strategy sessions. During these sessions, host AJ Davis will be leading the way and sharing her screen while walking you through the strategies that her guests will use to boost website visitor conversions. Our main aim is to help YOU discover n ...
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Un tiempo de la programación para el ensayo y la innovación.
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Could you write and publish a bestseller in one year?
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ما جمعی از دانشجوهای دکتری پیوسته بیوتکنولوژی دانشگاه تهران هستیم و توی این گروه با دانشآموختگان دانشکده مصاحبه میکنیم. وبلاگ https://experimental-intvs.blogspot.com کانال تلگرام https://t.me/experi_mental
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Experimental multitracked podcast
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O Espaço Experimental é uma atividade de ensino e projeto de extensão produzido pelos alunos do curso de Jornalismo da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Aqui você confere todas as nossas produções em radiojornalismo.
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In jeder Episode stellen Dominik und Sarah euch spannende Themen und Experimente der Psychologie vor.
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Podcast 'Experimenteren met..' - Elke twee weken een interview of gesprek door Kevin Weijers met Nederlands meest bekende sprekers, sporters en ondernemers, waarin ik op zoek ga naar het antwoord op de vraag: "Als ik iets wil met wat jij doet, waar begin ik?"
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Simon Exton and Ken Moss met at the premiere of the 'Doctor Who' revival in 2005 and became lifelong friends. They now spend occasional weekends trawling through the British television archives giving brutally honest reviews during heroic drinking sessions.
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Bringing to light some of the horrible experiments the Government and others have done
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This is your journey to learn from the best—world-class entrepreneurs, elite thinkers, and peak performers who have mastered success in business, body, and brain. Every week, I sit down with extraordinary founders to explore how they build thriving businesses, maintain peak physical health, and cultivate sharp, resilient minds. This isn’t just a podcast; it’s a blueprint for a new kind of founder—one who balances ambition with wellness, hard work with mental fitness, and success with purpose ...
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Demonstration of short physics experiments.
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Ever wondered how technology start-ups, well, start-up? For most founder entrepreneurs, it is the biggest experiment they'll ever run. Like most experiments, the result isn't known beforehand and it often doesn't work first time. On a bigger scale, how do big tech companies turn innovative science into profit? Mark Davison interviews founder scientists, executives, investors, communicators, and others in the technology start-up and corporate science ecosystems. Learn how great ideas turned i ...
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Mariana Derderian y Katyna Huberman nos hablan las verdades acerca de esos pequeños (monstruos) que han traído la felicidad y el caos a nuestras vidas.
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Any topic. Experimental Music.
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What happens when you bring a middle-aged Canadian who has played since Revised and a Young American fresh out of school who started in War of the Spark? A wealth of knowledge and insight about the greatest TCG on the market. This is the Epic Experiment podcast! We are a Magic the Gathering podcast dedicated to playing Commander and talking about all things Magic the Gathering.
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Podcast by Experimental Nonsense
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En este podcast hablamos acerca de historias de las pinturas reconocidas y la que no lo son tanto.
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Ebola Syndrome (1996) - saturday night hemorrhagic fever
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51:26On this very contagious episode of BFGE, Emma endures 98 minutes of Herman Yao's infamous Category III Hong Kong shocker "Ebola Syndrome." The film tells the rags-to-riches story of Kai, a psychopathic and unhygienic restaurant worker who contracts Ebola from one of his victims only to start two deadly outbreaks in South Africa and Hong Kong. Also …
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UPPDATERING: Johan och Hannah om livet utan SSRI
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35:37Tio veckor har gått sedan Johan tog det sista pillret. I det här avsnittet pratar han med sambon Hannah om den första tiden på noll milligram - med oändlig vabruari, bastant kvällslektyr och efterlängtade tårar. Missa inte livepodd med Det sista pillret på Brogatan i Malmö 20 mars! Köp din biljett här:…
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Test Subject #275: Come True (2020)
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1:47:50Come True (2020) on The Atomic Cinema Experiment. This is a sci fi movie podcast. Come True is directed by Anthony Scott Burns and stars Julia Sarah Stone, Landon Liboiron patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mildfuzztvall links: https://linktr.ee/mildfuzz discord: https://discord.gg/8fbyCehMTyEmail: mftvquestions@gmail.comAudio version: https://the-ac…
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Episode 65 - MORE MN MADNESS?! Saving Women's Sports + an exciting announcement!
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53:19Grace, Kathryn, and Jill cover all the latest in Minnesota MADNESS!! Including the House Democrat's decision to vote against protecting women's sports?! One Democrat Rep going as far as to say it would be "state sanctioned genocide" for only girls to play in girls sports. + An exciting announcement from Jill in the events world, and one you aren't …
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Optics Showcase, Gun News and Media Mania with Stephen Morgan
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1:21:35We release new content every Tuesday morning so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode. Subscribe here Today’s guest co-host joined us right before SHOT Show and he’s back again to chop it up; it’s my pleasure to welcome Stephen Morgan from Primary Arms. Ways to support the show: 1. Join our mailing list: Thegunexperiment.com 2. Su…
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Výjimečný zákrok jako recept na chronické potíže. Na Homolce odstranili ženě žebro pomocí robota
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3:59Lékaři z pražské nemocnice Na Homolce provedli unikátní operaci, první svého druhu ve střední a východní Evropě. Pacientce, která trpěla takzvaným syndromem horní hrudní apertury, vyjmuli roboticky první žebro. Ulevili jí tak od silných bolestí, brnění i otoků žil v pravé ruce. Dosud takové zákroky chirurgové prováděli klasickým otevřeným řezem, ro…
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This week on Lively, what can be done about Rhode Island's skyrocketing electric bills?
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29:00This week on A Lively Experiment, the ripple effect of federal cuts in Rhode Island. Plus, what can be done to reduce your skyrocketing electric bill? One legislator proposes cuts to clean energy initiatives. Moderator Jim Hummel is joined by Weayonnoh Nelson-Davies of The Economic Progress Institute, former State Representative Nick Gorham and WPR…
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Introduction to Nara by Tze Yeung Ho
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16:47Composer Tze Yeung Ho gives an insight in to the story, motivation and process of the making of his new opera Nara – imperial decline, belonging, and composing in a «third space» all feature in this behind the scenes conversation with artistic director Peter Meanwell. Nara premieres 12th March 2025, at Borealis – a festival for experimental music i…
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EE 405 - From 0 to 300 Million Users: The Growth Story of Sean Blanchfield’s Startups
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1:55:00In this episode of The Entrepreneur Experiment, Gary Fox sits down with Sean Blanchfield, serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Demonware, PageFair, and Jentic, to unpack his journey from student entrepreneur to scaling and selling tech companies. Sean shares candid insights into the early days of launching startups in Ireland, how Demonware became…
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The SHE and the Brian's win Poocast of the Year in the Lobotomy section.
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34:13Send us a text The International Poocast of the Year function held in Papua New Guinea has bestowed on the Herrings another world wide award that will hang with 100's of others in Shed 66 on Brian's property. Not being big headed or arrogant, the Brian's have only had 5 days of celebrating. As well as reaching out to the powers that be that the Aus…
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Maddy Davis | This Is An Experiment #146
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44:59Maddy Davis is a New Jersey-born, LA-based singer-songwriter and producer, emerging as a new voice in alt-pop with her genre-bending storytelling. She cut her teeth playing DIY basement shows as a teen in New Jersey and is a self-taught artist who fuses raw indie rock energy with pop hooks, infusing her music with addictive nostalgic angst and he…
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Season 3, Episode 10: Working in Teams | Omar Mussa
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1:16:48If you’d like to learn more about Omar: https://www.linkedin.com/in/omar-mussa/ If you’d like to learn more about Sam: https://www.sasworkshops.com/ If you’d like to read our blog: https://blog.sasworkshops.com/ If you want to join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/user?u=83181214 If you want to attend one of our events: https://www.universe…
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An Open Letter to Justin Baldoni: Hollywood, Motherhood, and the Power of Vulnerability
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45:35In this episode of Aphantasia Experiments, I dive into something completely different from my usual topics—Hollywood drama. But this isn’t just about celebrity gossip. It’s about the bigger picture: the sanctity of motherhood, the broken systems in the entertainment industry, and how deep emotional connections are often misunderstood. I explore why…
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37. Nathan Avila - Filmmaker
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3:09:34Originally from Southern California, filmmaker, Nathan Avila (@studio39filmco on social media) split his time between the Orange County coastline and the desert landscapes of Albuquerque, New Mexico. We dive into his time growing up in two very different landscapes, how he got into video production, dropping out of college, chasing his dreams and m…
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ep 14: Future of Dental Specialty Software: Conversation with DSN's CEO Sam Munakl
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26:18keywords DSN, healthcare technology, cybersecurity, cloud software, dental practice management, AI in healthcare, patient data accessibility, oral surgery, dental software, technology in dentistry summary In this conversation, the CEO of DSN discusses his journey into the healthcare technology sector, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity, th…
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Please Rate & Review On Apple Podcast, Spotify & Every Other Podcast Platforms But Also Follow @thelongbeachsocialexperiment 😎 And @cali.girleats 👀🔥As Well On Intragram Everyone 🎧. Stay Bless Everyone
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Ep540 - David Koepp – Everything You Write Moves You Forward
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1:06:03David Koepp is one of the most successful screenwriters in Hollywood history. With a collective box office somewhere in the region of $250b he’s written Jurassic Park, Spider-Man, Death Becomes Her and many, many more. We were delighted to talk to David about his fantastic new novel COLD STORAGE and to get an insight into […] The post Ep540 – David…
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Therapeutic brain-computer-interfaces for glioblastoma, with Dr Elise Jenkins
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37:49Electrical monitoring and stimulation could revolutionise diagnosis and treatment for some of the most aggressive brain cancers and intractable neurological diseases. In glioblastoma, a particularly aggressive brain tumour that is hard to treat and almost invariably fatal, the impacts of an effective treatment would be huge. My guest in this episod…
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From the Archives: 10 Turn-Ons & 10 Turn-Offs That Captivate or Repel Men
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29:40Have you ever wondered what truly turns a man on and the deal-breakers that can leave him cold? In this episode, we delve into the laws of attraction, exploring what truly captivates men and what quickly extinguishes their interest. From the 10 biggest turn-ons to the top 10 turn-offs, we uncover the factors that attract men the most and those that…
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