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Steffen Gronemann / Jens Andersen

Dejlig uge for Dolberg, herlig Højbjerg-optur eller øv-weekend for Eriksen? Danmarks11 giver det skarpeste overblik over landsholdsheltenes gøren og laden ude i det store fodboldeuropa. Hver tirsdag holder landsholdsnørderne Jens Andersen og Steffen Gronemann dig opdateret på tilstanden hos profilerne i Brian Riemers bruttotrup. Hvem er inde og hvem er ude? Lyt med. Få det fulde overblik her: www.danmarks11.com
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DJ Week

Absalon Radio CPH

...Curators, Selectors, Disc Jockeys, they are called many names and they have many acronyms. They switch their social handles almost as much as they transition between recor... sorry, vinyls. We took the time out to get to know them. Enjoy
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show series
Efter en skadespræget start på 2025 leverer Danmarks blonde dræber, Dolberg, på ny angrebskunst på højeste niveau. I Portugal går det dog helt galt for to danske landsholdsstjerner, som på hver sin måde har haft en dårlig uge. Det opvejes dog af Dorgu-optur og Damsgaard-hyldest. Hvilke landsholdsstjerner har haft en god uge? Hvem har det set skidt …
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Sikke en fodboldweekend for elskere af unge danske bombere! Sensationerne Conrad Harder og Mika Biereth har leveret stof til drømme om fremtidig dansk storhed. Men for bagkædens faster støtter på Brain Riemers landshold har det set skidt ud i denne uge. Et par store klubskifter i transfervinduets sidste dage giver dog håb. Hvilke landsholdsstjerner…
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Flere af Brain Riemers landsholdsdrenge - looking at you, Højlund og Nelsson - har haft en sand øv-uge. Men der er også brede smil hos flere brandvarme danske darlings, som har scoret nye millionaftaler og sejre. Og så har en ukendt ung bomberkomet meldt sig på banen i Frankrig. Hvilke landsholdsstjerner har haft en god uge? Hvem har det set skidt …
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Kampen om kantpladserne er pivåben med Lindstrøms retur i varmen hos Everton, mens Skov Olsen skal finde sine ben i danskerkolonien i Wolfsburg. Samtidig hakker, hoster og halter Højlund videre i Man U. Hvilke landsholdskrigere har ellers haft en god eller dårlig uge? Danmarks11 giver dig overblikket. Hvilke landsholdsstjerner har haft en god uge? …
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I denne uge kommer vært, Cornelius Gabe, og paneldeltager, Axel Moen, forbi lidt af hvert. De vender tingenes tilstand i AaB der - måske - er i nedrykningsfare: ryger Oliver Ross og hvor mange penge har de til forstærkninger? Axel har også nyt om en 1. Divisions-profil, og selvfølgelig har vi også lidt nyt med fra storklubberne FCM og FCK, der begg…
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Transfervinduet er gået ind i den sidste måned, hvilket har fået panelet til mikrofonerne. Vi har sprødt nyt om FC Københavns målmandsproblemer, og om et muligt comeback til en nuværende landsholdsangriber. Derudover nyt omkring Silkeborgs kæmpeprofiler, samt FC Nordsjælland sult efter midtbanespiller. Ydermere er der update på angribersituationen …
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Andet afsnit af Rygtebørsen - programmet, hvor du på få minutter kan få dit transfer-fix med nye, sprøde rygter. I denne udgave kommer vi rundtom: -International interesse for FCK-komet? -Nye detaljer om Vallys-prisen -FCK-flirt med Bundesliga-profil? -FCK-interesse for Ajax-talent? Følg os gerne på din foretrukne podcast-app og Twitter, Facebook o…
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Første afsnit af Rygtebørsen - programmet, hvor du på få minutter kan få dit transfer-fix med nye, sprøde rygter. I denne udgave kommer vi rundtom: -Ungarnsk talent til FCK? -FCK-exit for U19-profiler? -Ungdomssatsning i AaB? Følg os gerne på din foretrukne podcast-app og Twitter, Facebook og/eller Instagram, så du altid ved, når der er nyt afsnit …
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Vi er atter tilbage, og endda med et brag. Vi kigger forbi AGF, hvor der er lagt op til et heftigt vindue endnu engang. Vi vender også Oscar Fraulo situationen, hvor der er interesse fra udlandet. Derudover spændende nyt om stort FCK-talent, og så er der løs Brøndby interesse vedrørende superliga profil. Til sidst kommer vi forudsigelser på AGFs ko…
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Danny Olsen er bedst kendt som den tidligere superliga-ikon som blandt andet har spillet i AGF og FC Midtjylland, samt fået 1 landskamp for det danske a-landshold. Danny Olsen er idag agent i Elite Consulting. Vi har hevet ham ind til en snak om at gå fra spiller til agent. Her kommer vi bla. ind på Kasper Junkers mislykket handel til Tyrkiet, og m…
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I sidste uge tog vi de analyserende briller på og vurderede den ene halvdel af superliga klubbernes ageren i januarvinduet. Denne gang kigger vi på de resterende 6 hold, hvor vi byder på en velovervejet og grundig snak om deres vindue, og hvor vi til sidst giver karakterer fra 1-5. Axel Moen er ramt af corona, så Cornelius Gabe snupper værtsrollen …
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Transfervinduet er slut og vi lægger rygterne til side for en stund. Denne episode er første del af vores analyse af Superligaklubbernes ageren i transfervinduet og byder på snak om halvdelen af holdene i ligaen. Som altid styrer Axel Moen slagets gang, mens Peter Piil gæster Jacob Hjørringgaard og Cornelius Gabe i panelet. Enjoy. Episoden er optag…
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Episode 3 af Transfermania er nu ude! Transfervinduet spidser til og Superligaens klubber begynder at røre på sig efter en sløv start på vinduet. Vært Axel Moen guider dig igennem den seneste uges strabadser med Cornelius Gabe og Jacob Hjørringgaard i panelet. Denne uges gæst er Daniel Rommedahl, der giver et spændende indblik i sit arbejde og hvor…
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🛑 Randers FC har efter optagelserne meldt ud at Thomas Thomasberg bliver i klubben og ikke skal til AaB 🛑 Episode 2 af Transfermania er ude nu! Få dit transferfix, når vært Axel Moen tager dig igennem det seneste nye fra transferverdenen sammen med Cornelius Gabe og Mikkel Bischoff i panelet. Dertil har Axel også interviewet Gisle Thorsen, der fort…
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Så er den her. Den første episode af Transfermania. Mælken til din latte og solskin på en regnvejrsdag. I panelet sidder Cornelius Gabe og Jacob Hjørringgaard, som vil forsøge at forholde sig til Axel Moens spørgsmål som vært. Denne episode byder på en masse rygter fra Superligaen samt en transferupdate fra episodens gæst, Michel Wikkelsø Davidsen.…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Harrison Heat looks good in bright colors and, dare we say, his music is also an eclectic prism of awesomeness! His affection for vinyl is matched by his enormous collection of over 4000 records...but, you know what they say, "its not the size of the collection, it's the size of a man's glass frames that set them apart." Listen in as we found out a…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds.…
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Amanda does everything with a smile and a two-step. With one foot, she convinces companies that DJ's and culture add value to their clients and with the other she raves into the night, into the hills and at the top of light houses... all recorded on drones, of course. Find Amanda on socials @amandabaun and her family @backtofuturesounds.…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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What is it like to be a part of something bigger than yourself? The grandkids of one of the most well known families in Denmark, Josefine and William have found their own path in music and culture. One remains heavy on the scene as the organizer of Heartland Festival, while the other prefers to nerd out perfecting synthisized smooth beats in his ho…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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There is no house venue, known OR underground, in Copenhagen OR Romania that Tight Cherry hasn't played. She is the heartbeat of the scene and a fixture in the culture. However, she has moved on from the heavy techno beats of the basement party to a "higher plane," the Astral to be exact. Find her Absalon Radio show "Music for Astral Travel" in our…
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