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Elevate City Church

Elevate City Church

Tune in for weekly messages and content from Elevate City Church. For too long the church has been known for what they’re against. We want to make it explicitly clear who we are for. We are for Jesus. For his glory. For his ways. For his gospel. For his Kingdom. Jesus is who we want to shine the spot light on. Jesus is the story we want to tell. Jesus is the banner we want to raise. At Elevate City, the primary topic of conversation is Jesus: Jesus’ story, Jesus’ character. Jesus’ ways. Jesu ...
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The beauty of Spiritual conversations is that they are doorways that God uses to open people’s hearts and minds to the hope of Jesus. Every conversation is a divine appointment waiting to happen and an opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel with anyone, anywhere. We live in a world where news is everywhere that you look. It’s on social me…
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Jesus, in Matthew 25, uses this brilliant contextual illustration about sheep and goats to paint the picture of what it is going to be like when He comes back. "You've gotta get this in your bones that the God who became flesh will come back to rule as king, and he will sit on a throne, and he will bring angels with him." Joey McLaughlin In this me…
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One day, we will stand before Jesus and give an account for our lives. That should motivate us and change how we live today. Jesus has given us HIS KINGDOM to live in today and He’s coming back at a time we won’t expect and when He does, He’s coming as the King and He is gonna ask us: “What did you do with the life that I gave you?” Through a serie…
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In this parable the orphan finds their adoption. In this parable the proud are humbled.In this parable the wayward find their way home.In this parable the refugee finds shelterIn this parable the hurting find healingIn this parable the sinner finds their savior. This is the parable of the prodigal son. 11 And he said, “There was a man who had two s…
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When Jesus walked this earth, more than he talked about money or peace or faith or politics, He talked about The Kingdom. The Kingdom of God, or the Kingdom of Heaven, or simply, the Kingdom. And when talking about the Kingdom, we have to be reminded that it’s simple enough for a child to understand and enter in, but also complex enough for you to …
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The most famous parable is the Good Samaritan. Can you just consider how there is no good reason that this small story, just seven verses told by some irrelevant Jewish rabbi, would show up in secular institutions and on political platforms? We name hospitals after this story. People, some of the most famous painters in the world, would want to pai…
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The King's invitation to you today is to come and work. Come and work the ground. Come and be a part of the vineyard. Come and cultivate. Come and till the land. Come and make disciples. Come Expand the kingdom. Don't miss this powerful message from Pastor Thomas Cheeseman on The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. We'd love for you to subscrib…
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The glory, the worth, the value, the shine, the glimmer, the treasure of the Kingdom is not seen by everyone. It’s covered, it’s buried, people are blind to it, they walk right past it never realizing what they are trampling upon. It’s hidden to them. This is why people can see Jesus without seeing Jesus. Why people can hear the gospel, without hea…
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Contrary to popular belief, Jesus didn’t come to establish a political party or create a new religion. Jesus didn’t come to earth to just love people and make their lives better, although he did do that — Jesus came to establish a Kingdom. The Kingdom of God. When Jesus began to speak, He didn’t compare the Kingdom of God to a high mountain, a migh…
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Jesus isn't as interested in intellectually checking the boxes and formulating a definition for the Kingdom, As He is in telling stories. Instead of using definitions for the Kingdom, Jesus understood that the kingdom needs to be felt. For you to really understand the kingdom, you need more than nouns, verbs, and adjectives creating subject matter.…
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In this message, Pastor Joey preaches about the already, not yet Kingdom of God. One of our big goals for this series has been to try to shatter the understanding that heaven is just a place that we'll go to someday, up in the sky. What we're wanting to do is talk about this idea of the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God. Inaugurated eschatolo…
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We are in a series of messages talking about what Jesus talked about most, and what Jesus talked about most was the kingdom of God. The kingdom is everything in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John). It's prolific, redundant, explicit, everywhere, every thing the epicenter of the story. More than anything else, this is Jesus' primary topic of co…
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What kind of king is Jesus? What kind of king was He expected to be? Throughout Scripture, the Kingdom of God has a lot of different names. At times it is called the Kingdom of Christ, or just the kingdom or the Kingdom of Christ and God, or the kingdom of his beloved son. The gospel writer Matthew refers to it as the Kingdom of heaven, the kingdom…
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Many people's conception of the Christian gospel goes something like this... 2000 years ago, a man named Jesus came from heaven to earth. He lived a good life, performs miracles. But then he died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. And then he was placed in a grave. Three days later, he got up out of that grave and he returned to heaven, wher…
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Is there evidence of Jesus's resurrection? Is there evidence that Jesus was the son of God? In this Easter message, Pastor Joey McLaughlin preaches a powerful apologetic defense for the reality of the Easter story. "For most people Easter is an energetic day full of pretty colors, gourmet lunches, fun festivities, family traditions, and a nice pepp…
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Church, if you are in Christ, you’ve been adopted into the family of God, and given a new identity, and that identity comes with a purpose, a mission for your life to know Jesus and make Him known. But there’s a problem, it’s that there is a real enemy and real forces that are opposed to that mission, doing everything that they can to wage war on o…
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What does true Biblical submission look like? In one of the most controversial passages in scriptures -- Ephesians 5:21-6:9, We find the most comforting claims of who we are in Christ. We discover how submission and headship in marriage and in the Church is a great gift for God's children. Because of this great gift, we can approach scriptures like…
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Do you know your Destiny, your Disobedience, your Direction, and your Daily Decisions? Your greatest destiny in life is to be an imitator of God. To be children of light imitating our Heavenly Father. A roadmap into understanding what it truly means to walk as Children of the Light is found in Ephesians 5:1-21. We'd love for you to subscribe to our…
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Everyone wants authenticity. People search for it, culture encourages it, and the world is desperate for it. So what does true authenticity look like? What is our truest, true self? Is it just discovering our truest feelings? Or could authentic true identity exist outside of yourself? Pastor Joey McLaughlin teaches through Ephesians 4 of what a bib…
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You have been given a grace by God. What is the grace you need to Walk OUT -- 7 But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift. 8 Therefore it says,“When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men.” 9 (In saying, “He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lo…
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What could your life look like if only you knew how much God truly loves you. When you understand how loved you truly are, and how core that is to your identity: it has the power to change how you live what you do and ultimately everything about you. In Ephesians 3, Paul is on His knees pleading with God for Ephesus, and for you, praying that we wo…
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One of the biggest plot twist throughout all of life and the scriptures in this -- you are adopted into the family of God. Paul in his letter to Ephesus, found in Ephesians 3:1-13, has a new declaration for the family of God... Attention family… there’s been a secret kept hidden since the beginning of time. You are a part of the biggest scandal in …
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Church is not a place you attend, it’s a people you belong to. Pastor Joey McLaughlin gives the blueprint of this message: 1. You don’t belong and you feel it. 2. Identity and belonging are inseparable. 3. So you try to belong but to the wrong thing. 4. You can truly belong but only by the blood. 5. You do belong but not to yourself. You belong to …
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Who you Were is far worse than you think. Who you Are is far better than you think. Who you are Becoming is beyond what you can imagine. In this message Pastor Joey McLaughlin clearly preaches the gospel, and who you are in Christ as found in Ephesians 2:1-10. In Ephesians 2:10-10 we find: - Who you were: You were DEAD - Who you are: You are ALIVE …
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The beginning, middle, and end of the Christian life is about knowing God. Knowing Jesus as savior is a beautiful beginning to your walk with God and you could spend the rest of your life growing in your knowledge of Him as Savior, but at the same time, there is so much more of God to know. You’re invited to know Him as Friend, and Guide, and Fathe…
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Do you know your identity IN CHRIST? You are chosen and you are loved and you are blameless and you are adopted, redeemed, forgiven, lavished. You've got an inheritance. You are the praise of God's glory. Two words that Paul uses to tie all of those words together. Two words that change everything for the Ephesians, in two words that can change eve…
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Why is it that every year we are sold on this opportunity for it to be a new year and a new us to only find that it's a new year, but the same us. It's the same broken habits, the same broken systems, the same internal monologue, the same crushing insecurities, the same suffocating questions. Who am I? Who do you think you are? Who do you really th…
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"Joy is a decision to agree with God about the total story of my life. Joy is found when I remember the whole story." - Joey Mclaughlin This Christmas at Elevate City we celebrated the arrival of JOY in the birth of Jesus. Undoubtedly, joy and Christmas are synonymous. How much joy do you feel in your spirit? How much joy are you living in? How muc…
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“The Arrival of Peace” This word “Peace” has become the theme of Christmas for people all around the world — it’s the word that gets plastered on billboards and put in greeting cards, it’s found on Christmas trees and its hanging over chimneys, it’s the word that no matter your religious background or beliefs is most associated with this season. Fo…
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There are four things that every human heart longs for hope, love, peace and joy. At Advent, we celebrate the arrival of those things, those things breaking into humanity. In this sermon Pastor Joey preaches about the arrival of love and what I want for you to know is that behind all of your intellectual arguments and under your extremely tough ext…
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This is more than an ending of the year. Advent is a time of Hope. This hope is a hope where we stand between Jesus birth and his coming back again. We stand on the foundation of hope. What you hope for actually shows what you live for. It shapes what you live for now. Hope shapes your perspective on the world. It shapes how you see your past and t…
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What if the first thing God commanded us to do in Creation, the last thing Jesus commanded on the mountain, is the first thing He asks us when he returns? What if we took the great commission not as the great suggestion? For 10 weeks our Church has unraveled our vision of "X- Multiply"; in this panel discussion you will hear from our Pastors more o…
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In this message Pastor Joey Mclaughlin takes a deep dive into the vision of generously giving whatever it takes to see Jesus' Great Commission realized and to live into a story way bigger than ourselves because we know Jesus is infinitely worth it. There’s almost no excuse for you to not love, be passionate about, and sacrificially give to the Chur…
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What comes into your mind when you think about Church? Maybe you think a building, with a steeple and a cross. Maybe a large auditorium with lights, a speaker and a band. Classic adage, not a building. Maybe you think scandals. Or Christian celebrity. Maybe you think hurt. Or politics. In this message, Pastor Joey McLaughlin prays we’ll find oursel…
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There is a leadership crisis in the Church at large. Pastors and leaders have left ministry at an alarming rate over the last decade. We believe much of that is due to a lack of effective leadership development. At Elevate City we want to equip future leaders with the spiritual rhythms, theological training, leadership skills and practical ministry…
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In a world that is obsessed with the self, kids are painted in our culture often times as an inconvenience that can be taken care of. We pay to let someone else raise them, we distance them, and don’t let them distract us from our goals and then wonder why there’s a generation that’s starving for attention. But Jesus speaks with this bold proclamat…
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Mankind is glory hungry. In this message Pastor Joey McLaughlin talks about the nations, the world, and getting the gospel around the globe. Mankind is seeking to build a name for ourselves, we are coming for God’s throne and are willing to trample over anything that stands in our way.Our hunger for glory -- to be known, powerful and recognized -- …
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God’s will isn’t about getting Him on our agenda, but getting us on His agenda. And His agenda is serving the “the least of these”.His agenda is investing in the lost, forgotten, forsaken, and marginalized.With our time, yes.With our relationship, yes.WIth our talents, yes.And with our money, yes!A commitment to serve the Poor, the Prisoner and the…
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We cannot be obedient to the great commission in our generation without baptism front and center. The early church saw God add to their number day by day those being saved (Acts 2:47). We long to see our commitment to prayer, disciple making and bold gospel conversations result in lost people coming to faith in Jesus every single day. There are 365…
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What is the Gospel? Why does it matter? And how can you be changed by it? Don't miss this powerful message from Pastor Joey on The good news of The Gospel. We believe the bold proclamation of the Gospel still has power to save (Romans 1:16). We believe a necessary part of fulfilling the great commission is sharing the gospel (Matthew 24:14). We bel…
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What if the vision for your life was to be a person of prayer? Before God does a great work, He always sets His people praying. And in this great work that we believe God has called us to, we have to become a people of prayer. The power and longevity of our movement will be determined by the intensity and frequency of our prayers. Luke 10:1-9After …
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It’s Vision Sunday. We are imagining the future, believing for the impossible, hearing the dream, looking out towards where we are headed.Where we are headed is: Igniting a multiplying Great Commission Movement to change the world. Vision is what could be or should be in light of what currently is. We know people who have vision, an entrepreneur, a…
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Have you ever wondered why you should or need to go to church? Sometimes we need other people in our lives to tell us to stop sleepwalking and to wake up. Because if we’re honest, it can be easy to find ourselves lulled to sleep in this thing called life. It’s easy to get caught up in the currents of culture and get stuck in the streams of striving…
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Listen, life tends to lull us to sleep, we get stuck on auto pilot, caught in the current, we become spiritually lethargic. And I’m guilty of it too. In the busyness and inertia of life we start sleepwalking. We fall asleep on what matters most. We fall asleep on faith, fall asleep on eternity, fall asleep on God. We loose the fire. At Elevate City…
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We need to awaken to the life that God has created us for. It can become so easy to find ourselves falling into cultural, conventional, and comfortable religion, but Jesus is inviting us to awaken to new life. Are you bored with your faith? Then God is too. Tune in to this message today from Pastor Joey to hear about what it looks like to awaken to…
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Do you know the great God of Awakening? In this powerful message, Pastor Joey encourages us to see the greatness and glory of our God and how when we wake up to His greatness we will experience awakening. Isaiah 6:1-8 In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the tem…
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We need awakening because people get sleepy. It’s part of the story. Sin, the enemy, the world, time…lulls us to sleep. We get complacent. We doze off. Become exhausted. Get distracted. Culture has a way of sedating us, using anesthesia on us. This happens all throughout the biblical narrative, Adam & Eve, People in the days of Noah, the entire Old…
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What do you Pray when you find yourself in prison? Do you pray when you find yourself in prison? You may not find yourself in literal prison today but situationally, mentally, emotionally are you locked up? Imprisoned by anxiety, bound by depression, confined by comparison, arrested in addiction, incarcerated by insecurity. Maybe you feel like your…
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Would you like to grow in your rhythm and practice of prayer? Would you like to experience power and breakthrough in your prayers? Well if so, tune into this message from Pastor Mike Reinsel on one of the Apostle Paul's prayers that teaches us how to grow as people of prayer. Ephesians 3:14-21 14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15…
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We’ve all heard the phrase: practice what you preach. Today, we want to advocate for you to practice what you pray. We don’t just want to pray prayers with our lips, we want to pray prayers with our lives. We want our walk to back up our talk. Because the reality is that if we’re truly gonna build a house of prayer, we’ve got to be a people who pra…
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