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e-learning žije!


Svet e-learningu a všetko, čo sa ho aspoň trocha týka - rady, skúsenosti, novinky a rozhovory zo sveta digitálneho vzdelávania. Každé dva týždne budeme zisťovať čím e-learning práve žije ;)
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E-Learning Lane with Brady Licht: Your express route to EdTech expertise! Join Brady on his daily commute for bite-sized answers to burning questions about educational technology and L&D. Whether you’re a teacher, trainer, or curious learner, tune in for quick insights that will rev up your e-learning game.
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The RMG E-Learning Podcast

Russell Media Group LLC

RMG E-Learning is your go-to platform for continuing education in health and fitness. We provide high-quality CEC and CEU courses designed for Physical Therapists and Personal Trainers, covering the most relevant and impactful topics in the industry. Our courses blend cutting-edge research with practical application, empowering professionals to enhance their expertise, improve client outcomes, and stay ahead in their field. Join us and take your knowledge, skills, and career to the next leve ...
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E-Learning Academy

Alison Bickford of Connect Thinking

The Connect Thinking E-Learning Academy podcast series is a collection of short tutorials on learning technologies for the corporate learning practitioner. Your host is Alison Bickford, e-coach for the Connect Thinking E-Learning Academy. New episodes are released every month. Be sure to watch your screen to benefit from the podcasts' movie file format. The podcast series is optimised for iPhone. For more information, go to www.elearningacademy.com.au/blog.
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E Learning Tag 2011 - mobiLearning

Abteilung Neue Medien und Lerntechnologien

Lernen wird mobil - ob im Zug, im Flugzeug oder anderen Plätzen außerhalb des "normalen" Lernumfelds. Durch mobile Tools und mobile Geräte entstehen neue Möglichkeiten sich einerseits schnell zu informieren, andererseits längerfristig fortzubilden. Somit muss man der Frage nachgehen, ob, und wenn ja wie, Mobilität Lernen und Unterrichten verändert. Wird mit unserem Verhalten auch "das Lernen" beweglicher und flexibler? Der E-Learning-Tag 2011 bietet die Gelegenheit, das Thema aus unterschied ...
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Need help navigating the “career” part of being a NEW Instructional Designer or E-Learning Developer? I’m Nyla, a mid-career Instructional designer and I’ve created the podcast to help new instructional designers find their footing. Because doing it on your own can seem daunting at first. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nylalxd/support
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show series
Align your team's vision with Brady as we explore strategies for L&D team cohesion! In this unity-focused episode, we're examining how to create synchronized, high-performing training teams. During this collaborative commute, you'll harmonize with: Techniques for building team alignment Communication strategies that foster unity Methods for establi…
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Feeling exhausted, unmotivated, or stuck in a cycle of stress? Burnout can sneak up on anyone, but the good news is—it’s preventable. In this episode, we dive into what burnout really is, the early warning signs to watch for, and five key strategies to keep your energy, motivation, and performance high. Learn how to balance effort and recovery, set…
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Structure your learning success with Brady as we explore the art of LMS template design! In this architecture-focused episode, we're examining how to create templates that enhance both efficiency and learning outcomes. During this well-organized commute, you'll template: Core principles of effective LMS template design Strategies for scalable and r…
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Want to train smarter and ride stronger? In this episode, we break down Functional Threshold Power (FTP)—one of the most important metrics in cycling performance. We’ll cover: ✅ What FTP is and why it matters ✅ How to test your FTP accurately ✅ How to use FTP to structure your training ✅ Proven strategies to increase your power and endurance Whethe…
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Want to attract more clients as a personal trainer? Marketing yourself doesn’t have to be overwhelming! In this episode I break down simple, actionable strategies to help you stand out, build your brand, and grow your business. 💡 Learn how to: ✅ Define your unique brand & niche ✅ Build an online presence that attracts the right clients ✅ Get referr…
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Accelerate your workflow with Brady as we explore the intersection of AI and Google's productivity suite! In this future-forward episode, we're examining how generative AI can transform your daily tasks into automated efficiency. During this automated commute, you'll process: Understanding generative AI's role in Google Workspace Practical automati…
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Journey into nature's classroom with Brady as we explore how biological principles can inspire educational innovation! In this naturally inspired episode, we're examining how biomimicry can transform our approach to learning design. During this organic commute, you'll naturally discover: What biomimicry means in educational contexts How nature's pa…
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Už tretí rok sme sa pozreli na 2 svetové reporty o L&D, ktoré vychádzajú začiatkom roka. Aký bol minulý rok v L&D nám prezradí LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report. A to, čo nás zrejme čaká v tomto roku sa dozvieme z Global Sentiment Survey. Zdroje: https://www.e-learnmedia.sk/podcast - Ako je na tom L&D v 2025? LinkedIn: e-learning žije!…
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Process the principles of cognitive load with Brady as we explore its crucial role in e-learning design! In this brain-friendly episode, we're examining how cognitive load theory shapes effective learning experiences. During this mentally managed commute, you'll process: Fundamentals of cognitive load theory How cognitive load affects learning outc…
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Navigate the competitive landscape with Brady as we explore the growing rivalry in instructional design! In this industry-focused episode, we're examining why the field has become increasingly competitive and what it means for professionals. During this strategic commute, you'll analyze: Factors driving competition in instructional design How the i…
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V tejto epizóde nám Lukáš Bakoš porozprával o praktickej aplikácii umelej inteligencie, ktorú používajú v Maxman consultants – o AI avataroch a sparringpartneroch. Rozprávali sme sa o tom, ako a či to funguje a či nás (vzdelávačov) umelá inteligencia nahradí. Pozreli sme sa však aj na iné témy, akými je vzdelávanie manažérov aj študentov, firemná h…
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O episódio que vai te ajudar a entender como os laboratórios criam IAs capazes de raciocinar em 2025 😉 Neste episódio, exploro em detalhes o workflow completo de treinamento dos LLMs estado-da-arte em 2025, desde a preparação dos dados até as técnicas mais recentes de treinamento. Você vai descobrir como os grandes laboratórios usam arquiteturas so…
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Fine-tune your learning initiatives with Brady as we explore the crucial concept of training fidelity! In this precision-focused episode, we're examining how to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of your training programs. During this quality-controlled commute, you'll calibrate your understanding of: What training fidelity means and why it m…
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Navigate the diverse landscape of training philosophies with Brady as we explore how to handle varying viewpoints on learning approaches! In this diplomatic episode, we're examining how to bridge different perspectives on training and development. During this balanced commute, you'll discover: Common sources of differing training perspectives Strat…
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Join Brady as we decode the powerful framework of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)! In this theoretical yet practical episode, we're breaking down how this model can transform your teaching approach. During this framework-focused commute, you'll understand: The core components of the TPACK framework How technology, pedagogy, and …
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Navigate the nuanced landscape of soft skills with Brady as we explore how to create effective training for these crucial capabilities! In this people-focused episode, we're unpacking the challenges and strategies of soft skills development. During this interpersonal commute, you'll develop: Methods for teaching interpersonal skills online Strategi…
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Tomáš Ervín Dombrovský, analytik pracovného trhu z Alma Career, sa s nami podelil o trendy súvisiace s firemným vzdelávaním, ktoré vychádzajú z prieskumov v ČR a SR za rok 2024. Že starnutie populácie je problém, je asi ľahko predstaviteľné. Ale kto by povedal, že problematická je nízka fluktuácia zamestnancov? A čo si z toho môžeme zobrať pre fire…
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O que acontece quando décadas de conhecimento humano perdem para algumas horas de computação? Parece frustrante? Este é só o começo da "Lição Amarga" - um padrão fascinante que está mudando como pensamos sobre inteligência artificial. Ouça o episódio para saber mais! 🎯 Aprofunde-se: • "The Bitter Lesson" - Rich Sutton • "Why Greatness Cannot Be Pla…
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Power up with Brady as we explore the intelligent intersection of AI and instructional design! In this tech-savvy episode, we're examining where generative AI can enhance the ID process. During this AI-assisted commute, you'll process: Key areas where generative AI excels in instructional design Practical applications of AI in content creation Tool…
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Step into virtual reality with Brady as we explore the exciting future of VR in education! In this forward-looking episode, we're projecting how virtual reality will transform learning experiences. During this immersive commute, you'll explore: Current state of VR technology in education Emerging trends in educational VR applications Practical cons…
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V tejto epizóde sme sa pozreli na knihu The Modern Learning Ecosystem od autora JD Dillon. Kniha sa venuje úlohám L&D a dáva zaujímavý pohľad na to, čomu venujeme vo firemnom vzdelávaní pozornosť a prečo to máme zrejme celé naopak. Zdroje: https://www.e-learnmedia.sk/podcast - Moderný vzdelávací ekosystém LinkedIn: e-learning žije!…
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Time-travel with Brady as we explore how to create learning experiences that resonate across generational lines! In this age-spanning episode, we're unpacking the nuances of designing e-learning for different generational groups. During this multi-generational commute, you'll discover: Key characteristics of different generational learners How to b…
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Rev up the excitement with Brady as we explore the art of creating captivating e-learning experiences! In this high-energy episode, we're diving into proven strategies for boosting learner engagement. During this engaging commute, you'll discover: What truly makes learning experiences engaging Storytelling techniques that capture attention Ways to …
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Take the wheel with Brady as we navigate the challenges of leading learning teams! In this leadership-focused episode, we're exploring how to effectively manage and inspire LXD and L&D professionals. During this executive commute, you'll develop insights on: Key qualities of successful learning team leadership Strategies for fostering creativity an…
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Čo je dizajnové myslenie a čo dizajnový šprint? Ako prebieha zážitkové vzdelávanie? A ako do toho zapadá lego? ;) O tomto a aj o inom sme sa rozprávali s learning dizajnérkou, soft skills trénerkou a koučkou Šárkou Patkošovou zo SUVKO Coaching. Zdroje: https://www.e-learnmedia.sk/podcast - Dizajnové myslenie LinkedIn: e-learning žije!…
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Go green with Brady as we explore the eco-system of sustainable learning design! In this environmentally-conscious episode, we're examining how to create learning experiences that stand the test of time. During this sustainable commute, you'll cultivate insights on: What sustainability means in learning design Creating evergreen learning content th…
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Set your own speed with Brady as we explore the art of designing self-directed learning experiences! In this learner-controlled episode, we're diving into the best practices for creating effective self-paced courses. During this flexible commute, you'll progress through: Key principles of successful self-paced learning design Strategies for maintai…
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Join Brady at the crossroads of traditional and emerging approaches to learning design! In this clarifying episode, we're exploring the nuanced differences between Instructional Design (ID) and Learning Experience Design (LXD). During this comparative commute, you'll distinguish between: The core principles of ID and LXD How each approach views the…
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Challenge traditional paradigms with Brady as we explore alternatives to the "banking model" of education! In this transformative episode, we're examining how to create more engaging, participatory learning experiences in higher education. During this revolutionary commute, you'll liberate your understanding of: What the banking model is and why it…
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V tejto epizóde sme sa pokúsili zodpovedať otázky účastníkov konferencie o digitálnom vzdelávaní e-learnmedia CAFÉ, ku ktorým sme sa v živom nahrávaní nedostali. Je to taký mix tém súvisiacich s firemným vzdelávaním :) Zdroje: https://www.e-learnmedia.sk/podcast - Q&A z e-learnmedia CAFÉ LinkedIn: e-learning žije!…
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Navigate the AI highway with Brady as we explore the crucial intersection of human expertise and artificial intelligence! In this forward-thinking episode, we're diving into the human-in-the-loop approach to AI in education. During this hybrid commute, you'll process: What "human-in-the-loop" means in educational contexts How this approach enhances…
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Sketch out your commute with Brady as we dive into the art and science of creating learner personas! In this character-driven episode, we're exploring how to craft detailed, useful profiles of your target learners. During this personalized commute, you'll develop insights on: What makes a great learner persona Research methods for gathering authent…
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Mix it up with Brady as we explore the various flavors of blended learning! In this hybrid episode, we're breaking down the different models that combine online and face-to-face instruction. During this mixed-mode commute, you'll blend your understanding of: The major models of blended learning (Rotation, Flex, A La Carte, etc.) Key characteristics…
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Juggle your commute with Brady as we tackle the eternal challenge of balancing quality, time, and resources in learning design! In this high-wire act of an episode, we're exploring strategies to create excellent learning experiences within real-world constraints. During this efficiency-driven commute, you'll optimize your approach to: Understanding…
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Manažérske zručnosti sú často považované za samozrejmosť. Povýšia vás a zázračne vám spolu s tým pribudnú nové vedomosti a zručnosti. V skutočnosti začínajúci manažér nevie, čo nevie, ako nám povedal hosť podcastu Marek Marušinec, autor rozvojového programu Abeceda lídra. Marek sa s nami podelil o to, ako program funguje a o zopár zaujímavých pohľa…
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Power up with Brady as we explore the digital foundations of modern learning! In this tech-focused episode, we're diving into the crucial role of learning platforms in today's educational and corporate landscapes. During this virtual commute, you'll log in to discover: What defines a learning platform and its core functionalities The benefits of us…
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Climb the corporate ladder with Brady as we strategize on gaining buy-in for learning initiatives! In this executive-level episode, we're exploring how to demonstrate the value of training and development to leadership. During this C-suite commute, you'll elevate your understanding of: Key metrics that resonate with leadership Strategies for aligni…
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Condense your commute with Brady as we pack a wealth of information into a single page! In this concise yet content-rich episode, we're exploring the art and science of creating high-quality one-pagers. During this compact commute, you'll distill knowledge on: The key elements that make a one-pager effective Strategies for prioritizing and organizi…
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Merge lanes with Brady as we navigate the intersection of project and product management in the world of Learning Experience Design (LXD) and Instructional Design (ID)! In this clarifying episode, we're distinguishing between these often-confused approaches. During this dual-lane commute, you'll differentiate between: The core principles of project…
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...s účastníkmi e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2024 Nielen spíkri na konferencii, ale aj účastníci majú kopu skúseností a tipov. Preto sme trocha vyspovedali účastníkov našej konferencie (nielen) o digitálnom vzdelávaní e-learnmedia CAFÉ 2024. A mali sme pravdu, bolo o čom rozprávať ;) Zdroje: https://www.e-learnmedia.sk/podcast - Skupinová terapia anonymných v…
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Join Brady as we flip through the pages of an often-overlooked training tool! In this literary episode, we're exploring the power of book studies in workplace learning and development. During this well-read commute, you'll bookmark insights on: The benefits of incorporating book studies into workplace training Strategies for facilitating effective …
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Fasten your seatbelts as Brady guides you through the launch sequence of online learning! In this episode, we're exploring effective strategies for onboarding learners into the world of online and distance education. During this virtual commute, you'll navigate through: Key challenges learners face when starting online/distance learning Essential e…
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Rev up with Brady as we explore the fast lane of learner motivation! In this high-energy episode, we're unpacking strategies to effectively promote and incentivize training programs. During this motivational commute, you'll accelerate your understanding of: Key factors that drive learner engagement in training programs Creative ways to promote trai…
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Boot up with Brady as we navigate the digital landscape of adult education! In this tech-savvy episode, we're exploring strategies to support and enhance the technological skills of adult learners. During this high-tech commute, you'll upgrade your knowledge on: Common tech challenges faced by adult learners Strategies for assessing and addressing …
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Kedy si máme nájsť čas na vzdelávanie? To je otázka, ktorú si kladú mnohí z nás. Mali by sme kvôli práci sa vzdelávať v rámci pracovného času alebo mimo? Je to, že sme na sociálnych sieťach alebo na streamingových službách, naozaj konkurencia pre vzdelávanie? Zdroje: https://www.e-learnmedia.sk/podcast - Kde nájsť čas na vzdelávanie? LinkedIn: e-le…
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Join Brady for a journey down the middle lane as we explore the best of both worlds in learning! In this episode, we're unpacking the powerful advantages of hybrid training. During this blended commute, you'll discover: What exactly constitutes hybrid training The key benefits of combining online and in-person learning experiences How hybrid traini…
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Buckle up as Brady takes you on a spiraling journey through one of instructional design's most dynamic models! In this episode, we're unwinding the intricacies of the Spiral Model by Cennamo & Kalk. During this cyclical commute, you'll revolve around: The key principles of the Spiral Model of Instructional Design How this model differs from linear …
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