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Manden fra Korsør

Sjællandske Nyheder

En 32-årig mand fra Korsør bliver d. 15. Januar 2024 anklaget for alvorlige forbrydelser mod tre forskellige piger på Vestsjælland. I mere end syv år har drabet på Emilie Meng været uopklaret og efterladt hele området omkring Korsør og flere andre byer på Sjælland i angst for, der gik en gerningsmand rundt iblandt dem. Men nu står en 32-årig mand anklaget for den forbrydelse, der har sat sit præg på Vestsjælland i så mange år. Dine værter er journalist Jesper Vestergaard Larsen og journalist ...
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GM Workshop

Jacob Sørensen

A nerdy production presents a podcast about being curious concerning gamemastering. We will talk with gamemasters both domestically and abroad, experienced and newcomers, and see if we can unearth some of the tacit knowledge out there – Knowledge which we could all benefit from.Kind regards, Jacob Sørensen).RPG, TTRPG, Roleplay
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Friktion Podcast er fortællinger, interviews og debatter. Vi er et møde mellem forskning og praksis. Vi er antikapitalistiske, dekoloniale og queer i ét. Vi er en del af Friktion - Magasin for Køn, Krop & Kultur. Vores logo er lavet af den iranske kunstner Hamraz Bayan.
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show series
Kan man som civil komme ind at se retssagen? Hvad siger tidsplanen om, hvor omfattende DNA-beviser politi og anklagemyndighed vil fremlægge, og hvordan vil afhøringen af de to mindreårige ofre i sagen foregå? Spørgsmålene om selve retssagen er mange, så vi har valgt at besvare nogle af dem i dette bonusafsnit, fordi der for nyligt kom en tidsplan f…
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Frederik Markdal er til studenterfest med den kæreste, der slår op med Emilie Meng den nat, hun forsvinder. Derfor er han en af de 1450 personer, der har afgivet DNA i sagen. Det skulle alle til festen. Han fortæller om, hvordan det har påvirket vennekredsen og ekskæresterne, at noget så forfærdeligt overgik Emilie, og han fortæller, at den 32-årig…
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Trænede Korsørmanden Emilie Meng eller andre små piger? Der har længe floreret et meget sejlivet rygte om, at den nu 33-årige tiltalte mand fra Korsør skulle have været Emilie Mengs fodboldtræner, og at han har trænet unge piger på Vestsjælland. Vi har længe jagtet dette rygte for enten at be- eller afkræfte det, og nu har vi afgørende nyt. Derfor …
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En mand bliver set med en Hyundai ved Regnemarks Bakke om morgnen 10 juli 2016. Ifølge vidnet er adfærden påfaldende. 24. december 2016 bliver Emilie Meng fundet ved Regnemarks Bakke 65 kilometer fra Korsør, hvis man kører ad motorvejen. Det har påvirket Henrik Skafte, som har køer gåene på den jord, hvor hun bliver fundet. Han har også lagt mærke …
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En hætteklædt mand dukker op på det hotel, hvor de frivillige kordinerer eftersøgningen af Emilie Meng, da hun forsvinder i 2016. De bemærker, at han ikke svarer på spørgsmål og opfører sig påfaldende. En lytter har spurgt ind til den episode. Og så svarer vi på, om vi kan lægge sagen fra os, når vi går hjem, og hvorfor videoen med de to skygger ve…
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Da Emilie Meng forsvinder, arbejder Jane Valsted sammen med hendes mor i Slagelse. Derfor smider Jane alt, hvad hun har i hænderene i et halvt år på bekostning af sin mand og tre børn. At give op er ikke en mulighed. Jane er fra Korsør, hvor sagen har fyldt alt. Find os på Instagram under Manden fra Korsør her Læs meget mere om sagen her Værter og …
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En genkendelig modus binder alle de her sager sammen, vurderer tidligere mangeårig efterforsker ved Rejseholdet Arne Woythal. Enhver gerningsmand har en såkaldt modus eller fremgangsmåde, når de begår en forbrydelse, og der er meget få personfarlige serieforbrydere med samme modus og i det hele taget meget få i Danmark og endda i samme lokalområde.…
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Har politiet undersøgt den 32-årige tiltalte mand fra Korsørs søgehistorik på nettet i forbindelse med sagen? Det er bare et af de mange lytterspørgsmål, Jesper og Sanne har modtaget på vores Instagram-profil, der også hedder Manden fra Korsør. I dette bonusafsnit besvarer vi nogle af alle de spørgsmål fra jer lyttere, og der kommer flere bonusafsn…
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En mand kommer kørende i en sort bil og forsøger at presse en ung pige ind i bilen for at kidnappe hende for at begå voldsomme forbrydelser. Det er en klar modus ifølge ankageskrfitet. Og så viser specielt én ting i anklageskriftet, at det har været en yderst planlagt forbrydelse. Det fortæller tidligere chefanklager på netop sagen om Emilie Meng J…
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Overvågning fra Korsør Station viser noget helt andet end den fortællig, der har været ude i offentligheden om, hvordan Emilie Meng blev kidnappet af sin gerningsmand. Mangeårig reporter i Sjællandske Nyheder Helge Wedel stiller i dette afsnit spørgsmålstegn ved, om politiet langt hurtigere kunne have konstateret, der var sket en forbrydelse, hvis …
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Jacob and Lars talks about how to write a convention game, and tries to brainstorm a Star wars scenario for Viking Con 2024. Support the show social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https://discord.gg/tXsU4NXRwN https://twitter.com/GMworkshoppod/media…
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Kasper kører febrilsk rundt for at lede efter sin kæreste Amanda, der har været forsvundet i flere timer en mørk nat ved Ruds-Vedby i oktober 2022. Da han endelig finder hende, møder der ham et chokerende syn. Politiet har efterforsket Amandas sag i forbindelse med den 32-årige, der nu er anklaget for forbrydelser mod tre andre piger på Vestsjællan…
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Amanda bliver en nat ved Ruds-Vedby jagtet af en mand i en sort bil, der forsøger at presse hende ind i bilen. Det er tæt på de andre gerningssteder, og der er brugt samme fremgangsmåde. Tre timer senere vågner hun op fra sin besvimelse på en mark med bukserne trukket ned om knæene. Poltiet kontaker hende og fortæller, at de efterforsker hendes sag…
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Hvad ved vi om den 32-årige, der er tiltalt for tre voldsomme forbrydelser mod piger på Vestsjælland? Det dykker ved ned i i Sjællandske Nyheders nye podcast. Vi tager ud til det hus, han boede i, hvor den 13-årige pige blev fundet, og vi taler om det dobbeltliv, han kan have levet, hvis han er skyldig. Hvad fortæller kilder om ham? Hvilket liv lev…
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Sjællandske Nyheder præsenterer ny podcast-serie, ”Manden fra Korsør”, der dykker ned i en af de mest omtalte kriminalsager i nyere dansk historie. Den involverer anklager mod en 32-årig mand om drab og frihedsberøvelse af Emilie Meng, overfald på en efterskoleelev i Sorø og kidnapning, frihedsberøvelse, voldtægt og forsøg på drab af en 13-årig pig…
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Steve Snyder is the one part Steve from the great podcast Steve & Steve talk rpg, and Steve and Jacob dive into the ups and downs in gamemastering new players, and try to solve the mystery of the famous GM screen :D Listen to their Podcast here: Me And Steve Talk RPG‘s Podcast - 133: Free League’s ”Year Zero Engine” w/ GM Jacob | Free Listening on …
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With assistance from Lars Rune Jørgensen, so we are duel wielding GM powers..! Diving into WEG Star Wars, and the vast pool of options, books and gameplays. Support the show social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https://discord.gg/tXsU4NXRwN https://twitter.com/GMworkshoppod/media…
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Going Zombie mode, with the Walking dead game from Free League, and a talk with game designer Matt Kay, which created the Solo mode of the game. check his stuff here: My YT channel: https://youtube.com/@3skulls Links to all my stuff: https://3skulls.pub/ Stiletto public manuscript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D1MRek4zroBmgFd9Zx1BQXAwj-4uaXt…
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. With assistance from Lars Rune Jørgensen, so we are duel wielding GM powers..! best vampire actual play out there: https://www.youtube.com/c/taleweavers Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j…
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j_BOVOG-Kkaug PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.…
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j_BOVOG-Kkaug PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.…
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j_BOVOG-Kkaug PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: htt…
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In this series I want to dive down into my favorite games in my time as GM, why I played those games, and why there where so close to my heart. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwonDhCCD3j_BOVOG-Kkaug PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: htt…
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I talked to some great people on the Fastaval thius year, and two of them wanted to talk to me in front of a microfon. This is my last episode for now, I Dont if the workshop will open again.. Have fun, love the support and great talks :D Support the show social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/30109847…
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We are recording from the danish convention Fastaval, and Lasse will talk about his Game Gaussball and sports games. WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https…
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We will review the terminator rpg for you :D https://nightfall.games/the-terminator-rpg PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdy…
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lead game designer of the Terminator RPG gives us his insights on the setting and game. https://nightfall.games/the-terminator-rpg PICK up Jungle teeth now.. for free..! https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh …
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Frank is once again in the workshop to share his thoughts on how player agency, can create better games. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh Download Jungle teeth here: Download: https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.faceb…
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Andreas is the main person on Sweden Rolls podcast, and Dragon Bane expert. He has tried the newest version of Dragon on the podcast, and will share his thoughts and knowledge about the game. Sweden rolls: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1JenkHGRob9gOpFMS3KReP?si=Wpy0G-FbRc28GkTjnrtDDQ https://open.spotify.com/episode/5K4yyYaFgZCjC5vxHbElEm?si=RfN…
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Eric is the creater of Advensture unbounded, and he will launch this great new platform for online games. They have created a setting, so all GMs and Players can be in a collective story all together. check it out here: Home - Adventure Unbounded: Multiple DMs, One World here about Katy here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1883725/10438067 WARNING THIS…
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Nerdy Production is releasing our first scenario, and this is a shameless episode about why this game is so great and why you should try it for free right here: Download: https://nerdyproduction.dk/get-jungle-teeth/ WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh social m…
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Steve gives us insights on how to give players player agency in campaigns. Steve is among other things the designer behind Trail of Cthulhu campaign "Fearful Symmetric" WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/nerdyproduction?auth=FngrEsULInPeoeVh7kLlQ31-c9eeEGsh social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction h…
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Heart of Darkness has ended the triology serie, by Andrew Gaska, and Lars and Jacob picks his brain surrounding the concept, and the creation of these great scenarios. https://freeleaguepublishing.com/en/games/alien/ https://titanbooks.com/catalog/?series=alien&page=1 Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/rss/…
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Doug is an experienced GM and Free League master, and will give some great insights on gamemastering in these great games FILL OUT THE QUESTINAIR HERE: https://surveys.enalyzer.com?pid=k6n2pis3 WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION Enjoy :) WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION RPG, TTRPG, Roleplay, Coriolis, Free League Support the show social media htt…
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We dive into the noble art of creating investigation, and why genre and setting is so key. And Steve give us the keynotes for the 2 player game Partners from tinstargames.com WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https://discord.gg/tXsU4NXRwN https://…
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Ole and Andreas is players at my table, and we talk about the campaign Arizona Marshals, I am working on, but before the talk, I am introducing the structure, plot and ideas. Ole´s DANISH STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcZWjg9RFKVlajh00DMaPFg The talk with April about the Fallout game: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1883725/11105708 WARNING T…
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Sam is the primary game designer, and game writer for Twilight imperium the RPG, the newest iteration of the Legends of the five rings, and many other games. Sams gives us tools and ideas, on how to run Genesys games. https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/genesys/ https://edge-studio.net/shares/l5r-2/ https://edge-studio.net/games/embers-o…
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Brett is game designer, and game writer, with his focus on the Genesys system. within the Studio 404, he creates settings, and new mechanics for the Genesys system. check out his work here: https://www.studio404games.com/ We talk about how to run the game, and what to be aware of. See how the genesys dices works here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
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Frequent listener wanted to talk to us about the urge to hack systems, and figuring out how to use the system you want in the best way. follow Troels here: https://twitter.com/GreystormInGame social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/groups/301098474938435 https://discord.gg/tXsU4NXRwN https://twitter.com/GMwork…
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The dark and grim sci-fi setting Coriolis, is the centerpiece into days episode, and Michael will give us his insights on the game. He has writen a lot for the game, and are an expert gm on the game. check out Michaels work here: www.michael-masberg.de https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/338395 https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/340022 https…
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Jannick is an experience and expert GM, and have a lot of great insights on how to run the West March campaign concept. Created by Ben Robbins, and formulated to classic fantasy players, but as we talk about in this episode, there is a lot of ways to run, this concept, so the busy grown up out there still can enjoy a campaign WARNING THIS IS A NERD…
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War never Changes... Yah.. its the tag line, and today it is the Fallout episode.. My favorite setting, from a computer games. April is the community manager, and fallout GM on stream, and she will help us get a hold of the setting and system, so we can be the best overseer for our table. check out her stream here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?…
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Johan Nohr is the designer of the Mörk Borg book, and co-creator on the game, and on other great stuff from Free League and Stockholm Kartell. We dive into how to run this game and why this is the best OSR game out there for you Friday night. :D see flavor here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuXvuiBYWTU check out the game here: https://morkborg.c…
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Niels and Frank gets a great talk on how to work as a player and as a GM in the 2d20 game Infinity from Modiphius check out these videos for playing the game History & lore of Infinity the game: CodeOne edition - YouTube The ENTIRE Infinity Setting in 23 Minutes - YouTube WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION social media https://www.facebook.com/nerd…
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Ben is gamedesigner and writer for Modiphius and gives some insight on how we could play this game, and Jacob touch on the the next steps for Modiphius 2d20. check out Bens Twitch channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/theinitiativeorder WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https://www.facebook.com/g…
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Charlie is the Gm on negative modifier actual play podcast, which are running Delta green. We talk about how to run the game, and why this version of Lovecrafts setting is the best version. Check out negative modifier here: https://redcircle.com/shows/negative-modifier WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdypr…
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John Houlihan is the lead designer and writer on the pulpy game Achtung! Cthulhu by Modiphius, and gives us insight into how to run the game, and what the important tones and moods are in this kind of Lovecraft game. check out the game here: https://www.modiphius.net/pages/achtung-cthulhu-2d20 WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION social media https:/…
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Steve Dempsey is a game author on Fearful Symmetries a Trail of Cthulhu campaign, and expert Gm on the game in general. He give us some tools and insights on the game, and how to run the gumshoe game of Trail of Cthulhu. Links and stuff by Steve: https://pelgranepress.com/product/fearful-symmetries/ https://pelgranepress.com/product/the-book-of-the…
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Lynne is game designer and writer on call of cthulhu rpg, from Chaosium, and she gives us, the outlines and reasonings if why this game is so iconic and great. She also Debunks Jacobs displeasing thoughts on the d100 system in call of cthulhu 7th edition. WARNING THIS IS A NERDY PRODUCTION social media https://www.facebook.com/nerdyproduction https…
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