Bio Radio er et tilbud udviklet til studerende på bioanalytikeruddannelsen og diplomingeniøruddannelsen på Professionshøjskolen Absalon. Alle andre interesserede er selvfølgelig mere end velkommen til at lytte med. Disse podcast er udviklet som et supplement til undervisningen. Bio Radio is a podcast developed to support the teaching in the Biomedical Research Scientist programme and the Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology at University College Absalon. Everyone are more than welcome to ...
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Bio Radio News is a spin-off on the Bio Radio podcast, which addresses news in the life sciences in an easily digestible way. Bio Radio News sends out a podcast once a week with the latest updates on Covid-19 and SARS-CoV2. The broadcast is made by Kim Blanksø Pedersen, who is a senior lecturer in the biotechnology engineering program at University College Absalon. Bio Radio News er et spin-off på podcasten Bio Radio, der behandler nyheder inden for natur- og biovidenskab i en letfordøjelig ...
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This podcast tells what happens when viruses gets into our bodies and interacts with the immunesystem. Listen and hear more about "The Dirty Harry" of the immunesystem, dendritic cells and why measles virus is a nasty piece of pathogen. This podcast comes with a very strong recommendation: Get vaccinated!…
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End of the year 2020 update on Covid 19 and the newly released mRNA vaccines. Listen and learn why new and more infectious strains are seen around the world. This pod also tries to explain how mRNA vaccines are made and how they workAf Bio Radio
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The topic for this podcast is insulin. What is it. Where in the body is it produced. Why and what is diabetes. How to manufacture insulin and finally a little of the history about Novo Nordisk. Novo Nordisk is the largest manufacturer of insulin and their factory is located less than 2 kilometers from our campusThe topic for this podcast is insulin…
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This is the last Covid 19/SARS-CoV 2 podcast before the summer vacation. Listen and learn more about differentiated expression of the ACE2 gene gives different disease outcomes. A new version of SARS- CoV2 has emerged. It is not surprisingly more infectious. On the other hand it does not not seem to be more pathogenic. It is getting better and bett…
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The week 25 podcast highlights are: The new old drug against Covid 19. The elevated risk of having blodclots when infected with SARS-CoV2. New Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) shows areas in the humane genome that have an impact on the disease outcome. Finally a little on how the epidemic is progressing in Denmark…
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Listen to this weeks update on the SARS-CoV2/Covid-19 situation and learn more about a new and apparently efficient vaccine being developed in Denmark. In this part I say GMP means Good Manufacturing Process - it is Good Manufacturing Practise! Next part is about exome sequencing and machine learning. There is a part about how the pandemic is ragin…
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Today about a new study, that sheds new light on the origin of the SARS-CoV2 virus. What is a superspreader and why does that seem to be an important factor in the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the beginning of the pandemic it has been observed that more men than women are infected and with a worse outcome. Some of the difference can be explained by the…
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In this weeks podcast is a follow up on the first results from 3 different vaccine trials. Kawasaki syndrome is seen more often in areas with Covid-19 clusters. Here in Denmark we have seen a dramatic drop of something more than 90% of babies born before 28 weeks of preganacy. Finally we are now more than two weeks into the reopening. What are the …
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A week with a lot of good news in the Covid-19/SARS CoV2 pandemic. The antiviral drug Remdesivir seems to have a quite signifikant positive effect on the mortality if it is given in time. There also seems to be a beneficial effect of giving Inter Leukin 76 (IL-7) to patients. Tests will start to see if the Calmette tuberculosis vaccine will have a …
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Listen and hear about CRISPR used in diagnostics. Children do not get Covid-19 very often but do they spread the disease? A story about where the virus comes from and why there are so many viruses i bats. Finally Denmark passed a milestone in the epidemic.Af Bio Radio
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In this update for week 19 we are covering the following subjects. There is a promising study, which shows a Monoclonal Antibody (MAB) that seems to neutralize SARS-CoV2. They have found a new Patient Zero in France who had the disease in December. This despite that the epidemic in France started in late January. Can you monitor the pandemic by seq…
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This weeks pod deals with the fact that men are seen more frequently at ICU's, in the ventilators and die more often of Covid-19 than women. Another story is that it seems the antiviral drug, Remdesivir, works. Finally a story about vaccines. What are the different types and what are the problems we might have when the vaccine is there.…
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In this weeks update you can hear about the adaptive immune response to SARs-CoV 2. You will hear the explanation how a lasting immunity can be created . We all hope this is the case for SARS-CoV2 but nobody knows for sure yet. There is a story about the SARS-CoV 2 receptor called ACE 2 and the possible impact genetic variation and expression varia…
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The weekly update pod on Covid-19/SARS-CoV2. Listen and hear more about the diverging theories on SARS-CoV2's origin. See the phylogenetic reconstruction of the Covid-19 pandemic here: The SARS-CoV2 receptor and why patients get different symptoms. Children have a much milder disease progression, and Denmark conti…
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The Weekly update on Covid-19 and SARS-CoV2. This week you can hear about the possible importance of bloodtypes, why you should keep your cat indoors, and a littel about Denmark reopening again.Af Bio Radio
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The week 14 pod about Covid-19 and SARS Cov2. We pass 1 million confirmed Covid 19 cases. Good news is that fewer will die from airpollution and that soap is fantastic at inactivating virus. Else we will cover where SARS-CoV2 come from. An old form for treatment will start being tested in New YorkAf Bio Radio
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This weeks pod about Covid-19 and SARS Cov2. Hear about the disease and the immune response. We will also cover possible new treatments, genetic variation in SARS Cov2 and will the virus be gone when the summer comesAf Bio Radio
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This podcast deals with the structure and degradation of the plant cell wall. There are three different compounds in the plant cell wall: Lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. In order to use plant material in large scale production of biogas, biofuels and other products the plant cell wall has to be metabolized. Hear about this can be done and by w…
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This a new pod. Here is the weekly update on the Coronavirus pandemic. This pod primarily deals with the scientific discoveries and observations regarding this virusAf Bio Radio
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Af Bio Radio
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Are subjects like p-value, mean and standard deviation among the subjects that are not 100% clear for you?. Then this pod from BioRadio might be helpful. Hear Christian explain what they are and why statistics can't prove anything.Af Bio Radio
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This Pod is an introduction to the exiting topic of Genetics. Listen and learn more about recessive and dominant genes. Learn about phenotypes and genotypes. Hear about Mendel, Darwin and Morgan among othersAf Bio Radio
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This pod is about translation. The process in which the information from the messenger RNA is transferred to protein. Listen to hear more about ribosomes, t-RNA's, the Endoplasmatic Reticulum, the Golgi Apparatus, chaperones, and post-translational modifications.Af Bio Radio
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This pod is about transcription. Christian and Kim talks about transcription the step in which a particular DNA sequence or gene is copied into RNA. The topics will among other things be Promoters, Exons/Introns, Spliceosomes, and transcription factor. LIsten and know more about how important regulation of transcription is.…
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I denne podcast er Charlotte fra Bioanalytikeruddannelsen og Kim fra Diplomingeniøruddannelsen taget til Herlev Hospital, nærmere bestemt til Center for Cancer Immune Therapi (CCIT). Her har vi interviewet Özcan Met PhD, der er en af forskerne i CCIT. Cancer Immunterapi er et meget lovende nyt område i cancerbehandlingen og CCIT er førende i Danmar…
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Af Bio Radio
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As the title implies this podcast is about bacteria. Listen and learn more about how bacteria survive under difficult circumstances, how they have sex and hear that virus infects bacteria. Bacteria are present everywhere, some are good some are bad and some are really nasty. The average adult person has more than 1,000,000,000,000 bacteria in the i…
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This podcast is about Complex Numbers. Christian tells why you need them - actually are Complex Numbers the Gaffa Tape of the MathematicsAf Bio Radio
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Denne podcast handler om komplekse tal og i særdeleshed, hvad de kan brugestil. Det er Christian, der er underviser på diplomingeniøruddannelsen, som fortæller. Viste du, at komplekse tal er matematikkens svar på gaffa tape? Nej vel, så skynd dig ind og lyt eller download.Af Bio Radio
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I denne episode af BioRadio fortæller Annika, Charlotte og Kim om histologi. Hvad er fixering og hvordan kvalitetssikrer man sine prøver? Hør det og meget mere.Af Bio Radio
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Forskning på Bioanalytikeruddannelsen
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17:44Hvorfor er dine undervisere i laboratoriet i tide og utide. Hvorfor står der forskning i undervisernes kalender?Hør Marianne fortælle om forskning på UCSJ i almindelighed og i Center for Sygepleje og Bioanalyse i særdeleshed. Lær at Frascati er andet end Italiensk hvidvin. Endelig fortæller Kim om sit forskningsprojekt. Her kan man så blive klogere…
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I dag hele 3 nyheder. Fejl i mitokondrieDNA ser ud til at kunne forklare en del af forekomsten af autisme. Niacin også kendt som B3 vitamin kan hæmme aldringsprocesserne. Endelig viser et statistisk stude at vi kan blive max 115 år gamle.Af Bio Radio
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Forlænget overlevelse efter ovariecancer og træning i højderne
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19:12Hør om en ny behandling, der forlænger levetiden for kvinder med ovariecancer, og om hvorfor vores kroppe kan huske, at vi har været oppe i bjergene. Artikel 1: Artikel 2: Bio Radio
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Premiere på "Syg med Bio". Katrine og Kim fortæller om Alzheimers sygdom. Her kommer forklaringen på navnet, hvorfor patienter med Down's syndrom har stor risiko for at få Alzheimers og noget om hypoteserne bag mekanismen bag sygdomsudviklingen. Her kommer information om hvad man kan gøre for at forebygge Alzheimers sygdom og hvad man ikke skal gør…
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Behandling af seglcelleanæmi og hjernecelletransplantation
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25:09Hør om, hvordan CRISPR/Cas9 kan bruges til behandling af seglcelleanæmi og få forklaringen og anvendeligheden af det meget lange ord: hjernecelletransplantation Artikel 1 her: Artikel 2 her: Bio Radio
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1: Ny metode til indsamling af blodprøver til doping tests 2: NASA har udført en succesfuld DNA sekvensering i rummet Bio Radio
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Børn med tre forældre og en nobelpris
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23:001: hør om et af de første barn med DNA fra tre forældre 2: en lille historie om dette års nobel pris vinder i fysiologi eller medicin…
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Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungesygdom (KOL)
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18:28Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungesygdom hvad er det? Vi siger det kun en gang, derefter er det KOL. Det prøver vi at forklare i denne podcast. Igen går det ud over rygerne, for rygning er den største risiko faktor når det drejer sig om KOL. Der er andre risikofaktorer og dem kommer vi også ind på.Af Bio Radio
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Hænger motion og cancer sammen? Og har vi fundet en ny kur mod Alzheimers?
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21:06I denne omgang Bio Radio News har vi breaking news; nemlig en mulig kur mod Alzheimers. Dertil kan vi også fortælle om motion som forebyggelse for cancer.Af Bio Radio
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Din døgnrytme og bakterier i tarmen
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18:07I denne omgang af Bio Radio News snakker vi om betydningen af ens døgnrytme for virusinfektioner og om tarmbakterierne kan ændre sig på 48 timer ved at spise grøntsager.Af Bio Radio
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Baron eller ej? Og rotter der snakker i mobiltelefon
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22:33Kan man gå tilbage i tiden for at finde ud af, om vi har de rette baroner eller ej? Og er mobilstråling egentlig farligt? Få svar på disse spørgsmål i denne omgang Bio Radio NewsAf Bio Radio
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1. del: hvorfor skal du ikke holde kat? 2. del: du spilder dine penge på dyre bakterierAf Bio Radio
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Interview med overlæge og laboratoriechef i Vejle, Ivan Brandslund
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27:51Hør Ivan Brandslund fortælle om laboratoriet, hvor der ikke er behov for elektrisk lys, og om hvordan vi skal bruge gener i fremtidens diagnosticering og medicinering.Af Bio Radio
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Patient zero og det at være småtyk
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21:171. del: Patient zero no more 2. del: Det er godt at være småtyk - eller er det?Af Bio Radio
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Vi har været omkring DNA, PCR, CRISPR og meget andet. Nu er vi endelig nået til DNA sekvensering. Hør her hvornår det første humane genom blev sekvenseret, og hvorfor det blev det.Af Bio Radio
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I denne podcast fortæller Katrine og Kim om qPCR. Hvad er forskellen på PCR og qPCR, hvad er farver, hvad kan man bruge det til og meget mere. Få svar på det hele ved at lytte til denne podcastAf Bio Radio
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Interview med UCSJ's rektor Camilla Wang
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23:32Hør Camilla Wang fortælle om hendes visioner for UCSJ, hvorfor hun ikke er blevet gymnasielærer og hvorfor hun synes, at bioanalyse lyder som serbokroatisk.Af Bio Radio
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Er sandsynligheden for at få en Nobel pris højere, hvis man spiser chokolade? Er det farligere at køre på cykel på en cykelsti fremfor på vejen? Og kan man leve længere, hvis man jævnligt går på museum? I denne podcast får du svar på disse spørgsmål, og lærer mere om, hvordan du rent faktisk kan bruge statistik.…
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Det Adaptive og Innate Immunforsvar
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14:18I denne podcast fortæller Katrine og Kim om det adaptive (også kendt som det specifikke) og det innate (også kendt som det uspecifikke) immunforsvar. Her er første del af forklaringen på, hvorfor og hvordan vaccinationer virker.Af Bio Radio
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En lidt anderledes podcast krydret med røverhistorier om lægemidler gennem tiden.Af Bio Radio
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