College Central podcasts provide clear, concise, expert advice and tips for entry-level job search and career related issues. Find insight and instruction on resumes, interviews, internships, etiquette, and more.
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On December 3rd, I am going to go to a doctor to see if I have ADHD. Until, then, I will podcast about it. A story about a college nerd girl who maybe has figured herself out. Or at least, figured out her neurotype. Going to the Internet for health advice is usually not a good idea, but I’m going to try it out. Let’s find our what my issue is, people!
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The easiest way to build your first resume.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Job search and employment schemes.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Mastering introductions in an age of fist bumps.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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The most important thing to say for a positive last, and lasting, impression.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How to close an interview effectively for a productive, lasting impression.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How to handle COVID restrictions and communicate in person like a pro.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Virtual Job Fairs: When In-Person Is Out
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:18Cost, convenience, and COVID-19 are redefining how employers recruit.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Career Portfolios: Are You Missing Out?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:02It's never too early to tap into these student must-haves. They're NOT just for interviews anymore!Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Be a savvy job seeker: use this time of social distancing to your career advantage.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Interviews: More Smart Questions to Ask
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
6:01Questions to show you're interested, engaged, and a good match for the job.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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22 tips to help you sound as good as you look.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Dress for Success: The Feeling is Neutral
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
6:45Gender free interview attire for the 21st Century.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How to bow out of a job with dignity and grace.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Panel Interviews: "Multiple" Is Just A Number
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:46How to embrace, face, and ace a committee-style interview.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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10 Top Career Tips to Learn In College
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:20Critical classroom skills that jump-start college-to-career success.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How to Stand Out In a Group Interview
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:04Differentiate yourself from the crowd through talent and tact.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Navigating a world of swag and freebies in the workplace.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Add leadership experience to your resume and set yourself apart from other job candidates.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Finding balance between the benefits and drawbacks of remote working.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How to pick up, clean up, and regroup after a bad interview.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Make the call to find untapped opportunities and to get your foot in the door!Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How to get your resume past the applicant tracking system (ATS).Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Stand out by mastering the strong, silent side of good verbal communication.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Can you bake, bribe, or billboard your way into employment? Here's why experts advise against using stunts to gain an employer's attention.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How job seekers showcase their capabilities and candidacy in today's tech-driven world.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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"Dear Job Seeker, Here's What I Want."
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:12Find out if you're employer wish list material. Here's a checklist of essentials.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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An episode on how I focus, or rather, how I don’t.
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I Think I Have ADHD - And Maybe That’s OK. I ramble about the possibility of getting a diagnosis of ADHD and what it means to me.
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8 top blunders to diss your way out of a job offer.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Where the primary job search tool may be headed.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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The benefits of working as a student: you'll learn, earn, and be a more competitive job seeker.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Avoid a career "if only!" Benefit from the hindsight and experience of young professionals.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Don't undermine your resume and job search efforts with these Top 10 entry-level cover letter mistakes!Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Do you have EQ--a different "smart"? It can outshine even IQ for career success!Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Interviews: Keep Your Eye On the Ball
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
7:18Fielding different types of interviews for different types of reviews.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How to save on job search and employment costs.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How to jump-start your transition from college to career.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How not to make your professional contacts feel used.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Behaving with grit and grace in the workplace.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Strategies for a successful launch when you're the product.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Invaluable job search resources that are free for the taking.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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How proactive 4-year students build their careers, year by year.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Your on-campus career or employment center can be a job search life ring.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Knowing how to say no thank you and exit with grace.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Tips on completing written employment application forms.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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The hidden meanings behind more common interview questions.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Step-by-step instructions to help new and soon-to-be grads find their first jobs.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Use your smarts when looking for a new job. Here are interview red flags every job seeker should be aware of.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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The global workplace has become considerably smaller. When it comes to achieving career success, here's why all job seekers need cultural sensitivity.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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Understand what recruiters are really asking: how to prepare for and best respond to five common interview questions.Af College Central Network, Inc.
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