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🔥 'Sex is like a chainsaw' - Pastor drops truth about why intimacy belongs in marriage! Powerful analogy about the beauty and danger of physical intimacy
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What turns an ordinary church into a powerhouse of transformation? The answer might surprise you. It's not programs, personalities, or presentations - it's prayer. If we want to see God’s transforming power at work in our church, everything we do must be soaked in prayer.
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Did you know there are some things that God cannot do? Shocking! I know. By exploring the things God cannot do we gain a deeper knowledge of God and greater love for Him. Pastor Avery shares four things that “Our God, Cannot Do.”
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Are You Washed In The Blood Of Jesus?
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40:51Why do our best efforts to overcome sin's effects fall short? Discover the profound truth about spiritual cleansing that transforms lives and brings lasting freedom. No self-help solution can match this divine power!
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Ever feel like everything's working against you? Here's the game-changing truth: the Creator of the universe is not against you. God is for you! Discover how this reality can transform your perspective on life's biggest challenges.
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God’s power isn’t given to us tomake our lives easier, but for accomplishing His mission in the world.
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God designed the church to function in the power of the Holy Spirit
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Why would a loving God create Hell? Discover the real reason and how it changes everything.
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God's Word is not just to be read but to be eaten. Pastor Danny Moore shares a message about the power of taking in the Word of God.
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Suffering is a common experience among all humans. People have turned to all kinds of remedies and solutions for suffering, but Jesus is the only One who can save you and give you hope, even in the midst of the pain.
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Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer not just to memorize but as a guide to empower our daily prayer life. Pastor Avery reveals the meaning behind the words of Jesus, “Pray, then in this way.”
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God wants you to live in joy, peace, and an abundance of Hope. Pastor Avery shares the importance of Hope in our daily lives, and how to find hope in every circumstance.
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Jesus does not just raise people from death to life, He sets them free. Are you living like you're still in shackles?
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The anointing is God’s presence and power flowing out of believers and onto others. We are the vessels that carry the anointing, but the oil only flows when there are empty vessels to receive it.
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The anointing is God’s presence and power flowing out of believers and onto others. We are the vessels that carry theanointing, but if the oil of God’s power is going to flow out of us, we must be broken.
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Christianity is the one religion in which God Himself provides everything you need to be saved. Let me show you why that matters.
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Write Your Story On My Life, Lord!
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Afspil senere
34:21God is writing His story on the lives of His children. He is making Himself known and His message seen in our lives. When you realize this, it changes how you react to challenges and gives hope in the midst of every circumstance
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One of the harder parts of faith is dealing with the “Whens”. In today's message, Pastor Joseph looks into three of the most common “Whens.”
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Everything God gives to us is given by grace. We cannot earn it and we don’t deserve it. So, why do Christians feel like we must be better or do better to receive from our Father?
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To those who confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God: this is who Jesus says we are...
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Everyone gets knocked down in life,but down doesn't have to mean out. Being down is the position of preparation before going up.
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The cross where Jesus Christ died was not pretty, or hip, or cool, or fashionable. The Cross where Jesus died was a blood bath, and without the shedding of His blood no one could be saved.
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Pastor Joseph continues his sermonseries, "The 5 W's of God" with a message titled "Where isGod?"
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Have you ever wondered just who God is? The makeup of Gods identity is as follows The Father, The Creator, The King of Kings, and The Lion.
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Faith, Trust, and the Word of God - by Buddy Hyden
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38:10If you really want to see the supernatural and miraculous take place in your life you need all three: faith, trust and God's Word.
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3 BIG mistakes that Christians make when they're under attack
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Afspil senere
29:13Here are 3 things you don’t want todo if you feel like you’re being attacked by your adversary, the devil.
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The Christian life isn’t always good feelings and quick results. There are dry seasons when the feelings aren’t there, and we struggle to see results that once came easy. Anyone can live as they should when it’s the rainy season, but the truly victorious, the ones who endure till the end, the ones who change the world, they are the ones who stay th…
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The heart of Jesus is always toward the one lost sheep, and if we have His heart within us, we will prioritize the lost over all who are already safely in Christ.
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Pastor Joseph answers the question what is God? By giving his 3 elements of God we most benefit from.
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One day, when we see Jesus face to face, everything will change. Our troubles will be over, our questions will be answered, and we will be like Him. So how do we live in light of this truth?
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Although it’s easy to see Satan’s strategies and attacks on the world, it’s not always easy to see his strategies and attacks on you personally. In this message, Pastor Avery helps you understand, identify, and defeat the devil’s personal attacks.
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When we exalt the Lord to His proper place in our lives everything else falls into place.
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There is a realm from which all the natural world flows. It is the Spirit Realm. The Spirit realm is where we get our peace, power, and authority. Christians who engage only in this natural world have no greater power than the average person, but Christians who engage both the natural realm and the spiritual realm can change their world for Jesus.…
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As a Christian it is easy to lose track of who you are. You can feel isolated, worthless, and weak. You may even feel the church or Christianity itself is under attack. It's time to remember who we are: Powerful, Blessed, Victorious.
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The world wants proof that Jesus is who He says He is. Jesus said that He would give one sign to prove Himself. That sign was the resurrection. If Jesus could do what no other man has ever done and raise Himself from the dead, then it would be the sign to the world that He is, in fact, the Son of God.…
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Trusting God completely is essential if you want to live in peace.
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You have a sphere of influence and God has placed you there to represent Him. In this message, Pastor Avery will help you identity your area of influence and become more intentional about ministering to the people in your world.
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In the super-hero epic black panther, the villain Killmonger iterates the point that Wakanda should sharetheir resources. This is true of the church as well. What are our resources?What do we do with them?
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In every corner of life God places an individual who will advance the Kingdom, fight the enemy, help those in need, stand up for the oppressed, love the unloved, and spread His message of hope. Your world needs someone like that. Will you be THAT-MAN?
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Having a love for yourself is a fundamental part of a healthy relationship with God. Pastor Joseph goes over his 10 thoughts on love 4 yourself everyone should remember.
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Go Back To The Fundamentals - by Danny Moore
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36:19Problems in the Christian walk can often be overcome by going back to the fundamentals of our faith. Pastor Danny Moore reminds us of some foundational truths from God’s word that can help you and I get our proverbial feet back on solid ground.
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Have you lost hope? Christians should be the most hope filled people in the world. In this message, Pastor Avery shares why Hope is essential to the Christian life and how you and I can increase our future by increasing our Hope.
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If you truly love God, this is the number one thing you must do.
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Why Do I Love God? It’s very simple, because He loved me first. When you let God love you, you will love Him in return. So, what is God’s Love? How do I let Him love me? Pastor Avery answers these questions
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As a Christian a love 4 God is a life changing principle. Pastor Joseph Avery brings a word about three of the ways a love 4 God will change you.
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This world is a spiritually dark place. As Christians, we are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), and there are things we can do to make sure we burn brighter in 2023.
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God wants to set His children apart from the rest of the world. The Holy Spirit is working on Christians to shape them into the image of God, so we look less like the world and more like Jesus.
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What if I failed? How do I get healing? Where is peace? Three questions with one simple answer.
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"I will NEVER leave you, nor will I ever forsake you,” "I am with you ALWAYS, even to the end of the age.” "NOTHING will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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When Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, He set an example for all to follow. Christianity is about serving others and the Kingdom. No one is too good for any job that needs doing for God.
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