Voice of America (VOA) adalah jasa penyiaran multimedia internasional dari AS yang mengantarkan berita dan information dalam lebih dari 40 bahasa. VOA menyiarkan 1.500 jam berita, informasi, program pendidikan dan budaya setiap pekannya kepada sekitar 146 juta orang di seluruh dunia.
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Voice of America is an international news and broadcast organization serving Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Balkan countries
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VOA 한국어 방송의 간판 뉴스 프로그램입니다. 한반도와 함께 미국을 비롯한 세계 곳곳의 소식을 빠르고 정확하게 전해드립니다. 다양한 인터뷰와 현지보도, 심층취재로 풍부한 정보를 담았습니다.
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미국에서 쓰이는 다양한 영어 표현과 기본이 되는 문법을 매일 새로운 문장으로 쉽게 알려드립니다.
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매주 일요일 한주간 남북한과 미국, 국제사회의 주요 뉴스를 집중 조명해드립니다.
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Beragam laporan berita informatif yang disajikan oleh tim VOA di Washington dan ditayangkan setiap Senin hingga Jumat pagi di Metro TV.
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Gandira Pratama dan Nadira Ghassani membawakan acara 30 menit tentang serba-serbi kehidupan dan update isu-isu terkini di Amerika, juga liputan kegiatan warga Indonesia di AS. Ditayangkan di Metro TV setiap Minggu, jam 7:00 WIB.
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VOA 한국어 방송의 아침 뉴스 프로그램 입니다. 한반도 뉴스와 함께 밤 사이 미국과 세계 곳곳에서 일어난 생생한 소식을 빠르고 정확하게 전해드립니다.
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Dengan gaya santai dalam campuran bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Jawa, Cak Supri dan Ning Jinny mengajak Anda mengobrol berbagai topik sosial dan budaya. Warung VOA ditayangkan di stasiun JTV (Surabaya) setiap Minggu pukul 15:00 WIB, dan Simpang5 TV (Semarang), Ponti TV (Pontianak) dan Jowo TV.
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International Edition is VOA's premier global news podcast. Immerse yourself in the latest world events as we provide unparalleled insights through eye-witness accounts, correspondent reports, and expert analysis.
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Voice to America takes world issues important to America and asks experts, citizens and journalists around the globe for their opinions.
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Studio 7 for Zimbabwe provides comprehensive and reliable radio news seven days a week on AM, shortwave and satellite, and the Internet.
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Murisanga (1400-1500 UTC): Murisanga itumira abatumirwa kugirango baganire n'abakunzi ba Radiyo Ijwi ry'Amerika. Aha duha ijambo abantu bifuza kuganira n'abatumirwa bacu, batanga ibisobanuro ku bibazo binyuranye bireba ubuzima bw'abantu.
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Voice of America is an international news and broadcast organization serving Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Balkan countries
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Matangazo ya nusu saa kuhusu habari za mapema asubuhi pamoja na habari za michezo. Ratiba: Monday-Friday Saa (kwa saa za huku): 06:00 UTC saa ya kimataifa 0300 Muda: 30 Sikiliza: Podcast
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Matangazo ya saa nzima kuhusu habari za kutwa, ikiwa ni pamoja ripoti kutoka kwa waandishi wetu sehemu mbali mbali duniani na kote Afrika Mashariki na Kati, na vile vile vipindi na makala maalum kuhusu afya, wanawake, jamii na maendeleo.
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Kullum da karfe 6 na safe agogon Najeriya da Nijar muna gabatar da labarai da rahotanni da dumi-duminsu, sannan mu na gabatar da wasu shirye-shirye kamar Noma da Lafiya Uwar Jiki.
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Amakuru mu Gitondo (0330-0400 UTC): Amakuru agezweho mu Rwanda, mu Burundi, muri Afurika no hirya no hino kw’isi. Ijwi ry’Amerika kandi ribagezaho n’ibiganiro birambuye ku byabaye iwanyu aho mutuye, hafi y’aho mukorera ndetse no ku mashuri yanyu.
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A shirin namu na karfe 9 da rabi agogon Najeriya da Nijar, zaku ji labarai na yadda duniyar ta yini da rahotanni da dumi-duminsu, sannan mu kan bude muku layuka domin ku bugo ku bayyana mana ra’ayoyinku kan batutuwan da suka fi muhimmanci a wannan rana, ko kuma wadanda ke ci muku tuwo a kwarya.
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Some of the biggest names in music such as Taylor Swift, Tim McGraw, Adele, Katy Perry, Enrique Iglesias, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Charlie Puth, Rihanna and many more have joined host Larry London for live interviews and performance on the program.
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Mu kan komo da karfe 8 na safe agogon Najeriya da Nijar domin sake gabatar muku da labarai da hirarraki, da sharhin jaridu kama daga Najeriya zuwa Nijar har Ghana, da kuma ra’ayoyinku.
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Amakuru ku Mugoroba (1730-1800 UTC): Amakuru ashyushye yo mu Rwanda, mu Burundi, muri Afurika no hirya no hino kw’isi. Aha tubaha n’ubusesenguzi ndetse n’ibisobanuro byihariye ku makuru agezweho.
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VOA’s The Issue takes you beyond the headlines, diving into the stories shaping our world. Each episode focuses on a single topic, offering in-depth analysis and essential context. We break down complex issues, explaining why they matter and how they fit into the broader global landscape. If you’re
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Yau da Gobe shiri ne mai inganta rayuwar matasa cikin fadakarwa da ilmantarwa da kayatarwa, ya kuma karfafa mu su samun kaifin fahimtar matsalolin da suka addabe su, suka dabaibaiye su a wannan zamani.
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Da karfe 4 na yamma agogon Najeriya da Nijar zaku iya jin rahotanni da labarai da dumi-duminsu daga kowace kusurwa ta duniya, musamman ma dai muhimman abubuwan da suka faru, ko suke faruwa a kusa da ku a wannan rana.
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VOA Express ni matangazo mapya yenye mwendo wa kasi yakiangalia habari mpya za mchana na maelezo ya maswala yanayohusu vijana na wanawake. Matangazo haya yanafuatilia habari zilizojitokeza nyakati za mchana na ripoti za kina za habari ambazo hazisikiki sana katika matangazo mengineyo.
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ዕለታዊ ፈነወ ድምጺ ኣመሪካ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ጥቅምቲ 1,2021
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Issues in the News is VOA's premiere news discussion program. We take on the biggest stories of the week and discuss them in detail with those who have unparalleled expertise. Our in-depth analysis goes beyond the headlines, providing you with the inside story on both domestic and international news
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The Inside Story is a 25-minute weekly television program produced by the Voice of America News Center and hosted by a rotating group of VOA reporters. Each week, The Inside Story provides a wide and deep examination of one issue in the news, using VOA’s worldwide reporting strength.
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A school project about African American rights. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz
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Првата и единствена редовна ТВ-емисија на македонски јазик од еден странски медиум. Погледнете MP4 | WM
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This is a non-partisan, moderate voice podcast that provides a centrist view on United States domestic policy and on foreign policy
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Program bincang-bincang malam hari yang menyajikan berbagai informasi mengenai kisah sukses warga Indonesia di mancanegara yang disertai laporan menarik tentang gaya hidup dan hiburan. Dibawakan secara bergantian oleh Ariono Arifin, Dhania Iman, Irfan Ihsan, Vena Dilianasari dan Arif Budiman.
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Toshkent vaqti bilan har kuni 20:00 da efirga uzatiladigan 30 daqiqali radio dastur kunning dolzarb mavzularini yoritadi. Xalqaro hayot, O'zbekiston va butun Markaziy Osiyodagi muhim o'zgarishlarni, shuningdek, AQSh bilan aloqalarni tahlil qiladi.
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A discussion and review of the lives of the American Family from the diverse perspectives that impact our constitutional and inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our community focused platform is designed to exchange ideas that bridge goodwill and understanding through the lens of mutually shared experiences that defines America's Community Voices. Hosted by Ronald and Donald Brookins.
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Bu proqramda İran Azərbaycanında və İranda baş verən hadisələr, İranda insan hüquqlarının vəziyyəti, İran azərbaycanlılarının problemləri, İranın Azərbaycan Respublikası ilə əlaqələri, Azərbaycanın tarixi və mədəniyyəti, tarixdə xüsusi ilə İran azərbaycanında gördüyü işlərlə tanınmış şəxslərin
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په ماښامنۍ خبري خپرونه کې د افغانستان، سیمې او نړۍ د تودو پیښو په اړه تازه خبرونه او کره رپوټونه په ۳۰ دقیقو کې وړاندې کیږي. دغه خپرونه د کابل په وخت د ماښام له ۷:۰۰ تر ۷:۳۰ پورې خپریږي.
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Irit Tagihan Listrik di Amerika Serikat, Pakai Panel Surya Komunitas dan Subsidi - Maret 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
3:47Warga di Washington, D.C., bisa berhemat tagihan listrik dengan manfaatkan program-program tenaga surya pemerintah. Popularitas tenaga surya di AS terus meningkat, meski baru menyumbang 6 persen tenaga listrik nasional. Namun, pemerintahan Trump ingin mengakhiri pendanaan program-program ini.Af Valdya Baraputri
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Yau da Gobe 1530 UTC (30:00) - Maris 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
30:00Yau da GobeAf VOA
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Murisanga (1400-1500 UTC): Murisanga itumira umutumirwa, cyangwa abatumirwa kugirango baganire n'abakunzi ba Radiyo Ijwi ry'Amerika. Aha duha ijambo abantu bifuza kuganira n'abatumirwa bacu, batanga ibisobanuro ku bibazo binyuranye bireba ubuzima bw'abantu.Af VOA
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VOA 한국어 간판 뉴스 프로그램 '뉴스 투데이', 2025년 3월 13일 3부 방송입니다. 도널드 트럼프 대통령이 한반도를 포함한 역내 문제를 담당하는 국무부 동아태 치관보에 마이클 디섬브레 전 태국 대사를 지명했습니다. 한국 정치권에서 핵잠재력 확보 주장이 제기된 가운데 국무부가 동맹에 대한 미국의 방위 공약을 거듭 강조했습니다. 미국 해병대는 한반도 위기 발생 시 한국 방어를 지원할 준비가 돼 있다고 크리스토퍼 마호니 해병대 부사령관이 밝혔습니다. 방송 시간: 한반도 오후 11:00~자정 (UTC 14:00~15:00).Af 안소영
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March 13, 2025 - 1400 UTC - March 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
5:00Af VOA
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VOA Express ni matangazo mapya yenye mwendo wa kasi yakiangalia habari mpya za mchana na maelezo ya maswala yanayohusu vijana na wanawake. Matangazo haya yanafuatilia habari zilizojitokeza nyakati za mchana na ripoti za kina za habari ambazo hazisikiki sana katika matangazo mengineyo. VOA Express pia inafuatilia kwa karibu sana maswala yanayovuma k…
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VOA 한국어 간판 뉴스 프로그램 '뉴스 투데이', 2025년 3월 13일 1부 방송입니다. 도널드 트럼프 대통령이 한반도를 포함한 역내 문제를 담당하는 국무부 동아태 치관보에 마이클 디섬브레 전 태국 대사를 지명했습니다. 한국 정치권에서 핵잠재력 확보 주장이 제기된 가운데 국무부가 동맹에 대한 미국의 방위 공약을 거듭 강조했습니다. 미국 해병대는 한반도 위기 발생 시 방어를 지원할 준비가 돼 있다고 크리스토퍼 마호니 해병대 부사령관이 밝혔습니다. 방송 시간: 한반도 오후 8:00~9:00 (UTC 11:00~12:00).Af 안소영
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Shirin Hantsi 0700 UTC (30:00) - Maris 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
29:59Mu kan komo da karfe 8 na safe agogon Najeriya da Nijar domin sake gabatar muku da labarai da hirarraki, da sharhin jaridu kama daga Najeriya zuwa Nijar har Ghana, da kuma ra’ayoyinku.Af VOA
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Shirin Safe 0500 UTC (30:00) - Maris 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
29:59Kullum da karfe 6 na safe agogon Najeriya da Nijar muna gabatar da labarai da rahotanni da dumi-duminsu, sannan mu na gabatar da wasu shirye-shirye kamar Noma da Lafiya Uwar Jiki.Af VOA
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Pressure for a ceasefire now on Moscow - March 12, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
25:00Following the meeting in Riyadh in which Washington and Kyiv repaired their diplomatic relationship and agreed to terms for a potential ceasefire, all eyes are on Moscow for a response; but who would benefit more from a halt in the fighting? The latest on trade tariffs plus an update from Syria following last week’s massacre. Plus, the American mil…
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Amakuru mu Gitondo - Werurwe 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
29:59Amakuru mu Gitondo (0330-0400 UTC): Amakuru agezweho mu Rwanda, mu Burundi, muri Afurika no hirya no hino kw’isi. Ijwi ry’Amerika kandi ribagezaho n’ibiganiro birambuye ku byabaye iwanyu aho mutuye, hafi y’aho mukorera ndetse no ku mashuri yanyu.Af VOA
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Mke na watoto wa Joseph Kony warejeshwa Uganda kutoka Jamhuri ya Afrika ya Kati - Machi 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
30:00Matangazo ya nusu saa kuhusu habari za mapema asubuhi pamoja na habari za michezo.Af VOA
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VOA This Morning: Ekonomi AS Bergejolak Hadapi Ketidakpastian Tarif; Kebijakan Dagang AS Bayangi Pergerakan IHSG dan Rupiah - Maret 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
30:02Pembicaraan seputar tarif, ditambah ketakutan akan inflasi, membuat pasar saham AS jatuh pada Senin dan Selasa. Sementara itu, pergerakan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dan rupiah diperkirakan masih akan dipengaruhi oleh sentimen eksternal, terutama arah kebijakan perdagangan AS.Af VOA
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Inflasi di Amerika Melemah ke 2,8%, "Stagflasi" Terhindari? - Maret 13, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
3:02Di samping kekhawatiran soal resesi, ancaman lain yang kadang dikhawatirkan di AS adalah “stagflasi”. Sesuai namanya, stagflasi adalah multi krisis harga tinggi disertai perlambatan signifikan ekonomi, seperti yang terjadi tahun 1970-an. Tapi data terkini mengisyaratkan, stagflasi terhindari.Af Nova Poerwadi
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Global tariff war! - March 12, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
16:14U.S. President Donald Trump's increased tariffs on all steel and aluminum imports took effect on Wednesday "with no exceptions or exemptions," escalating the global trade war. Trump's increased tariffs campaign to reorder global trade norms in favor of the U.S. drew swift retaliation. China, the EU, Canada and others have reacted to the with retali…
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Shirin Dare 2030 UTC (30:00) - Maris 12, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
29:59A shirin namu na karfe 9 da rabi agogon Najeriya da Nijar, zaku ji labarai na yadda duniyar ta yini da rahotanni da dumi-duminsu, sannan mu kan bude muku layuka domin ku bugo ku bayyana mana ra’ayoyinku kan batutuwan da suka fi muhimmanci a wannan rana, ko kuma wadanda ke ci muku tuwo a kwarya.Af VOA
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VOA 한국어 아침 뉴스 프로그램 '워싱턴 뉴스 광장'입니다. 북한의 우크라이나전 개입 중단이 도널드 트럼프 미국 행정부의 요구라고 조셉 윤 한국 주재 미국 대사대리가 밝혔습니다. 미국 정부가 북한이 도널드 트럼프 대통령 취임 이후 처음으로 탄도미사일을 발사한 것을 강력히 규탄했습니다. 방송 시간: 한반도 오전 5:00~6:00 (UTC 20:00~21:00).Af 장양희
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ፈነወ ድምጺ ኣመሪካ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ - መጋቢት 12, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
29:59ፈነወ ድምጺ ኣመሪካ ቋንቋ ትግርኛ ምምላስ ኣብ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ኣብ ኣጸጋሚ ኩነታት ዝነበሩ ኢትዮጵያዊያንሕ/ኣፍሪቃ ምምስራት ጎናዊ መንግስቲ ሱዳን ዘለዎ ሓደጋ የጠንቅቕ ኣብ መንጎ መሪሕነት ውድብ ህወሓትን ግዜያዊ ምምሕዳርን ዘሎ ወጥሪ ዕላል ምስ ደራሲት ገነት ይብራህAf VOA
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Live TalkAf VOA
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Amakuru ku Mugoroba - Werurwe 12, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
29:57Leta ya kongo yigije inyuma italiki y’ibizamini by’amashuri yisumbuye.Human Rights Watch irashinja umutwe wa M23 guhohotera abanyamakuru n’abaharanira uburenganzira bwa muntu.Ubudage buramagana icyemezo cy’Amerika cyo kuzamura imisoro ku bicuruzwa biva hanzeAf VOA
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Studio 760 minutesAf VOA
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Matangazo ya saa nzima kuhusu habari za kutwa, ikiwa ni pamoja ripoti kutoka kwa waandishi wetu sehemu mbali mbali duniani na kote Afrika Mashariki na Kati, na vile vile vipindi na makala maalum kuhusu afya, wanawake, jamii na maendeleo.Af VOA
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Yau da Gobe 1530 UTC (30:00) - Maris 12, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
29:57Yau da GobeAf VOA
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Shirin Rana 1500 UTC (30:00) - Maris 12, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
29:59Da karfe 4 na yamma agogon Najeriya da Nijar zaku iya jin rahotanni da labarai da dumi-duminsu daga kowace kusurwa ta duniya, musamman ma dai muhimman abubuwan da suka faru, ko suke faruwa a kusa da ku a wannan rana.Af VOA
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Dunia Kita "Our World, My Story": Museum Musisi Hall of Fame di Amerika! - Maret 12, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
20:30Di episode kali ini, ikuti pertualangan Gandira di Musicians Hall of Fame Museum yang legendaris di kota Nashville untuk mempelajari sejarah musik di Amerika Serikat dari berbagai genre musik seperti The Beatles, Elvis Presley hingga Jimi Hendrix.Af Gandira Pratama
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회화와 문법을 동시에 공부하는 Everyday English VOA 매일 영어 진행에 이은경입니다. 오늘은 불가피하다. 피할 수 없는 일이라는 표현 영어로 어떻게 하는지 살펴보겠습니다. 대화 들어보시죠.Af 이은경
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[주간 뉴스 포커스] 미한 정례 연합훈련 '자유의 방패' 연습 실시... 트럼프 대통령 '국정연설'
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
38:53미국과 한국이 10일부터 정례 연합훈련인 ‘자유의 방패’(FS) 연습을 실시합니다. -미 국방부 정책차관 지명자가 미한일 3자 연대의 지속성에 의문을 나타냈습니다. -도널드 트럼프 대통령이 4일 국정연설을 통해 ‘미국의 귀환’을 강조했습니다.Af Voice of America
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Afspil senere
Afspil senere
1:15:21Trump opens direct negotiations with Hamas. Margot in Israel offers analysis of Trump's latest tactical move. Iranian analyst Kamran tells Tony how Trump's letter to Iran's Supreme Leader is being received. Europe announces it will become responsible for its defense. Hear from Euros about their confidence in "quitting" America.…
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Wasu Da Ake Zargin 'Yan Boko Haram Ne Sun Kai Hari Adamawa.mp3 - Maris 10, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
3:01Af VOA
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Seeking a deal with Iran and Europe pulls together - March 07, 2025
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
25:00U.S. President Donald Trump says he sent a letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei seeking to negotiate a nuclear deal. We talk to Alex Vatanka, a Senior Fellow at the Middle East Institute. Facing the prospect that the United States might cut them adrift under President Donald Trump, European Union leaders launched a day of emergency talks Thursda…
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